Taj Jacksons Twitter



  • It is the real Tajs twitter and he tweeted a page that is set up for messages to MJ

    <!-- m -->https://twitter.com/#search?q=%23messagetoMJ<!-- m -->
  • Also if u go on his dot com he puts his twitter url on there! the link is on the right side of the page so it proves that it is his real tweet!
    <!-- m -->http://www.tajjackson.com/<!-- m -->
  • VictorVictor Posts: 582
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    Taj kida pisees me off already. He looks almost like he is Randy. Both are not twitting anything else but complaints, they never agree with anybody, they are revolted, angry, everyone is a haunting eagle. I am sick of it. Don't understand anything anymore
  • mjkatemjkate Posts: 276
    I agree...I used to think that something was better than nothing and I would squint so hard to read between the lines. I can't believe after this long and all of the examining of clues that I still don't have a gut feel for the real truth. I am so mad at myself for not being able to figure this out.
  • finfinfinfin Posts: 648
    Taj has just started tweeting again after 2 month gap, I thought one of his latest tweets about his blog was an interesting topic complete with photo.

    Hey guys,my new blog post is up: Shooting with "MJ" Check it out at <!-- m -->http://www.tajjackson.com<!-- m --> MJForever

    Shooting with "MJ"
    SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 2011 AT 12:00AM
    Hey guys, these last couple of months have been a strange one for me. Lately I have found myself being both extremely happy and sad at the same time.

    What's the happy part?

    I received my "Epic" camera last month and it's absolutely incredible. What is an Epic camera? It's an innovative digital cinema camera by the "Red" company. In fact, Red was a company that my uncle Michael was very fond of. We would talk about them over the phone and especially their upcoming cameras. He felt that Jim and his company were trailblazers and that one day they would overcome the big guys. I don't have to tell you that he was right, like always.

    Here is a photo of my uncle with the Red one camera.

    Knowing my uncle, he probably loved every minute behind the camera.

    Which brings me to the sad part. Ever since I got my Epic camera, I've been finding myself depressed. Why? Because my uncle would have been the first person I would have called on the phone to tell about my new "Epic". He would have been so happy for me, ....for us. I can hear him now, asking "when are we gonna shoot something together with it?". The hard reality is, now I never will be able to.

    Anyway, in honor of my uncle, I have decided to name my Epic camera, "MJ".

    That way everytime I turn on the camera to shoot something or press the record button, I will be thinking of my uncle Michael, and the way he inspired me and will continue to inspire me.

    In a way, I will be shooting with "MJ"
  • JentleTouchJentleTouch Posts: 244
    Poor nephews. it must have been so hard for them.
    I hope the end of the hoax is near and they will know the truth soon.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669

    A Doo Doo???? Could this be "I am alive" Do Do?

    Last tweet

    If you miss and love MJ as much as I do, retweet this tweet. MJForever

    about 11 hours ago via Twitterrific
    Retweeted by you and 100+ others
    Reply Retweeted (Undo)

  • A Doo Doo???? Could this be "I am alive" Do Do?

    Last tweet

    If you miss and love MJ as much as I do, retweet this tweet. MJForever

    about 11 hours ago via Twitterrific
    Retweeted by you and 100+ others
    Reply Retweeted (Undo)

    No, kids call him by 2 names: Applehead and Doo Doohead. So he's Uncle Doo Doo <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • tajjackson3  Taj Jackson<br />I'm sure his is :-) “@assenav39: For THE ones at Cardiffs today: have fun have fun have fun!!! MJ is watching!!”<br />5 hours ago
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    tajjackson3  Taj Jackson<br />[size=14pt]I'm sure his is[/size] :-) “@assenav39: For THE ones at Cardiffs today: have fun have fun have fun!!! [size=14pt]MJ is watching!![/size]”
    <br /><br />I bet he is. :lol:
  • just the way he was watching over his chldren at le cirque du soleil  lolol/
  • on 1318090621:
    <br />just the way he was watching over his chldren at le cirque du soleil  lolol/ <br />
    <br /><br />...and the way he was watching over them at the Memorial.
  • tajjackson3 Taj Jackson <br />I'm using twitter cause then people can't easily try and twist my words. Which they will do anyway. Believe me….lol<br /><br /> tajjackson3 Taj Jackson <br />I was taught growing up to ignore ridiculous rumors and lies. However we live at a time when negativity grows faster than the truth.<br /><br /> tajjackson3 Taj Jackson <br />Hypocrisy, Lies, Rumors, Double Standards,and Vindictiveness. I'm gonna set a lot of the record straight.<br /><br /> tajjackson3 Taj Jackson <br />I am waiting cause a lot of Europe is sleeping now.<br /><br /> tajjackson3 Taj Jackson <br />Tomorrow will be that day.<br /><br /> tajjackson3 Taj Jackson <br />Unfortunately I still have 2 expose a lot of lies out there, & educate those who think they knew MJ better than some of his own family.<br />
  • is this suppose to be a "dig" on us at the hoax site? Like we don't know nothing about Michael?
  • Aidan_81Aidan_81 Posts: 382
    I'm watching his twitter daily, and really looking forward to what he has to say.  bounce/<br />I tend to believe younger Jacksons no matter what, they grew around Michael<br />and they are Jacksons! Can't promise I'll stop "Michaeling" if he says me to stop though  :lol:<br /><br />Of course we do not know Michael, at all. But he can be more upset with<br />people who don't think "hoax", as there is sooo much negativity and hatred<br />going on now  :cry:, not connected to hoax theory at all. <br />I like to think hoaxers are at least more peaceful, more positive types  :|<br />These days everyone "knows better" :roll:, hoaxers or not, at least we question things while<br />many other people just know and fight badly for their opinions, spreading hateful things,<br /> and of course know nothing , like any of us. <br />Younger Jacksons probably know him better than anyone else. So go Taj, say it please.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Taj Jackson (@tajjackson3)<;br />Posted Thursday 17th November 2011 from Twitlonger<br /><br />The hardest lesson I learned being "a Jackson" is that you can't please everyone. Someone will always complain, someone will always have something negative to say about you, someone will always twist your story, and yes, someone will always route for your failure.<br />I don't know what it is about this last name, but with all the love and happiness it brings to most, it also bring out so much hostility, animosity, and hate in others.<br /><br />http://www.twitlonger.com/show/e84se4<br />
    <br /><br />Taj Jackson (@tajjackson3)<;br />Posted Thursday 17th November 2011 from Twitlonger<br /><br />What I did not expect was for certain MJ fans and fan clubs to spew or tolerate so much hatred and lies towards my family.<br /><br />Fans that stood by my uncle through thick and thin. The same fans that witnessed first hand how the media told lie after lie about MJ trying to destroy his character. The same fans that always had my uncle's back.<br /><br />Now these fans are watching the Jackson families every move. Reading and contributing to tabloid sites. Hoping and praying that we as a family mess up or fail. Getting pleasure out of ridiculing us whenever they can either by twitter, facebook or on online message boards.<br /><br />Don't these fans know that they have turned into the same thing that my uncle Michael loathed? - Negativity.<br /><br />Spreading lies, rumors, hatred and poisoning others.<br /><br />Yes these fans spread MJ love but not love in general. <br /><br />http://www.twitlonger.com/show/e857i5
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Taj Jackson (@tajjackson3)<;br />Posted Thursday 17th November 2011 from Twitlonger<br /><br />Although my uncle strove for perfection, he would be the first to tell you that he was not perfect.<br /><br />He sometimes would make bad deals or business decisions or hung around and trusted the wrong people.<br /><br />If my uncle had one "flaw", it was that he had such a pure heart and wanted to help others, even before himself.<br /><br />Where do you think my uncle got this pure heart from?<br />You already know the answer.. His mother. Katherine<br /><br />However when it comes to my Grandma, it sometimes feels like there is no tolerance or support out there. Just criticism. Without people even knowing the whole story. The easiest thing to do is sit back and only criticize. My uncle was a victim of that his whole life.<br /><br />"Before you judge me, try hard to love me"<br /><br />Oh... and just for the record...I am not attacking anyone, or angry, or picking fights with fan clubs. I am merely expressing my point of view. If my tweets offend you that much, please unfollow me. <br /><br />http://www.twitlonger.com/show/e85kkg
  • on 1321566457:
    <br />Taj Jackson (@tajjackson3)<;br />Posted Thursday 17th November 2011 from Twitlonger<br /><br />Although my uncle strove for perfection, he would be the first to tell you that he was not perfect.<br /><br />He sometimes would make bad deals or business decisions or hung around and trusted the wrong people.<br /><br />If my uncle had one "flaw", it was that he had such a pure heart and wanted to help others, even before himself.<br /><br />Where do you think my uncle got this pure heart from?<br />You already know the answer.. His mother. Katherine<br /><br />However when it comes to my Grandma, it sometimes feels like there is no tolerance or support out there. Just criticism. Without people even knowing the whole story. The easiest thing to do is sit back and only criticize. My uncle was a victim of that his whole life.<br /><br />"Before you judge me, try hard to love me"<br /><br />Oh... and just for the record...I am not attacking anyone, or angry, or picking fights with fan clubs. I am merely expressing my point of view. If my tweets offend you that much, please unfollow me. <br /><br />http://www.twitlonger.com/show/e85kkg<br />
    <br /><br />It is beautiful to see these words about Michael.<br /><br />But the family also have to know that fans are very tired. Of course, real fans do not accuse the Jacksons, but this story has been difficult for us too.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Has something happened lately? are fans trashing katherine again?<br /><br />Some MJ fans behave in the way that other people believe that "we all" are a bunch of crazy revengeful out of crontrol beings. <br /><br />When Murray was convicted it was shown on tv all the fans outside court screaming "murdeeeeeer" and it was also shown a woman from "MJ justice" ,or something like that, talking in a very inmature way about how justice has been served.<br /><br />I don´t know if Taj is refering to all fans including hoaxers but imo hoaxers, as far as I have seen, are the less "dangerous" to deal with or the ones to worry less about. <br /><br />The MJ community is still divided.
  • Aidan_81Aidan_81 Posts: 382
    on 1321579187:
    <br />Has something happened lately? are fans trashing Katherine again?
    <br /><br />- they never stopped  :( I was afraid that's what he was going to talk about.<br />It definitely hurts family like hell  :| Sadly I read a lot and there are some horrible things<br />said. Taj probably read them as well + we'll never know the amount of hate family on twitter<br />receives through messages. I try not to think about that. Most Jacksons are indeed shy<br />and quiet, not like Karen you know? Jacksons keep quiet.<br />I feel for Katherine. Poor lady. I love her much. She's tough. I hope family doesn't<br />inform her on internet wars  :| too upsetting even for such tough woman.<br /><br />
    on 1321579187:
    <br />The MJ community is still divided.<br />
    <br /><br />- badly so  :cry: Feels like many use every little thing to hate on each other  pale/ I understand<br />the anger, feeling powerless, wanting to do something to get justice - but why hating<br />on your fellow fans or even MJ family??  :cry: i bet Michael is seriously upset about that, wherever he is  :|  <br /><br />
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Honestly I didn't understand the fans' reaction of joy when Murray was found "guilty". Let's assume it was all true, I wouldn't be happy about the situation because we would still have lost Michael and Murray's conviction wouldn't bring him back. I don't see any good in all that if it were true, on the contrary the whole thing would just be big sadness.<br /><br />I think that some fans have really lost it. They act as if they "own" Michael and think that they can have a say in everything that relates to him. They disrespect his family, his mother ( WTF??) one has to wonder what they have learned from him. I presume they listened to "Man in the mirror" enough to at least give it a try. <br /><br />You know sometimes I see Michael's "death" as an end of the world/judgment day kind of thing because a lot of people revealed their true colors, innermost feelings after that. Michael is not there anymore, nothing else matters now, right? I am sorry but there is a lot of hypocrisy in this world and some people do not care with a pure heart. If the truth is not told we cannot build anything new and pure. We have to clear the path, put cards on the table. So all these fans who keep on bashing Michael's family and act arrogantly will have a big "surprise" and I really do hope that this time they'll deeply look in the mirror's reflection because in the end the main thing we all want is peace. We can hope for it.<br />
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    I'm with you Sarahli.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    on 1321629801:
    <br />I'm with you Sarahli.<br />
    <br /><br />Thank you Andrea.
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