Is artist B. Howard a Jackson?



  • It seems that Pot4care is more anti Brandon than anything else or at least being very negative towards him. He seems so sweet and let me tell you something, the songs on his facebook page gave us chills. Why is he only in Japan?
  • Come on guys, let's not get into name calling. pot4care+ could really know the Howard family and it would be disrespectful of us to call her "anti-Brandon" because she is not in agreement with what we are speculating. Maybe we should just drop this for now until anything new or suspicious happens in regards to Mr. Howard and his linkage to Michael and/or the Jacksons that could be another clue to this whole puzzle. Let's remember the message of L.O.V.E. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    what are you guys part of some kind of cult or something.

    Of course, the cult of Michael Jackson <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I also agree that if the family or himself have a word to tell, they must take their right to do it to stop the drama by contacting Souza.

    I believe that Brandon being noticed now, after MJ´s death, is also a big coincidence.
    I know, I know...that´s how marketing works <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> even if is discussing that artist to dig in to his life and family.

    Stopping the conversation will not be as good....I am sure many people has clicked the name "B.Howard" and listened to his tracks hundreds of times.
  • Ok here's my ist2_2271554-two-pennies.jpg

    I read a comment on here where someone said that Brandon has similar features to that of Augie well I put these pictures together to see who looked more like who....

    Augie as he is today next to a picture of Brandon:

    And Augie when he was younger next to a picture of Brandon:

    Now here are some pictures of Michael some when he was younger next to pictures of Brandon:
    Mike: 10946_1206694811693_1358348396_30641285_7333411_n.jpg
    Brandon again:l_be1c33b6979ef77c572759889ff76b6f.jpg

    Mike :251350270.jpg

    wow <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> The ears are even the same.
    You be the judge. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • To set the record strait, Im very proud of my brother for having the courage to release his record. We knew as soon as anyone heard his voice or saw the CD cover, he'd be put under the microscope. It's been a very long time coming. My mother, sister, and I knew the world would embrace him when he was ready. He's linked to the Jacksons because he grew up with them and still talks with them daily. Despite what people are saying in this forum, I am not upset with anything going on in my brothers life - he deserves all the praises because no one else has had to walk in his shoes and he's doing it! We got you Brandon... Love Nicholas
  • I'm sorry....did I miss something? but with all do respect what record did you set strait? first, how do we know you are who you say you are and by reading that post all you basicly said was that your really proud of him and that he grew up around the Jacksons, but, that doesn't mean he's not blood, I know plenty of folks who grew up around there family and not "live" under the same roof but at the end of the day it's still all relative . <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    But anywho, welcome to the board. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • I think he was "setting the record straight" that he loves his brother and supports him?? Another poster said that he has bad feelings towards Brandon or his connection to Michael and the Jacksons. Nicholas, if you are really him, is that waht you meant? Obviously, there is something personal going on here within both families so maybe we should just let it be. Related to MJ or not, it must be hard for Brandon to walk around town looking and sounding like he does let alone going on stage. Maybe that's why his record is in Japan?
  • I'm sorry....did I miss something? but with all do respect what record did you set strait? first, how do we know you are who you say you are and by reading that post all you basicly said was that your really proud of him and that he grew up around the Jacksons, but, that doesn't mean he's not blood, I know plenty of folks who grew up around there family and not "live" under the same roof but at the end of the day it's still all relative . <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    But anywho, welcome to the board. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->


    I see you making some comparisons here. I am lazy Would you mind posting pictures of Michael before any surgery. I really don't think it is a fair comparison, unless of course Mr Howard also had surgery (forgive me, I am not really following the thread, just thought I would pop in because it was 8 pages now and if this has been discussed just disregard me).

  • what are you guys part of some kind of cult or something.

    Of course, the cult of Michael Jackson <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I also agree that if the family or himself have a word to tell, they must take their right to do it to stop the drama by contacting Souza.

    I believe that Brandon being noticed now, after MJ´s death, is also a big coincidence.
    I know, I know...that´s how marketing works <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> even if is discussing that artist to dig in to his life and family.

    Stopping the conversation will not be as good....I am sure many people has clicked the name "B.Howard" and listened to his tracks hundreds of times.

    Well.. I guess that is true. This site is sort of cultish <!-- s:-) -->:-)<!-- s:-) -->

    To any idiots that are not members of this site and read the above statement. IT IS A JOKE!
  • kbizzkbizz Posts: 1

    I was on Google searching for info on "DanceFloor", a song I worked on with Brandon when I came across this post. I couldn't help but set the record straight in hopes of clearing a few things up.

    First off, As far as Brandon being a Jackson, it has never been a relevant part of our friendship. The subject has never come up between us and should it come up one day, it will still not be relevant to our working relationship or our friendship.

    As for the picture of us from LA; That was taken while they were visiting me in Beverly Hills and NOT while we were working together. Genevieve and Alejandra DID at one point acknowledge that Brandon was family but still, I felt like it was not my place to take the conversation any further.

    Brandon is a very sensitive, caring person with a good heart and this has been a very hard time for him. It's eaxtremely hard and painful having to go through the scrutiny of the public media over where he came from. He is in the process of building his career on his OWN merit and not on the shoulders of anyone else. If anything, people should focus more on enjoying his music and less on his status as a Jackson. This is the same pressure that caused Michael so much pain in his life. If we've learned nothing else from his passing, I would hope we've learned to be a little more kind to each other.

    -Keith Ross

  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    The cult of Michael Jackson.....
    Gemma you are really funny......seriously, there are cult busters out there....we may need them soon, but maybe I should tell them don't bring any jackets....we've got our own.
    I really like B Howard's music. I am as confused about him as I am with every other aspect of this hoax. Except the fact that this IS a hoax.... seems like that is the only fact I am certain on.
  • nynyronynyro Posts: 296
    I'm the only one who thinks it's weird that that all these supposed* friends and relatives of B. Howard are posting on a michael jackson death hoax site.... Not doubting veracity, just pointing out that it's rather strange.
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    I'm the only one who thinks it's weird that that all these supposed* friends and relatives of B. Howard are posting on a michael jackson death hoax site.... Not doubting veracity, just pointing out that it's rather strange.

    I find it highly fact, I just was thinking..."What is up with all these "associates" coming out of the woodwork? Pretty soon "Joe Jackson" will be signing up and saying he and no other Jackson is the daddy of this boy.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I'm the only one who thinks it's weird that that all these supposed* friends and relatives of B. Howard are posting on a michael jackson death hoax site.... Not doubting veracity, just pointing out that it's rather strange.

    I find it highly fact, I just was thinking..."What is up with all these "associates" coming out of the woodwork? Pretty soon "Joe Jackson" will be signing up and saying he and no other Jackson is the daddy of this boy.
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • I'm the only one who thinks it's weird that that all these supposed* friends and relatives of B. Howard are posting on a michael jackson death hoax site.... Not doubting veracity, just pointing out that it's rather strange.

    I did think the same thing. Not sure what that is about but yup, strange.
  • I'm the only one who thinks it's weird that that all these supposed* friends and relatives of B. Howard are posting on a michael jackson death hoax site.... Not doubting veracity, just pointing out that it's rather strange.

    That's what I was trying to point out in my responds to N Howard's post. that he pretty much posted a whole lot of nothing as it relates to "setting the record strait" about whether or not He's a Jackson and to add fuel to this now raging fire this Keith Ross poster pretty much confirmed him as a Jackson with what he posted...

    hear read it for your selves. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> From Keith Ross:
    Genevieve and Alejandra DID at one point acknowledge that Brandon was family but still, I felt like it was not my place to take the conversation any further.

    Brandon is a very sensitive, caring person with a good heart and this has been a very hard time for him. It's eaxtremely hard and painful having to go through the scrutiny of the public media over where he came from. He is in the process of building his career on his OWN merit and not on the shoulders of anyone else. If anything, people should focus more on enjoying his music and less on his status as a Jackson. This is the same pressure that caused Michael so much pain in his life. If we've learned nothing else from his passing, I would hope we've learned to be a little more kind to each other.

    Ok.... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> as for this comment here...
    This is the same pressure that caused Michael so much pain in his life.
    What pressers did Mike have in this department? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> there is no question as to who his pappy is. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> and secondly how are we not being kind to each other?....kaaaaaaay moving on..

    @ reading_on

    Ok here's some comparisons of Mike much younger and B.


    And the eyes:
    Mike's eyes:

    and even though the noses differ from each other it can be contributed to his mom's feature:

    but these two I think looks the most alike:

    and even this one too:
  • Thanks <!-- s:-) -->:-)<!-- s:-) -->

    Wow..Mikki is a beautiful woman.
  • Yes Miki is very beautiful. If this all turns out to be true (and I beLIEve it will) Mike Miiiiiiiiike got good taste. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • i think we should look at the obvious things.
    1. he looks and sounds like him
    2. he is close with the family
    3. he never said MJ is or isnt his father so that means there has to be a reason for this. most ppl would say he is just because of the looks. 15min of fame!! he does not for some reason. to me this is weird, like maybe he legally cant due to maybe i dont know a contract. i know if i was the mother of MJ son i would not want the life for him if we were not together so i would do what i could to make sure both sides keep it quite.
    4. on the unsung show you never once heard Miki say who his father was. they added a voice over. why is this? what would make them put out that info on their own. why is a voice over necessary? yet again weird. cover up possible. someone dont want the truth out!
    5. he is very connected to the Jackson Family so why hasnt one of them cleared up the false rumors? it would just take one of them to say he isnt and this would be over unless yet again there is some type of contract or something or they dont want to deny and then some type of proof come out. right now it is just ppl like us gossiping. no threat.
    6. Mr. Howard released a album in another country before america. yet again why? maybe he didnt want the truth out yet or didnt want to be all over the news until maybe he settled whatever things that needed to be settled. legal or not.
    7. so ppl say that Augie is his dad for sure. this is %100 right!!! think about it. He raised him, he was his mothers husband, im sure he even told im about the birds and the bees because he raised him. so yes that is his father!! in all rights and standards but do they have the same DNA? DNA dont make a father. I was raised by my brothers father. to me he is dad, as for the guy who made me well i have his dna but thats about it. In Mr. Howards case he was around the Jackson family with MJ so he had a father and a mentor. if you ask me he was lucky!

    the big point i guess would be if this is a false statement. if Mr. Howard isnt MJ father why has not one of the family denied it??? That entire family has some type of bad blood so you mean to tell me that not one of them would step forward if they could or wanted to. they dont so that tells me there is more to what is going on then we know. so leave it alone. let them be.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    In anyway, B.Howard is getting a lot of propaganda <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Despite his paternity, the boy's got the lip biting and that oooomph! down pat! That's all I'm sayin' 'bout that!
  • Brandon sure enough does bite his lip like the KOP. This needs more explaining though. <!-- m --><!-- m --> That's no statue of Auggie in Hong Kong and that doesn't look like Kaitlin neither. He's hanging with the Jacksons on the other side of the world.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Ok here's my ist2_2271554-two-pennies.jpg

    I read a comment on here where someone said that Brandon has similar features to that of Augie well I put these pictures together to see who looked more like who....

    Augie as he is today next to a picture of Brandon:

    And Augie when he was younger next to a picture of Brandon:

    Now here are some pictures of Michael some when he was younger next to pictures of Brandon:
    Mike: 10946_1206694811693_1358348396_30641285_7333411_n.jpg
    Brandon again:l_be1c33b6979ef77c572759889ff76b6f.jpg

    Mike :251350270.jpg

    wow <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> The ears are even the same.
    You be the judge. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Brandon is a spitting image of Augie, much more than Michael. Thanks for posting the pics. Lots of people look like Michael and sound like him, but that doesn't mean there's blood connection.
  • Ok here's my ist2_2271554-two-pennies.jpg

    I read a comment on here where someone said that Brandon has similar features to that of Augie well I put these pictures together to see who looked more like who....

    Augie as he is today next to a picture of Brandon:

    And Augie when he was younger next to a picture of Brandon:

    Now here are some pictures of Michael some when he was younger next to pictures of Brandon:
    Mike: 10946_1206694811693_1358348396_30641285_7333411_n.jpg
    Brandon again:l_be1c33b6979ef77c572759889ff76b6f.jpg

    Mike :251350270.jpg

    wow <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> The ears are even the same.
    You be the judge. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Brandon is a spitting image of Augie, much more than Michael. Thanks for posting the pics. Lots of people look like Michael and sound like him, but that doesn't mean there's blood connection.
    I'm sorry but I trully don't see it.:/ but if that's your opinion then you are definitely entitled to it.
    Have blessed day. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    I was done with this topic but now that someone posted pics comparing MJ and B. Howard they really do look a lot alike. They do have the exact same ears. He favor MJ a lot during the Thriller era. Actually he does favor MJ more now that I see photos of him compared to MJ and Augie. I'm not saying MJ is the dad but wow they do favor. I know one thing he talks just like MJ. If you close your eyes you would almost think it's actually MJ but MJ's singing voice is better in my opinion. B. Howard singing voice isn't as strong as Michael.
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