I found THE clue !!! This makes everything clear !!! TII !!!



  • Hell no! I can't understand a thing of this! I've read the theory again and again but still can't understand! <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> Can someone tell me the main point of this? Please?
  • The main point?!
    I can't believe it...did you read all of this written?
    Didn't you see all simularities?

    The point IS... Michael will spread the message as archangel Michael.
    He is soo much alive
  • The main point?!
    I can't believe it...did you read all of this written?
    Didn't you see all simularities?

    The point IS... Michael will spread the message as archangel Michael.
    He is soo much alive

    Yes I read all! But you have to understand this, my english was poor, I can't understand things while it's in a long theory ( I read and I forgot, which is irratating!) so pardon me for this. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> Btw.. thanks for clearing this up for me. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • just thought i would post this for
    everyone,this is my fav Christmas song.
    my brother also had this played at his wedding.
    by the way i have read this entire thread over
    the last 2 days and its brillant.... i have nothing
    i can add....except this song.....

    i sure hope i posted the vid right,first time i have ever
    added a video.if not,i will try again...........
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    If the conspiracy theorists are right about the Illuminati and 2012, and the music industry had Michael working for the illuminati for a short period of time until he said *NO MORE* and released songs like TDRCAU and Heal the World, then MJ would know fully about what is going to happen in 2012. Tommy (big card in the illuminati) Motolla tried to bring him down during the trial. Maybe MJ planned this so the world would stop being prejudice towards him and listen. I dont know of anybody that thinks poorly of MJ when before there was. Isn't it a little odd that TDRCAU was the first thing released after his death. Not Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal? Maybe he is planning this to expose the New World Order.

    I agree with you and I think he was planning to expose the NWO at the 02 concerts and that is why he 'disappeared' because he knew someone would try and stop him.
  • <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB7mDvfLhrg<!-- m -->

    sorry, how about now?
    i dont know how to embed youtube
    directly obviously...
    <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    If the conspiracy theorists are right about the Illuminati and 2012, and the music industry had Michael working for the illuminati for a short period of time until he said *NO MORE* and released songs like TDRCAU and Heal the World, then MJ would know fully about what is going to happen in 2012. Tommy (big card in the illuminati) Motolla tried to bring him down during the trial. Maybe MJ planned this so the world would stop being prejudice towards him and listen. I dont know of anybody that thinks poorly of MJ when before there was. Isn't it a little odd that TDRCAU was the first thing released after his death. Not Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal? Maybe he is planning this to expose the New World Order.

    I agree with you and I think he was planning to expose the NWO at the 02 concerts and that is why he 'disappeared' because he knew someone would try and stop him.
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    Many thanks it are Splendidly that you this having found .... o God if that is true.... I hope so much <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • I am no expert, so trying to sound somewhat intellegent here. I am a christian and I have always been interested in revelations and end times. Right after michael died I found somewhere on the Internet a passage from the Bible that said in the end times, the archangel Michael will stand up for the children... or something like that; I wish I had saved it. That, along with all of the things Michael said in his interviews, and the paintings in his home; and his poems... show that he was very spiritual and very knowledgeable about the end times, and I believe showed that he thought he was something more.... He grew up as a Jehovah witness, so he really knew it and believed it... so the question remains, is he really something more or did he just believe he was something more? That is what I struggle with; because I am having a hard time seeing a rock pop singer as a possible messenger from God... especially after looking at the gold pants thread, LOL.

    Not trying to get negative here, but sharing my feelings. I am really scared sometimes that we are in fact in the end times... I read the Left Behind series... and I know alot is interpretation, but so many things in those books I am noticing and it makes me scared. Not long ago at one of those conferences that Obama attended, the Russian leader brought out a sample "one world currency" - which is a sign of end times, according to that series, so they say anyway. I have so much more to learn, and I wish I knew more what I was talking about. If Michael is an angel, and a messenger, and something is coming... I hate to say it, but it scares me! I'm the kind of person that likes to be in control and know everything...

    I'm glad to see this thread; I have been having thoughts about this for a while and had a feeling that most of mj's clues and messages were religious based and he was trying to show us something, but I wasn't sure what it meant or how to interpret it...

    sorry for rambling!

    O..so difficult to put in Englisch what i want to say!

    But looke at history.
    Not saying that Michael is a real angel..like from god.
    But a person with a deep mission.
    Like a messenger to spread love.
    We have seen people like that before.
    People who had normal lives and normal parents who have so much love in there harts to give(but are also only human)
    These people make a change.
    Maby i am far of..but i think of the story of Robin Hood..Steel from the rich(nasty people) to give to the poor..and fight for them.
    But he also liked the lady's..Does make him a less good person?? He did not wear gold pants..but tights..also good <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    I dont know how true this story is??
    But i can think of a lot other storys until now were people made that change for other people.
    A leader with the good message(but stil human) I sometimes think..who would have stayed this loving after everything he went trough,like he is..and how nasty people treat him..and stil believe in people..that must come from a deep goodnes and believe!
    Does this make sence?
    I believe he can and did do this!! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Greetings Mattie

    Darling Mattie - I just want you to know that your English is very good and I understand what you are saying perfectly! All throughout history we have had people, often very ORDINARY, HUMBLE people, who have stood up for what is right and have fought for goodness and truth and to expose evil and greed. Robin Hood is one example, Joan of Arc is another. In ancient times we had people like Moses, Gideon, Jeremiah, and of course Jesus himself ... all putting themselves on the line to free people from the slavery of closed minds and a life of fear and show them a world where there are endless possibilites and where LOVE is the driving force. I believe Michael Jackson is being used by a higher power in much the same way as the people from history I have mentioned. He is a high profile entertainer with a message that has always been one of love and unity and making a change. His songs have been the vehicle he has used to spread the message, however it seemed there needed to be a SHOCKING event occur that would make people really sit back and take notice. And so it was that the "death" of music legend Michael Jackson became the catalyst for people to go searching for the truth, and along the journey they would discover the L.O.V.E. that had always been at the heart of Michael's message. And this is what has been happening since the events of June 25th 2009. We have been 'discovering' Michael all over again and now that we have become in tune with him he is finally able to lead us along the path which leads to light, unity and the connection with the Divine source of LOVE.

    @ HiMichael, I understand your mixed feelings here. I, too, have come from a religious background and actually spent some time in a fundamentalist movement that is very focused on end of time prophecy. So I can understand where you are coming from. I think what is happening at the moment is a global shift in awareness of spiritual things. It's like many people are being awakened from a deep sleep and are finally seeing the world through a different pair of eyes. The religious organisation I was once affiliated with unfortunately taught me to FEAR anything that wasn't sanctioned by the hierarchy of that organisation. I see this now as the way they controlled me and many others and it was so very limiting. No wonder my soul felt shackled! I understand that feeling of wanting to be in control of a situation ... this is part of being human, the need to hold onto something solid, something definable. The spiritual side of our nature knows no boundaries ... it is only us, in our human state, that puts limitations on the soul and this is why we are not truly at peace. We all have a choice - whether to continue further along the path of enlightement or to stay where we are. Divine Love never forces people to go against their inner voice ... it all must come naturally without coersion. You will find your path HiMichael ... just keep listening to your inner voice and let it be your guide. Sending Eternal love to all the beautiful souls out there ... Emerald xo
  • Oetoort
    Many thanks it are Splendidly that you this having found .... o God if that is true.... I hope so much <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    thanks..really you make me cry..L.o.v.e.
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    No, now I must water wipe, maybe you have received exactly sign MJs and thanks you give me in such a way hope, many thanks for it honestly from the heart
  • I am no expert, so trying to sound somewhat intellegent here. I am a christian and I have always been interested in revelations and end times. Right after michael died I found somewhere on the Internet a passage from the Bible that said in the end times, the archangel Michael will stand up for the children... or something like that; I wish I had saved it.

    Here it is:

    <!-- m -->http://www.ewtn.com/library/MARY/MICHAEL.htm<!-- m -->

    In Daniel xii, Michael is called "the great prince who standeth for the children of Thy people."
  • Michael Jackson was chosen and ordained to do what he did. There is no other explanation for the greatness, the magnitude of his gifts. He reached the PLANET with words, music, dance and joyful giving. He is humble. He is gracious. He is a believer. He is obedient. MICHAEL JACKSON has always known that he would do great things. He never questioned it. He simply knew it and did it. And in doing so, he gained so much wealth, so many accolades, so many followers, yet, it never changed his heart. In the Bible it states that "a child will lead them". I believe in the Bible and I believe that angels do walk the earth and take abode among us. There are so many similarities in his walk on earth as was Jesus. Only the times are different. The message and the outcome is the same. Look at Michael's eyes. Look at the eyes if Jesus Christ. From pictures we've seen, they have the same depth, the same knowledge, the same beauty. The eyes never lie. Now the onslaught. Be it as it may. I believe that he was our earth angel. He was born to suffer and save the world. He did both, with passion and compassion. Nothing will sway me from that opinion.
  • Michael Jackson was chosen and ordained to do what he did. There is no other explanation for the greatness, the magnitude of his gifts. He reached the PLANET with words, music, dance and joyful giving. He is humble. He is gracious. He is a believer. He is obedient. MICHAEL JACKSON has always known that he would do great things. He never questioned it. He simply knew it and did it. And in doing so, he gained so much wealth, so many accolades, so many followers, yet, it never changed his heart. In the Bible it states that "a child will lead them". I believe in the Bible and I believe that angels do walk the earth and take abode among us. There are so many similarities in his walk on earth as was Jesus. Only the times are different. The message and the outcome is the same. Look at Michael's eyes. Look at the eyes if Jesus Christ. From pictures we've seen, they have the same depth, the same knowledge, the same beauty. The eyes never lie. Now the onslaught. Be it as it may. I believe that he was our earth angel. He was born to suffer and save the world. He did both, with passion and compassion. Nothing will sway me from that opinion.

    Thank you so much for your beautiful words... They remind me one of my favourite poems by John Keats

    "Beauty is truth, truth beauty," - that is all
    Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.
  • Look at some of the things Michael did, out of pure innocence and was persecuted for them. He saw NOTHING wrong or evil in his doings. It was the people who judged him. But mark my word, by the time all is said and done, Michael will have brought down the masses. They are lining up to fall as we speak. It might take this trial thing to get the ball rolling. But once it starts, it's gonna be something to foresee. Change is imminent. Even his Judas had to confess his lies. Before long, there will be other confessions. It will be impossible to stop the world from healing. The truth will indeed set you free. Michael will rise to the high esteem that he held for himself again. All the bull, the lies, the scandals will be dispelled once and for all. And Michael will rise like the Phoenix that he is. I don't know if he is ArchAngel Michael, but he is Michael and he is an angel. At least in my eyes and I feel it in my heart. I always have. I always will.
  • Look at some of the things Michael did, out of pure innocence and was persecuted for them. He saw NOTHING wrong or evil in his doings. It was the people who judged him. But mark my word, by the time all is said and done, Michael will have brought down the masses. They are lining up to fall as we speak. It might take this trial thing to get the ball rolling. But once it starts, it's gonna be something to foresee. Change is imminent. Even his Judas had to confess his lies. Before long, there will be other confessions. It will be impossible to stop the world from healing. The truth will indeed set you free. Michael will rise to the high esteem that he held for himself again. All the bull, the lies, the scandals will be dispelled once and for all. And Michael will rise like the Phoenix that he is. I don't know if he is ArchAngel Michael, but he is Michael and he is an angel. At least in my eyes and I feel it in my heart. I always have. I always will.

    I absolutely agree with you! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • Hello everybody! I haven't posted here in a while, so this will be long. I have felt deep in my heart that Michael was very special. He truely has "touched' me and that is why I chose my name to be Touched By An Angel. For the first couple of months after his "death" I was miserable thinking he really had died. What is below is what I posted on his official website on Sep. 26, 2009.

    Hello everyone! My name is Carol and I'm from Del Rio, Texas. I'm 44 years old and remember MJ from the early days. When I graduated high school in 83 my music interests varied but leaned more towards country and blues. UNFORTUNATELY, I lost track of MJ all these years, and didn't know much at all about his music or him as a person until after his death. When I heard that he passed I was shocked like everyone else. I started watching his music videos on Youtube and was blown away. I became a little (ok a LOT) obsessed with him. I am so glad I re-discovered this incredible man! His lyrics move me so deeply, the messages so powerful. Since his passing I have watched hundreds of videos...for his songs, tributes, interviews, everything I can find. I've read books, watched Moonwalker, and of course seen how the media has affected his life and portrayed him. I have wept almost nonstop for the world's loss. Because I was out of the loop for so long I didn't have a clue until recently what Michael was all about. Now after two months of total absorption in everything Michael, I realize I have been Touched By An Angel! And even though it doesn't ease the pain one little bit, I think Michael knew he had important work/messages to bring to our world and he willing gave all he could to us. He planted the "seeds" to wake us up, to help us realize We Are The World and we can Heal The World! When I watched his memorial service on tv, it was incredible to see the outpouring of love from the world. The same thing again on his birthday. My hope is that the love and wisdom Michael shared with us all will bring about a real change for this world. Has anyone heard of the "hundredth monkey" effect? In brief, there was a group of monkeys on an island somewhere I believe. People tossed sweet potatoes to the monkeys. The sweet potatoes would get covered in sand and the monkeys would eat them anyway. Well one day a young monkey somehow learned to put the potato in the water and it removed the sand and was much nicer to eat that way. In a short time more and more monkeys started observing and learned to wash their potatoes too. About the time that the hundredth monkey on the island learned this new behavior, scientist in other parts of the world noticed that monkeys they were observing began to do the same thing. The monkeys were not genetically related to the monkeys on the island, yet almost instantly they just "knew" this new behavior. It is speculated that the monkeys share a "universal consciousness". Soooo, I believe that humans also share a universal consciousness, and when enough of us focus our energy and actions on positive outcomes for ALL of humanity, WE WILL CHANGE THE WORLD! Michael is the catalyst, let us all follow his lead and help to accomplish what he started! God knows we all need to start loving each other and the planet we live on, so he blessed us with Michael and the messages we so desperately needed to hear. Michael believed in Love, Peace, Tolerance, and Joyful Giving. Let's emulate his fine example and bring about the "hundredth monkey" effect for humanity! Together we can make this Heaven on Earth. I have faith in humanity, and Michael did too. I love you Michael, and I for one "got the message!"

    Below is what I posted a few weeks ago and I believe it more than ever!!!
    Would sound crazy if I tell you that at times I think Michael, if he comes back, he will be a priest or a religious "sheik" <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Maybe he will be even more than that...

    Mathew 13:13 ...because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand."

    Tell me what you think <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I won´t judge you.

    Hi Gema

    Wow that's a tough question and one I will personally ramble on for a bit about and try to give my point of view on all this with MJ. First I will have to admit that I never really have been what you would call a "fan" of any celebrity. Yes I may like someone's talent more than another, but not like I go out and buy all their cd's or movies, etc. They are after all, just people. Anyway, I'm 44 yrs. old and I remember Michael from my teenage years. After high school, marriage, a child, and such, I didn't keep up with him, or any artist really. Just listened to the radio, whatever was on. Then we skip ahead to the day it was announced that he had "died". I was shocked, just as I was about Farrah Fawcett having passed just hours earlier. Later that evening I went to YouTube and watched some of MJ's videos. When I began to realize everything about this incredible man that I had somehow missed, I started to weep! We are talking over 20 years worth of catching up to do! The more I learned the more my heart ached with both love and pain. How could we have lost this most precious soul, and how could all these horrible things have been done to him! Something about Michael really touched my heart! His song lyrics are so meaningful, his whole presence so very special. I wept nonstop for the first couple of months thinking we had lost a gift from above that was doing his very best to heal this world. I was originally on the official Michael Jackson site, and at the time I thought he was truely gone, I made this post.

    <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljackson.com/us/blog/m ... sage-world<!-- m -->

    Then a couple of months ago, someone over there posted a link to a website with info about his death being a hoax. I went to that forum, and several others since, and my whole life has changed! It didn't take long with all the great investigators on the forums, to see that there were too many things about his "death" that didn't add up. Really there was no concrete proof...just the media, and we know how well we can believe them LOL Then the clues started coming from the TIAI website and I started watching like many others to see what it was about. By the time it got to the movie V for Vendetta, I was smiling and ever so hopeful. As more clues came in I was just amazed at how much work went into this hoax and what Michael was doing it for. He really is going to make a difference and make things right!

    I should also admit that I don't follow any particular religion. I do believe in a Loving Creator, call it God, Allah, or any other name that suits you. I've always tried to be a good person and treat others the way I would like to be treated. I went to church with my grandma when I was young, but drifted away as I got into my teens. As an adult I guess I have been searching for what felt right to me. I've looked into different beliefs/religions and seen good in all. I have also seen how different religions cause people to be against one another, cause war, and divide people. So I have continued to search, knowing there is an answer if I just keep looking. Then along comes Michael into my life. He has always shown respect to all races and looked for the good in all. And that is what I think his message is about. My heart and intuition have held me so tightly to Michael since I re-discover him...and it feels wonderful beyond belief. He really has brought an awareness, awakening, and hope for all of humanity! Now my heart sings with joy. Michael is very clearly showing us through these messages/links what is causing the destruction of our planet and all of us on it. There is good and there is evil and he is trying to wake us up to this fact. If people will only take these messages seriously and look at what he has shown us, we CAN heal the world! We have to have faith and believe in ourselves. There are a lot more good people in the world than there are evil, greedy, selfish people. Michael is a messenger for all the good people of the world to UNITE, and when we do, evil will be defeated. LOVE/GOOD will always conquer FEAR/EVIL. Watch the movie V for Vendetta if you haven't already. It shows the power of unity and also shows that you gain freedom when you lose the control fear has over you. Look at our society today and you will see the fear propaganda everywhere. Watch the movie EndGame to see what MJ is showing us. I found links to watch both these movies free online and they are on my thread here along with all the other links we have been given.
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=72&t=150<!-- l -->

    Ok, so my bottom line? I think Michael is an angel of sorts. Perhaps the ArchAngel Michael? I don't know for sure, but I think he was definitely put on this planet to wake us up before it is too late. I got the "message" and I'm doing my best to help spread the good news. Isn't it time we all loved each other and quit acting the way we do?

    Blessed to have been,
    Touched By An Angel <----Now owns most of MJ's cd's <!-- s:-) -->:-)<!-- s:-) -->
  • O-drey-OO-drey-O Posts: 243
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> I'm ...SPEECHLESS... The words aren't even enough to tell all of you how brilliant your posts are!
  • MJJLivesMJJLives Posts: 130
    Hi, Touched By An Angel. We have alot in common. I am 38 (own your age, right?), married and live not too far from 2300 Jackson Street (Michael's hometown).

    I, too, wasn't a diehard MJ fan and when they announced his death, I was sad, but not anymore than when any other celebrity passed away. However, about a month ago, I got this overwhelming feeling of sadness for Michael. Almost like I had lost a close friend or family member. Well, I became immersed in all things MJ. I watched videos, read court transcripts, looked at pictures, etc. I suddenly realized what a genuine, kind, intelligent and SEXY person he was. One day, I got this thought that maybe he really didn't die. I had always had my suspicions, but everyone kept telling me I was crazy. He's dead. Well, the feeling he was still alive was just too strong so, I Googled "did Michael Jackson fake his death" and the rest his HIStory! I am now "hooked on the hoax."
  • @ HiMichael, I understand your mixed feelings here. I, too, have come from a religious background and actually spent some time in a fundamentalist movement that is very focused on end of time prophecy. So I can understand where you are coming from. I think what is happening at the moment is a global shift in awareness of spiritual things. It's like many people are being awakened from a deep sleep and are finally seeing the world through a different pair of eyes. The religious organisation I was once affiliated with unfortunately taught me to FEAR anything that wasn't sanctioned by the hierarchy of that organisation. I see this now as the way they controlled me and many others and it was so very limiting. No wonder my soul felt shackled! I understand that feeling of wanting to be in control of a situation ... this is part of being human, the need to hold onto something solid, something definable. The spiritual side of our nature knows no boundaries ... it is only us, in our human state, that puts limitations on the soul and this is why we are not truly at peace. We all have a choice - whether to continue further along the path of enlightement or to stay where we are. Divine Love never forces people to go against their inner voice ... it all must come naturally without coersion. You will find your path HiMichael ... just keep listening to your inner voice and let it be your guide. Sending Eternal love to all the beautiful souls out there ... Emerald xo[/size][/color][/quote]

    Thank you Emerald City for your wise words; I will think on them and I appreciate your posting to me. We actually PMed each other before... I had a different user name on the original forum; it was the Sunday before This Is It came out. We were trying to figure out a clue. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Remember? Thanks again; I actually have an open mind to many spiritual ideas; I keep my mouth closed at church about a lot of things I think about LOL; and I agree that sometimes I feel shackled. I was actually scared of anything that had to do with the Bible until I got older, mainly because of hateful attitudes from my grandmother when I was younger - she knew the Bible but was a hateful person and it really confused me.

    Where I come from there are a lot of opinions, a lot of "rules" about how a Christian should be, should act, etc. and that background is where some of my hesitation and doubt comes from about all of this... but I love to learn which is why I am here. Thanks again for your post and I hope to see more posts from you.
  • I love to reed all these heartwarming posts. i was looking and googeling again for archamgel Michael. You see the amulet? I remember Michael was wearing an amulet regularly.
  • He also says THESE wil be my final show
    He should say THIS wil be my final show

    I assure you there is more to come

    He actually says, "these will be my final show performances." <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • He also says THESE wil be my final show
    He should say THIS wil be my final show

    I assure you there is more to come

    He actually says, "these will be my final show performances." <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Yes you are right <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    You know what is so fascinating is that we HAD to be put into a personal crisis to start searching.
    We are not only blessed being witnesses but we ARE part of the revolution going on.
    This is very exciting....

    Look at this and search with your mouse in the upper third for "This is also MJ"...
    <!-- m -->http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.c ... D=46042973<!-- m -->

    There will be no answer for you as a digital cheeseburger on a tablet - neither here nor anywhere.
    You have to work for it. But the answer is priceless.
  • I agree Emerald, unfortunately there are so many blind and bad people out there, they don't believe in him, they can't believe how a man can be so good with children without molesting them <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> , they can't believe in good and humble people being a super star like Michael... I don't know, I hope all those men and women that hate him change their opinion and feelings once for all.

    As for us, we love you Michael 4ever.

    I feel blessed to have known you, other people were not so lucky.
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