TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • leilani81leilani81 Posts: 484
    on 1357033626:
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    on 1357029616:
    <br /><br />Does that mean he wants us to think of him, Paris and Latoya as "fake informers"?<br /><br />
    <br /><br />I think it's unfortunate that TS drew Paris and LaToya in this "fake informer" talk. We can assume, at least, that their twitter accounts are real and that they're obviously Michael's relatives - which cannot be said with certainty about TS. If their accounts are real, does that make them informers ? And because TS's prediction didn't come true, it means that Paris and LaToya are fake too ?! I don't know, but I fail to see the connection, or if there is one, is a forced one. <br />
    <br />I don't know who this T.S is, and I make no accusation to saying his a fake or real but I look at all views of any one situation and when looking at the possibility of being a fake, this is why a "fake" would say it etc..<br /><br />To use Latoya and Paris would add weight to his own statement regardless to it being true or false... there is and was a flaw to that statement and the inclusion of Latoya and Paris.. they haven't said Michael would BAM by 1/1/2013, he was the only one who gave that deadline but he included them in to make it much more convincing and "powerful" so to speak. <br /><br />
  • marumjjmarumjj Posts: 1,027
    guys, good thoughts, but a bad shot are happening now, I just want to wait and see if TS has a post today (it was a promise)    :(
  • AdoreAdore Posts: 44
    on 1357034845:
    <br /><br />To use Latoya and Paris would add weight to his own statement regardless to it being true or false... there is and was a flaw to that statement and the inclusion of Latoya and Paris.. they haven't said Michael would BAM by 1/1/2013, he was the only one who gave that deadline but he included them in to make it much more convincing and "powerful" so to speak.<br />
    <br /><br />I know, but it proved to be inappropriate, in the end, and kind of risky and desperate. I mean, say, if I had to choose between Paris, LaToya, and TS, I'd choose Paris and LaToya, because at least I know they're real and part of the family.
  • leilani81leilani81 Posts: 484
    But he never asked for people to choose, hypothetically speaking if he wanted to play with the minds of people, and had already laid a lot of ground work by being able to connect his own words with their words, he then only has to say such a sentence and people won't really think past those words, in one sense it's a threat... because you would not dare call Latoya and Paris a fake informer and there for would not want to call him/her one, the other is well I can't explain it because it's much more psychological and I can't interpret into words. Again I do not say he is a fake because I can't see beyond that profile but speaking from a manipulation perspective. I lived with a manipulator for 10 years and learned  the hard way a great deal about how the mind games work, and how easy it can be to put themselves in a position of "authority". <br /><br />Anyways as I said in the front thread, the 1st January isn't over yet, I could not see Michael doing a BAM at midnight because he would have to be up all night with the media circus outside and flying around.. not forgetting the kids and the media... I would think he would BAM later on...... when at least a majority of America is awake...to Bam and then say "Well folks... I'm alive as you can see and now i'm off home to sleep" would be a little strange JMO<br /><br /><br />
  • JowayriaJowayria Posts: 163
    on 1357036015:
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    on 1357034845:
    <br /><br />To use Latoya and Paris would add weight to his own statement regardless to it being true or false... there is and was a flaw to that statement and the inclusion of Latoya and Paris.. they haven't said Michael would BAM by 1/1/2013, he was the only one who gave that deadline but he included them in to make it much more convincing and "powerful" so to speak.<br />
    <br /><br />I know, but it proved to be inappropriate, in the end, and kind of risky and desperate. I mean, say, if I had to choose between Paris, LaToya, and TS, I'd choose Paris and LaToya, because at least I know they're real and part of the family.<br />
    <br /><br />AKON posted on his official facebook page <br />
    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Love you all!!! Thank u for believing!!!
    <br /><br />I , just like Adi , feel that our patience and faith  are being tested . <br />TS/Front always warned us not to take their words as mere facts , but I guess we 're too wishful to do so . But we learned our lesson ..the hard way . <br />One thing I know and I am sure of , big boys keep their promises .
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    on 1357033489:
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    on 1357029832:
    <br />but I have the feeling we are being tested......to see how we react/comment<br />
    <br /><br />I think that might also be the case. This situation we are in reminds me of an episode of Community that I watched a while ago. In the episode, a group of psychology students and their professor hold an experiment to prove that when people are placed in situations where they have no control, they will reach their breaking point. The volunteers for their experiment are placed into a waiting room where they are told that the experiment is delayed, not realizing that waiting in the room is the experiment...<br />
    <br />If we are only at part way in this experiment, in what condition will we be in at the end--stark raving mad??<br />If this is an ARG, why would they or he (MJ) want so few to participate or finish?<br />If Sony wants to see how to manipulate minds to help TPTB bring in the NWO, and usher in their savior and slave rules for living, then I guess we've helped enslave mankind. How depressing. :icon_pale:<br /><br />UYI<br />
    Oh I get it, the BAM is not supposed to be physical. The fact that MJ didn't BAM in "time" is the [size=12pt]BAM (Bad Ass Michael)[/size]..he really knows how to getcha doesn't he...lol, gotta love it.
    <br />If that's all it is, I'd be happy, and laugh along... :icon_lol: :icon_e_confused: :icon_lol: :icon_e_confused:<br /><br />
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    If this was just a test or us being played with, that's so mean and unfair. It's not selfish to say that either... I've been so excited for the end of 2012 since TS first told us the deadline was january 1st. He didn't have to say a deadline at all, but he did and nothing happened. I feel like were being laughed at right now for even being excited at all.... so  embarassing. :icon_redface:
  • ellydellyd Posts: 220
    If the best is yet to come, it may not involve only cream cake but some active work from our side.<br /><br />Faith. <br />Time to stand up, stretch out, get strong shoulders and rely on oneself only.<br />Be a light. <br />Love independently from what ANY people say. <br /><br />Have a blessed New Year everybody.<br /><br />
  • on 1357044879:
    <br />If the best is yet to come, it may not involve only cream cake but some active work from our side.<br /><br />Faith. <br />Time to stand up, stretch out, get strong shoulders and rely on oneself only.<br />Be a light. <br />Love independently from what ANY people say. <br /><br />Have a blessed New Year everybody.<br />
    <br /><br />
    Love independently from what ANY people say.
    <br /><br />Agree.<br /><br /> :bearhug:
  • Maybe the idea of hoax was to make us believe MJ is alive when in fact he was not... <br />1-01-2013 is our BAMsday in a sense that we finally realise that we've been punked....<br /><br /><br />Anyway - I'm still here....  :icon_e_confused:
  • is TS even working for Michael?
  • on 1357046794:
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    on 1357044879:
    <br />If the best is yet to come, it may not involve only cream cake but some active work from our side.<br /><br />Faith. <br />Time to stand up, stretch out, get strong shoulders and rely on oneself only.<br />Be a light. <br />Love independently from what ANY people say. <br /><br />Have a blessed New Year everybody.<br />
    <br /><br />
    Love independently from what ANY people say.
    <br /><br />Agree.<br /><br /> :bearhug:<br />
    <br /><br />[size=14pt]+1[/size]
  • on 1357047954:
    <br />Maybe the idea of hoax was to make us believe MJ is alive when in fact he was not... <br />1-01-2013 is our BAMsday in a sense that we finally realise that we've been punked....<br /><br /><br />Anyway - I'm still here....  :icon_e_confused:<br />
    <br /><br /><br />I could understand why one might go down this road of thinking. However:<br /><br />Pretend you are Mamma K for a moment and that he was dead. Would you allow your dead son to be used in a hoax and stay quiet about it? Would you want that air around your sons death? We have seen some crazy, comical, hilarious, laughable stuff in this hoax. Would you be ok with that if you were Manna K?<br /><br />I am a mum. I wouldn't...<br /><br /><br />We know the true answer. He is alive and just hasn't bam'd yet. And the fact he hasnt yet doesnt change anything.<br /><br /><br />btw, I am so glad you are still here ;)<br /><br /><br />Lets continue to group together and keep working on this. It's not over. Love your comment ellyd - Perhaps there is still work to do...<br /><br /><br />The only thing that will make this thing come full circle is TIME....<br /><br /><br /><br />Even if anyone feels more comfortable eliminating TS or Front from the equation (I am not doing that yet, becuase I believe a) time will reveal more and b) give Front and TS a right of reply re: 31.12.12) However, eliminate those two, if we just look at MJ from TII - two comments, "4 yrs" and "in my own time bam" that alone gives you something to believe he will still return.<br /><br /><br /> :bearhug:<br /><br /><br />Love you all, to those who are struggling, please keep the faith. It's not time yet and you've come so far.<br /><br />Peace, love, health, happiness and well wishes to you all for 2013 xx<br /><br />
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    And we are now allowed to know that TS_comments is/was a fake informer.<br /><br />But which parts of his INFORMation were fake? <br /><br />The DWD patient most certainly for starters  :icon_bounce:<br /><br />The rest if my list up for consideration;<br /><br />-The EOW<br /><br />-The FBI Sting operation<br /><br />-The Illuminati being after MJ<br /><br />I'm sure there's many other points but I'll let others have a go.<br /><br />Happy New Year! Let's hope the rest of 2013 is as full of truth as the first day has been so far.<br /><br />
  • on 1357055703:
    <br />And we are now allowed to know that TS_comments is/was a fake informer.<br /><br />But which parts of his INFORMation were fake? <br /><br />The DWD patient most certainly for starters  :icon_bounce:<br />
    <br /><br />I like that angle / take that PARTS of the INFORMation were fake, not the INFORMer himself...<br /><br />Plus DWD never sat well with me. *scoff scoff, smirk smirk*<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Note: Edited my previous, post. Makes more sense now.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    <br /><br /><br />Well friends, I can't say that I'm not utterly disappointed that nothing happened because I am.  It does make me wonder why so much focus was put on the end of 2012, maybe we were being punked.  My Dad called me this morning and said "So no Michael Jackson then" and I said "no, not yet" and he replied "so you still have faith?" me: "Oh yes, definitely."  And that's true.  I wonder if it was TS who was punked..? Maybe he was assured the BAM would happen before 2013 and was told to go with that.  He did say he didn't know everything about the hoax.  But you guys are right, it does bring into question everything TS has told us.  And I agree that it could also be a test of faith or something.  I feel a bit deflated but it's my own doing.  I have no idea what to expect now, maybe that's how it's supposed to be.
  • on 1357057975:
    <br /><br /><br />My Dad called me this morning and said "So no Michael Jackson then" and I said "no, not yet" and he replied "so you still have faith?" me: "Oh yes, definitely." <br />
    <br /><br />My husband and I had an identical conversation.<br /><br /><br />Meanwhile, I am starting to think that a) we may have misunderstood / incorrectly interpreted something, or b) like your self, it's not time, TS got it wrong or c) something had to be altered which pushes the date fwd...<br /><br />I am keenly watching what happens with CM.... I reckon this will be the next thing that moves fwd for us prior to bam. JMO. Could be wrong.
  • on 1357057975:
    <br /><br /><br /><br />Well friends, I can't say that I'm not utterly disappointed that nothing happened because I am.  It does make me wonder why so much focus was put on the end of 2012, maybe we were being punked.  My Dad called me this morning and said "So no Michael Jackson then" and I said "no, not yet" and he replied "so you still have faith?" me: "Oh yes, definitely."  And that's true.  I wonder if it was TS who was punked..? Maybe he was assured the BAM would happen before 2013 and was told to go with that.  He did say he didn't know everything about the hoax.  But you guys are right, it does bring into question everything TS has told us.  And I agree that it could also be a test of faith or something.  I feel a bit deflated but it's my own doing.  I have no idea what to expect now, maybe that's how it's supposed to be.<br />
    <br /><br />I understand Andrea, I'm disappointed too, not for the fact that MJ didn't Bam, but for the fact that a date was given. <br />This is what I had said in one of my posts in 'back and front' thread: if these dates were given for mere 'testing', this better stop. It's like the whole purpose of the hoax has been shifted from "creating a better world' or 'making MJ's image better' to what!... testing our faith? is this even necessary...the believers have dissected the why's and how's of hoax in these 3.5 years...isn't this enough? if i'm offending anyone here.... I'm sorry...but this is getting more stupid.<br />I think we must really know who is really behind this hoax...Michael or his enemies? <br /><br />
  • on 1357061578:
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    on 1357057975:
    <br /><br /><br /><br />Well friends, I can't say that I'm not utterly disappointed that nothing happened because I am.  It does make me wonder why so much focus was put on the end of 2012, maybe we were being punked.  My Dad called me this morning and said "So no Michael Jackson then" and I said "no, not yet" and he replied "so you still have faith?" me: "Oh yes, definitely."  And that's true.  I wonder if it was TS who was punked..? Maybe he was assured the BAM would happen before 2013 and was told to go with that.  He did say he didn't know everything about the hoax.  But you guys are right, it does bring into question everything TS has told us.  And I agree that it could also be a test of faith or something.  I feel a bit deflated but it's my own doing.  I have no idea what to expect now, maybe that's how it's supposed to be.<br />
    <br /><br />, not for the fact that MJ didn't Bam, but for the fact that a date was given. <br /><br />
    <br />Agreed
  • mattiemattie Posts: 296
    on 1357061578:
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    on 1357057975:
    <br /><br /><br /><br />Well friends, I can't say that I'm not utterly disappointed that nothing happened because I am.  It does make me wonder why so much focus was put on the end of 2012, maybe we were being punked.  My Dad called me this morning and said "So no Michael Jackson then" and I said "no, not yet" and he replied "so you still have faith?" me: "Oh yes, definitely."  And that's true.  I wonder if it was TS who was punked..? Maybe he was assured the BAM would happen before 2013 and was told to go with that.  He did say he didn't know everything about the hoax.  But you guys are right, it does bring into question everything TS has told us.  And I agree that it could also be a test of faith or something.  I feel a bit deflated but it's my own doing.  I have no idea what to expect now, maybe that's how it's supposed to be.<br />
    <br /><br />I understand Andrea, I'm disappointed too, not for the fact that MJ didn't Bam, but for the fact that a date was given. <br />This is what I had said in one of my posts in 'back and front' thread: if these dates were given for mere 'testing', this better stop. It's like the whole purpose of the hoax has been shifted from "creating a better world' or 'making MJ's image better' to what!... testing our faith? is this even necessary...the believers have dissected the why's and how's of hoax in these 3.5 years...isn't this enough? if i'm offending anyone here.... I'm sorry...but this is getting more stupid.<br />I think we must really know who is really behind this hoax...Michael or his enemies?<br />
    <br /><br />thats exactly how i feel right now also.<br />
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1357061578:
    <br />
    on 1357057975:
    <br /><br /><br /><br />Well friends, I can't say that I'm not utterly disappointed that nothing happened because I am.  It does make me wonder why so much focus was put on the end of 2012, maybe we were being punked.  My Dad called me this morning and said "So no Michael Jackson then" and I said "no, not yet" and he replied "so you still have faith?" me: "Oh yes, definitely."  And that's true.  I wonder if it was TS who was punked..? Maybe he was assured the BAM would happen before 2013 and was told to go with that.  He did say he didn't know everything about the hoax.  But you guys are right, it does bring into question everything TS has told us.  And I agree that it could also be a test of faith or something.  I feel a bit deflated but it's my own doing.  I have no idea what to expect now, maybe that's how it's supposed to be.<br />
    <br /><br />I understand Andrea, I'm disappointed too, not for the fact that MJ didn't Bam, but for the fact that a date was given. <br />This is what I had said in one of my posts in 'back and front' thread: if these dates were given for mere 'testing', this better stop. It's like the whole purpose of the hoax has been shifted from "creating a better world' or 'making MJ's image better' to what!... testing our faith? is this even necessary...the believers have dissected the why's and how's of hoax in these 3.5 years...isn't this enough? if i'm offending anyone here.... I'm sorry...but this is getting more stupid.<br />I think we must really know who is really behind this hoax...Michael or his enemies?<br />
    <br /><br /><br />I've come to my own realizations in the past hour or so and I think things are proceeding as they should.  Maybe it's my way of coping, LOL.  Is it unfair that we are being tested right now?  Maybe.  But we can't let disappointment suffocate us from what we already know about this hoax.  It's easy to lose sight of that when we're expecting something or relying on somebody's word.  I believe Michael is behind this hoax and he creates doubts for us, to motivate and inspire us to keep going forward.  The hoax would become stagnant otherwise.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1357061578:
    <br />
    on 1357057975:
    <br /><br /><br /><br />Well friends, I can't say that I'm not utterly disappointed that nothing happened because I am.  It does make me wonder why so much focus was put on the end of 2012, maybe we were being punked.  My Dad called me this morning and said "So no Michael Jackson then" and I said "no, not yet" and he replied "so you still have faith?" me: "Oh yes, definitely."  And that's true.  I wonder if it was TS who was punked..? Maybe he was assured the BAM would happen before 2013 and was told to go with that.  He did say he didn't know everything about the hoax.  But you guys are right, it does bring into question everything TS has told us.  And I agree that it could also be a test of faith or something.  I feel a bit deflated but it's my own doing.  I have no idea what to expect now, maybe that's how it's supposed to be.<br />
    <br /><br />I understand Andrea, I'm disappointed too, not for the fact that MJ didn't Bam, but for the fact that a date was given. <br />This is what I had said in one of my posts in 'back and front' thread: if these dates were given for mere 'testing', this better stop. It's like the whole purpose of the hoax has been shifted from "creating a better world' or 'making MJ's image better' to what!... testing our faith? is this even necessary...the believers have dissected the why's and how's of hoax in these 3.5 years...isn't this enough? if i'm offending anyone here.... I'm sorry...but this is getting more stupid.<br />I think we must really know who is really behind this hoax...Michael or his enemies?<br />
    <br /><br />I was none too happy with TS a couple weeks ago myself so I can wholly appreciate your anger.<br /><br />I don't see it as a test, I see it as part of the game we are playing. But then you know my theory re: the hoax n entertainment. Maybe it's easier from that vantage point. At least it fits in better/less offensively.<br /><br />If this hoax were about sting operations on bad guys out to get MJ, then testing us and our ability to discern the truth from the lies would not be necessary, nor do I believe it would be part of the proceedings here. I don't see how playing games with false information fits in with these theories but if someone else does and they'd like to explain I'd like to listen.<br /><br />I play this game willingly because even on the most frustrating day, it's still vastly entertaining and overall, I believe it's been good for me.
  • leilani81leilani81 Posts: 484
    Throwing this out there...<br /><br />What if this date was posted as a false date to lure out the bad guys or to have them start something going be<br />cause by now if there was bad guys out there after him, this site isn't secret and you can read it as a guest..... if it was a sting operation I mean?<br /><br />it's just a thought....
  • on 1357062374:
    <br />
    on 1357061578:
    <br />
    on 1357057975:
    <br /><br /><br /><br />Well friends, I can't say that I'm not utterly disappointed that nothing happened because I am.  It does make me wonder why so much focus was put on the end of 2012, maybe we were being punked.  My Dad called me this morning and said "So no Michael Jackson then" and I said "no, not yet" and he replied "so you still have faith?" me: "Oh yes, definitely."  And that's true.  I wonder if it was TS who was punked..? Maybe he was assured the BAM would happen before 2013 and was told to go with that.  He did say he didn't know everything about the hoax.  But you guys are right, it does bring into question everything TS has told us.  And I agree that it could also be a test of faith or something.  I feel a bit deflated but it's my own doing.  I have no idea what to expect now, maybe that's how it's supposed to be.<br />
    <br /><br />I understand Andrea, I'm disappointed too, not for the fact that MJ didn't Bam, but for the fact that a date was given. <br />This is what I had said in one of my posts in 'back and front' thread: if these dates were given for mere 'testing', this better stop. It's like the whole purpose of the hoax has been shifted from "creating a better world' or 'making MJ's image better' to what!... testing our faith? is this even necessary...the believers have dissected the why's and how's of hoax in these 3.5 years...isn't this enough? if i'm offending anyone here.... I'm sorry...but this is getting more stupid.<br />I think we must really know who is really behind this hoax...Michael or his enemies?<br />
    <br /><br /><br />I've come to my own realizations in the past hour or so and I think things are proceeding as they should.  Maybe it's my way of coping, LOL.  Is it unfair that we are being tested right now?  Maybe.  But we can't let disappointment suffocate us from what we already know about this hoax.  It's easy to lose sight of that when we're expecting something or relying on somebody's word.  I believe Michael is behind this hoax and he creates doubts for us, to motivate and inspire us to keep going forward.  The hoax would become stagnant otherwise.<br />
    <br /><br />Andrea, at this point i feel the need to know that this hoax does have Michael behind it. I know it's awfully silly to ask for any guarantee at this point, but i can't seem to help it. If it's known to me that it's Michael, I'm ready...but the point is, MJ's Facebook, TS, Front, and any given verified twitter cannot give such guarantee. This hoax has sure widened my knowledge about various things that I didn't even imagine would come to know, but i think everything has it's own limit. How long are we gonna convince ourselves that this hoax is just Michael testing us...and we need to be patient. <br />I know that I'm gonna feel exactly as you have after some time too...i know I'd say the same thing... " "Bad Ass Michael"...he's testing us that's it ", but this hoax is not limited to the believers, is it? This hoax is beyond this forum and any YouTube video here in the internet...this hoax is belong the internet, in short. And in my opinion I don't think we are the ones to let the hoax keep going, it's Michael.<br /><br />He is the one who needs to come back, and do the needful, whatever we do, will not bring the required result...it's him!<br /><br />And also, by now, we know so much that people think we are insane...there's nothing that we can do right now. It's time that people are given the chance to know what we know. And this does not include giving false dates...I mean 2good2betrue left...was this necessary? how hurt and disappointed she would've been that she reached such a conclusion...this is not good in my opinion.<br /><br />Our curiosity, anxiety, our love for Michael, and our desire for his vindication, and the hope that it will happen one day is the force that keeps this hoax running...it's nothing else than that. So, i can't see any end to this right now...
  • but one thing i know for sure is that my ranting is temporary.....imma keep watching.....
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