Lady Gaga drill Alejandro just watch....;)



  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Is this video clip restricted?? In Australia, it would be considered R rated so anyone under 18 wouldn't be able to watch it. Just curious. And I don't like it at all.

    She is a very talented song writer and musicion. I think she should stick to that. It's just so unoriginal. Madonna still has a better body at 50 <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • 1VLOVE1VLOVE Posts: 91
    This is VERY disturbing to say the least..but what I dont know is, is Gaga for or against "them"? Looking at this video, it is LOADED with all the symbols, I just cant figure that out....but really this is a nasty video.
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    <!-- m --><!-- m --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

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  • mjwrmjwr Posts: 60
    Ok...... <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: -->

    According to Exposing Satanism, the "Upside Down Cross - Symbolizes mockery and rejection of Jesus. Necklaces are worn by many satanist's. It can be seen on Rock singers and their album covers."

    A self-professed Satanist says-- The Baphomet is the official symbol of the Church Of Satan, but many Satanists use the inverted cross to symbolize their dislike of Christianity. It's modern meaning has came to mean "anti-Christian" and it is used and recognized as such in today's world...

    more info: <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    I don't cry SCANDAL. She shows a lot of truth, ugly as can be but existing.

    Her videos are made by perfectionists, they are of outstanding quality.
    The content will be discussed. The "how to" is masterpiece. This is far beyond Madonna.
    This is horizons beyond Madonna. Lady Gaga is an extra class.
    There is a LOT of money behind her performances.

    It is widely spread performance art.
    This is evolution of performance art.
    We are so used to blood and violence in our every day's "awake" periods that we don't wake up anymore unless someone shakes us by utter shock.

    Art will not always fetch us where we are used to stay.
    New art is always provocating and demanding.

    Do you think that the artworks of Hieronimus Bosch were liked at his time?
    We consider them now being masterpieces.
    This is what Hieronimus Bosch, one of the most famous Netherlandish painters was pointing out in the 15th century - a century full of war, hate, illness, lies and dictatorship on many levels (and it seems times have not changed so much, have they?).

    Not wanting to see the ugly in life is an attempt of hiding from truth and spiritual growth.

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  • samsuperbsamsuperb Posts: 495
    this is not mj related <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    It is MJ related because we are discussing NWO, performance art, music videos and their symbolism and message transfer and because Lady Gaga would have been the one opening the concerts for MJ.
    Understanding her role will help understand MJ's role and why we are where we are.

    MJ was pioneer in music video art and dared doing what no one else would think of.
    Lady Gaga is alike and there are remarkable parallels. She is a MJ admirer btw.

    The picture is not gold pants anymore. The picture is a lot bigger.
  • _Dangerous__Dangerous_ Posts: 362
    the world has gone foul and nuts no wonder people are going off their trolley <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    i find gaga a weirdo..she needs help serious help..this is disgusting ugghhhhhhh
    well, thats pretty disrespectful of u to say, there are some Lady GaGa fans in this forum, im one of them,
    and theres ppl out there that says that MJ is a weirdo, and i hate that.. and i supposed u too.
    Behind all that excentricity, there's a great girl, with a great heart..
  • White_OrchidWhite_Orchid Posts: 406
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    This is the pure example of extrapolating the meaning of a video whos artists and creators just want to shock the watchers. Nothing to do with the so called "illuminatis" and even less with Michael Jackson.

    The Gay community is often against the catholic church, that´s why the symbolism of the video plus it is a new era with a new open concept of demading ones rights. Free speech, even if is vulgar or not very respectful, but free speech...and a lot of surreal/ dadaism in it. The gay creative touch is obvious.
  • my[KING]"]I LOVE GAGA!!!! GAY RIGHTS BABY!!!!!!! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    this 78574625.gif
    swallow a rosary ... has nothing to do with ''gay rights''.

    She gone too far! It's disgusting!

    (what is that btw? Upsidedown Cross?? an arrow?? poiting there?/ ahrg, nasty)

    I see Gaga like this and I know many people may not agree.

    She is a controlled puppet.
    The above image is of an upside down cross on her genitalia.
    The upside down cross representing satanism the opposite of worshipping god and is a mockery of the Crucification of Jesus. The symbolism of the placement of this cross... the female genitalia. This represents another mockery, that of the Virgin Mary whose womb would be considered sacred having conceived, carried and brought forth Jesus, the light of the world, the son of man and the embodiment of God in a human body.

    Are you aware that the Illuminati worship Lucifer who was the Angel of Music while in heaven? It therefore makes sense to me that this group would want to control the music industry.
    Music affects our DNA, our emotions, our intelligence and can alter our brainwaves, thought patterns etc. It can heal us and it can harm us. It is mathematical, it can be transformed into numbers, colours and geometrical shapes. Planets all make music, space is not silent as was once thought. Music is very powerful and it is also the universal language. Don't you think that controlling the music in our world and lives would then give some type of control over us?

    I must say I do not see Gaga like Michael at all. What I do see is psychology being used to make her seem as if she is like Michael. There are millions of fans who no longer have someone that they revered, loved, admired etc. so how do you appeal to those people and make them your fans? You associate yourself with that person. You suggest you have commonalities, that you were going to work with them, that you were going to open the concerts for them, that you admired them. You say that you have a chance to possibly contract a disease that plagued them, you dress like them during your interview on LKL. You do everything possible to associate yourself with that "dead" celebrity, the fans will eat it up, they need a someone new to put their faith in. Really it is time to wake up and realize the manipulation. She is not at all like Michael and you are being sucked into another deception as part of a plan to affect you in so many ways.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    This is the pure example of extrapolating the meaning of a video whos artists and creators just want to shock the watchers. Nothing to do with the so called "illuminatis" and even less with Michael Jackson.

    The Gay community is often against the catholic church, that´s why the symbolism of the video plus it is a new era with a new open concept of demading ones rights. Free speech, even if is vulgar or not very respectful, but free speech...and a lot of surreal/ dadaism in it. The gay creative touch is obvious.

    Did you read up on mind control if I may ask? Lady Gaga's videos are full of symbolism. I know it's a lot, but try to watch these videos: <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=2&t=10771<!-- l -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Thanks for the videos.

    I think that the concept of mind control as such (because I accept it existance as a brain washing method used since ages to manipulate and control people) in this forum is taken out of context and mixed up constantly.

    But yes, one must have plenty of REAL information about the subject mind control and I feel that many people reading this forum are too young or not familiar with psychology or psychiatry and are getting the maipulated and wrong info of what mind control is all about in the purest concept of the discipline and word.

    You have your view that you promote Souza, but your view is tainted to lead people your path within your beliefs, which I respect, but I also consider it a big risk to "educate" people imposing your (and people following that agenda) point of view about the subject when clearly we all need to see both sides of the coin in order to achieve a full honest understandment of the discipline we are talking about.

    I just would like people to do research in both ways about the subject and make their own conclusion without being manipulated or lead to see the matter as the truth.

    We have been on to this conversation before. Let´s agree or disagree about it.

    I also feel more and more that political ideas are being discussed more than MJ and always under the same excuses " this has to do with MJ, or, if you don´t like it... leave" <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    And btw, that song "Alejandro" is lame and reminds me of a low class hotel full of drunk tourists high on "sangría" peeing in the pool and shouting.....
  • rag dollrag doll Posts: 357
    Using blasphemy as entertainment is as cheap as a comedian telling a fart joke.
    Katy Perry´s comment regarding this. I couldn´t have said it better! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    [youtube:2zqzenji] nice explanation
  • MJalive999MJalive999 Posts: 316
    Lady Gaga’s “Alejandro”: The Occult Meaning

    Lady Gaga’s Alejandro video caused quite a stir with the blasphemous nature of its imagery. Many people are, however, still wondering: What is the meaning of the song and what message is the video trying to convey? This article examines the occult symbols used in Alejandro in order to understand its underlying message.


    So, by show of hands, who envisioned gay Nazi soldiers being raped by Lady Gaga while first listening to Alejandro? Okay, counting … one person. One sick, disturbed person. But seriously, art doesn’t have to be literal and Lady Gaga’s latest video surely isn’t. As was the case with Bad Romance and Telephone, the video for Alejandro adds another layer of interpretation to the song by giving the words a deeper meaning.

    Taking place in a cold, Orwellian, militaristic setting, the visuals of the video sharply contrast with the “summer-y” Latin beat of the song. Other opposing concepts collide and blend in the video as well: good vs. evil, male vs. female and domination vs. submission. The religious symbolism, in addition to adding the “shock factor” necessary to get people talking, gives the song a definite spiritual connotation.

    The video for Alejandro is very symbolic and leaves it open for multiple interpretations. For instance, I’ve read an interpretation of the video claiming that it portrays the Catholic church’s repression of the gay community. This interpretation might have some validity to it, but it ignores many important aspects of the video. Other observers seem to believe that all videos with religious imagery are “tributes to Madonna.” This is an astute observation, but doesn’t explain anything. In addition to a possible tribute, the symbolism of the video tells a story of spiritual rejection and metamorphosis taking place in the context of an oppressive police state. The trend of incorporating militaristic and oppressive imagery in recent music videos has been discussed in some previous articles on Vigilant Citizen.

    The video was directed by Steven Klein, a well-established photographer in the fashion industry. He has worked with Calvin Klein, Alexander McQueen, Madonna, Nike and many others. His photographic style often exploits the theme of homoeroticism and he obviously carried that theme into this video format.

    We will attempt to decode the symbolism of the video and how it relates in today’s context.

    Spiritual Transformation

    The most prevalent theme in the song is rejection. The introduction of the song establishes this concept right away:

    I know that we are young.
    And I know you may love me.
    But I just can’t be with you like this anymore,


    The video starts with a funeral procession. Gaga wears a black veil and holds the Sacred Heart, the bleeding heart of God for humanity. Something is dead inside of Gaga and it seems to be her love for Alejandro.


    But who is Alejandro? A gay guy she cannot be with? A man she is cheating on with Roberto and Fernando? All possibilities, the song is not quite clear about that. The imagery of the video, however, tells the viewers that Alejandro might stand for something deeper.

    In a later scene, Gaga is shown laying down, wearing a red latex nun suit and holding a rosary.


    Looking at the sky she says: “Stop, please, just let me go.” Then, just when she says “Alejandro,” she raises her hands to the sky. In this context, it is safe to say that Alejandro might very well be God.

    “She hides true love
    En su bolsillo.
    She’s got a halo ’round her finger,
    Around you.”

    The halo around the finger is a wedding ring and Alejandro has a halo around him, which signifies he is considered “holy.” The wedding ring represents Gaga’s union with God through religion, but she is now ashamed of this marriage. She hides the ring in her bolsillo, the Spanish word for pocket. Why does she refer to a Fernando and a Roberto at some point? Is she referring to the triple aspect of God, the holy Trinity?

    The concept of rejection is thus applied to God as he does not seem to satisfy Gaga’s spiritual needs. She then decides to seek godhood herself by embracing a new type of spirituality. It seems to me the nun becomes a Luciferian priestess.


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  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    On that site we got the full article. That's great..
    So yes, at the she a marionette herself? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • First I want to know who saw Empire city - Ring of power, cause this music video reminds me of that documentary. It's like she's replying to that movie. Illuminati don't believe in God but in the sun. The bible is supposedly written by them and it's completely fake. They wrote the Bible to have a spiritual guide for the mass of humans that they want to manipulate (us). Why did the catholic church killed so many people that refused to believe their God? To scare anyone else into their religion. The knight Templar are the ancestors of Masons and Illuminati. At the beginning of the video Lady Gaga is wearing a sort of crown..right? Who does she resemble? Only one queen is so well known all around the world. That white costume with the red upside down cross is like the knight Templar costume. Someone said upside down cross symbolizes mockery and rejection of Jesus, and now I say it means mockery of Illuminati and knight Templar. "She's got a halo 'round her finger around you." That halo that she mentions is a ring, the "Ring of Power".You helped me understand the video, even more. Alejandro has a halo around him, like a holy person, Jesus maybe ? I don't want to instigate to hate or denial towards religion or anything, I just want to make you open your eyes and look for the truth yourself don't beLIEve anything that it's been said. I've lived my entire life (I'm only 25) believing in God , Jesus and Virgin Mary, and all the other saints. Now I don't believe anything anymore. Even Michael being dead is too much for me to trust, since I didn't witnessed the death. Someone posted Katie Melua video clip, she sings "don't trust your eyes it's easy to believe them".... In a world full of lies to tell the truth is a revolutionary act. Maybe that's what Lady Gaga is doing. If she is a Illuminati puppet, I don't consider her a threat, she only opens my eyes. That helped me. I love that video Glinda .... "We're ignorant" and that's why we're losing the war.. L.O.V.E.
  • DeliaDelia Posts: 151
    That is sad. Religion is spiritual experience. There is no art without harmony. Finally you end up fighting against yourself. Take care ! (An advice from a roumanian friend)
  • mjsgirl89mjsgirl89 Posts: 378
    I don't think that lady GaGa is 'the illuminati puppet'.

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=92&t=4656&hilit=gaga+illuminati<!-- l -->

    She is F*ucking them!

    she is, i am sorry. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    gaga wants slaves not fans.

    katy perry about alejandro ''Using blasphemy as entertainment is as cheap as a comedian telling a fart joke.''

    lol...I love Katy Perry and i 100% agree with her!!!! <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
  • DeliaDelia Posts: 151
    Indeed ! Her statement is brilliant. I love her too.
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
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    What a thriller! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • DeliaDelia Posts: 151
    Indeed *a step too far*. Desgusting !
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    <!-- m --> ... ezing.html<!-- m -->

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  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Michael Jackson's Body -- Hold the Plastic
    Originally posted Jun 27th 2009 8:21 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

    While it may seem like the kind of thing Michael Jackson would do, reports that the late singer made plans to have himself "plastinated" and put on display are exaggerated.


    The director of publicity for Dr. Gunther von Hagens tells TMZ someone claiming to be from Jackson's management team did contact BODY WORLDS several months ago about Jackson's interest in being preserved in plastic.

    But, she says, "We can further confirm that Mr. Jackson is not now a registered body donor in the Institute for Plastination's Body Donation Program."

    <!-- m --> ... e-plastic/<!-- m -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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