MysteriousMind - Chapter 4 (shocking)



  • mjsgirl89mjsgirl89 Posts: 378
    WOW...this seriously BLEW MY MIND!!!! what gets me though is in all the vids of David dancing with others superimposed over kinda looks 'odd' like you can tell it was CGI, but with Mike in TII it looks like a 'real' person...ik it has been a few years between his vids and TII and there were probably some technological advances...or maybe they superimposed his whole body rather than just a head (which is what I'm really thinkin' right now) the same time 'Mikes' new style of dance looks VERY 'flexy' (much like David's)and not precise like MJ usually is...GEEZ...idk what to think, but this is a DEF possibility, no doubt about that!!!!!

    Edit: I hope this makes sense...I'm TERRIBLE at explaining stuff <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • IntegrityIntegrity Posts: 449
    When I first saw TII and all the times after that I SAID & NEW IN MY HEART THAT IT WAS NOT MJ.
    This was not new information for me.
    But David Bernal on the credits of TII is BIG NEWS! INCREDIBLE NEWS:) <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
    What CGI computered generated imagery can do is ALSO BIG NEWS! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
    Maybe was it to make the haox seem unreal?
    Or maybe this will make the comback even greater WHEN THE REAL MICHAEL JACKSON COMES BACK.
    Or did he just want to see if anybody was paying attention or would even figure it out!!
    We are all tumbling down the rabbit hole and soon WE WILL KNOW THE TRUTH & THE TRUTH WILL SET US FREE.
  • robdrobd Posts: 106
    Perhaps MJ just threw his name into the hoax mix to really confuse everyone and get them talking even more about the possiblities of what is really possible with todays technology and how what you see isn't always what is real? Another clue?
  • Guys, let's not lose track of reality! I know it's hard when it comes to MJ <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->, BUT:
    This superimposing technique can be used for video purposes, but the people doing the actual shooting (for instance all the dancers and crew who rehearsed with Michael, and all the crew doing the shooting in "Alice in Wonderland") would know WHO was dancing in front of them! And let's keep in mind that Michael didn't just exist in TII or in an alternate reality... He was out and about with his kids, meeting people (including fans outside his house) etc. Why are you talking about him trying to look younger?! I mean, some people saw him in everyday life...
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    I guess Michael achieved what he wanted, pioneering a technique in filming. When he will reveal himself to celebrate this? Otherwise there was no point because hundreds of thousands his fans did not get his genius untill someone explains. Not all fans daily investigate MJ's death hoax to discover this, many of them believe he is dead.
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    I would like to understand this. I am searching an answer for this since the theory about the doubles came on. I still don't think it is about doubles in TII. About Bernal, it would be really helpful to have someone who would explain us with good details how can this be done. If the head can be attached.. then how about the hands? I personally have the Blu Ray version of TII, and I clearily see those are his hands, his fingers. It would help a lot to have someone to explain us the double theory in this case
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    I find those commercials made by Bernal looking kind of fake.. in the meaning that it's something that makes you say "well, it's something strange, it's a computer work here". In TII no. In TII everything looks, moves naturally. In Bernal's commercial you can see something "broken" in the head-body relation. Like one of them is not ok. In TII no. I never agreed on the double theory and I think I won't be able to agree until someone helps us and gives us good explanations.
  • I dont believe it, that handsome gentleman in This Is It is definitely Michael all over... you can tell by the hands, posture and so on.. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    Totally agree <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> It has a very good point though <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • LUNALUNA Posts: 361
    but..... <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> i read "movement coach:mj (as d. bernal)" and it means a different thing,to me:it's like they're saying that the movement coach is mj!!
    mj = movement coach,but mj himself features bernal <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    does mike want us to think that we've seen an "impersonator" in tii?? .....i don't know why,but it's written in the video, "movement coach:mj".
    it reminds to me the impersonator in red (do you remember him?? he was close to jermy and his body language seemed belonging to mj's!!) that we saw in the party footages..... probably,it was mike in disguise and he was "playing" an impersonator <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
    ok,i'm crazy
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

  • You can tell the difference when this technique is used. It looks bazaar !! Like the head is not a part of the body. Come on, it was not that way in TII. All Michael.
  • Interesting.
  • We must check every name in This Is It credits! Who knows, maybe we'll find more something strange.. like this <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • I really believe it's possible.
    Check out the Computer generated imagery in The Case Of Benjamin Buttons
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    Even most of the movie Phantom of the Menance was computer generated!
  • We're coming full circle I feel. I have been able to convince so many people that Michael is still alive, and they are TALKING ABOUT IT. It makes me feel so proud. 50% of the people who use to look at me like I was an alien are now seeing the light and all the inconsistencies. It's a miracle. And I'm so happy. They are talking about it. Finally.
  • Puts a whole new spin on orange pants dude!!

    I love orange pants dude, but his moves were somewhat different, off <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> They were good, but not quite Michaelish. There was another not quite Michael in This is it; the one that sang I just can't stop loving you. The way he seemed unsure of where or how to put his hands when he was about to go into the embrace. I'm not saying for sure that it wasn't Michael, but I've never seen Michael awkwardly go into an embrace. He knows how to hold a woman. Hands down.
  • We must check every name in This Is It credits! Who knows, maybe we'll find more something strange.. like this <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->


    You are right! You just never know! So mannnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyy strange things been going on since June 2009!
  • Here are the full credits for TII:
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    It's a LONG list. If you look at the way in which the names and roles are written, it will become clear that David Bernal was a movement coach for Michael. I'm sorry if that's hard to believe, but I don't think we should change the facts to make them fit what we want to believe.
    For instance, the list contains the following:

    Karen Faye - hair designer: Michael Jackson
    Rushka Bergman - personal stylist: Michael Jackson
    Seth Riggs - vocal consultant: Michael Jackson
    David Elsewhere Bernal - movement coach: Michael Jackson (as David Bernal) [This means that he was credited as David Bernal - i.e. under that name.]
    John Branca - legal counsel: Michael Jackson, Ziffren Brittenham LLP
    David Byrnes - legal counsel: Michael Jackson, Ziffren Brittenham LLP
    Lou Ferrigno - conditioning coach: Michael Jackson
    Michael Kane - business manager: Michael Jackson
    Thome R. Thome - personal advisor: Michael Jackson
    Zaldy - costume designer: Michael Jackson
    Brigitte Segal - tour manager: Michael Jackson
    Irina Brecher - ballet instructor

    Do you see what I'm trying to say? I bolded the last one to show you that Bernal was not the only person hired to offer dance instruction/coaching. And multiple people were credited as choreographers: MJ, Kenny Ortega, Travis Payne, Jonathon Rice + some assistant/associate choreographers.

    Michael collaborated with other musicians... Why wouldn't he collaborate with other dancers? He loved to learn from other people... And just as he learned from James Brown and Fred Astaire, maybe he thought he had something to learn from Bernal - who really seems to have a style of his own.
  • AgentBJAgentBJ Posts: 587
    I thought there were two red pants MJs, one for close-ups and one for distances. Now I feel it could possibly be this elsewhere bloke in the distance shots.

    Maybe three? The real MJ for the close-ups and then two orange pants "MJ"'s for the distances - the orange pants with the silver jacket and the another one with the hat, smooth criminal jackett and blue t-shirt.
  • Mind Fuck indeed <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    I find those commercials made by Bernal looking kind of fake.. in the meaning that it's something that makes you say "well, it's something strange, it's a computer work here". In TII no. In TII everything looks, moves naturally. In Bernal's commercial you can see something "broken" in the head-body relation. Like one of them is not ok. In TII no. I never agreed on the double theory and I think I won't be able to agree until someone helps us and gives us good explanations.
    Agree with you Tarja I have watched that Bernal video a few times and some of the movements are broken u know? I kinda don't see that in TII?

    BUT.....who is the daredevil here that is willing to contact our friend Kenny Ortega for some answers? Not <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> me
  • very interested !
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