Lady Gaga drill Alejandro just watch....;)



  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    I posted that article from mtv about the illuminati dreams as well.
    It makes me think of mkultra.
  • sweet1sweet1 Posts: 312
    Whoa!!! All the hate towards Gaga, while you don´t even know her! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    I think she is very talented. You can´t compare her to MJ, because she is a totally different person-artist. This is one of her early performances, before the industry made a freak out of her:


    Don't judge so fast, we don't know what she has been through to get where she is now, and we don't know if she likes it there.

    Lady GaGa: "Isn't That An Illuminati Ritual?..."
    The pop singer settles the rumours...
    11:17, Monday, 28 June 2010

    Rumours about Lady GaGa's supposed ties to the Illuminati cult have been around for a while now.

    Lady G has revealed that a bizarre dream was the cause of all of this. GaGa claims that her weird dress sense and stage shows are in fact inspired by an Illuminati dream.

    She told Rolling Stone Magazine: “I have this recurring dream sometimes where there’s a phantom in my home. He takes me into a room, and there’s a blond girl with ropes tied to all four of her limbs. And she’s got my shoes on from the Grammys. Go figure - pyscho. And the ropes are pulling her apart.”

    If you think that sounded weird, it gets worse for the star:

    “I never see her get pulled apart, but I just watch her whimper, and then the phantom says to me, ‘If you want me to stop hurting her and if you want your family to be OK, you will cut your wrist.’ And I think that he has his own, like, crazy wrist-cutting device. And he has this honey in, like, Tupperware, and it looks like sweet-and-sour sauce with a lot of MSG from New York. Just bizarre. And he wants me to pour the honey into the wound, and then put cream over it and a gauze.”

    GaGa was confused by her dream and turned to other sources to find out its meaning.

    “So I looked up the dream, and I couldn’t find anything about it anywhere. And my mother goes, ‘Isn’t that an illuminati ritual?’ And I was like, ‘Oh, my God!’ I do have morbid dreams. But I put them in the show. A lot of the work I do is an exorcism for the fans but also for myself.”

    <!-- m --> ... ati-ritual<!-- m -->

    I don't believe anyone is hating on Gaga or judging her. I am only speaking for myself here but I don't care for her music at all along with alot of other artists out nowadays. Their music has no message and alot of the songs are just a bunch of meaningless words that you can't half understand what is being said anyway. At the end of the day! You either like the music of an artist or you don't. I am not one of her fans. I am ole school! I like music that sends a message. It seems like music nowadays is going nowhere and the videos well we won't go there! Keep the Faith!
    What does the circle mean? I saw it in TII. Do you mean by the circle in TII form by Mike, K.O. and other dancers?
    That circle from the video is like the circle from the memorial when the dancers from TII danced around Jenifer Hudson <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    yeah that's the one I'm talking about what does it means??
  • Mj5StarChickMj5StarChick Posts: 939
    Lols i like the song and the video <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
    I really like Lady GaGa i mean she is VERY outrageous and unpredictable <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
    The video is interesting and hot <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    The drill i like it when this was on t.v they were talking about and they said that this reminds them of videos from Janet Jackson,Christina Augilera,and well MADONNA <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    She is the next Madonna 2 me and it's not necessarily a bad thing.
    She's just different from everyone else i guess <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    I like artists like that <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> She's talented and beautiful <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • MJalive999MJalive999 Posts: 316
    Lady Gaga and the New World Order

    Lady Gaga's music videos are undoubtedly elaborate – but is there any truth to one blogger's claims that they are loaded with occult references and masonic symbolism?

    You might think that by know you've read more than enough online exegesis of Lady Gaga's videos but you haven't even scratched the surface until you've read the work of The Vigilant Citizen. This anonymous Canadian blogger explained last year's Paparazzi video with reference to the CIA's MK-ULTRA mind-control programme, Fritz Lang's Metropolis, the Eye of Horus and the goat-god Baphomet, concluding that Gaga was indubitably an "Illuminati puppet". Bad Romance apparently "offers a chilling description of a music industry ruled by the elite". In Alejandro, she "flashes in her fans' faces the symbols of their own oppression".

    The Vigilant Citizen has a good claim to be the world's most distinctive music critic. On his website,, he describes himself as a graduate in communications and politics and a producer for "some fairly well-known 'urban' artists". He has spent five years researching "Theosophy, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, the Bavarian Illuminati and Western Occultism". All of these interests converge in his insanely detailed analyses of the symbolism of pop videos and lyrics. Thus Pink's MTV awards performance mimics a Masonic initiation; Jay-Z's Run This Town trumpets the coming of the New World Order (NWO); and the video for Black Eyed Peas' Imma Be Rocking That Body advances "the transhumanist and police state agenda".

    What's surprising is the methodical, matter-of-fact, occasionally humorous tone of his essays. He does not write like a swivel-eyed loon rambling about Obamunism (although, inevitably, there's an unsavoury fascination with Jewish influence). To those who don't study occult symbolism, he concedes, it might all seem "totally far-fetched and ridiculous", but for those in the know "I was simply stating the obvious". His examinations are certainly exhaustive. Scrolling down his densely illustrated posts, you may find yourself thinking, "Say, Lady Gaga really does very often cover up one eye. And a lot of pop stars really do pretend to be robots."

    But the Vigilant Citizen can't encounter a predictable pop trope without interpreting it as part of an occult music-industry plot to brainwash the masses. The ostensibly meaningless "Bum bum be-dum" refrain in Rihanna's Disturbia, for example, is decoded as: "You good-for-nothing, idiotic person, let yourself become dumb, stop thinking and let yourself be hypnotised and possessed." It's something of a stretch.

    Nonetheless, his eccentric readings have attracted a large and passionate following: several posts have received more than 1,000 comments. Some readers recently took it upon themselves to analyse Muse's seemingly sympathetic album The Resistance, with its references to the "third eye" and MK-ULTRA, concluding sadly that the band were "definitely tools of NWO", assigned to make real conspiracy theorists look ridiculous.

    Although the Vigilant Citizen insists he is neither a political conservative nor a religious fundamentalist, he is heir to such off-piste 60s pop critics as the Reverend David A Noebel, author of Communism, Hypnotism and the Beatles, and Gary Allen, who theorised that post-Rubber Soul Beatles material was so technically sophisticated that it must have been "put together by behavioural scientists in some think tank". Leftwing thinkers at the time had their own take on pop as mind control. Peter Watkins' 1967 movie Privilege starred Manfred Mann's Paul Jones as a puppet of the state, pacifying the populace with catchy patriotic tunes. In such analysis, the villains may change but the mechanisms remain the same.

    The Vigilant Citizen's work is a fascinating glimpse into the current resurgence (witness the Tea Party movement) of what academic Richard Hofstadter diagnosed in 1964 as "the paranoid style", with its obsession with plots and "refusal to accept the ineluctable limitations and imperfections of human existence". To the Vigilant Citizen, a pop star appearing "vacuous, incoherent and absent-minded" must be "a tribute to mind control" rather than them actually being vacuous, incoherent and absent-minded. Sometimes, surely, pop music is just pop music. Or is that what the Illuminati want us to think?

    <!-- m --> ... illuminati<!-- m -->
  • mjsgirl89mjsgirl89 Posts: 378
    Whoa!!! All the hate towards Gaga, while you don´t even know her! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    I think she is very talented. You can´t compare her to MJ, because she is a totally different person-artist. This is one of her early performances, before the industry made a freak out of her:


    Don't judge so fast, we don't know what she has been through to get where she is now, and we don't know if she likes it there.

    Lady GaGa: "Isn't That An Illuminati Ritual?..."
    The pop singer settles the rumours...
    11:17, Monday, 28 June 2010

    Rumours about Lady GaGa's supposed ties to the Illuminati cult have been around for a while now.

    Lady G has revealed that a bizarre dream was the cause of all of this. GaGa claims that her weird dress sense and stage shows are in fact inspired by an Illuminati dream.

    She told Rolling Stone Magazine: “I have this recurring dream sometimes where there’s a phantom in my home. He takes me into a room, and there’s a blond girl with ropes tied to all four of her limbs. And she’s got my shoes on from the Grammys. Go figure - pyscho. And the ropes are pulling her apart.”

    If you think that sounded weird, it gets worse for the star:

    “I never see her get pulled apart, but I just watch her whimper, and then the phantom says to me, ‘If you want me to stop hurting her and if you want your family to be OK, you will cut your wrist.’ And I think that he has his own, like, crazy wrist-cutting device. And he has this honey in, like, Tupperware, and it looks like sweet-and-sour sauce with a lot of MSG from New York. Just bizarre. And he wants me to pour the honey into the wound, and then put cream over it and a gauze.”

    GaGa was confused by her dream and turned to other sources to find out its meaning.

    “So I looked up the dream, and I couldn’t find anything about it anywhere. And my mother goes, ‘Isn’t that an illuminati ritual?’ And I was like, ‘Oh, my God!’ I do have morbid dreams. But I put them in the show. A lot of the work I do is an exorcism for the fans but also for myself.”

    <!-- m --> ... ati-ritual<!-- m -->

    well...I'm not really against her...just not a fan (I admit a couple of her songs are pretty catchy though) but i never saw her "uniqueness" as genuine...i always felt like it was all 4 publicity...her in this vid is amaing though...if this was the Gaga we see today I would B a HUGE fan...she has difinite talent and I really love this song, but the Fame Monster- I'm not a fan of
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    That's nice and everything that she has admiration for MJ but to me she seem more like a gimmick. I think she does have talent but that's what she's being used as to sell records. She comes across as a more extreme version of Madonna in the 80's. I'm not being mean just my personal opinion.

    Description of gimmick - American Heritage® Dictionary
    NOUN: 1a. A device employed to cheat, deceive, or trick, especially a mechanism for the secret and dishonest control of gambling apparatus. b. An innovative or unusual mechanical contrivance; a gadget. gimmickyAdditional references: Wikipedia

    In marketing language, a gimmick is a quirky feature that distinguishes a product or service without adding any obvious function or value. Thus, a gimmick sells solely on the basis of distinctiveness and may not appeal to the more savvy or shrewd customer. - Cached
    Gender: Masculine
    Usage: Spanish
    Spanish form of ALEXANDER

    Gender: Masculine
    Usage: English, German, Dutch, Scandinavian, Hungarian, Slovak, Biblical, Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
    Latinized form of the Greek name Alexandros, which meant "defending men" from Greek alexo "to defend, help" and aner "man". In Greek mythology this was another name of the hero Paris, and it also belongs to several characters in the New Testament. However, the most famous bearer was Alexander the Great, King of Macedon. In the 4th century BC he built a huge empire out of Greece, Egypt, Persia, and parts of India. Due to his fame, and later medieval tales involving him, use of his name spread throughout Europe.

    Gender: Masculine
    Usage: Greek Mythology
    Meaning unknown. In Greek mythology he was the Trojan prince who kidnapped Helen and began the Trojan War. Though presented as a somewhat of a coward in the 'Iliad', he did manage to slay the great hero Achilles. He was himself eventually slain in battle by Philoctetes.

    Gender: Feminine
    Usage: German, Scandinavian, Dutch, French, English, Greek, Portuguese, Romanian, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
    Feminine form of ALEXANDER. In Greek mythology this was a Mycenaean epithet of the goddess Hera, and an alternate name of Cassandra.

    Gender: Feminine
    Usage: Greek Mythology
    Uncertain meaning, possibly from either Greek heros "hero, warrior"; hora "period of time"; or ‘haireo "to be chosen". In Greek mythology Hera was the queen of the gods, the sister and wife of Zeus. She presided over marriage and childbirth.

    Gender: Feminine
    Usage: English, Greek Mythology (Latinized)
    From the Greek Kassandra, which possibly meant "shining upon man", derived from kekasmai "to shine" and aner "man". In Greek myth Cassandra was a Trojan princess, the daughter of Priam and Hecuba. She was given the gift of prophecy by Apollo, but when she spurned his advances he cursed her so nobody would believe her prophecies.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Thank you, Serenity, you are always a source of inspiration with your posts.
    You are outstanding in your research. <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
  • FarAwayFarAway Posts: 32
    I am a Lady Gaga fan, and i don't really believe she is a puppet. Actually, if she was a puppet she would be the same generic pop as Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, and the like, which she is obviously not. And i really hate when the media and other people insist in saying how she is a copy of Madonna, when she has a lot of influences from a lot of artists, not only Madonna. She may have inspiration on Madonna and other's work, but she adapts and modify them to suit her own style. Lady Gaga is a real artist.

    She is even protesting against the prejudice against illegal immigrants and gay people in the US. if she was following the government agenda, she would be quiet and not encourage her fans to be against prejudice.
  • chappiechappie Posts: 529
    I like her... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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