My life is in Danger...

mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Been doing a lot of thinking all this weekend. Searching, reading, studying, analyzing, going over old material. I am going to make a list of people to whom MJ conveyed the words that he thought he would be murdered. OK here goes....
1) Latoya
2) Jermaine
3) Katherine
4) Diet Wiszner (or whatever his name)
5) Dick Gregory

** Ok if anyone have names to add please add them thought on this is ..why did MJ not go to authorities? If he feared so heavily for his life and his children's life? The only reason I could think of is...maybe he did not trust LAPD? or the FBI? I just cannot understand if he had the fear of murder why he did not go to authorities. Of course we do not know if he has entered witness protection because some members have debunked the witness protection theory saying due to the rules and regulations of witness protection it would not fit to MJ's situation. I just cannot see MJ standing by and not acting on his fears u know! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> DId MJ just give up? ANd say oh well ( reason he saying goodbye to Klein's office staff and others?) it is not like him. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> Bottom line my biggest fear in all of this is that the state of California officials including LAPD are sooo corrupt until MJ did not have a way out? and thus succumbed to his death? Help me because I did not sleep one week thinking about this and have been up all night long. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> How do I justify the corruptness of LAPD and California is due to the way the 2005 trial was handled. So someone help me out because ...i don't know what else to think.Joe even went on Larry King and named names! Remember? He was like Thome and LAPD investigated them? Probably not because it would be kinda hard to prove that it was/is actually a conspiracy. ooooh idk anymore. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->


  • With Michael saying goodbye to Klien and his staff, is a real good indication that he knew he could be leaving. I cannot imagine for 1 minute that Michael would just sit back and wait for the inevitable. I believe that he made major exit with the help of others.
    Money talks and if people believe that they are helping you it encourages thm to go along with your plans to escape. JMO

    The only thing that I find hard to believe is ...... where can Michael ever go where he won't be recognized and does'nt he need meds for his Vitalago ???
  • Been doing a lot of thinking all this weekend. Searching, reading, studying, analyzing, going over old material. I am going to make a list of people to whom MJ conveyed the words that he thought he would be murdered. OK here goes....
    1) Latoya
    2) Jermaine
    3) Katherine
    4) Diet Wiszner (or whatever his name)
    5) Dick Gregory

    ** Ok if anyone have names to add please add them thought on this is ..why did MJ not go to authorities? If he feared so heavily for his life and his children's life? The only reason I could think of is...maybe he did not trust LAPD? or the FBI? I just cannot understand if he had the fear of murder why he did not go to authorities.

    Who could he trust..? Have you forgotten about what happened between 2003-2005..? The attempt to bring him down, by the authorities..?
    Of course we do not know if he has entered witness protection because some members have debunked the witness protection theory saying due to the rules and regulations of witness protection it would not fit to MJ's situation. I just cannot see MJ standing by and not acting on his fears u know! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> DId MJ just give up? ANd say oh well ( reason he saying goodbye to Klein's office staff and others?) it is not like him. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> Bottom line my biggest fear in all of this is that the state of California officials including LAPD are sooo corrupt until MJ did not have a way out? and thus succumbed to his death? Help me because I did not sleep one week thinking about this and have been up all night long. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> How do I justify the corruptness of LAPD and California is due to the way the 2005 trial was handled. So someone help me out because ...i don't know what else to think.Joe even went on Larry King and named names! Remember? He was like Thome and LAPD investigated them? Probably not because it would be kinda hard to prove that it was/is actually a conspiracy. ooooh idk anymore. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    For some reason, and this is just a gut feeling, I can't get rid of the the idea of a "trial behind the scenes" against those involved in conspiring against MJ, or a group of people constructing a rock solid criminal case against those involved in conspiring against MJ while the attention of the world is focusing on a dead MJ. Some people we suspect of involvement in conspiring against MJ have completely disappeared since July 2009.

    Where's Mottola, where's Tohme, where's Malnik and where's Sneddon..? Mottola gave an interview right after June 25th and since then we haven't heard anything from or about him. Tohme has vanished completely, the interview he was supposed to do on Larry King Live in November was canceled and although it was said he'd appear the week after, that never happened. Malnik's wife leaked pics of Mike and the Malniks shortly after June 25th, and that was it. We haven't heard from or about Al Malnik himself. There was a short statement by Sneddon published months after June 25th, but we don't know if that statement came from Sneddon himself.

    Maybe there is a "trial behind the scenes". Remember that during the second hearing people were moved to another court room in which no cameras were allowed. The Murray hearings could be "cover ups" for preliminary hearings of a real trial taking place. That would explain the Jacksons showing up in court, being angry and upset while leaving.

    Just my 2 cents...
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    I really believe Michael would never in a million years just give up, if he thought his life was in danger. For the number one reason.......his children. I have read so many reports of what a great father he is etc. I don't believe he's a druggie either.
    I have wondered why, if he really did think his life was in danger, he returned to the US at all. He could have rehearsed other places in the world.....still have done This Is It. Somewhere a long time ago, I read that if he was going to "die", it would be best played out in L.A. The world would not question it as much. Plus, the bonus feature of making the LAPD looking like fools. The perfect place for a hoax. He did have the best movie-making technology at his disposal screen, back-drops, actors, etc.
    I hope you are feeling better today........make me sad to read a fellow member is having a difficult time <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    It's all a great adventure....remember that.

    Many Blessings!
  • Of course we do not know if he has entered witness protection because some members have debunked the witness protection theory saying due to the rules and regulations of witness protection it would not fit to MJ's situation. I just cannot see MJ standing by and not acting on his fears u know! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> DId MJ just give up? ANd say oh well ( reason he saying goodbye to Klein's office staff and others?) it is not like him. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> Bottom line my biggest fear in all of this is that the state of California officials including LAPD are sooo corrupt until MJ did not have a way out? and thus succumbed to his death? Help me because I did not sleep one week thinking about this and have been up all night long. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> How do I justify the corruptness of LAPD and California is due to the way the 2005 trial was handled. So someone help me out because ...i don't know what else to think.Joe even went on Larry King and named names! Remember? He was like Thome and LAPD investigated them? Probably not because it would be kinda hard to prove that it was/is actually a conspiracy. ooooh idk anymore. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    For some reason, and this is just a gut feeling, I can't get rid of the the idea of a "trial behind the scenes" against those involved in conspiring against MJ, or a group of people constructing a rock solid criminal case against those involved in conspiring against MJ while the attention of the world is focusing on a dead MJ. Some people we suspect of involvement in conspiring against MJ have completely disappeared since July 2009.

    Where's Mottola, where's Tohme, where's Malnik and where's Sneddon..? Mottola gave an interview right after June 25th and since then we haven't heard anything from or about him. Tohme has vanished completely, the interview he was supposed to do on Larry King Live in November was canceled and although it was said he'd appear the week after, that never happened. Malnik's wife leaked pics of Mike and the Malniks shortly after June 25th, and that was it. We haven't heard from or about Al Malnik himself. There was a short statement by Sneddon published months after June 25th, but we don't know if that statement came from Sneddon himself.

    Maybe there is a "trial behind the scenes". Remember that during the second hearing people were moved to another court room in which no cameras were allowed. The Murray hearings could be "cover ups" for preliminary hearings of a real trial taking place. That would explain the Jacksons showing up in court, being angry and upset while leaving.

    Just my 2 cents...

    A trial behind the scenes is very possible.
    I also remember the different live streams during the Easter hearing. The TMZ Live Stream was different from the ET Online one.
    The hearing was shedule at 8:30AM, but TMZ wrote:

    And on Apr 2nd 'Conrad Murray' tweeted:
    The media will manipulate any facts to generate the outcome that will create the most public interest. Things are not always as they seem
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    I can't see a behind the sceans trial going on, I mean the public has the right to know about any trial, except family court, thats private, but if it involves public office like LAPD then it would have to be made known a docot.
  • Of course we do not know if he has entered witness protection because some members have debunked the witness protection theory saying due to the rules and regulations of witness protection it would not fit to MJ's situation. I just cannot see MJ standing by and not acting on his fears u know! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> DId MJ just give up? ANd say oh well ( reason he saying goodbye to Klein's office staff and others?) it is not like him. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> Bottom line my biggest fear in all of this is that the state of California officials including LAPD are sooo corrupt until MJ did not have a way out? and thus succumbed to his death? Help me because I did not sleep one week thinking about this and have been up all night long. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> How do I justify the corruptness of LAPD and California is due to the way the 2005 trial was handled. So someone help me out because ...i don't know what else to think.Joe even went on Larry King and named names! Remember? He was like Thome and LAPD investigated them? Probably not because it would be kinda hard to prove that it was/is actually a conspiracy. ooooh idk anymore. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    For some reason, and this is just a gut feeling, I can't get rid of the the idea of a "trial behind the scenes" against those involved in conspiring against MJ, or a group of people constructing a rock solid criminal case against those involved in conspiring against MJ while the attention of the world is focusing on a dead MJ. Some people we suspect of involvement in conspiring against MJ have completely disappeared since July 2009.

    Where's Mottola, where's Tohme, where's Malnik and where's Sneddon..? Mottola gave an interview right after June 25th and since then we haven't heard anything from or about him. Tohme has vanished completely, the interview he was supposed to do on Larry King Live in November was canceled and although it was said he'd appear the week after, that never happened. Malnik's wife leaked pics of Mike and the Malniks shortly after June 25th, and that was it. We haven't heard from or about Al Malnik himself. There was a short statement by Sneddon published months after June 25th, but we don't know if that statement came from Sneddon himself.

    Maybe there is a "trial behind the scenes". Remember that during the second hearing people were moved to another court room in which no cameras were allowed. The Murray hearings could be "cover ups" for preliminary hearings of a real trial taking place. That would explain the Jacksons showing up in court, being angry and upset while leaving.

    Just my 2 cents...

    A trial behind the scenes is very possible.
    I also remember the different live streams during the Easter hearing. The TMZ Live Stream was different from the ET Online one.
    The hearing was shedule at 8:30AM, but TMZ wrote:

    And on Apr 2nd 'Conrad Murray' tweeted:
    The media will manipulate any facts to generate the outcome that will create the most public interest. Things are not always as they seem

    Yep, that hearing was indeed scheduled for 8:30AM!


  • I can't see a behind the sceans trial going on, I mean the public has the right to know about any trial, except family court, thats private, but if it involves public office like LAPD then it would have to be made known a docot.

    The persons I named have nothing to do with the LAPD, nor is any of them an employer of a public office (anymore). I'd say that if there's a trial taking place then it won't be against the puppets (i.e. LAPD), but against the puppet masters.

    Next to that - if i.e. the FBI is involved, they have the power and ways to hold a trial behind the scenes.
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    I can't see a behind the sceans trial going on, I mean the public has the right to know about any trial, except family court, thats private, but if it involves public office like LAPD then it would have to be made known a docot.

    The persons I named have nothing to do with the LAPD, nor is any of them an employer of a public office (anymore). I'd say that if there's a trial taking place then it won't be against the puppets (i.e. LAPD), but against the puppet masters.

    Next to that - if i.e. the FBI is involved, they have the power and ways to hold a trial behind the scenes.

    You seem to know alot about the American justice system
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    All I'm saying is that its not possible, if a criminal trial is going on, it has to be made public, to do a behinds the scenes trial is crazy, the Ameican public , not to mention the politicans would have a field day. Just my 2 cents of course.
  • All I'm saying is that its not possible, if a criminal trial is going on, it has to be made public, to do a behinds the scenes trial is crazy, the Ameican public , not to mention the politicans would have a field day. Just my 2 cents of course.

    Don't underestimate the FBI's power..
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    All I'm saying is that its not possible, if a criminal trial is going on, it has to be made public, to do a behinds the scenes trial is crazy, the Ameican public , not to mention the politicans would have a field day. Just my 2 cents of course.

    Don't underestimate the FBI's power..

    Sorry I don't buy it.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    All I'm saying is that its not possible, if a criminal trial is going on, it has to be made public, to do a behinds the scenes trial is crazy, the Ameican public , not to mention the politicans would have a field day. Just my 2 cents of course.

    Don't underestimate the FBI's power..

    Sorry I don't buy it.

    Sorry, but it IS possible. They do make it public, yet under aliases.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • backstagerbackstager Posts: 291
    IF it's behind the scenes, it can't be for long. The public (citizens, press, etc.) are vultures. They'll find out some way. I don't completely buy this.
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    All I'm saying is that its not possible, if a criminal trial is going on, it has to be made public, to do a behinds the scenes trial is crazy, the Ameican public , not to mention the politicans would have a field day. Just my 2 cents of course.

    Don't underestimate the FBI's power..

    Sorry I don't buy it.

    Sorry, but it IS possible. They do make it public, yet under aliases.

    You'll have to prove it to me beyond a reasonable doubt, with examples.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    I think it is very well possible to hold a trial behind a trial.
    We witness politics behind and in front of the curtain.
    We witness science behind and in front of the curtain.
    We witness business behind and in front of the curtain.
    In most cases, the games behind and in front of the curtain are not the same and the "puppetmasters" in fact think we are so dumb to not notice their double-faced gambling.
    Recently, some members of a European conservative party stated in public that they would not trust people's votes as the "dumb masses" were not capable to judge over important matters. They really think we are that dumb. They really do.

    So first of all, we have the sceneries already casted in concrete to not let the public know what the real action in fact is about. This is nothing new even with regards to trials.
    In addition: must a public trial be a correct, sober and clean one? We know this is not necessarily the case.

    Michael's trials were not played in front of the public curtain only. Much of the battle was fought behind.
    Michael's trials were not correct, sober nor clean and the public eye did NOT serve as a regulating factor for fairness. The contrary was the case. Many, many folks jumped on a initiated train of "we wanna see 'em hanging" without really knowing what they were talking about. Like in the Middle Ages. God forbid.

    Everything in this "case" has been doubled.
    Why exclude the trial?
    What if the illusion is much bigger than we can imagine?
    What if Doc Murray is only the front horse taking the public attention and the real, important action is taking place in the fog created around him?

    I cannot get the "list of foes" of blogger "Back" on in July 28, 2005 out of my mind. The person sounds very much involved in the 2005 trial and very "p.." of the persons listed.
    Did we miss any recent information on those listed here?

  • Been doing a lot of thinking all this weekend. Searching, reading, studying, analyzing, going over old material. I am going to make a list of people to whom MJ conveyed the words that he thought he would be murdered. OK here goes....
    1) Latoya
    2) Jermaine
    3) Katherine
    4) Diet Wiszner (or whatever his name) Dieter Wiesner I think
    5) Dick Gregory

    ** Ok if anyone have names to add please add them thought on this is ..why did MJ not go to authorities? If he feared so heavily for his life and his children's life? The only reason I could think of is...maybe he did not trust LAPD? or the FBI? I just cannot understand if he had the fear of murder why he did not go to authorities. Of course we do not know if he has entered witness protection because some members have debunked the witness protection theory saying due to the rules and regulations of witness protection it would not fit to MJ's situation. I just cannot see MJ standing by and not acting on his fears u know! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> DId MJ just give up? ANd say oh well ( reason he saying goodbye to Klein's office staff and others?) it is not like him. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> Bottom line my biggest fear in all of this is that the state of California officials including LAPD are sooo corrupt until MJ did not have a way out? and thus succumbed to his death? Help me because I did not sleep one week thinking about this and have been up all night long. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> How do I justify the corruptness of LAPD and California is due to the way the 2005 trial was handled. So someone help me out because ...i don't know what else to think.Joe even went on Larry King and named names! Remember? He was like Thome and LAPD investigated them? Probably not because it would be kinda hard to prove that it was/is actually a conspiracy. ooooh idk anymore. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    I can't think of anything else at the moment but of a (parallel) secret (FBI) investigation behind closed curtains, because it might be hot. Are the "puppet masters" in hiding, because they seem to have disappeared?

    6. JUNE, his spiritual adviser
    7. Joe J.

    I have read (don't remember where), Elvis had been offered witness protection program, but declined out of fear not to be able to get into contact with his loved ones then. So I guess, it could have been a similar scenario of protection, but with the possibility to stay in contact with special family members or people, who he trusted?
  • who is this wilson person?
  • All I'm saying is that its not possible, if a criminal trial is going on, it has to be made public, to do a behinds the scenes trial is crazy, the Ameican public , not to mention the politicans would have a field day. Just my 2 cents of course.

    Don't underestimate the FBI's power..

    Sorry I don't buy it.

    Sorry, but it IS possible. They do make it public, yet under aliases.

    You'll have to prove it to me beyond a reasonable doubt, with examples.

    It would not be the first thing that happened in this whole saga of which you never expected it could happen, would it Jude..?
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    All I'm saying is that its not possible, if a criminal trial is going on, it has to be made public, to do a behinds the scenes trial is crazy, the Ameican public , not to mention the politicans would have a field day. Just my 2 cents of course.

    Don't underestimate the FBI's power..

    Sorry I don't buy it.

    Sorry, but it IS possible. They do make it public, yet under aliases.

    You'll have to prove it to me beyond a reasonable doubt, with examples.

    It would not be the first thing that happened in this whole saga of which you never expected it could happen, would it Jude..?

    We are talking about the LAW here, peoples fundimental rights are based upon their right to know , if there is a criminal case going on, then people have the right to sit in and hear the case. It has to be showing on a docot somewhere. So for me this behind the scenes trial is ridiculas and obsurd. Now an investigation behind the scenes is more then possible, but try and possibly send someone to jail behind the scenes? Nope. Hell why even bother with a trial in that case.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    All I'm saying is that its not possible, if a criminal trial is going on, it has to be made public, to do a behinds the scenes trial is crazy, the Ameican public , not to mention the politicans would have a field day. Just my 2 cents of course.

    Don't underestimate the FBI's power..

    Sorry I don't buy it.

    Sorry, but it IS possible. They do make it public, yet under aliases.

    You'll have to prove it to me beyond a reasonable doubt, with examples.

    Now I wonder why you are still here, has anyone proven to you beyond a reasonable doubt, with examples, that Mike is still alive?

    But here you have some reading material, in case you're bored:

    <!-- m -->http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf ... e12201.htm<!-- m -->
    <!-- m --> ... trial.html<!-- m -->
    <!-- m --> ... ecret.html<!-- m -->
    <!-- m --> ... =rule2_551<!-- m -->
    <!-- m --> ... 5-385.html<!-- m -->
    <!-- m --> ... enDocument<!-- m -->

    Beyond reasonable doubt? Nope, secrecy is a bitch. But there is enough to be found on the net about documents/hearings and even trials under seal.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I really believe Michael would never in a million years just give up, if he thought his life was in danger. For the number one reason.......his children. I have read so many reports of what a great father he is etc. I don't believe he's a druggie either.
    I have wondered why, if he really did think his life was in danger, he returned to the US at all. He could have rehearsed other places in the world.....still have done This Is It. Somewhere a long time ago, I read that if he was going to "die", it would be best played out in L.A. The world would not question it as much. Plus, the bonus feature of making the LAPD looking like fools. The perfect place for a hoax. He did have the best movie-making technology at his disposal screen, back-drops, actors, etc.
    I hope you are feeling better today........make me sad to read a fellow member is having a difficult time <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    It's all a great adventure....remember that.

    Many Blessings!
    I guess we'll never know until Michael himself tells us, since we almost don't really believe anyone's word for it. For me, the answers are always given in observing his 3 kids. And I agree there could still very well be hidden trials going on. During the 2005 trial MJ had Nation of Islam for protection, and how do we know if he may not have even mafia protection this time. Are all mafia groups the same evil? Certain mafia against the Illuminati!! I wouldn't rule out anything. And if it's about bigger powers on trial, like corrupt governments he definately might need powerful friends. We'll just need to look deeper and stay tuned for the duration of this adventure.
  • All I'm saying is that its not possible, if a criminal trial is going on, it has to be made public, to do a behinds the scenes trial is crazy, the Ameican public , not to mention the politicans would have a field day. Just my 2 cents of course.

    Don't underestimate the FBI's power..

    Sorry I don't buy it.

    Sorry, but it IS possible. They do make it public, yet under aliases.

    You'll have to prove it to me beyond a reasonable doubt, with examples.

    It would not be the first thing that happened in this whole saga of which you never expected it could happen, would it Jude..?

    We are talking about the LAW here, peoples fundimental rights are based upon their right to know , if there is a criminal case going on, then people have the right to sit in and hear the case. It has to be showing on a docot somewhere. So for me this behind the scenes trial is ridiculas and obsurd. Now an investigation behind the scenes is more then possible, but try and possibly send someone to jail behind the scenes? Nope. Hell why even bother with a trial in that case.

    Peoples fundamental rights..? I'm sorry, but I rolled off the couch from laughter when I read that! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I'm sorry Jude, but I don't know if you have been reading anything on all the SHIT that is going on in the world, and especially in the USA? Let me tell you a secret about peoples fundamental rights Jude...the puppet masters wipe their asses with that! Peoples fundamental rights are severely violated every day Jude, in case you didn't know yet...

    So, if for once peoples fundamental rights would be violated for a good purpose, then they have my blessing!
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    All I'm saying is that its not possible, if a criminal trial is going on, it has to be made public, to do a behinds the scenes trial is crazy, the Ameican public , not to mention the politicans would have a field day. Just my 2 cents of course.

    Don't underestimate the FBI's power..

    Sorry I don't buy it.

    Sorry, but it IS possible. They do make it public, yet under aliases.

    You'll have to prove it to me beyond a reasonable doubt, with examples.

    Now I wonder why you are still here, has anyone proven to you beyond a reasonable doubt, with examples, that Mike is still alive?

    But here you have some reading material, in case you're bored:

    <!-- m -->http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf ... e12201.htm<!-- m -->
    <!-- m --> ... trial.html<!-- m -->
    <!-- m --> ... ecret.html<!-- m -->
    <!-- m --> ... =rule2_551<!-- m -->
    <!-- m --> ... 5-385.html<!-- m -->
    <!-- m --> ... enDocument<!-- m -->

    Beyond reasonable doubt? Nope, secrecy is a bitch. But there is enough to be found on the net about documents/hearings and even trials under seal.

    As I've posted before, nothing, and I mean nothing has been proven, its all speculation, and thats why I'm here. To find the truth about what happened to Michael Jackson. Seeing as you took the time to post links, I will have a look, when I get the time and certainly not from boardom.
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    All I'm saying is that its not possible, if a criminal trial is going on, it has to be made public, to do a behinds the scenes trial is crazy, the Ameican public , not to mention the politicans would have a field day. Just my 2 cents of course.

    Don't underestimate the FBI's power..

    Sorry I don't buy it.

    Sorry, but it IS possible. They do make it public, yet under aliases.

    You'll have to prove it to me beyond a reasonable doubt, with examples.

    It would not be the first thing that happened in this whole saga of which you never expected it could happen, would it Jude..?

    We are talking about the LAW here, peoples fundimental rights are based upon their right to know , if there is a criminal case going on, then people have the right to sit in and hear the case. It has to be showing on a docot somewhere. So for me this behind the scenes trial is ridiculas and obsurd. Now an investigation behind the scenes is more then possible, but try and possibly send someone to jail behind the scenes? Nope. Hell why even bother with a trial in that case.

    Peoples fundamental rights..? I'm sorry, but I rolled off the couch from laughter when I read that! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I'm sorry Jude, but I don't know if you have been reading anything on all the SHIT that is going on in the world, and especially in the USA? Let me tell you a secret about peoples fundamental rights Jude...the puppet masters wipe their asses with that! Peoples fundamental rights are severely violated every day Jude, in case you didn't know yet..

    Well of course I do, does that mean that every case out there is a conspiracy? No, and there are success stories everyday, but if people only want to focus on the negative every day of their lives then thats all that can be expected.
  • All I'm saying is that its not possible, if a criminal trial is going on, it has to be made public, to do a behinds the scenes trial is crazy, the Ameican public , not to mention the politicans would have a field day. Just my 2 cents of course.

    Don't underestimate the FBI's power..

    Sorry I don't buy it.

    Sorry, but it IS possible. They do make it public, yet under aliases.

    You'll have to prove it to me beyond a reasonable doubt, with examples.

    It would not be the first thing that happened in this whole saga of which you never expected it could happen, would it Jude..?

    We are talking about the LAW here, peoples fundimental rights are based upon their right to know , if there is a criminal case going on, then people have the right to sit in and hear the case. It has to be showing on a docot somewhere. So for me this behind the scenes trial is ridiculas and obsurd. Now an investigation behind the scenes is more then possible, but try and possibly send someone to jail behind the scenes? Nope. Hell why even bother with a trial in that case.

    Peoples fundamental rights..? I'm sorry, but I rolled off the couch from laughter when I read that! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I'm sorry Jude, but I don't know if you have been reading anything on all the SHIT that is going on in the world, and especially in the USA? Let me tell you a secret about peoples fundamental rights Jude...the puppet masters wipe their asses with that! Peoples fundamental rights are severely violated every day Jude, in case you didn't know yet..

    Well of course I do, does that mean that every case out there is a conspiracy? No, and there are success stories everyday, but if people only want to focus on the negative every day of their lives then thats all that can be expected.

    I did not say that every case is a conspiracy, and no, I don't think that every case is a conspiracy, but I recognize shit when I smell it. I'm sorry, but I have no idea what your "success stories" have to do with a trial taking place behind the scenes and the other things we previously discussed, maybe you can enlighten me?
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