Is artist B. Howard a Jackson?



  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    My opinion. I think B. Howard is Joe's or Jermaine's son, from reading this interview. I know from my kids, neices and nephews how looks get mixed around. He seems similar age to Omer, so why didn't Michael take Brandon around with him on tours etc., very unfair. In fact we don't see one pic of him with Michael. I think if it is Joe, then Michael would have out of respect for Katherine, never mentioned or hung around Brandon, just like Johvonnie. And I don't think Joe or Jermaine want it public who his father is out of embarrassment to the family or Katherine. This Korean site, Alivenotdead seems to have gotten their site name from some unrelated "alive" ideas, but because they weren't sure of who B. Howard's father was they probably just assumed he was Michael's son because of his looks, the rumor grew, and that's why the name linked to the user who downloaded the B. Howard videos. JMO it was Joe and his sons (not MJ) screwing around with many girls over the years according to Michael. Michael said that bothered him a lot. And just like 3T wanted to sing and be big just like their uncle Mike, so did Brandon, I'm sure. In fact Im sure there's many more wannabes around the Jacksons, but B. Howard is the best of the best, so that's how we hear of him. We can't jump to hasty conclusions, but examine ALL the facts, and especially what Michael himself says.

    <!-- m --> ... ve-part-1/<!-- m -->
    How do you know the Jackson family?

    B. Howard: My mother was managed by Joseph way long before I was even born. He was one of their first managers. They took care of me, gave me food, and everything. They’ve always been there. They’re like my family.

    How do you feel about people comparing you to Michael Jackson?

    B. Howard: It takes a lot of pressure off, actually. I just like to give a good show and give the fans what they want, like him.

    How did you take the news about Michael’s death?

    B. Howard: It was pretty tough. At the time I was at Havenhurst (Katherine’s home), I had spent the night over at the house, and Katherine left early in the morning without saying anything. So, I was wondering where did they go. Alejandra (Jermaine Jackson’s ex-wife) had come out with me for one of my meetings, and then everyone started calling my phone saying Michael’s in the hospital, what’s going on? Now, I’m in the meeting looking at the phone, like there is always some type of rumor going on. So, I told Alejandra to check on this and surely he was on his way to the hospital. It was odd, my heart just went to my stomach. Very odd. On the way to the hospital Alejandra was crying her eyes out, and I was just trying to be strong. As a person, I was just trying to hold it together. But, when we got to the hospital that was it.
  • For anyone who cares, here's a recent interview:

    this is almost sick how this interview is like an interview Michael did 20 years ago...and a concert from the moon who says that at his age....and he has message in his songs...(like MJ) he sounds like MJ and the mannerisms I must admit a incrediable...this just freaks me out!!! <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I agree. It is absolutely uncanny.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I forgot to mention in my post, that in the interview where Joe says kinda quiet and uncertain that he knew Michael had another son (referring to Omer), and maybe it was in fact he himself who really had another son, Brandon, replacing the one who died (would be a stab to Katherine) <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> A lie with a twist. But that's not B. Howard's fault. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Okay I may have discovered a possible hoax connection. It's a little bit of a stretch but why not post about it? So I was looking at B Howard videos and I noticed that a lot of the videos are from one user: badmamajamamoon so I clicked on the page and found out that she is a beLIEver...picture of Michael in the background with the word BAM! on it. She or he (I shouldn't assume) joined four groups--Michael Jackson Hoax Group, Michael Jackson Is Alive!, Michael Jackson's beLIEvers and New World Order Rebels. So I wanted to see if there is any potential direct link between this user and B Howard. The closest I got to is that her or his videos are featured on his official Perhaps, he is a believer too? <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> Orrrrrrr he totally didn't check out the page of the person who has the most videos of him. I doubt it though. I don't think they know each other personally but I do find it funny that on his official website, he features video from someone who is a believer. It could be a coincidence but you never know...

    The connection is that she lives in Japan <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    You're probably right. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Hey, I try to get a connection whenever I can. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • My opinion. I think B. Howard is Joe's or Jermaine's son, from reading this interview. I know from my kids, neices and nephews how looks get mixed around. He seems similar age to Omer, so why didn't Michael take Brandon around with him on tours etc., very unfair. In fact we don't see one pic of him with Michael. I think if it is Joe, then Michael would have out of respect for Katherine, never mentioned or hung around Brandon, just like Johvonnie. And I don't think Joe or Jermaine want it public who his father is out of embarrassment to the family or Katherine. This Korean site, Alivenotdead seems to have gotten their site name from some unrelated "alive" ideas, but because they weren't sure of who B. Howard's father was they probably just assumed he was Michael's son because of his looks, the rumor grew, and that's why the name linked to the user who downloaded the B. Howard videos. JMO it was Joe and his sons (not MJ) screwing around with many girls over the years according to Michael. Michael said that bothered him a lot. And just like 3T wanted to sing and be big just like their uncle Mike, so did Brandon, I'm sure. In fact Im sure there's many more wannabes around the Jacksons, but B. Howard is the best of the best, so that's how we hear of him. We can't jump to hasty conclusions, but examine ALL the facts, and especially what Michael himself says.

    <!-- m --> ... ve-part-1/<!-- m -->
    How do you know the Jackson family?

    B. Howard: My mother was managed by Joseph way long before I was even born. He was one of their first managers. They took care of me, gave me food, and everything. They’ve always been there. They’re like my family.

    How do you feel about people comparing you to Michael Jackson?

    B. Howard: It takes a lot of pressure off, actually. I just like to give a good show and give the fans what they want, like him.

    How did you take the news about Michael’s death?

    B. Howard: It was pretty tough. At the time I was at Havenhurst (Katherine’s home), I had spent the night over at the house, and Katherine left early in the morning without saying anything. So, I was wondering where did they go. Alejandra (Jermaine Jackson’s ex-wife) had come out with me for one of my meetings, and then everyone started calling my phone saying Michael’s in the hospital, what’s going on? Now, I’m in the meeting looking at the phone, like there is always some type of rumor going on. So, I told Alejandra to check on this and surely he was on his way to the hospital. It was odd, my heart just went to my stomach. Very odd. On the way to the hospital Alejandra was crying her eyes out, and I was just trying to be strong. As a person, I was just trying to hold it together. But, when we got to the hospital that was it.

    Great find MJonmind - and you are right about not jumping to conclusions. I don't think he's Jermaine's son because in interviews he calls Jermaine by his first name and even though I know there are some that call their fathers by their first name (i.e. Joseph), I think Jermaine would say if he belongs to him. But, I could be wrong. Having said that, he could be Joe's but that is also speculation. I also don't believe at this point that he's Michael's either but that's only because I believe Michael would have taken him under his wing like he did Omer if that were the case. Is it possible that because he's spent so much time at the Jacksons that he's just developed the same speaking style? I have to say that those Jacksons sure did have a huge influence in the lives of young people. Wow...great job.

    I know the alivenotdead has nothing to do with Michael - it was just another oddity in the already too long of list of strange connections so I thought I'd share.

    Blessings to you. Thanks again for all of your hard work. I enjoy reading what you find.

    EDIT: What this person at the funeral or memorial? If he was as close as described he would have been included, right?
  • He is very talented. I hope to hear more of him.
  • Again, you don't KNOW, so don't act like you know. You are basing your theory on assumptions and internet outlets. Also, this thread is about B. Howard, not Omer. If you want to continue about Omer, find the thread about Omer and post it in there.

    And this is the last time I will ask nicely: please refrain from posting your theories as truth unless you can provide solid evidence and not just screenshots from the internet.

    I'm posting FACTS, not theories. Facts are FACTS. Omer sent me a message and here it is from his OFFICIAL YOUTUBE ACCOUNT. This is his response to me saying Omer NEVER denied MJ was his father.


    You are already annoying me and you're just in. Again, post the Omer stuff in an Omer thread (there are many of them) and stop saying that your theory is fact, because it's not. For all we know Omer could be delusional, the accounts can be fake, whatever. I am not saying your THEORY is BS, I am pointing out it's a theory, period. As long as we haven't heard it from Mike himself, it's not a fact. Do you get me now or do I have to be even clearer?

    This is for MJMedia09, You should be ashame of yourself , I know Ms. Howard and again here you go with some more rumors, Augie is Brandon father before you go any further with this garbage, I meet Ms. Howard when she was hanging out with this local group from Philly called Honey And The Bee's and I am still friends with her,see you never know who knows who, I send you a message in your channel anyway you can meet me tomorrow or Saturday at the Wynn, go to your channel and read all about it. You know who I am I created this account when I seemed you in here with this mess.
  • Okay I may have discovered a possible hoax connection. It's a little bit of a stretch but why not post about it? So I was looking at B Howard videos and I noticed that a lot of the videos are from one user: badmamajamamoon so I clicked on the page and found out that she is a beLIEver...picture of Michael in the background with the word BAM! on it. She or he (I shouldn't assume) joined four groups--Michael Jackson Hoax Group, Michael Jackson Is Alive!, Michael Jackson's beLIEvers and New World Order Rebels. So I wanted to see if there is any potential direct link between this user and B Howard. The closest I got to is that her or his videos are featured on his official Perhaps, he is a believer too? <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> Orrrrrrr he totally didn't check out the page of the person who has the most videos of him. I doubt it though. I don't think they know each other personally but I do find it funny that on his official website, he features video from someone who is a believer. It could be a coincidence but you never know...

    The connection is that she lives in Japan <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    You're probably right. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Hey, I try to get a connection whenever I can. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Brandon father name is Augie, father and son has the same nose and identical in features, I know Ms. Howard personally and Michael is not this kid father.
  • My opinion. I think B. Howard is Joe's or Jermaine's son, from reading this interview. I know from my kids, neices and nephews how looks get mixed around. He seems similar age to Omer, so why didn't Michael take Brandon around with him on tours etc., very unfair. In fact we don't see one pic of him with Michael. I think if it is Joe, then Michael would have out of respect for Katherine, never mentioned or hung around Brandon, just like Johvonnie. And I don't think Joe or Jermaine want it public who his father is out of embarrassment to the family or Katherine. This Korean site, Alivenotdead seems to have gotten their site name from some unrelated "alive" ideas, but because they weren't sure of who B. Howard's father was they probably just assumed he was Michael's son because of his looks, the rumor grew, and that's why the name linked to the user who downloaded the B. Howard videos. JMO it was Joe and his sons (not MJ) screwing around with many girls over the years according to Michael. Michael said that bothered him a lot. And just like 3T wanted to sing and be big just like their uncle Mike, so did Brandon, I'm sure. In fact Im sure there's many more wannabes around the Jacksons, but B. Howard is the best of the best, so that's how we hear of him. We can't jump to hasty conclusions, but examine ALL the facts, and especially what Michael himself says.

    <!-- m --> ... ve-part-1/<!-- m -->
    How do you know the Jackson family?

    B. Howard: My mother was managed by Joseph way long before I was even born. He was one of their first managers. They took care of me, gave me food, and everything. They’ve always been there. They’re like my family.

    How do you feel about people comparing you to Michael Jackson?

    B. Howard: It takes a lot of pressure off, actually. I just like to give a good show and give the fans what they want, like him.

    How did you take the news about Michael’s death?

    B. Howard: It was pretty tough. At the time I was at Havenhurst (Katherine’s home), I had spent the night over at the house, and Katherine left early in the morning without saying anything. So, I was wondering where did they go. Alejandra (Jermaine Jackson’s ex-wife) had come out with me for one of my meetings, and then everyone started calling my phone saying Michael’s in the hospital, what’s going on? Now, I’m in the meeting looking at the phone, like there is always some type of rumor going on. So, I told Alejandra to check on this and surely he was on his way to the hospital. It was odd, my heart just went to my stomach. Very odd. On the way to the hospital Alejandra was crying her eyes out, and I was just trying to be strong. As a person, I was just trying to hold it together. But, when we got to the hospital that was it.

    Great find MJonmind - and you are right about not jumping to conclusions. I don't think he's Jermaine's son because in interviews he calls Jermaine by his first name and even though I know there are some that call their fathers by their first name (i.e. Joseph), I think Jermaine would say if he belongs to him. But, I could be wrong. Having said that, he could be Joe's but that is also speculation. I also don't believe at this point that he's Michael's either but that's only because I believe Michael would have taken him under his wing like he did Omer if that were the case. Is it possible that because he's spent so much time at the Jacksons that he's just developed the same speaking style? I have to say that those Jacksons sure did have a huge influence in the lives of young people. Wow...great job.

    I know the alivenotdead has nothing to do with Michael - it was just another oddity in the already too long of list of strange connections so I thought I'd share.

    Blessings to you. Thanks again for all of your hard work. I enjoy reading what you find.

    EDIT: What this person at the funeral or memorial? If he was as close as described he would have been included, right?
    Brandon wasn't at the hospital only the immediate family.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Brandon father name is Augie, father and son has the same nose and identical in features, I know Ms. Howard personally and Michael is not this kid father.pot4care+

    Thanks for clearing this up for us......I would be crazy to think Michael has children everywhere...I don't believe it is his style...

    But he is kinda Hot..
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    As Michael said, "That puts another rumor to rest!" Thanks Pot4care+!
  • As Michael said, "That puts another rumor to rest!" Thanks Pot4care+!

    I second that - THANKS!
  • Brandon father name is Augie, father and son has the same nose and identical in features, I know Ms. Howard personally and Michael is not this kid father.pot4care+

    Thanks for clearing this up for us......I would be crazy to think Michael has children everywhere...I don't believe it is his style...

    But he is kinda Hot..
    As Michael said, "That puts another rumor to rest!" Thanks Pot4care+!
    As Michael said, "That puts another rumor to rest!" Thanks Pot4care+!

    I second that - THANKS!

    Yup! Agreed! =]
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Brandon father name is Augie, father and son has the same nose and identical in features, I know Ms. Howard personally and Michael is not this kid father.pot4care+

    Thanks for clearing this up for us......I would be crazy to think Michael has children everywhere...I don't believe it is his style...

    But he is kinda Hot..
    As Michael said, "That puts another rumor to rest!" Thanks Pot4care+!
    As Michael said, "That puts another rumor to rest!" Thanks Pot4care+!

    I second that - THANKS!

    Yup! Agreed! =]

    Not saying pot4care is not telling the truth, but why are we suddenly believing just one poster on a forum? :S

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Brandon father name is Augie, father and son has the same nose and identical in features, I know Ms. Howard personally and Michael is not this kid father.pot4care+

    Thanks for clearing this up for us......I would be crazy to think Michael has children everywhere...I don't believe it is his style...

    But he is kinda Hot..
    As Michael said, "That puts another rumor to rest!" Thanks Pot4care+!
    As Michael said, "That puts another rumor to rest!" Thanks Pot4care+!

    I second that - THANKS!

    Yup! Agreed! =]

    Not saying pot4care is not telling the truth, but why are we suddenly believing just one poster on a forum? :S
    Not all of us believe the poster. I think B. Howard is a Jackson.
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Okay I know I posted alot on this post. Anyway I found the myspace page of Augie Johnson who is said to be B. Howard's father. I looked at his pics and I guess there could be some resemblance between him and B. Howard. However he looks old and like he old school pimp type not to be If you check out his pics you'll see what I'm saying. Apparently he was in a group called Side Effect where he met Miki the mother. I noticed on his page one of the band members last name is Jackson so maybe that's the connection. Who knows? Brandon also got a sister who looks alot like the mom. She's pretty. She has a myspace also and has pics with her brother. So maybe if the Jacksons or MJ not the father maybe they spend time with him alot because I don't think this Augie guy was in the picture. No pics of those kids on his myspace. Here's Augie and B. Howard sister links to their myspace pages.
    Augie: <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    Sister: <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • Brandon father name is Augie, father and son has the same nose and identical in features, I know Ms. Howard personally and Michael is not this kid father.pot4care+

    Thanks for clearing this up for us......I would be crazy to think Michael has children everywhere...I don't believe it is his style...

    But he is kinda Hot..
    As Michael said, "That puts another rumor to rest!" Thanks Pot4care+!
    As Michael said, "That puts another rumor to rest!" Thanks Pot4care+!

    I second that - THANKS!

    Yup! Agreed! =]

    Not saying pot4care is not telling the truth, but why are we suddenly believing just one poster on a forum? :S
    Not all of us believe the poster. I think B. Howard is a Jackson.
    I am not one that love to keep rumors going but anyway, If I didn't know Ms. Howard personally I won't state such a fact that Augie is Brandon father unless I knew it and believe me I know Augie is Brandon's father, Brandon has a a stepsister name Tishema Nichelle Cromwell she help to manage her father Augie's affairs and events, if you go into her facebook you will see that she lists Brandon and Nicholas as being her brothers along with other siblings, Mr Augie Johnson had lots of kids, Nicholas worked at a restaurant here in cali called Levy Restaurant where he is a top line Chef, and if you go into his facebook he lists Augie and Miki as being his parents and Brandon as his siblings, Miki also has a daughter name Kaitlen from her marriage to her husband. Just ask yourselves do Michael need anymore mess from the rumor mill, may he rest in peace.
  • You know something all of this is getting so ridiculous we are sounding just like the media no better no worst. Coming up with all these speculations and this one saying yes I know this for a fact and the other saying yes I know this for a fact but unless we have solid proof a DNA test to prove or Michael himself saying that Omer, B. Howard or God knows who comes along and they look like Michael or sound like Michael speculating that it is Michael's child we dont know. My question is if Michael had all these children why was he so desperate to have a family to go to the point of having Debbie Rowe have his children I dont understand it if he had these children and long before the other three came along and was never any mention of these children before. Did proof come out that Omer is Michael's child oh because Joe said it or that he spent alot of time with the Jacksons, next thing we're going to hear is that McCauley was Michael's child too. Come on people lets just stop this ok. As far as I am concerned Michael never acknowledged any of these the only names I heard were Prince, Paris and Blanket thats it and I never knew Michael to deny any child if he knew it was his. I just dont understand any of this we are going on with about these people.
  • This may just be another coincidence but his album, "Genesis" was released on 7/7/10. That is one year after the memorial. Here is the direct quote from his official website:
    B. Howard’s heavily anticipated debut album, “Genesis” is releasing July 7, 2010.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • Just another thing I noticed...again, could be a coincidence...

    His album is titled, "Genesis" which is a biblical reference to the Beginning.

    The last words you hear on Michael's last album is "What you have just witnessed could be the end of a particularly terrifying nightmare. It isn’t. It’s the beginning.

    Again, it may not mean anything. These are just little things I've noticed.
  • You know something all of this is getting so ridiculous we are sounding just like the media no better no worst. Coming up with all these speculations and this one saying yes I know this for a fact and the other saying yes I know this for a fact but unless we have solid proof a DNA test to prove or Michael himself saying that Omer, B. Howard or God knows who comes along and they look like Michael or sound like Michael speculating that it is Michael's child we dont know. My question is if Michael had all these children why was he so desperate to have a family to go to the point of having Debbie Rowe have his children I dont understand it if he had these children and long before the other three came along and was never any mention of these children before. Did proof come out that Omer is Michael's child oh because Joe said it or that he spent alot of time with the Jacksons, next thing we're going to hear is that McCauley was Michael's child too. Come on people lets just stop this ok. As far as I am concerned Michael never acknowledged any of these the only names I heard were Prince, Paris and Blanket thats it and I never knew Michael to deny any child if he knew it was his. I just dont understand any of this we are going on with about these people.
    It's hard to ignore B. Howard. I really don't think he's MJ's child. MJ would never have a child and not be in that child's life. However, the Jackson Brothers and Joe are another story. His relationship with the family is also hard to ignore. It's their business, whatever the truth. But B. Howard cannot expect people to not wonder. His voice, singing and speaking are very much like MJ and those who like MJ's style, will like him.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    It's hard to ignore B. Howard. I really don't think he's MJ's child. MJ would never have a child and not be in that child's life.

    Let's just pretend it IS his son (I am NOT saying he is), how would we know whether or not he has been in his life? Did we see Mike 24/7? No, sometimes we didn't see him at all for a long period of time. We are not in his private circle, so we simply don't know that...

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • I found this video on youtube of Miki Howard Brandon's mom asking Coko from SWV about if she could trade places with someone who would it be? Then Coko replies Michael Jackson. Watch the look on Miki Howard's face and her response. Weird clip..... Makes you wonder if they had any history by her reaction. Kinda like a woman that's been with a dude but irritated by the mention of his name when things go sour. Not saying fact just observation.
    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> it doesnt mean anything, get a life! <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Michael has 3 beautiful children and they are, Paris, blanket and prince. if you can't accept that, that's too bad <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • It's hard to ignore B. Howard. I really don't think he's MJ's child. MJ would never have a child and not be in that child's life.

    Let's just pretend it IS his son (I am NOT saying he is), how would we know whether or not he has been in his life? Did we see Mike 24/7? No, sometimes we didn't see him at all for a long period of time. We are not in his private circle, so we simply don't know that...
    In good faith , did you watch unsung last night on TVOne, Miki was on their and you maybe able to retreive it if you have the channel call ON Demand, she tells her lifte story about her and Augie and her kids, this is what you would call straight outs the horses mouth, I have known Miki for quite sometime, this is no jive, I meet her in Philly years ago and I do keep in touch, we need to let this rumor rest and dissappear for good.<!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
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