Are We the Chosen People?



  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    I'm sure there will be a 12 step program for us when it's all over... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ..I forgot to mention, I also fell in L.O.V.E with him after he "passed". I researched everything there was about him and just couldn't believe how magical he is...I spend about 6 hrs a day here. And yes, most days I turn it on with my morning coffee....
  • There is Something Supernatural or Otherworldly Going On and I too have wondered why I was chosen to become Enchanted. There is a site called "Inner Michael" and the lady who started it calls herself an "Empath", and anyway the site is about this phenomanen. What I notice is we are mostly women. It's like we all had some secret special built-in antenna that we were unaware of, and it was activated by MJ. Part of my obsession is wanting to understand it. Why didn't this happen to anyone else I know? I have thought things like maybe he was in such emotional pain or fear that it radiated out and touched people who are Intuitive "recievers"...and that is US? He needs something from us, and i personally feel he is depending on US to make sure he gets JUSTICE for him!

    Anyway, below is my original Introdutory Post About being Chosen Prior To 6/25/09

    I am in my mid 50's; grew up with MJ on TV since he was little on Ed Sullivan, etc. Since he was always "there" I guess you could say I took MJ for granted. I always liked his music but never saw him live. He was always in the News for some reason or another, and he just seemed to be an ongoing staple of everyday life. But that all changed on June 25th! His death had such an Emotional Effect on me! The first things that came into my mind were "Murder" and "Gov't Involvement" .

    Now here is where it gets strange: About a week and a half previous to 6/25 on a Sunday I had on a radio station that I normally don't listen to and they played a song that just grabbed me. The DJ said it was by MJ but did not give the NAME of the song. I became Obsessed with wanting to hear this song again, but did NOT know the name of it! Turns out it was "I Can't Help It" from "Off The Wall". I finally found it on UTube and this led to other music/videos by MJ. I became totally engrossed and entranced in MJ's music shortly before his reported death on the 25th of June. This just freaked me out because I had never paid any attention to him prior to this. It was like I Re-Discovered him and became Enamored of him right before his "Death". It freaked me out so much I told my boyfriend about it! (He was not very enthusiastic about this) It was like I was under some type of of Hypnosis! All I did was watch MJ videos; went out and bought his CD's and scoured the internet for everything about him. I have never before been obsessed with a celebrity in my life! I feel like my fascination with the "I Can't Help It" song was some kind of WARNING. After his death report I was Compelled to find a forum to see if I was the only one who had experienced this phenomena. And YES - I did find others who had eerie Paranormal MJ Music Awakenings in the weeks prior to his death!

    Thank You All. We Must Find out What happened to Michael and I Hope and Pray he is Alive!
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    This post is me all the way

    I have always liked michael and believed in him and watched the trial but I was not a devout fan like so many and I never went to see him

    But on 25th I just did not feel he had died and in the memorial the pains shocked me where did that word come from

    I have been here since last July on the old forum

    I feel that we are being led by something. I have never behaved like this before and wondered why can't you just give up you are 50 three childen work you don't need this. I just can't till I know what happened. I have learnt so much here and I am thankfull for this site
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I'm sure there will be a 12 step program for us when it's all over... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ..I forgot to mention, I also fell in L.O.V.E with him after he "passed". I researched everything there was about him and just couldn't believe how magical he is...I spend about 6 hrs a day here. And yes, most days I turn it on with my morning coffee....
  • LovelyLurkerLovelyLurker Posts: 149
    @ goodletsdance...I HEAR YA !!! I have often wondered why I have done the things I have done since last June. I have MJ posters and calenders, I have CDs and video discs, I have watched more youtube videao of MJ than I ever thought possible and I even booked the day off of work and phoned in sick on the day of the memorial.

    I never do things like this and have never done this kinda stuff for anyone else and I have to say it makes me feel a little better knowing that thier are women my age that are going through the same thing. My father passed away recently and we did not have a relationship but as I was the only living in the vicintity it was up to me to do al lot of the things but every night I would come home and feed my child and then get on the computer right away and I felt that if I missed a day I would miss everything.

    Every day when I turn on the TV I wonder if there will be news about the " return" I am actually a very sane woman and I often wonder what has happened to me? It is a very odd phenomanon that is for certain.
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    I should admit that i have always been his fanatic fan since i was 6( but , of course, in moderation) but i should also admit that after his "death" and after this hoax i have totally changed my way of thinking, i used to look at the world through pink sunglasses but now i have become more alarm about things goin' on in the world, i have become more mature and more informed about everything and i'm so glad that many people from all over the world have been united under this site, under this forum for Michael, for his invaluable message and simply for L.O.V.E.
  • mattiemattie Posts: 296
    Hello ..
    I was never this huge fan.
    Always liked his music and dancing.
    I am wundering this whole year..Why did this happen to me??
    And why not to the people arround me??
    Something happend to me sins the 02 anouncment..There i already felt something weird.
    I did not pay attention to it(it was in the back of my mind) until june 25.
    After that..Wel..I am here sins day one!

    Yes, what is it that reached us? but not so many other people??

    Sorry for my Englisch writing..This is the reason i dont post much.
    But i am here every day.
    And this for a grandmother of 58 years old!
    Do you know how they looke at me at home here <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
    Greetings Mattie
  • Hello <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Ditto, ditto, ditto to virtually all the posts before mine. Unbelievable how similar all our stories are isn't it.

    I grew up with Michael (not personally, sadly <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> ) but I am exactly 6 months older than him and one of my first ever records was Got to be There, which I still love to this day. At the same as Michael and the Jackson 5, The Osmonds appeared and I'm afraid Donny really stole my heart (I'm sucker for a soppy song) so although I listened to alot of Michael's and the Jackson 5's songs, all the albums/records I ever made absolutely sure I bought, were Donny's and the Osmonds, as well as plastering my bedroom in their pictures (I still remember how my dad used to groan when he walked in my room and say such as "how can you sleep with all those teeth around you <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ).

    I can still vividly remember the huge build up to the Thriller video and song and was absolutely mesmorised by it, and still am every time I see it. I was always interested in news about Michael though more often than not it was some stupid story the media had made up and then exaggerated beyond belief and I was 100% sure of his innocence during the trials, and never waivered from my belief in him and his purity. The poor, poor man - I could cry now when I think of what he went through - it would be an horrific ordeal for any one of us but for such a sweet and gentle soul, I'm amazed how well he kept his composure and dignity. When he finally walked free, looking so frail and weak, I said to my husband "I bet he makes a come back" - something which couldn't have looked further from the truth at the time.

    The question I now ask myself is - "which come back was I possibly referring to"? I don't know now <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I was on the internet on 25th June last year when I came across the headline about Michael being rushed to hospital, and then "allegedly" had died. I cannot explain what came over me but since that day I have not been able to let a day pass without checking this forum, and a couple of others, to make sure I haven't missed anything at all about him, watch videos of him - some of which I had never seen before. I can't talk about how I feel to my husband because he just thinks I am bonkers but anytime anything Michael related comes on tv, in the paper, radio etc. he looks at me and I just say "poor Michael" and leave it at that.

    I can remember the day Diana died like it was yesterday and the thunderbolt that went through me too but I never once questioned it was true, though I did question the cirumstances. I just felt it was such a tragic waste of a young life, of someone who had so much more to give and who was finally finding her own way in life.

    Enough I think - I still have days when I am not really sure but something, or someone, is just keeping me tied to all this and I don't think I could break free from it, even if I wanted to.

    Much love xxx
  • Believe 777Believe 777 Posts: 403
    There is indeed a phenomenon going on with this. It's like Michael has been talking to people's souls without some of them even knowing it, like me. When he 'died' it was like a 'soul recall'. Our soul memory was triggered. Michael knows us so well and how to communicate with us at a level that most are completely blind to. How astonishing that so many who were not fans as such have had this message internally logged for future awakening, and here we all are, connecting together and forming Michael's Army of love. It is truly breath-taking. On many occassions when Michael tried to talk to his fans he would be drowned out by screaming fans and now he really is being heard. Michael has planned this for so many years and now must be a very humbling time for him, knowing for sure that he has been heard. He knew all along that it would take his 'death' for the memory he implanted in us to be triggered.
    Everything about our World is about frequency and vibration and Michael knew how to tune into us on a collective sunbconscious level. Our World is changing and Yes, I do think we are the chosen ones who have connected with this frequency of Michael and of love. This is a strong form of telepathy in many ways and I thank Michael for the years and years of dedication he has given to us. He has worked harder and with more passion than anyone else I can think of on this Planet and our World will be healed with our collective awareness and strength, as it grows. Michael should be incredibly proud of himself as this is beyond anything previously imaginable. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Butterfly JButterfly J Posts: 305
    Hello ..
    I was never this huge fan.
    Always liked his music and dancing.
    I am wundering this whole year..Why did this happen to me??
    And why not to the people arround me??
    Something happend to me sins the 02 anouncment..There i already felt something weird.
    I did not pay attention to it(it was in the back of my mind) until june 25.
    After that..Wel..I am here sins day one!

    Yes, what is it that reached us? but not so many other people??

    Exactly the same with me <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> My only explanation for myself is that I loved him all the time, I just didn´t realised it before he left us.
  • I'm sure there will be a 12 step program for us when it's all over... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ..I forgot to mention, I also fell in L.O.V.E with him after he "passed". I researched everything there was about him and just couldn't believe how magical he is...I spend about 6 hrs a day here. And yes, most days I turn it on with my morning coffee....

    Ditto! I'm in my mid-thirties witha husband and two young kids...always loved his music, but was never really a "fan". Became totally obsessed after his "death" and read and researched about any and everything related to him; fell madly in L.O.V.E. (like you) and can't do without this forum! He IS magical! Something about him just captivates you and draws you right in. My eyes have been opened to the evils in this world because of him! I don't think anyone every has or ever will again have the kind of impact on my life that he has had! Of course my husband thinks I'm crazy, but that's inconsequential to me. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    With LOVE!!!!
  • Well I guess I have a very similar story to everyone really <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> I always loved MJs music, and would follow stories about him in recent years, but wasnt a fanatic , just loved a lot of the Motown artists in my teans, I did have a few CDs, never went to a concert, gosh wish I had when the chance was there in the early 1990s. I had got tickets for 02 Concert in August, but sadly that was not to be <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I am 56 years, married, have my own small business which I do 7/days week thoughout the year working with animals. I am not sure what I felt initially, shock initially <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> I was asleep early morning when my TV had come on and I sat bolt upright wide awake! when I heard the BBC TV presenter say "Michael Jackson" is Dead. It wasnt until after the memorial service finished, I dont know why or what I was searching for but within a few days I found the first MJHD site, the longer they delayed the funeral the more strange things felt, I have tried, but like all of you I am on this site everday, I try to plan my work around it, (I should be working now <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->) I will be in trouble with my boss (me! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ). It is a huge learning experience for me, before this, I had never been on ytube, or even played music on the internet, I now have myspace accounts facebook, twitter etc etc all to follow the events of hoax related topics. I had never been on any type of forum! I have a husband who is very understanding! I spend so much time investigating the hoax my house is in dire need of my attention but it is just a compulsion to find out the truth.

    I feel that this adventure has changed me in many ways, I have learned so much from this experience. I just feel so drawn to Michael, just watching him makes me so emotional, he is such a loving caring person, who is just so misunderstood by the world, he has such a pure soul you can almost see feel it in his aura. Im not very good at emplaining myself. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    My definition of Michael is "Pure Love".

    Blessing to all.
  • Odd that there are so many of us that feel the same way....I'm an (old) analyst, not given to displays of irrational emotion and/or behavior and yet everyday I'm here. I cease to tell anyone anymore because of the looks I get. So I guess I'm a "closet" believer.

    I do feel a strong spiritual connection and yes, that I was especially chosen as many of you are to be here. I also feel a great responsibility because of that. My quest was originally for the it's about what God would have me do with the information I've received here. I have already started to make small changes that have grown exponentially since last year. I'm going to stay to the end...or until I get my answer for my life. The one recurring message for me has been "healing." I just am not sure will that will lead. I just think it is bigger than I can possibly imagine."To whom much is given, much is required." We all have been given a great gift by being here.

    I would love to meet all of you when this is "over."
  • 3292gold3292gold Posts: 17
    Loved reading these posts. So we are sharing the same actions, like an addict. Never enough information. I like the word enchanted, and I am glad about how others feel a spiritual feeling is awakened. I do not think MJ wants us to use Murray as seeking justice. I just don't know. I really just want to know how and why such" normal" people, have been drawn into this so strongly, while so many more have not? Is there a message from Him that we are missing????
  • It's interesting to see the ones who are 50 ish here. Myself included. I have been a ( since I do not like the word fan), I will say that I have been an admirer of Michaels since he came out on his own. I just love the human being side of him so much, his caring and kindness and his hope for humanity. Of course I have all of his music and most of the DVD'S of him working his magic on stage ........... oh that and his voice are "it" for me. My feeling is that we are older souls here, we have connected with MJ because we care and at some level know and feel that we will and are making the change that is needed.
    I like most of you come to this site everyday to see what is new, it makes me feel that I am not alone in how I feel. Even thou none of us have met, we are connected and this is the place for us to come and speak our truth and to feel sad and to cry and to laugh . Mo and Souza were guided here to bring us ALL together for this Adventure. I have read many post here and there are some of you that blow me away with your wisdom. I wish I could name all of you that have at one point or another made me have a <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> . Being 50 has its moments on the memory. Just so you know that all of you are wonderful souls, and I am grateful for the chance to be here amongst opened minded and liked minded human beings. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
    I hold my hands up and say that I am the same as most of you who have replied in this thread.

    I am 39, married, no kids, work full time. As a teenager I was very aware of Michael's music - Thriller and Bad especially and I went through a 'phase' in the Bad era of having an MJ poster on my bedroom wall for a few months. However, as I got to the age of about 16-17, I moved away from Michael and got into other music such as Wet Wet Wet, Kylie Minogue (and others) and sort of left Michael behind. I was never a die-hard MJ fan back then. However, I continued to buy his CDs when they were released but then when it got to 1992 I never gave Michael a second thought.

    Even during the trials in 1993 and 2005 I was very 'distant' - not BECAUSE of the trials, don't get me wrong, but because there was so much going on in my life around that time - had just met my future husband, bought our first house etc etc.

    Since 25th June 2009 I am MJ crazy!! I am like a teenager again. Never before has anyone had such an impact on my life and never have I been so fanatical about anyone or anything. I can only describe it as having had a huge slap on the face, a wake-up call. It's very odd and for a while it unsettled me. I would ask myself "But why am I feeling like this about Michael? Why has he had this impact on me?"

    For me, I think some of it is guilt - I feel very very guilty that it took 25th June 2009 for me to realise what Michael is all about and also, guilt because I wasn't there when he needed the love and support of his fans more than ever.

    So, for all of you who are wondering "why", I know exactly what you mean.

  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    I'm sure there will be a 12 step program for us when it's all over... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ..I forgot to mention, I also fell in L.O.V.E with him after he "passed". I researched everything there was about him and just couldn't believe how magical he is...I spend about 6 hrs a day here. And yes, most days I turn it on with my morning coffee....

    Ditto! I'm in my mid-thirties witha husband and two young kids...always loved his music, but was never really a "fan". Became totally obsessed after his "death" and read and researched about any and everything related to him; fell madly in L.O.V.E. (like you) and can't do without this forum! He IS magical! Something about him just captivates you and draws you right in. My eyes have been opened to the evils in this world because of him! I don't think anyone every has or ever will again have the kind of impact on my life that he has had! Of course my husband thinks I'm crazy, but that's inconsequential to me. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    With LOVE!!!!

  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    after reading all of these post and seeing so much likeness in myself only one thing stands out to me that i need to claify (on the part of myself i don't aim to speak for anyone else). i just want to go on record as making it clear that micheal was chosen also and that he is not somehow the one doing the don't have to agree with me , just know where i stand.L.O.V.E.
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    after reading all of these post and seeing so much likeness in myself only one thing stands out to me that i need to claify (on the part of myself i don't aim to speak for anyone else). i just want to go on record as making it clear that micheal was chosen also and that he is not somehow the one doing the don't have to agree with me , just know where i stand.L.O.V.E.
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> AGREE!!! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • stephsteph Posts: 177
    I'm another one. There's no explaining it away. I am 51 years old next week and I have adult children a husband of 33 years and a responsible job. People say I'm practical and sensible. But not lately. I've asked myself many times what is wrong with me . I can't walk away from this.Obsession, compulsion, and addiction all come to mind. Like others here, I read all I can, pray for MJ and the children, think of this constantly night and day. I'm checking on here before I have coffee in the morning. I could go on and on but it sounds like you guys know what I mean. This thread is comforting to know that
    You are not alone.....I am here with you.....Though we're far apart......Your always in my heart.
    Your telling me , i have been on the hoax site (the other one ) from june 26th last year!
    i can`t believe that a whole year has passed and i still can`t let go of this hoax stuff and move on.It`s nice to know that others feel te same way.I wonder what keeps us here? it`s like some strange force that won`t let you give in until you find out what really happened.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I should be the weird one here because at times I talked to him in "dreams" and it felt so real <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Chosen? not probable. Affected that he is gone? big time <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • 3292gold3292gold Posts: 17
    I agree with the force idea. As for Mj being chosen, yes you often see signs, that He is a gift from God. He really does have alot of poses that are similar to Christ. I am not trying to get religious here, or anything . There is a video on youtube of Him singing Earth song, and at that end, He takes off His tattered clothes, and He is wearing all white, and kids come and hug Him. It sent chills down my spine. I think He might have been singing at MTV awards, I don't know which one, I wish I had the knowlege to post it. But darn if He didn' reming You of Jesus. So this force that keeps us together- what is the purpose? Are we part of a bigger plan? Why us? Why can't this group of people let go like everyone else? Why is it haunting us? I mean really, none of us probaby even knew Him, yet there is a force holding us?!!
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    All I can say is WOW! It warms my heart to know that there are many of us who have had this same life changing experience. I'm 47, happily married with 6 children and 1 grandaughter. I also grew up with the Jackson 5 and then Michael, but was not a typical "fan" per say. Then while watching CNN on June 25th 2009, I saw that Michael had been rushed to the hospital, so I continued to watch the drama unfold and I found myself mesmerized, I couldn't stop watching and when they said he was dead, my heart broke and I was overcome with this...feeling, that I couldn't understand, but I knew I had to do some research on Michael and once I started researching and well, I haven't stopped since that day! Michael is on my mind all day, every day and I feel like I have had this spiritual "awakening" and that I have to spread Michael's message...Michael's mission has become My mission!

    I guess I am one of the lucky ones, because I see some of you saying that your husbands and families think you're crazy. Well this is where I differ because my husband has also had the same spiritual awakening, that I have had, when it comes to Michael! I feel so blessed to be able to share all of my feelings about Michael with him knowing that Michael has touched his heart the same way he has touched mine. My husband and I both believe that love is the most important thing in our lives and we have taught our children, the importance of love, because we feel so strongly about it and maybe that is why we both feel so close to Michael. All I know is that for some reason, we have both had this "life changing" experience and we both feel like we have been "chosen" to spread Michael's message and we are both proud to be members of Michael's "army of love".

    It's really hard for me to put into words, how this whole "adventure" has changed my life, because my feelings run so deep, all I know is that I have never experienced anything like this before and I can't explain why it has happened to me or my husband, all I know is that we will be here for Michael to help him fight this fight, because the world as we know it is going to hell, fast, and its time that we all stand up for our rights! I want my children and grandchildren to live in a world full of love and peace, not hatred and war, but it is up to us to make that change. You just have to Believe...Believe in Michael and Believe in yourself and then together we WILL make this world a better place...a world full of LOVE!

    Michael, if you happen to read this, I just want to say thank you for everything you have done for us. You will always be a part of my heart, my soul and my life... I love you... I really do!
    Always yours,
  • 3292gold - I second all of your questions and think they are important. I believed that Michael was alive a long time ago so that issue for me was resolved. The greater issue then was the questions that you pose. I won't trivialize this as an obsession, addiction, etc., not for me anyway. There is something much more spiritual connected to this that has to do with a mission of healing. I have lots of thoughts but nothing concrete yet as to what my role in the mission is. But I believe that for those of us who feel they were called here spiritually (and that may not be everyone) then we have an obligation to continue to seek that "truth." There can be multiple roles intended by this for lots of may not be the same. I know when I hear His voice. And whatever way God is using Michael and this hoax, I definitely know what I'm hearing and understanding is His words and His voice. For those who understand a "personal" relationship, that's exactly what that means. It's personal and individually unique for each of us. "I know my sheep and my sheep know me."
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    Forgive me if this double posts, am having some computer issues. But I am 46 years old and I have been loving Michael since 1st grade. My little friends and I used to stand in the lunch lines and clap our hands together like you do in Mary Mack but we would be singing Rockin Robin instead and the teachers would sometimes separate us at lunch because we would get so loud. We would be cutting out pictures of Michael and putting them in our book bags or taping them in our books <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    But when I first heard of Michael passing away I fell into the worst depression, and I am a happy person usually, but I had found out about Wylie being dead and it all just came to a head and I wanted to die really, didn't want to eat or anything. But then I found this place and I started seeing all of the odd things that just don't add up. I also have got away from some really morbid forums where all they do is grieve and cry and I just cannot go through that any more day after day. But I tend to Wylie's crypt, which makes me soooo happy. Taking him flowers honestly saved me along with coming here and chatting with all of you. That's why I get so hurt when people laugh at my ideas and little lightbulbs, as off the wall as some may be, I still feel we can't leave anything over looked and I hope some people are laughing with me and not at me spitefully because I cherish the time I spend here talking about Michael. Ebay has been a huge mood lifter too. I collect all things Michael and it just makes me feel warmer and more comfy when I surround myself with his music, videos, photos etc...
    But I will not give up even if I'm old and gray and similar to Hachi the dog years from now waiting on my Michael, even if I have to go to heaven to see him I will see him again. Love to all.
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