My life is in Danger...



  • Always been my theory that Michael's life had been seriously threatened. He got the hell out like any reasonable human being would have done before it was too late. I stand by my belief that he is in some kind of protection program. No clue where or who is running it, but I do feel that he is being protected from some very serious criminal elements. He is the most well known human being on earth. Surely he wouldn't just be "murdered and his murder be treated like yesterday's garbage. I just can't allow myself to believe that. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> something went awry and Michael went ghost <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> just as he should have.
    It's so sad to see when people worry about Michael. I mean I worry about him too, but not because I think his life was in danger.
    I wrote my above post especially to people like you - maybe it can help you to see things more positively. If you don't believe DD was Michael, you can still give it another chance if you want:
    For those who believe it was Michael as Dave Dave on LKL:
    Always been my theory that Michael's life had been seriously threatened. He got the hell out like any reasonable human being would have done before it was too late. I stand by my belief that he is in some kind of protection program. No clue where or who is running it, but I do feel that he is being protected from some very serious criminal elements. He is the most well known human being on earth. Surely he wouldn't just be "murdered and his murder be treated like yesterday's garbage. I just can't allow myself to believe that. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> something went awry and Michael went ghost <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> just as he should have.
    It's so sad to see when people worry about Michael. I mean I worry about him too, but not because I think his life was in danger.
    I wrote my above post especially to people like you - maybe it can help you to see things more positively. If you don't believe DD was Michael, you can still give it another chance if you want:

    He showed the world that he is alive. If he had dangerous enemies threatening his life, why would he have showed them that he only faked his death??? Don't you think his enemies would want to kidnap someone from Michael's family at least, as a revenge, but principally to get what they want? The Jackson family doesn't look threatened at all...

    I hope I hit the right quote button <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> I always put these in the wrong spot

    I don't think the danger he was in included his family members. The threat was against him and him only. No one in his family holds a smidgen of the power that Michal holds. They are incidentals and of no importance to them. The threat in my opinion was against the Golden child and Michael is he. I have had this feeling from the beginning and though I have heard some other very good theories, this one sticks with me. So this is my truth and so far, nothing over shadows it in my heart.
    The threat could have been only against Michael, but his enemies can get what they want from him if they kidnap his children, for example. But the kids are fine.
    All I wanted to say is that you don't appear on tv, even in a disguise, if you want your enemies think that you are dead. But Michael did appear on LKL as DD - at least I believe if he is alive it was him. That "DD" looked like Michael and didn't look like the real DD. Who else could that be if not Michael?
    That interview makes me believe that he is alive and well.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    Been doing a lot of thinking all this weekend. Searching, reading, studying, analyzing, going over old material. I am going to make a list of people to whom MJ conveyed the words that he thought he would be murdered. OK here goes....
    1) Latoya
    2) Jermaine
    3) Katherine
    4) Diet Wiszner (or whatever his name)
    5) Dick Gregory

    ** Ok if anyone have names to add please add them thought on this is ..why did MJ not go to authorities? If he feared so heavily for his life and his children's life? The only reason I could think of is...maybe he did not trust LAPD? or the FBI? I just cannot understand if he had the fear of murder why he did not go to authorities.

    Who could he trust..? Have you forgotten about what happened between 2003-2005..? The attempt to bring him down, by the authorities..?
    Of course we do not know if he has entered witness protection because some members have debunked the witness protection theory saying due to the rules and regulations of witness protection it would not fit to MJ's situation. I just cannot see MJ standing by and not acting on his fears u know! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> DId MJ just give up? ANd say oh well ( reason he saying goodbye to Klein's office staff and others?) it is not like him. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> Bottom line my biggest fear in all of this is that the state of California officials including LAPD are sooo corrupt until MJ did not have a way out? and thus succumbed to his death? Help me because I did not sleep one week thinking about this and have been up all night long. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> How do I justify the corruptness of LAPD and California is due to the way the 2005 trial was handled. So someone help me out because ...i don't know what else to think.Joe even went on Larry King and named names! Remember? He was like Thome and LAPD investigated them? Probably not because it would be kinda hard to prove that it was/is actually a conspiracy. ooooh idk anymore. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    For some reason, and this is just a gut feeling, I can't get rid of the the idea of a "trial behind the scenes" against those involved in conspiring against MJ, or a group of people constructing a rock solid criminal case against those involved in conspiring against MJ while the attention of the world is focusing on a dead MJ. Some people we suspect of involvement in conspiring against MJ have completely disappeared since July 2009.

    Where's Mottola, where's Tohme, where's Malnik and where's Sneddon..? Mottola gave an interview right after June 25th and since then we haven't heard anything from or about him. Tohme has vanished completely, the interview he was supposed to do on Larry King Live in November was canceled and although it was said he'd appear the week after, that never happened. Malnik's wife leaked pics of Mike and the Malniks shortly after June 25th, and that was it. We haven't heard from or about Al Malnik himself. There was a short statement by Sneddon published months after June 25th, but we don't know if that statement came from Sneddon himself.
    Maybe there is a "trial behind the scenes". Remember that during the second hearing people were moved to another court room in which no cameras were allowed. The Murray hearings could be "cover ups" for preliminary hearings of a real trial taking place. That would explain the Jacksons showing up in court, being angry and upset while leaving.

    Just my 2 cents...

    Mo, Is the pics here on the forum that were leaked out and what were the "supposed" statements made by Sneddon. I would like to look at this.
  • I think Michael did fear for his life - it´s quite obvious he did - but I also think he never REALLY thought that anyone would be able to get to him. He had all those bodyguards, the security system, everything.

    Maybe he didn´t realize that the threat could come from the inner circle of friends or employees. People he trusted. When you expect it the least..... <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    Enemies always try to get in your innercircle when you have something what they want.
    It is sad, but these things happen.
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