Lady Gaga drill Alejandro just watch....;)



  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    Not now? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • nynyronynyro Posts: 296
    I must say I do not see Gaga like Michael at all. What I do see is psychology being used to make her seem as if she is like Michael. There are millions of fans who no longer have someone that they revered, loved, admired etc. so how do you appeal to those people and make them your fans? You associate yourself with that person. You suggest you have commonalities, that you were going to work with them, that you were going to open the concerts for them, that you admired them. You say that you have a chance to possibly contract a disease that plagued them, you dress like them during your interview on LKL. You do everything possible to associate yourself with that "dead" celebrity, the fans will eat it up, they need a someone new to put their faith in. Really it is time to wake up and realize the manipulation. She is not at all like Michael and you are being sucked into another deception as part of a plan to affect you in so many ways

    I completely agree with everything you just said. It's exploitation.
  • missdanipytmissdanipyt Posts: 412
    I must say I do not see Gaga like Michael at all. What I do see is psychology being used to make her seem as if she is like Michael. There are millions of fans who no longer have someone that they revered, loved, admired etc. so how do you appeal to those people and make them your fans? You associate yourself with that person. You suggest you have commonalities, that you were going to work with them, that you were going to open the concerts for them, that you admired them. You say that you have a chance to possibly contract a disease that plagued them, you dress like them during your interview on LKL. You do everything possible to associate yourself with that "dead" celebrity, the fans will eat it up, they need a someone new to put their faith in. Really it is time to wake up and realize the manipulation. She is not at all like Michael and you are being sucked into another deception as part of a plan to affect you in so many ways

    I completely agree with everything you just said. It's exploitation.

    Okay I have a few things to say! First of all I completely 100% agree with this as well, however I do consider myself somewhat of a Lady Gaga fan. I'm going to see her concert in August, I think her music is fun and entertaining. I know Michael was a fan of Gaga, I mean he was a fan of her music, and her performances because I mean let's face it she's unique and it was probably intriguing to Michael and I'm sure Michael was an inspiration to Gaga as well, HOWEVER when people compare the two of them and say Lady Gaga is the next Michael Jackson, first of all obviously they're not thinking that statement through, second of all people who say that are probably more crazed about Lady Gaga than they were about Michael Jackson. Meaning people who never really liked Michael that much, but knew he was an icon, and now they have somebody new and "modern" i guess you could say, to look up to. Alright so sure Lady Gaga stands out and she's very different and thats why a lot of people like her AND thats how they compare her to Michael. "Oh they both did things that nobody else has every done before." Okay...let's look at what they've done shall we? How long has Michael been in the business? I'm pretty sure out of all the videos he's made there's never been something quite as graphic as this Alejandro video. I kind of like the song, I like the dance numbers in the video but there are some pretty disturbing scenes. One thing Michael ALWAYS made sure of when he created something was that it would APPEAL to the public, he wanted children to be able to enjoy it as well as elderly and he wanted black people to enjoy it as well as whites and he wanted muslims to be able to enjoy it as well as christians. He was about uniting people. This Alejandro video is very offensive to religious people. You can stand up for gay people without disgracing a religion like that. Just because somebody is a christian and believes in God doesn't mean that they hate gay people! It's ridiculous! Sure Michael pushed the boundaries and made history by innovation and doing things never having been done before, but he was still classy and made sure EVERYONE around the world would enjoy it and yeah he dressed different but...I mean he still dressed like a human being haha I mean people noticed him and he stood out and the majority thought he was a trend setter while the minority considered it weird, whereas with Gaga its the other way around. Also Michaels music is much more relateable to people around the world. I'm sure Gagas message is relateable but its the context that she puts her message in that makes it hard for people to understand.

    So to sum up, yes I respect Gaga for being different and I think her music is fun, but the fact that she so publicly slanders the Christian faith makes me step back a little... and as for comparing her to Michael, sure they have similarities but no more so than I think comparing Michael to Chris Brown or Justin Timberlake. There are artists that are like Michael, doesnt mean theyre the NEXT Michael.
  • I see Gaga like this and I know many people may not agree.

    She is a controlled puppet.
    The above image is of an upside down cross on her genitalia.
    The upside down cross representing satanism the opposite of worshipping god and is a mockery of the Crucification of Jesus. The symbolism of the placement of this cross... the female genitalia. This represents another mockery, that of the Virgin Mary whose womb would be considered sacred having conceived, carried and brought forth Jesus, the light of the world, the son of man and the embodiment of God in a human body.

    Are you aware that the Illuminati worship Lucifer who was the Angel of Music while in heaven? It therefore makes sense to me that this group would want to control the music industry.
    Music affects our DNA, our emotions, our intelligence and can alter our brainwaves, thought patterns etc. It can heal us and it can harm us. It is mathematical, it can be transformed into numbers, colours and geometrical shapes. Planets all make music, space is not silent as was once thought. Music is very powerful and it is also the universal language. Don't you think that controlling the music in our world and lives would then give some type of control over us?

    I must say I do not see Gaga like Michael at all. What I do see is psychology being used to make her seem as if she is like Michael. There are millions of fans who no longer have someone that they revered, loved, admired etc. so how do you appeal to those people and make them your fans? You associate yourself with that person. You suggest you have commonalities, that you were going to work with them, that you were going to open the concerts for them, that you admired them. You say that you have a chance to possibly contract a disease that plagued them, you dress like them during your interview on LKL. You do everything possible to associate yourself with that "dead" celebrity, the fans will eat it up, they need a someone new to put their faith in. Really it is time to wake up and realize the manipulation. She is not at all like Michael and you are being sucked into another deception as part of a plan to affect you in so many ways.

    I agree with you all the way, she deffinetly a little puppet.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    In Rabbi's book "The Michael Jackson Tapes," Michael said he does not want to be seen and he doesn't want anyone to see his body, so why would he want his corpse to be exposed like that? This is trash.
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    In Rabbi's book "The Michael Jackson Tapes," Michael said he does not want to be seen and he doesn't want anyone to see his body, so why would he want his corpse to be exposed like that? This is trash.

    Publicity stunt! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • elocin_mjelocin_mj Posts: 147
    made me wanna barf...but i like the dance sequence in the end...thats why Michael wanted to work with her, to snap her out of the illuminattis...
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    2r2rhms.jpg Alejandro ?????? <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    <!-- m --> ... 86463.html<!-- m -->
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    That model is a man, not Gaga

    Gaga for Vogue Hommes Japan?
    Take a look at these new photos released by today of model “Jo Calderone” on set of a shoot for Vogue Hommes Japan. Two new photos will be posted on the SHOWstudio website every day this week. Press is speculating whether or not this is Gaga ** although most Gaga website claim that it is her. Jo is her alterego.
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658

    check the ears... (hahaha <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> )
  • PJ4MJPJ4MJ Posts: 323
    Serenitys_Dream wrote:

    I must say I do not see Gaga like Michael at all. What I do see is psychology being used to make her seem as if she is like Michael. There are millions of fans who no longer have someone that they revered, loved, admired etc. so how do you appeal to those people and make them your fans? You associate yourself with that person. You suggest you have commonalities, that you were going to work with them, that you were going to open the concerts for them, that you admired them. You say that you have a chance to possibly contract a disease that plagued them, you dress like them during your interview on LKL. You do everything possible to associate yourself with that "dead" celebrity, the fans will eat it up, they need a someone new to put their faith in. Really it is time to wake up and realize the manipulation. She is not at all like Michael and you are being sucked into another deception as part of a plan to affect you in so many ways.
    missdanipyt wrote:

    Alright so sure Lady Gaga stands out and she's very different and thats why a lot of people like her AND thats how they compare her to Michael. "Oh they both did things that nobody else has every done before." Okay...let's look at what they've done shall we? How long has Michael been in the business? I'm pretty sure out of all the videos he's made there's never been something quite as graphic as this Alejandro video. I kind of like the song, I like the dance numbers in the video but there are some pretty disturbing scenes. One thing Michael ALWAYS made sure of when he created something was that it would APPEAL to the public, he wanted children to be able to enjoy it as well as elderly and he wanted black people to enjoy it as well as whites and he wanted muslims to be able to enjoy it as well as christians. He was about uniting people. This Alejandro video is very offensive to religious people. You can stand up for gay people without disgracing a religion like that. Just because somebody is a christian and believes in God doesn't mean that they hate gay people! It's ridiculous! Sure Michael pushed the boundaries and made history by innovation and doing things never having been done before, but he was still classy and made sure EVERYONE around the world would enjoy it and yeah he dressed different but...I mean he still dressed like a human being haha I mean people noticed him and he stood out and the majority thought he was a trend setter while the minority considered it weird, whereas with Gaga its the other way around. Also Michaels music is much more relateable to people around the world. I'm sure Gagas message is relateable but its the context that she puts her message in that makes it hard for people to understand.

    So to sum up, yes I respect Gaga for being different and I think her music is fun, but the fact that she so publicly slanders the Christian faith makes me step back a little... and as for comparing her to Michael, sure they have similarities but no more so than I think comparing Michael to Chris Brown or Justin Timberlake. There are artists that are like Michael, doesnt mean theyre the NEXT Michael.


    I am NOT a Lady Gaga fan. I'll say that up-front. When she first hit the scene, I thought her music was catchy but as I learned more about her, the more ugliness I saw. It's the whole package, people. The fact that she's as popular as she is tells me a lot about today's society and what it values (or what it considers "art"), and I find that very disturbing. Calling it performance art doesn't mean it's good.

    To say that she can hold a candle to Michael Jackson or that she could even (laughably) be considered the next Michael Jackson is utterly ludicrous. I've thought a lot about why Michael is the biggest superstar this world has ever seen and I think it comes down to CLASS, all the way around. Despite all the money, all the influence, all the adulation, he remains a humble, grounded human being. He promotes love, peace, humanitarianism. That's what I find inspiring. Michael makes me want to be a better person. Can people honestly say the same about Gaga? It's all shock value, in-your-face extremism, and it's all about her, just like so many other so-call 'stars" out there. I'm tired of supporting those kinds of people and that kind of crap.
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    Oh yes that why she is the "famemonster"
  • gloveloveglovelove Posts: 192
    my[KING]"]I LOVE GAGA!!!! GAY RIGHTS BABY!!!!!!! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    this 78574625.gif
    swallow a rosary ... has nothing to do with ''gay rights''.

    She gone too far! It's disgusting!

    (what is that btw? Upsidedown Cross?? an arrow?? poiting there?/ ahrg, nasty)
    <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> ewwwwwww thats put me off my midnight feast dirty mare who wants to see her camel toe ewwwwwwwwwwwww!!
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    How about this? MKULTRA ??
    <!-- m --> ... ati-ritual<!-- m -->
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Alejandro videoclip outfits??

    Fernando?=Don Fernando?
    Alejandro= Alexander the Great?
    Roberto=( too many roberts.. follows later)
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    Michael Jackson's Body -- Hold the Plastic
    Originally posted Jun 27th 2009 8:21 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

    While it may seem like the kind of thing Michael Jackson would do, reports that the late singer made plans to have himself "plastinated" and put on display are exaggerated.


    The director of publicity for Dr. Gunther von Hagens tells TMZ someone claiming to be from Jackson's management team did contact BODY WORLDS several months ago about Jackson's interest in being preserved in plastic.

    But, she says, "We can further confirm that Mr. Jackson is not now a registered body donor in the Institute for Plastination's Body Donation Program."

    <!-- m --> ... e-plastic/<!-- m -->

    you want to know what's weird about this? this exhibition is at the luxor right now. right along with beLIEve. things that make you go hmmm.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    my[KING]"]I LOVE GAGA!!!! GAY RIGHTS BABY!!!!!!! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    this 78574625.gif
    swallow a rosary ... has nothing to do with ''gay rights''.

    She gone too far! It's disgusting!

    (what is that btw? Upsidedown Cross?? an arrow?? poiting there?/ ahrg, nasty)

    She's disgusting as hell. And I don't like the symbolism she uses in her videos. She's so like Madonna and I don't like that bitch either. Sorry for my language lol
  • Red_RoseRed_Rose Posts: 223
    I like so much the song "Alejandro" but her video bleah... so many symbols and disgusting scenes , it's not a clip to be watched by children <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
    What's with the drills at 0:43 to 0:48. It looks like "They don't care about us" drills. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • sweet1sweet1 Posts: 312
    In Rabbi's book "The Michael Jackson Tapes," Michael said he does not want to be seen and he doesn't want anyone to see his body, so why would he want his corpse to be exposed like that? This is trash.

    Publicity stunt! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    The world is full of Chaos! Keep the Faith!
    What's with the drills at 0:43 to 0:48. It looks like "They don't care about us" drills. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    yeah it looks to me like that
    and guys have you notice this at 3:20???
    I'm sure you've seen that somewhere
    what does that circle means??
    What does the circle mean? I saw it in TII. Do you mean by the circle in TII form by Mike, K.O. and other dancers?
  • Red_RoseRed_Rose Posts: 223
    What does the circle mean? I saw it in TII. Do you mean by the circle in TII form by Mike, K.O. and other dancers?
    That circle from the video is like the circle from the memorial when the dancers from TII danced around Jenifer Hudson <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    What does the circle mean? I saw it in TII. Do you mean by the circle in TII form by Mike, K.O. and other dancers?
    That circle from the video is like the circle from the memorial when the dancers from TII danced around Jenifer Hudson <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Oh yeah. How could I forgot that circle from the memorial. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->

    Btw.. forming a circle like that is something like umm "together as one" something like that. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • sweet1sweet1 Posts: 312
    Serenitys_Dream wrote:

    I must say I do not see Gaga like Michael at all. What I do see is psychology being used to make her seem as if she is like Michael. There are millions of fans who no longer have someone that they revered, loved, admired etc. so how do you appeal to those people and make them your fans? You associate yourself with that person. You suggest you have commonalities, that you were going to work with them, that you were going to open the concerts for them, that you admired them. You say that you have a chance to possibly contract a disease that plagued them, you dress like them during your interview on LKL. You do everything possible to associate yourself with that "dead" celebrity, the fans will eat it up, they need a someone new to put their faith in. Really it is time to wake up and realize the manipulation. She is not at all like Michael and you are being sucked into another deception as part of a plan to affect you in so many ways.
    missdanipyt wrote:

    Alright so sure Lady Gaga stands out and she's very different and thats why a lot of people like her AND thats how they compare her to Michael. "Oh they both did things that nobody else has every done before." Okay...let's look at what they've done shall we? How long has Michael been in the business? I'm pretty sure out of all the videos he's made there's never been something quite as graphic as this Alejandro video. I kind of like the song, I like the dance numbers in the video but there are some pretty disturbing scenes. One thing Michael ALWAYS made sure of when he created something was that it would APPEAL to the public, he wanted children to be able to enjoy it as well as elderly and he wanted black people to enjoy it as well as whites and he wanted muslims to be able to enjoy it as well as christians. He was about uniting people. This Alejandro video is very offensive to religious people. You can stand up for gay people without disgracing a religion like that. Just because somebody is a christian and believes in God doesn't mean that they hate gay people! It's ridiculous! Sure Michael pushed the boundaries and made history by innovation and doing things never having been done before, but he was still classy and made sure EVERYONE around the world would enjoy it and yeah he dressed different but...I mean he still dressed like a human being haha I mean people noticed him and he stood out and the majority thought he was a trend setter while the minority considered it weird, whereas with Gaga its the other way around. Also Michaels music is much more relateable to people around the world. I'm sure Gagas message is relateable but its the context that she puts her message in that makes it hard for people to understand.

    So to sum up, yes I respect Gaga for being different and I think her music is fun, but the fact that she so publicly slanders the Christian faith makes me step back a little... and as for comparing her to Michael, sure they have similarities but no more so than I think comparing Michael to Chris Brown or Justin Timberlake. There are artists that are like Michael, doesnt mean theyre the NEXT Michael.


    I am NOT a Lady Gaga fan. I'll say that up-front. When she first hit the scene, I thought her music was catchy but as I learned more about her, the more ugliness I saw. It's the whole package, people. The fact that she's as popular as she is tells me a lot about today's society and what it values (or what it considers "art"), and I find that very disturbing. Calling it performance art doesn't mean it's good.

    To say that she can hold a candle to Michael Jackson or that she could even (laughably) be considered the next Michael Jackson is utterly ludicrous. I've thought a lot about why Michael is the biggest superstar this world has ever seen and I think it comes down to CLASS, all the way around. Despite all the money, all the influence, all the adulation, he remains a humble, grounded human being. He promotes love, peace, humanitarianism. That's what I find inspiring. Michael makes me want to be a better person. Can people honestly say the same about Gaga? It's all shock value, in-your-face extremism, and it's all about her, just like so many other so-call 'stars" out there. I'm tired of supporting those kinds of people and that kind of crap.

    I have to agree with you Serentity's_Dream and missdaniypyt and! Gaga has no talent as far as I am concerned. She's not going to last long in the industry. She's what everyone calls a trend. Trends don't last. How can anyone compare her to MJ. She will never be a legend. Aside from that MJ didn't go around doing luducrious and exteme acts to bring attention to himself. I was watching one of the E-news shows last week and it showed a picture of Gaga in the airport wearing one of her freaky, classless outfits. She was in really tall platforms and had fallen down. They were laughing and said no better for her because she was always walking around trying to shock everyone with what she wore. MJ had substance and talent! All Gaga has is shock value! Keep the Faith!
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Whoa!!! All the hate towards Gaga, while you don´t even know her! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    I think she is very talented. You can´t compare her to MJ, because she is a totally different person-artist. This is one of her early performances, before the industry made a freak out of her:


    Don't judge so fast, we don't know what she has been through to get where she is now, and we don't know if she likes it there.

    Lady GaGa: "Isn't That An Illuminati Ritual?..."
    The pop singer settles the rumours...
    11:17, Monday, 28 June 2010

    Rumours about Lady GaGa's supposed ties to the Illuminati cult have been around for a while now.

    Lady G has revealed that a bizarre dream was the cause of all of this. GaGa claims that her weird dress sense and stage shows are in fact inspired by an Illuminati dream.

    She told Rolling Stone Magazine: “I have this recurring dream sometimes where there’s a phantom in my home. He takes me into a room, and there’s a blond girl with ropes tied to all four of her limbs. And she’s got my shoes on from the Grammys. Go figure - pyscho. And the ropes are pulling her apart.”

    If you think that sounded weird, it gets worse for the star:

    “I never see her get pulled apart, but I just watch her whimper, and then the phantom says to me, ‘If you want me to stop hurting her and if you want your family to be OK, you will cut your wrist.’ And I think that he has his own, like, crazy wrist-cutting device. And he has this honey in, like, Tupperware, and it looks like sweet-and-sour sauce with a lot of MSG from New York. Just bizarre. And he wants me to pour the honey into the wound, and then put cream over it and a gauze.”

    GaGa was confused by her dream and turned to other sources to find out its meaning.

    “So I looked up the dream, and I couldn’t find anything about it anywhere. And my mother goes, ‘Isn’t that an illuminati ritual?’ And I was like, ‘Oh, my God!’ I do have morbid dreams. But I put them in the show. A lot of the work I do is an exorcism for the fans but also for myself.”

    <!-- m --> ... ati-ritual<!-- m -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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