TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Illuminati paranoia land is where it takes me when I look into that stuff which is why I call it that. I get paranoid in response when I go down that path.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1354832819:
    <br />
    on 1354831792:
    <br />SO Michael Jackson knew about 9/11 about 4 years BEFORE 9/11 happened??? *BullShit* and He tried to tell us by the blood on the dance floor cd cover?? <br />If Michael knew why the h*** did he not speak up,he could have saved 1344 people, and why did Mj have a  concert the day before 9/11 if he knew.
    :icon_eek:<br /><br />Yeah , go figure this:<br />The world would have totally believed that the US will collapse the twins if Michael Jackson, also known as "WACKO JACKO", "the child molester", had come out in public and said so! <br />They would have mocked and ridiculed him even more so! probably they would have attempted to kill him faster and wouldn't have wasted time to frame him with the 2nd trial!<br />NobodY would have believed Michael nor anyone else who had dared to come out publicly and say it out loud! Look what happened to Bill Cooper and so many others who have said it way before in the 90's or 80s!? They all "conveniently" died!!<br />All that Michael could have done in order to warn us without risking his life was exactly what he did: he SUBTLY inserted clues into his ART and ultimately he "died" for the truth to come out!<br /><br /><br />
    on 1354831792:
    It scares me that some of you believe this. :over-react-smiley:
    It scares me that some of you refuse to see the obvious :over-react-smiley:<br />
    <br /><br />Billie J posted this fairly innocuous comment that it scares her that some believe this and Sim, you came back and professed that your theory is the "obvious" one, and accused BillieJ of "refusing" to see.<br /><br />I call it "Illuminati paranoia land" because that's where the theories take ME when I entertain them. It was an assumption that I attributed that mindset to anyone else.<br /><br />There's absolutely nothing wrong with BillieJ saying she gets scared that some believe something or another. If she gets scared she gets scared. It's not an insult to anyone, it's a statement about how she feels. Presumably an honest statement. Someone being honest about their feelings should not be taken as an insult and certainly not as an invitation to attack her for it or suggesting she's "refusing to see" something.<br /><br />No one's theory is the "obvious" truth. No one's.<br /><br />BillyJ gets scared and Illuminati investigations make me paranoid. These are personal comments. Now it's open season? We have pages now of members posting about being called ignorant (no one called anyone ignorant) and being "way off base" (quoted as if someone said this about the topic, no one did), and accusations of hypocrisy.<br /><br />I never accused anyone of refusing to see the "obvious" and there's pages here of members attacking me, yet Sim does and it's perfectly ok?<br /><br />Page after page of attacks because BillieJ gets scared and I get paranoid. Is this where we want to go? Scathing posts about refusing to see the obvious and passive-aggressive insults because the current climate encourages the pile on? Come on.<br /><br />
    on 1354896019:
    <br />There's a ton of 'irony' in many comments here....lots of hypocrisy too.<br /><br />Comments/attitudes/actions here speak for themselves...and they speak loudly.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br />
    <br /><br />Agreed.
  • JowayriaJowayria Posts: 163
    on 1354864592:
    <br />I have a small question.....<br /><br />Does anyone know why Michael used to wear a red bracelet? <br /><br />[img]http://ww<br />w.webstore.com/cache/cache_500_1_1_img_7767977_57226392e110cb5f81747e717c60fea0jpg.gif[/img]<br /><br />Isn't that a sign of Freemasonary? I watched lately a video on youtube with pictures of celebrities who are part of this Illuminati thing and all of them were wearing a red bracelet too. That picture I posted was shown. Now I'm totally confused!!<br /><br />BBmichael-jackson-pamela-anderson.jpg<br />
    <br /><br />People who know the significance of talismatic strings in Judaism would probably find it easy to answer your question . Well , The red strings are usually worn by people who belong to a sort of a theosophical branch of Judaism named " Kabbalah" which literally means " obtaining " or " having " . Kabbalah's  ethics and morals are derived from Judaism and Christinaity . Kabbalists believe in the divinity of the universe , which means that they consider the universe as God , just because it can't be known and it is endless .  <br />A lot of people wear the string without even realising its significance but I do believe that Michael wore it for the purpose for which it was created : To protect man from the Evil Eye and its negativity .  I wear it too  ;) <br /><br />( Funny when people just wear it to immitate their Idols , and they put it on their right wrists  :icon_mrgreen: ) <br /><br />love
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    on 1354900489:
    <br />
    on 1354896019:
    <br />There's a ton of 'irony' in many comments here....lots of hypocrisy too.<br /><br />Comments/attitudes/actions here speak for themselves...and they speak loudly.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br />
    <br /><br />Agreed.<br />
    <br /><br />At least we agree on that.<br /><br />For those interested, some TS posts that are relevant to the discussion:<br /><br />
    <br />R9. 9/11 Truth vs Mainstream Media<br />{}<br /><br />It seems as if nobody noticed that this 9-11 redirect was done intentionally on the date 11-9 (9-11 backwards); this was also the 9th redirect.  This message here is basically two-fold: you can’t trust the mainstream media in general, and specifically you can’t trust what the media has told us about the 9-11 attacks.<br /><br />At this point it is probably a good place to stop and talk a little bit about a common term, no doubt you have heard it: conspiracy theorists; all too often, it is used with a negative connotation, a form of ridicule.  So we need to establish another term: conspiracy ridiculists!  You see, conspiracy theorists use evidence in support of the theory; but when opponents can’t fight the truth with evidence, they resort to ridicule in attempts to make up for their lack of evidence.<br /><br />The fact is that conspiracy theories are indeed based on theories; but at least in many cases, they are based upon true theories!  If you look up “conspiracy” in the Bible, you will find ten uses of the word (KJV); and out of those ten times, exactly ten of them are real conspiracies—and not merely some far-fetched imaginary theory, invented by some insanely ignorant people.  If you look up the related word “conspired”, you will find similar results.<br /><br />Among many serious problems with the mainstream media’s account of 9-11 terrorism, possibly the most obvious evidence of USA government involvement, is the lack of any video showing the airplane supposedly flying into the Pentagon.  Probably no building in the world has more video and camera surveillance; and yet for eight years now, our beloved government hasn’t been able to cough up the documentation from any of the numerous cameras.<br /><br />Sure, we have seen the still shot of an explosion; but that could’ve been from a missile or a bomb.  Where is the motion video evidence of an airliner flying into the Pentagon??  Will the conspiracy ridiculists now come forward, and answer this question—since our “trustworthy” government refuses to do so???<br /><br />Many hoax believers are already aware of the 9-11 conspiracy in our government.  For those who want to look into it, though, here are a couple of websites that are not from wild-eyed and uneducated lunatics; instead, they are from highly trained professionals: architects, engineers, and pilots—all agreeing that the official story about 9-11 is a big fat lie!  {http://www.ae911truth.org; http://www.pilotsfor911truth.org/; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9/11_Truth_Movement}<br /><br />Of course President Bush is a big suspect in the 9-11 terrorism corruption.  Here is a video where he admits that he is in the secret society called “Skull and Bones” {}.  Why do you suppose they used such a name, could it possibly have anything to do with killing?  And by the way: the “conspiracy theorists” ridicule tactic was used in this clip.<br /><br />Here is another video, where Bush was asked about 9-11 prior knowledge; and he was quite obviously embarrassed, and at a loss for words {}.  Bush corruption will be revisited, when we examine the assassinations of JFK Sr. & Jr. (see Part 7).<br />
    <br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,1927.msg27565.html#msg27565<br /><br />
    <br />1-16. The New World Order?<br /><br />This subject generated responses from one extreme, that the New World Order (NWO) doesn’t even exist—and in fact can’t possibly exist—all the way to the other extreme of: “We’ve known about the NWO for decades, so TIAI was just a waste of time.”  Well guess what: both of these two extreme complaints can’t possibly be true!  And in fact, neither of the complaints are valid.<br /><br />Even if all hoax believers already understood the NWO/conspiracy aspects (and many did not, before TIAI): still, the redirects and explanations of them (TIAI Revealed) are not just for hoax investigators now—they are also for the MJ fan stampede, which will surely hit the hoax web pages once the MJ return occurs.  Furthermore, there has been a major awakening on these subjects since the start of TIAI—not only on the hoax forums, but also on YouTube and other websites.  The MJalive999 video on TIAI part 1 now has more than 16,000 views! {}<br /><br />For those who thought that the NWO doesn’t even exist (because if it did, they would control the internet—and we wouldn’t be able to find any information about them): the NWO is very powerful, but not all powerful.  There are still many good people in powerful positions in this world; in fact, there are some good people in the secret societies (although in the lower levels, where they don’t really understand the agenda of the upper levels).<br /><br />None questioning the existence of the NWO bothered to step up to the plate, and explain why there has never been any video of an airplane flying into the Pentagon.  If this doesn’t convince you of major conspiracy in our own government, then nothing will.  And if you are convinced of this, then you can be certain that the NWO is very real and very powerful (USA being the most powerful government on earth); and in fact George Bush Sr. is the one who announced the “New World Order” (see again the EndGame trailer in TIAI Revealed, Part 3).  Neither did any NWO skeptic bother to explain why JFK Jr’s fuel selector was shut off, during his plane crash.<br /><br />Do MJ and Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in conspiracies and the NWO, etc?  Yes, they do!  In fact, MJ specifically put the JFK conspiracy in his 1995 “Tabloid Junkie” song (which is actually about lies in all the media—not just tabloid media): “JFK exposed the CIA.  Truth be told the grassy knoll” {http://http://www.lyrics007.com/Michael Jackson Lyrics/Tabloid Junkie Lyrics.html; http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabloid_Junkie}.  You see, MJ was showing that JFK was killed for exposing conspiracies in our own government (CIA).  And the “truth” about JFK is the “grassy knoll”, which is the conspiracy version of the killing—not the government’s “lone gunman” theory {http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lone_gunman}.<br /><br />When MJ was talking in “This Is It”, about the 4 years: he said don’t wait for the government.  And in the song “They Don’t Really Care About Us”, the word “they” is not primarily about the media.  { http://http://www.tmz.com/2009/07/29/mj-friend-he-almost-died-during-trial/; <br />http://http://mjkit.forumotion.net/breaking-news-f3/michaels-late-night-voice-mails-said-he-was-scared-for-his-life-t1686.htm; <br />http://http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1634}<br /><br />The banned version of the video is about prison {}—and who runs prisons: the media, or the government?  The other version has MJ singing “you can never kill me” {at 1:05, }; and this is while he’s standing beside the NWO all-seeing eye, that is also on the back of the USA one dollar bill (which says Novus Ordo Seclorum under the eye, and is Latin for New World Order {http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Novus_ordo_seclorum}).<br /><br />1-17. The End of the (New) World (Order)?<br /><br />As we already saw above, Jehovah’s Witnesses do believe that the end of the world is near.  Different people have different ideas about what will take place at the “end of the world”; but many Christians and even other religions believe that something major is very near.<br /><br />MJ himself was very clear about the 4 years; and even if it was only the environment (and he never said that the 4 years is only about the environment): it would still be the end of the world, if the damage to the environment becomes irreversible.<br /><br />Also, the “2012” movie came from Sony—just like “This Is It”; and Tommy Mottola is no longer with Sony {http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_Mottola}.  The “2012” movie came out right after “This Is It”, and the “Jackson” and many other MJ parallels in “2012” are not just coincidence.  Therefore, MJ does believe that the end of the world is near.<br /><br />The original “2012” trailer had a message at the end, recommending people take it seriously and not just fiction: “Find Out the Truth  Google Search: 2012” {}.  Currently, if you type a “2” into the Google search window (or YouTube), the very first suggestion is “2012” (and about three more suggestions below have “2012” in them).  This means that a lot of people are searching for truth about the end of the world.<br /><br />Yes, there are scientists who say, “Don’t worry about the end of the world”.  But there are also well-known sources who say that it’s a realistic possibility.  For one, the History Channel takes 2012 seriously; it shows multiple prophecies and factors pointing to the end of the world in our time—some of which even point specifically to 2012 {}.<br /><br />Many people are refusing to believe in the end of the world, merely because they don’t want to believe it—not because it isn’t true (or a lack of evidence).  But who are the bigger fools: the ones who believe and are ready, yet it does not come—or the ones who don’t believe and are not ready, and then it does come??<br />
    <br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,3391.msg52818.html#msg52818<br /><br />I haven't been able to go through all the posts again...but under the username "TS" alone (there are more instances under the username TS_comments and The Sign), the keywords 'NWO', "Illuminati", and "secret societies" were mentioned 74, 16 and 6 times respectively.  <br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Ok but where's the ridicule, BTC? The only thing close to ridicule I saw was Sim accusing BillieJ of refusing to see "the obvious" though I'm not even sure I'd define that as ridicule. Please just come out and say what you're hinting at so no one has to guess.
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    Bec...for me to go back and copy/paste the many instances where members and/or their comments were either ridiculed, insulted or offended is not something I'm prepared to do.  For one, I don't have the time as there are many instances spanning several years (not sure why the 'surprise' at this time, when it's happened many times in the past), and 2) it's pointless based on the instances where I, and others, have publicly noted the behavior and politely asked for people to be more respectful...only to be ignored.  So what's the point?  The comments are all there to analyze for those interested.  Perhaps it's all a matter of misinterpretation (although I don't believe so) or maybe it's just personality differences.  Either way, the fact does remain that several members---past and present---whether right or wrong, have felt/are feeling disrespected and/or ridiculed.  If people were more mindful of their comments in the moment...a copy/paste job after the fact wouldn't be necessary.<br /><br />I posted the TS quotes...yes, to highlight the fact that some STILL don't believe in the serious side of the hoax (as is evident in many flippant comments about it all being 'just a game'---note, that was only ONE paragraph out of an entire page that I quoted)...but more importantly, in the hopes of getting back to the discussion that some were engaging in....the possible 'why's' of the hoax.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @Bec: I felt insulted/ridiculed by both you and Billie J. and I had the right to react accordingly.<br />And I'm not going to answer to your long message that tries in vain to minimize the irony that was both in your message and in Billie J comment.<br /><br /><br /><br />
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    So what happens if I feel insulted? Green light to insult right back? Where does it end?
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1354906061:
    <br />So what happens if I feel insulted? Green light to insult right back? Where does it end?<br />
    Excuse me! I never insulted anyone!<br />You should back up what you say with exact quotes!
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    It ends when both of you don't talk about it anymore<br /><br />The End
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1354906227:
    <br />It ends when both of you don't talk about it anymore<br /><br />The End<br />
    <br /><br />You're right. Thank you again, diggyon.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1354906227:
    <br />It ends when both of you don't talk about it anymore<br /><br />The End<br />
    NO! It ends when people learn to respect other people regardless of their opinions on various subjects! THAT's when it ends!<br /><br />But as long as they ridicule and then deny ridiculing, projecting themselves as "victims" when people react to their ironies, then no it won't stop unfortunately!
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    <br /><br />@everyone - let's all be friends, ok? We've got a good group of lovely people here, it's ok to have different opinions but let's not take our frustrations out on each other.  Please?
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    on 1354906390:
    <br />
    on 1354906227:
    <br />It ends when both of you don't talk about it anymore<br /><br />The End<br />
    NO! It ends when people learn to respect other people regardless of their opinions on various subjects! THAT's when it ends!<br /><br />But as long as they ridicule and they deny ridiculing, projecting themselves as "victims" when people react to their ironies, then no it won't stop unfortunately!<br />
    <br /><br />Sim I know it hurts when someone is ridiculed or insulted by someone else. But don't you think it is better to talk about it in private with this person? Getting nervous will make things even worse, believe me!
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    on 1354906569:
    <br /><br /><br />@everyone - let's all be friends, ok? We've got a good group of lovely people here, it's ok to have different opinions but let's not take our frustrations out on each other.  Please?<br />
    <br /><br />I love what you wrote!! <br /> :bearhug:<br />
  • Sorry, I dont believe that MJ had knowledge beforehand about the twin towers and what was going to happen. <br /><br />Frank Cascio states in his book that it was him (Frank) that had the appt at the twin towers to return the million dollar watch that MJ wore at Madison square gardens shows. Not MJ. why would Frank lie? He put this out there in a book where if the facts were any different, any number of people couldve spoken out that he was lying. They were all woken up by a security guard telling them to get up and had to get out, because one of the towers had been hit. <br /><br />I personally dont believe alot of what I read on here,, doesnt mean that if someone else believes it they are right and its OBVIOUS.... everything is up for interpretation since none of us are MJ or was there... except maybe Front,, IF he's MJ.
  • Just because you read it in a magazine (in this case book) or see it on a movie screen don’t make it actual, factual.  Michael told us that years ago and judging on books, mags, articles I’ve seen, reviewed, read of late, he nailed it. 
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    New world order exist and is there, of the talk with the greatest effrontery of the politicians, presidents, the pope, that the majority of the people want to ignore it and live in his world of ignorance and fantasy is another thing
  • on 1354908164:
    <br />Just because you read it in a magazine (in this case book) or see it on a movie screen don’t make it actual, factual.  Michael told us that years ago and judging on books, mags, articles I’ve seen, reviewed, read of late, he nailed it. <br />
    <br /><br /><br />same goes for the internet,, just because its on the internet doesnt make it true
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    @mjselfsweet...Frank's account in his book contradicts Jermaine's version in his book.  Not saying we can, therefore, conclude Jermaine is 'right'...but instead, just noting that there are conflicting stories of what took place.  So, if the question 'why would Frank lie' is a fair one (and it is), so is 'why would Jermaine lie'?<br /><br />
    <br />Jermaine Jackson’s new book, “You Are Not Alone: Michael, Through a Brother’s Eyes,” is a look at his late brother Michael’s rise to fame and tragic death.<br /><br />In a new interview, Jermaine gave Access Hollywood’s Billy Bush a preview of the candid memoir where he revealed that his brother was supposed to be in The World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001.<br /><br />“My mother had stayed up with him all the way until four in the morning and he just slept; he missed his appointments, which was great,” Jermaine told Billy, saying Michael — a long time sufferer of sleep deprivation — had planned to attend meetings in the Twin Towers that day.<br />
    <br />http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/44519865/ns/today-entertainment/t/was-michael-jackson-almost-wtc/#.UMJBx-Sun3J<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • on 1354908331:
    <br />@mjselfsweet...Frank's account in his book contradicts Jermaine's version in his book.  Not saying we can, therefore, conclude Jermaine is 'right'...but instead, just noting that there are conflicting stories of what took place.  So, if the question 'why would Frank lie' is a fair one (and it is), so is 'why would Jermaine lie'?<br /><br />
    <br />Jermaine Jackson’s new book, “You Are Not Alone: Michael, Through a Brother’s Eyes,” is a look at his late brother Michael’s rise to fame and tragic death.<br /><br />In a new interview, Jermaine gave Access Hollywood’s Billy Bush a preview of the candid memoir where he revealed that his brother was supposed to be in The World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001.<br /><br />“My mother had stayed up with him all the way until four in the morning and he just slept; he missed his appointments, which was great,” Jermaine told Billy, saying Michael — a long time sufferer of sleep deprivation — had planned to attend meetings in the Twin Towers that day.<br />
    <br />http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/44519865/ns/today-entertainment/t/was-michael-jackson-almost-wtc/#.UMJBx-Sun3J<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br />
    <br /><br />true BTC, but I, myself believe that Michael was pretty much "separated" from his brothers, by choice, for a long time,, they did their thing, he did his, and I personally believe Franks account,, I believe that maybe Jermaine didnt always know what MJ was doing, along w/the rest of his siblings.
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    @mjselfsweet...everything you've stated is, as you said, your 'opinion', and you are entitled to it.  <br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • on 1354908291:
    <br />
    on 1354908164:
    <br />Just because you read it in a magazine (in this case book) or see it on a movie screen don’t make it actual, factual.  Michael told us that years ago and judging on books, mags, articles I’ve seen, reviewed, read of late, he nailed it. <br />
    <br /><br /><br />same goes for the internet,, just because its on the internet doesnt make it true<br />
    <br /><br />
    <br /><br /> :thjajaja121:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1261468966:
    <br />TIAI Revealed, Part 7: NWO Powers Control the Mass Media  (R29 - R42)<br /><br />This whole part 7 deals with the secret societies; and especially their agenda to create a one-world religion and one-world government system, called the New World Order (NWO).  There are many such societies, including: Illuminati, Skull & Bones, Masons, and many more; they are bricks in the pyramid (shown on the back of the U.S. one dollar bill).  Instead of trying to identify individual secret societies, the general term “NWO powers” will be used.<br /><br />[size=12pt]Michael is well aware of these NWO powers, their corruption, their tremendous power, and their conspiracies (see R29).  And he knows that these powers control the mass media; which means that if you do a hoax to expose the mass media corruption, you are inherently going to come under the wrath of the powers that control the media—you can’t do one, without having the other.  So he has to be very careful with when and how he returns to the public eye.[/size]
    <br /><br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,1930.msg27572.html#msg27572
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1354908291:
    <br />
    on 1354908164:
    <br />Just because you read it in a magazine (in this case book) or see it on a movie screen don’t make it actual, factual.  Michael told us that years ago and judging on books, mags, articles I’ve seen, reviewed, read of late, he nailed it. <br />
    <br /><br /><br />same goes for the internet,, just because its on the internet doesnt make it true<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />On the internet that there is a lot to read to differentiate the truth of what is speculative, but the difference of the internet is that there are very good alternative media.<br />
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