Arnold Klein Twitter



  • [size=10pt]This is what Dr.Arnie Klein posted on his facebook on 29 october 2011 8-),and it goes along with the PHOTO ;)  8-): It is about Michael MEDICAL RECORDS!!!!![/size]<br /><br />Who killed Michae Jackson? please read! by ARNOLD KLEIN  <br /><br /><br />Arnold W. Klein, MD<br />Professor of Medicine and Dermatology<br />UCLA<br />Klein Chair in Dermatology UCLA<br />Consultant to the General and Plastic Surgery Devices Panel of the FDA <br />"The Most Innovative & Famous Cosmetic Dermatologist in the World”<br /> Bev Hills Times Magazine<br /><br />Subject: Hipaa Violation Report<br /><br />I am Dr. Arnold Klein of 9615 Brighton Way Ste M-110 Beverly Hills, CA 90210.  I am filing this report of a HIPAA violation regarding the records of my former patient, Mr. Michael Jackson.  <br /><br />Doctors frequently use medical software systems both for records and insurance billing these doctors input billing data, the patient’s name, billing amount, type of treatment, diagnosis, type of drugs prescribed and administered, and the date of service. This is essentially the record system in my office.  On October 27, 2009, without my permission my lawyers Richard Charnley and Brad Boyer of the law firm of Ropers, Majeski, Kohn and Bentley of 515 Flower Street Ste 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90011 in collusion with my former employee Jason Pfeiffer and former accountant Muhammad Kihilji essentially released Michael Jackson’s medical records in court supposedly to get me paid by the Jackson estate. <br /><br />I did find out until recently that this was the manner in which the mass media got hold of my records. They released the software bills showing line by line the treatment details of each visit that was unpaid at the time of Michael's untimely death. Mr. Charnley and Mr. Khilji then went on to release the entire patient chart of Michael Jackson including my notes written on the patient file to various individuals on the Internet. I recently found a copy on the office computer from Mr. Khilji.  <br /><br />This unauthorized release of Michael Jackson’s records has caused my practice untold damage and has spurned a media circus. It has given tabloids and trashy media free access to Mr. Jackson’s private <br /><br />medical information.  Mr. Jason Pfeiffer has tried to capitalize on the hype and has gone on television to publicly discuss the records and my treatments on television.  It should be noted that Jason Pfeiffer, Muhammad Khilji with the assistance of Richard Charnley have embezzled over 12 million dollars from me leaving me in bankruptcy court. The have made illegal loans, stolen my identity, written checks, taken out loans, open and closed bank accounts, and depleted my retirement fund.  <br /><br />These individuals did this without my permission but I have reason to believe the concert promoter’s AEG is involved in that they have been in contact with Charnely. .<br /><br />Once released my records have been totally misinterpreted. They have been used by TMZ, The Beast, Anderson Cooper and various other media sources to obscure the real facts and individuals responsible for Mr. Michael Jackson’s death. First these records are not simply my records but that of three physicians treating Mr. Jackson: Myself, David Rish and Ilya Reyder. Michael was treated by me to rebuild his face for the “This is It  Tour.” Injection sessions to rebuild his face from the consequences of faulty plastic surgery took 3-4 hours and he was given Demerol for pain relief during these procedures. Please note the entire month of May I was out of the country so injections he received during that time were not mine. Addiction requires the frequency and dose of medication to increase. As my treatments with Michael became less lengthily the dose of Demerol that was used and the frequency of visits was greatly reduced. The figures that have been erroneously quoted to the public indicate a grossly increased frequency of visits and size of dose than that actually used. Being a recognized authority on addiction and Mr. Jackson’s physician I was well aware of his long-standing problem with Propothol created by a plastic surgeon that Mr. Jackson subsequently discharged and was placed in a mental institution. Please understand what you have experienced and I have suffered is an attempt by the greedy parties responsible for Michael Jackson’s death to use me as a scapegoat. They have defamed my name and attempted to destroy me. My relationship with Mr. Jackson taught me many things one of which was the ability to survive. Now it is my turn to take action against the media and finally reveal the greedy and disgusting people who were truly responsible for Michael Jackson’s death.<br /><br /><br />317125_2328120773739_1571307064_32203580_646790751_n.jpg<br /><br />This message is for Mr.Arnie Klein:<br />[size=10pt]Thank you very much for LOVING Michael,ALL THIS HOAX was/is THE ADVENTURE OF MY LIFE.Because of this HOAX/ILLUSION I finally found THE TRUTH and THE MEANING OF LIFE,thank you from the bottom of my heart,God bless you  :) !!!![/size]
  • Thanks for posting this, im new, and i have been following this website since the beginning of 2011, and finally i decided to join. <br />about this topic, im not sure that Arnold Klien is part of the hoax, maybe he knows some information but not alot, but again who knows /bravo/ :)
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I've always thought that Arnie learnt about the hoax later. Michael didn't tell him but he learnt somehow. And he is scared shitless because he did something wrong. He doesn't say anything bad about the hoax forum but on the contrary he is redirecting people to this forum. This means he is reading this forum. And also he is trying to put the blame on Murray. <br /><br />OR<br /><br />He is in on the hoax and he is redirecting people to this forum to wake them up. Not sure what to think of him.
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    on 1320267685:
    <br />It IS his official account on twitter and facebook from what I understand. This is very interesting and seems to fit perfectly into BACK's post regardng Arnie being on the "de-klein" lol. Something is going on most definitely. <br />If we suspect BACK to be Michael, then why would he reference something along the lines of exposing Dr. Klein yet involve him in the hoax? If he was in on anything, the gay inuendo has nothing to do with anything. It seems he stuck his foot far in his mouth and is regretting it, hence the retraction of his statements/stories in the past. He seems nervous about something and him saying the records shown in court are not his own are intriguing considering his own attorney was on both Dr. Drew and JVM confirming they were?<br /><br /> I'm not sure if anyone saw Dr. Drew yesterday with photog Ben E. who stated Michael alledgedly visited Klein and an unknown dentist daily. One which contradicts the records, and the other there is no mention of or records at all. Perhaps he didn't have anything done but why was he visiting him/"them" so often if it was true? Why the fake records? We're missing something...<br />I agree curls it is major.<br /><br />
    <br /><br /> awkmd Arnold Klein<br />… records used in court are not mine<br />31 Oct <br /><br />This is where it gets tricky...remember when the "Klein" records were shown in court, there was a comment made (not sure if it was the witness or the lawyer who mentioned it) that there was no doctors initials on the procedures performed and also that the weeks Dr. Klein "stated" he didn't see Michael in the office, there was a different doctors initials next to those procedures. <br /><br />We never saw the full medical report from Dr. Kleins office, only specific pages which referenced Demerol. So the pages that were presented in court could well have been a forgery. There was only the name of a patient (Omar Arnold) patient ID number, no doctor signature...nothing but a fake name. <br /><br />How would they know which Omar Arnold patient they are referring to? There could have been more than one patient with that name. :|<br /><br />*Something to also consider....if the autopsy report is a fake, why wouldn't Klein's records possibly be fake also?
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    on 1320268668:
    <br />@Snoopy71 are you referring to him possibly saying Michael and him finding out who their real friends are throughout this trial/hoax?<br />
    <br /><br />You know I honestly don't know.  I don't know if he's stating he's in on the hoax or perhaps this was all set up in part to see who Michael's "so called friends/fans" really are and who aren't (example....Schmuley, Uri Geller, former business associates, artists he's worked with etc.. etc...), maybe he's referring to all of us believers and "our" beliefs/comraderie etc...I don't know.  :?<br /><br />But it is a very interesting word slip.
  • First of all the account is not verified, could be Klein, could be somebody else; and then I followed the link but could not read tweets because the account is secured, one needs to ask for permission to follow. Is that happened to you too guys?
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Exactly. I understand the falsified "documents/reports" are used because they are apart of the hoax. However, if Klein is in on the hoax why set him up like this? He sited major losses due to this trial, and why would he be so scared? <br />Do you take Back as a credible character? If so, I'm not understanding Klein's position given his defaming statements about Michael. He seems to have an indirect role.<br /><br />Edit: That is what I believe is being done @Snoopy71. Michael is the one finding out who are his true friends, fans ect. are, emphasis on his closest business/friend relationships though.<br /><br />And @scorpionchik his account isn't verified, but neither are Paris' nor Prince ect. Doesn't mean it isn't him. He has his tweets protected from the public which is common on twitter. He has to accept you as a follower for you to see.
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    on 1320241762:
    <br />What is this supposed to mean? Have we seen this picture before? I know I haven't...and by the way, MJ looks awesome!<br /><br />awkmd Arnold Klein<br />herb ritts<br />2 hours ago Favorite Reply<br /><br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />hmmmm.....picture of a picture. (reminds me of the death and autopsy photos)<br /><br />It almost looks like (if you were looking at Michael's body language in the pictures) Michael is saying "do not say/speak"...."do not look/see".<br /><br />Interesting choice of pictures for Klein to tweet.
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    on 1320269212:
    <br />[size=10pt]This is what Dr.Arnie Klein posted on his facebook on 29 october 2011 8-),and it goes along with the PHOTO ;)  8-): It is about Michael MEDICAL RECORDS!!!!![/size]<br /><br />Who killed Michae Jackson? please read! by ARNOLD KLEIN  <br /><br /><br />Arnold W. Klein, MD<br />Professor of Medicine and Dermatology<br />UCLA<br />Klein Chair in Dermatology UCLA<br />Consultant to the General and Plastic Surgery Devices Panel of the FDA <br />"The Most Innovative & Famous Cosmetic Dermatologist in the World”<br /> Bev Hills Times Magazine<br /><br />Subject: Hipaa Violation Report<br /><br />I am Dr. Arnold Klein of 9615 Brighton Way Ste M-110 Beverly Hills, CA 90210.  I am filing this report of a HIPAA violation regarding the records of my former patient, Mr. Michael Jackson.  <br /><br />Doctors frequently use medical software systems both for records and insurance billing these doctors input billing data, the patient’s name, billing amount, type of treatment, diagnosis, type of drugs prescribed and administered, and the date of service. This is essentially the record system in my office.  On October 27, 2009, without my permission my lawyers Richard Charnley and Brad Boyer of the law firm of Ropers, Majeski, Kohn and Bentley of 515 Flower Street Ste 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90011 in collusion with my former employee Jason Pfeiffer and former accountant Muhammad Kihilji essentially released Michael Jackson’s medical records in court supposedly to get me paid by the Jackson estate. <br /><br />I did find out until recently that this was the manner in which the mass media got hold of my records. They released the software bills showing line by line the treatment details of each visit that was unpaid at the time of Michael's untimely death. Mr. Charnley and Mr. Khilji then went on to release the entire patient chart of Michael Jackson including my notes written on the patient file to various individuals on the Internet. I recently found a copy on the office computer from Mr. Khilji.  <br /><br />This unauthorized release of Michael Jackson’s records has caused my practice untold damage and has spurned a media circus. It has given tabloids and trashy media free access to Mr. Jackson’s private medical information. <br /><br /> Mr. Jason Pfeiffer has tried to capitalize on the hype and has gone on television to publicly discuss the records and my treatments on television.  It should be noted that Jason Pfeiffer, Muhammad Khilji with the assistance of Richard Charnley have embezzled over 12 million dollars from me leaving me in bankruptcy court. The have made illegal loans, stolen my identity, written checks, taken out loans, open and closed bank accounts, and depleted my retirement fund. <br /><br />[size=12pt]These individuals did this without my permission but I have reason to believe the concert promoter’s AEG is involved in that they have been in contact with Charnely. [/size]<br /><br />[size=12pt] Once released my records have been totally misinterpreted. [/size] They have been used by TMZ, The Beast, Anderson Cooper and various other media sources to obscure the real facts and individuals responsible for Mr. Michael Jackson’s death. First these records are not simply my records but that of three physicians treating Mr. Jackson: Myself, David Rish and Ilya Reyder. Michael was treated by me to rebuild his face for the “This is It  Tour.”<br /><br />Injection sessions to rebuild his face from the consequences of faulty plastic surgery took 3-4 hours and he was given Demerol for pain relief during these procedures. Please note the entire month of May I was out of the country so injections he received during that time were not mine.   Addiction requires the frequency and dose of medication to increase. As my treatments with Michael became less lengthily the dose of Demerol that was used and the frequency of visits was greatly reduced. The figures that have been erroneously quoted to the public indicate a grossly increased frequency of visits and size of dose than that actually used. Being a recognized authority on addiction and Mr. Jackson’s physician I was well aware of his long-standing problem with Propothol created by a plastic surgeon that Mr. Jackson subsequently discharged and was placed in a mental institution. [size=12pt]Please understand what you have experienced and I have suffered is an attempt by the greedy parties responsible for Michael Jackson’s death to use me as a scapegoat[/size]. They have defamed my name and attempted to destroy me. [size=14pt]My relationship with Mr. Jackson taught me many things one of which was the ability to survive. Now it is my turn to take action against the media and finally reveal the greedy and disgusting people who were truly responsible for Michael Jackson’s death.[/size]<br /><br />317125_2328120773739_1571307064_32203580_646790751_n.jpg<br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />Hmmmm.....I wonder if this is damage control, how much of it is hoax or if Dr. Klein is the victim of an elaborate ruse.  :?<br /><br />....too I wonder where did the defenses copy of the medical records come from?<br /> :D
  • Arnold Klein just put up a tweet regarding the hoax.<br /><br /><br />Michael death is not a hoax but the overpay of Judge Pastor and questionable history of Murray are issues.<br /><br />(I don't know how to copy and past the way the site is right now, but I wrote it word for word.)
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    I think Arnie knows about the hoax, he must.  We don't know if Michael was actually getting procedures done while at Klein's office and even if he was, I don't think he was injected with as much drugs as we are being told.  If procedures were being done, it would make sense to be on some sort of meds, a moderate amount unless you have a very high threshold for pain.  I believe Arnie helped create the back story for the hoax, to make it more believable that Michael was a drug addict for the purpose of the hoax.  People jumped to conclusions as to what Michael was doing at the office before the supposed bill was ever published on the internet.  They could've been sitting around having tea and discussing hoax stuff for all we know.  Arnie has helped create some of the most whacked-out controversial stories since Michael "died"... and we know that Michael LIVES for controversy.  All of these crazy stories make people talk about Michael, think about him, judge him, etc like they have been doing for years.  Just like how some people are judging Klein now.  I've said this before but I will reserve my judgment on Klein until actual facts that can be verified come out.  <br /><br />And the fact that Arnie linked to this forum says A LOT.  He could have found that information elsewhere, but no, he links to the OFFICIAL hoax forum.  Very telling in my opinion.
  • on 1320269545:
    <br />Thanks for posting this, im new, and i have been following this website since the beginning of 2011, and finally i decided to join. <br />about this topic, im not sure that Arnold Klien is part of the hoax, maybe he knows some information but not alot, but again who knows /bravo/ :)<br />
    <br /><br />Welcome, Susie :) Thanks for your 1st post. We don't know for sure if Arnold Klein is part of it, though the tweets are indeed interesting.<br /><br />L.O.V.E.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Arny starts the storm and then hides, i wonder if something will happen to in the few days remaining in the trial or after
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    Okay...that recent tweet has me saying WTF?? WTF?? WTF?? . Wow........ :?: So if it's not a "hoax", then why visit a site in regards to???? I don't get it. Wouldn't a doc have better things to do ? Quite confused. Oh least I know who to visit if I ever need a botox treatment. HAHA!  geek/ jK
  • on 1320280901:
    <br />I think Arnie knows about the hoax, he must.  We don't know if Michael was actually getting procedures done while at Klein's office and even if he was, I don't think he was injected with as much drugs as we are being told.  If procedures were being done, it would make sense to be on some sort of meds, a moderate amount unless you have a very high threshold for pain.  I believe Arnie helped create the back story for the hoax, to make it more believable that Michael was a drug addict for the purpose of the hoax.  People jumped to conclusions as to what Michael was doing at the office before the supposed bill was ever published on the internet.  They could've been sitting around having tea and discussing hoax stuff for all we know.  Arnie has helped create some of the most whacked-out controversial stories  :lol:since Michael "died"... and we know that Michael LIVES for controversy.  All of these crazy stories make people talk about Michael, think about him, judge him, etc like they have been doing for years.  Just like how some people are judging Klein now.  I've said this before but I will reserve my judgment on Klein until actual facts that can be verified come out. <br /><br />And the fact that Arnie linked to this forum says A LOT.  He could have found that information elsewhere, but no, he links to the OFFICIAL hoax forum.  Very telling in my opinion.<br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]Thank you Andrea for this and yes is true the CRAZY STORIES seems to never END,lol  :lol: .Remember there is always 2 SIDES OF EVERY STORY:THE DRAMA or THE COMEDY.I've saw BOTH,in this BIG HOAX and it HELPT me stay SANE,lol ,because if you know just one SIDE OF THE STORY ,it means you are either a BELIEVER or an NON BELIEVER.I choose to stay IN BETEWN/MIDDLE,and keep my sanity ,lol. :lol: !!!! <br />Arnie Klein is a very good actor also and he LOVES Michael very much.he likes DRAMA very much,but it seems that COMEDY is his favourite,ENJOY, and look for the SHOES,MICHAEL's SHOES :lol: :lol: :lol:  :shock: :shock: :lol:???????!!!!!!!!<br />[/size]<br /><br />Michael Jackson's Doctor Arnie Klein Speaks To Hollywood.TV<br />
  • on 1320269800:
    <br />
    on 1320267685:
    <br />It IS his official account on twitter and facebook from what I understand. This is very interesting and seems to fit perfectly into BACK's post regardng Arnie being on the "de-klein" lol. Something is going on most definitely. <br />If we suspect BACK to be Michael, then why would he reference something along the lines of exposing Dr. Klein yet involve him in the hoax? If he was in on anything, the gay inuendo has nothing to do with anything. It seems he stuck his foot far in his mouth and is regretting it, hence the retraction of his statements/stories in the past. He seems nervous about something and him saying the records shown in court are not his own are intriguing considering his own attorney was on both Dr. Drew and JVM confirming they were?<br /><br /> I'm not sure if anyone saw Dr. Drew yesterday with photog Ben E. who stated Michael alledgedly visited Klein and an unknown dentist daily. One which contradicts the records, and the other there is no mention of or records at all. Perhaps he didn't have anything done but why was he visiting him/"them" so often if it was true? Why the fake records? We're missing something...<br />I agree curls it is major.<br /><br />
    <br /><br /> awkmd Arnold Klein<br />… records used in court are not mine<br />31 Oct <br /><br />This is where it gets tricky...remember when the "Klein" records were shown in court, there was a comment made (not sure if it was the witness or the lawyer who mentioned it) that there was no doctors initials on the procedures performed and also that the weeks Dr. Klein "stated" he didn't see Michael in the office, there was a different doctors initials next to those procedures. <br /><br />We never saw the full medical report from Dr. Kleins office, only specific pages which referenced Demerol. So the pages that were presented in court could well have been a forgery. There was only the name of a patient (Omar Arnold) patient ID number, no doctor signature...nothing but a fake name. <br /><br />How would they know which Omar Arnold patient they are referring to? There could have been more than one patient with that name. :|<br /><br />*Something to also consider....if the autopsy report is a fake, why wouldn't Klein's records possibly be fake also?<br />
    <br />True that there must be initials or a signature on the medical documents and also true that Omar Arnold with no dob or patient# could be anybody. Arnold Klein didn't testify because the documents are not his. Although he didn't attend at the trial, he's got attention and it caused confusion and questions. People start to think (I hope so!). This trial will also prove the leaks and inconsistencies concerning the privacy of patients in health care, especially when money is the issue.
  • on 1320279519:
    <br />Arnold Klein just put up a tweet regarding the hoax.<br /><br /><br />Michael death is not a hoax but the overpay of Judge Pastor and questionable history of Murray are issues.<br /><br />(I don't know how to copy and past the way the site is right now, but I wrote it word for word.)<br />
    <br /><br />Thank you for sharing this - I interpret this to mean that he's insinuating that the judge has been bought or paid off. I'm just floored by the accusations that he put on his Facebook about the embezzlement. That is a Federal crime where officials get involved. One doesn't just accuse another on Facebook or Twitter and then forget about it like a child who has his cookie taken from the class bully. Why hasn't he reported this to Federal authorities if it's true?<br /><br />The same goes with the medical records. He should be reporting it to Federal authorities - not just crying foul. Something is really wrong with this whole picture. Either he is covering up his own guilt, he's running scared, or he's trying to draw attention for a specific reason. I just don't know what to think about this.<br /><br />Snoopy - thanks for explaining ;)<br /><br />Blessings!
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Ofcourse these are "issues" because this is a hoax. A hoax court with a judge being over payed to help create an illusion for Michael and a "doctor" hired to play a role? Very likely. As a real judge he would need compensation for this and with federal involvement it wouldn't be a crime.<br /><br />Good posts @ everlastinglove_MJ and voiceforthesilent I agree. It begs the question why if hes so concerned with crimes being committed, wouldn't he report it?<br /><br />Edit: Exactly alfarle, he was Michaels doctor/friend visiting a hoax site. His motives are confusing though. We shall see...
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1320282966:
    <br />Ofcourse these are "issues" Dr. Klein because this is a hoax. A hoax court with a judge being over payed to help create an illusion for Michael and a doctor hired to play a role? Very likely. <br /><br />Good posts @ everlastinglove_MJ and voiceforthesilent I agree. It begs the question why if hes so concerned with crimes being committed, wouldn't he report it?<br /><br />Edit: Exactly alfarle, he was Michaels doctor/friend visiting a hoax site. His motives are confusing though. We shall see..<br />
    [size=24pt][/size]<br /><br />Very true. PLUS....It's ONE thing for A DOC to say such things due to the fact that he's a bit suspect himself...BUT his FAMILY....FAMILY .....[size=36pt]FAMILY[/size] has NOT ONCE  CONFIRMED that it wasn't a hoax and I'm sure would be angered at the fact if they thought that ppl such as beLIEvers would be making a mockery out of his "death". So Klein....Um....Idk.  :?:
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Correct. So either he knows something--obviously, whatever that is--or hes scared; perhaps both.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1320285354:
    <br />Correct. So either he knows something--obviously, whatever that is--or hes scared; perhaps both.<br />
    <br /><br />Arnie's behavior has been...questionable...but I think the impressions that he's running scared is because he's ACTING that way... I do believe he has a ROLE in this hoax. ;)
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    on 1320269212:
    <br />[size=10pt]This is what Dr.Arnie Klein posted on his facebook on 29 october 2011 8-),and it goes along with the PHOTO ;)  8-): It is about Michael MEDICAL RECORDS!!!!![/size]<br /><br />Who killed Michae Jackson? please read! by ARNOLD KLEIN  <br /><br /><br />Arnold W. Klein, MD<br />Professor of Medicine and Dermatology<br />UCLA<br />Klein Chair in Dermatology UCLA<br />Consultant to the General and Plastic Surgery Devices Panel of the FDA <br />"The Most Innovative & Famous Cosmetic Dermatologist in the World”<br /> Bev Hills Times Magazine<br /><br />Subject: Hipaa Violation Report<br /><br />I am Dr. Arnold Klein of 9615 Brighton Way Ste M-110 Beverly Hills, CA 90210.  I am filing this report of a HIPAA violation regarding the records of my former patient, Mr. Michael Jackson.  <br /><br />Doctors frequently use medical software systems both for records and insurance billing these doctors input billing data, the patient’s name, billing amount, type of treatment, diagnosis, type of drugs prescribed and administered, and the date of service. This is essentially the record system in my office.  On October 27, 2009, without my permission my lawyers Richard Charnley and Brad Boyer of the law firm of Ropers, Majeski, Kohn and Bentley of 515 Flower Street Ste 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90011 in collusion with my former employee Jason Pfeiffer and former accountant Muhammad Kihilji essentially released Michael Jackson’s medical records in court supposedly to get me paid by the Jackson estate. <br /><br />I did find out until recently that this was the manner in which the mass media got hold of my records. They released the software bills showing line by line the treatment details of each visit that was unpaid at the time of Michael's untimely death. Mr. Charnley and Mr. Khilji then went on to release the entire patient chart of Michael Jackson including my notes written on the patient file to various individuals on the Internet. I recently found a copy on the office computer from Mr. Khilji.  <br /><br />This unauthorized release of Michael Jackson’s records has caused my practice untold damage and has spurned a media circus. It has given tabloids and trashy media free access to Mr. Jackson’s private <br /><br />medical information.  Mr. Jason Pfeiffer has tried to capitalize on the hype and has gone on television to publicly discuss the records and my treatments on television.  It should be noted that Jason Pfeiffer, Muhammad Khilji with the assistance of Richard Charnley have embezzled over 12 million dollars from me leaving me in bankruptcy court. The have made illegal loans, stolen my identity, written checks, taken out loans, open and closed bank accounts, and depleted my retirement fund.  <br /><br />These individuals did this without my permission but I have reason to believe the concert promoter’s AEG is involved in that they have been in contact with Charnely. .<br /><br />Once released my records have been totally misinterpreted. They have been used by TMZ, The Beast, Anderson Cooper and various other media sources to obscure the real facts and individuals responsible for Mr. Michael Jackson’s death. First these records are not simply my records but that of three physicians treating Mr. Jackson: Myself, David Rish and Ilya Reyder. Michael was treated by me to rebuild his face for the “This is It  Tour.” Injection sessions to rebuild his face from the consequences of faulty plastic surgery took 3-4 hours and he was given Demerol for pain relief during these procedures. Please note the entire month of May I was out of the country so injections he received during that time were not mine. Addiction requires the frequency and dose of medication to increase. As my treatments with Michael became less lengthily the dose of Demerol that was used and the frequency of visits was greatly reduced. The figures that have been erroneously quoted to the public indicate a grossly increased frequency of visits and size of dose than that actually used. Being a recognized authority on addiction and Mr. Jackson’s physician I was well aware of his long-standing problem with Propothol created by a plastic surgeon that Mr. Jackson subsequently discharged and was placed in a mental institution. Please understand what you have experienced and I have suffered is an attempt by the greedy parties responsible for Michael Jackson’s death to use me as a scapegoat. They have defamed my name and attempted to destroy me. My relationship with Mr. Jackson taught me many things one of which was the ability to survive. Now it is my turn to take action against the media and finally reveal the greedy and disgusting people who were truly responsible for Michael Jackson’s death.<br /><br /><br />317125_2328120773739_1571307064_32203580_646790751_n.jpg<br /><br />This message is for Mr.Arnie Klein:<br />[size=10pt]Thank you very much for LOVING Michael,ALL THIS HOAX was/is THE ADVENTURE OF MY LIFE.Because of this HOAX/ILLUSION I finally found THE TRUTH and THE MEANING OF LIFE,thank you from the bottom of my heart,God bless you  :) !!!![/size]<br />
    <br /><br />Hey applehead.....<br /><br />I did an old thread about Hippa violations, for some reason, it's not letting me copy and paste this big ol' link......if you are interested, search my posts, it's reposted on the back thread as well "Clear HIPPA Violations and More" <br /><br />Great post about Klein......thank you! <br /><br />Blessings<br />
  • According to the tweet where he posted that this isn't a hoax, means he must be in the know, he can't read this website, know MJ and NOT think it's a hoax...we think it's a hoax and we never knew MJ personally, but AK did and I'm sure he knows, either;<br /><br />-He links to this hoax site because he is in the know and bringing more attention to it<br />-He doesn't know, but stumbled upon the info of CM<br />-Or he is showing MJ he does know and figured it out, hoping that MJ doesn't pull a fast one on him...because I'm sure he knows MJ will come after him
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Arnie is totally in on it. Shifty-eyed Klein would have to have MJ's post-mortum permission to discuss his medical records without violating HIPAA regulations.<br /><br />Posted May 5, 2010:<br /><br />Shifty Eyed Klein rides again<br /><br />So Klein calls up TMZ live to proclaim that Michael Jackson was gay and Klein’s employee (son???) was the love of his life. Ok Klein, now you’ve got everyone’s attention. Fan or non-fan, who didn’t get wind of this one? It’s tailor made for gossip.<br /><br />I found this article which spawned this post,<br /><br /><br /><br />Well seems Klein has a small problem. He has violated HIPAA laws…. not once, not twice, not even recently, but many times over the course of the past 10 months. Seems every single time he has gone media whoring, Klein has violated this law.<br /><br />    "Klein began by revealing personal details about his friendship with the singer. To my surprise, he then divulged facts about Jackson that only a physician knows about a patient. In describing his first meeting with Jackson, Klein noted how the singer had “a butterfly rash and he also had severe crusting you could see on the anterior portion of his scalp.” He subsequently “did a biopsy” on Jackson and diagnosed him with Lupus, an autoimmune disorder that causes those and other symptoms.<br /><br />    Klein went on to reveal many other details, like how he was “rebuilding” Jackson’s face before his comeback concert. On the subject of drug use, Klein continued to chat up the audience. He admitted to providing Jackson with Demerol to sedate him and stated that, contrary to reports, Jackson was not “riddled with needle marks” (though Klein told King he never examined his entire body). Perhaps most revealingly, Klein, as if he had Jackson’s chart in front of him, dished about the singer’s past medical history. “Michael, at one time, had an addiction,” he said. “And he went to England and he withdrew that addiction at a secure setting, where he went off of drugs altogether. And what I told Michael when I met him in this present situation when I was seeing him, that I had to keep reducing the dosage of what he was on, because he came to me with a huge tolerance level.”<br /><br />This is a problem for Klein because he has revealed intimate medical details on one of his patients.  The HIPAA law expressly prohibits this, explained here:<br /><br />    "Basically, the law forbids medical professionals from disclosing health information unless a patient provides consent to do so. Among other things, HIPAA is the reason that your doctor can’t fax a letter to you or transfer your records to another doctor without your filling out permission forms. It’s the reason the mother of a teenage patient of mine, a nurse, was disciplined when she looked at the medical records of her own son. It’s also the reason you’ll never see me, or any other physician, reveal the identities of our patients — without their consent — when we discuss or write about them."<br /><br />Klein could face sanctions, fines, and disciplinary proceedings as a medical professional for violating this law. And Klein is of course aware of this law and the line he has crossed as exposed here in this statement released by his lawyers shortly following 6-25-09:<br /><br />    “Dr. Klein is aware of media reports connecting him to Michael Jackson. Because of patient confidentiality, Dr. Klein will make no statement on any reports or allegations. Out of respect for his patients and adherence to federal HIPAA regulations, Dr. Klein asks that the media not contact him or his patients, nor interfere with their medical treatments. Like millions of Michael’s fans around the world, Dr. Klein is saddened by Michael’s death and extends his condolences to the family.”<br /><br />Following this statement, Klein set off on the talk show circuit.<br /><br />What makes this situation truly odd is this. Klein touts himself “dermatologist to the stars”. By “betraying” Michael, Klein has committed virtual career suicide. Tell me what celebrity wants to continue to be a patient of shifty eyed, loose lips Klein, now that he is acting as the tabloid source for all things juicy following the “death” of one of his high profile clients? Call me crazy but I don’t see a lot of Hollywood’s A list signing up to be the next source for fodder.<br /><br />If this was for real, Klein’s office would be instantly transformed into a ghost town with nothing on the book. Suddenly this man should be experiencing a whole lot of free time for his willful sharing of personal information. Why in the world would Klein DO this?<br /><br />Really the whole thing makes no sense UNLESS Klein is covered under one of the follwoing two loopholes in this law.<br /><br />    -Klein is telling LIES, which does not violate the HIPAA law because the information is not accurate, or<br />    -Michael gave Klein consent to speak publically about his medical conditions<br /><br />The author of the referenced article closed with this statement:<br /><br />    "At the same time, said Phillips, it’s possible that Jackson may have given Klein permission to discuss his PHI, or private health information, in public. In that case, Phillips [Stephen K. Phillips, a healthcare attorney in San Francisco] said, “you haven’t violated the law by doing so, unless and until that authorization is withdrawn.” I tried to contact Klein to clarify these important points several times, but never received a response. His attorney didn’t get back to me either."<br /><br />So Klein could be straight up lying… and free and clear under the law… but playing a very dangerous game with his career, or Michael is directing him to talk. Bottom line,  when you look at the law, and the facts, Klein is good for the hoax.<br /><br />
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1320289815:
    <br />According to the tweet where he posted that this isn't a hoax, means he must be in the know, he can't read this website, know MJ and NOT think it's a hoax...we think it's a hoax and we never knew MJ personally, but AK did and I'm sure he knows, either;<br /><br />-He links to this hoax site because he is in the know and bringing more attention to it<br />-He doesn't know, but stumbled upon the info of CM<br />-Or he is showing MJ he does know and figured it out, hoping that MJ doesn't pull a fast one on him...because I'm sure he knows MJ will come after him<br />
    <br /><br />Those are some very valid points. :)  /bravo/
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