TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    on 1351425184:
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    on 1351416937:
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    on 1351415996:
    <br />I've looked hard but can't find those series of pics of several vehicles in a back lot off of UCLA, with what appears to be possibly MJ changing clothes and climbing into a vehicle.<br />Paula, you're so good at finding pics from the early days.  :bowdown: Do you remember those ones?<br />
    <br /><br />I remember something about these pics too......but I wouldn't have a clue where to find them.<br />
    <br /><br />
    <br />http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=US&v=BWAUnjTt8D8<br />
    <br /> Ellyd, thanks for finding the video with the pics. I do remember though that there were some particular shots with a mysterious person behind the SUV’s, that is not shown in that video. So when the following scene happened we don't know exactly, but it was all on June 25.<br /><br />
  • <br /><br /> :suspect:  :animal0017:  :judge-smiley:  :over-react-smiley:  :computer-losy-smiley:  :icon_albino:<br /><br />grumble...lol///i'mlosingmymindlmfaoffffff....<br /><br /><br />
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    Any date would be great for the BAM...just let it happen  :penguin:
  • ellydellyd Posts: 220
    MJonmind, You mean this one and others, right? <br />BG2b.jpg<br /><br />I think the shots are all shown in the video. I don't remember anymore where we discussed the video.<br />There's a thread at .net if you want to review. It is called "Possible photo evidence? UPDATED 10/31/10"<br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=7143&start=220<br />Credits go to Christabelle. <br />
  • Tweet from Michael bearden this is it. <br /><br />“@MichaelBearden: Opened 3 years ago today! M~ #restinpradise #miss #friend #icon #kingofpop #greatest #legend #legacy #love # http://t.co/r1VQulFj”<br /><br />Rest in paradise!!! OMG that's a massive clue surely.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    on 1351499154:
    <br />MJonmind, You mean this one and others, right? <br />BG2b.jpg<br /><br />I think the shots are all shown in the video. I don't remember anymore where we discussed the video.<br />There's a thread at .net if you want to review. It is called "Possible photo evidence? UPDATED 10/31/10"<br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=7143&start=220<br />Credits go to Christabelle.<br />
    <br /> :th_bravo:  Yep that whole set of pics are them!!  Thanks!  There did seem to be something 'else' going on hoax-wise, and that 'guy' walking away in front.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    on 1350890102:
    <br />Well, after about a year I’m “back”—no, that does NOT have a double meaning, lol.<br /><br />It’s been quiet for quite a long timE; but things should start rumbling again …<br /><br />TS: “However, we will finish no later than November 29—even if I have to do 7b and 7c without any help (7a is nearly complete already).”<br /><br />I said we would finish level 7 by November 29, but did I say what year?<br /><br /> :TongueOutSmiley:<br /><br />If we are going to be top-notch investigators, we have to learn not to assUME anything!<br /><br />Anyway, back to business, timE to finish up Level 7.<br /><br /> :compute:<br />
    <br />I'm getting pumped for Nov 30!
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1351505306:
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    on 1351499154:
    <br />MJonmind, You mean this one and others, right? <br />BG2b.jpg<br /><br />I think the shots are all shown in the video. I don't remember anymore where we discussed the video.<br />There's a thread at .net if you want to review. It is called "Possible photo evidence? UPDATED 10/31/10"<br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=7143&start=220<br />Credits go to Christabelle.<br />
    <br /> :th_bravo:  Yep that whole set of pics are them!!  Thanks!  There did seem to be something 'else' going on hoax-wise, and that 'guy' walking away in front.<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Interesting photos of those days<br /><br />Coatlength1.jpg<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Coatlength2.jpg
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    :icon_albino: :icon_lol:  And of course the paps got only half his body.
  • Are you assuming that the man wearing the white coat is Michael himself? <br /><br />Coatlength2.jpg
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Wait.<br /><br />Are we speculating that's MJ in the parking lot?<br /><br />If I am going to face tough opposition saying it's too risky for him to hitch a ride from Carrolwood in an ambulance and go INTO UCLA on 6/25/09, how can we then turn around with a straight face and speculate that he's walking around OUTSIDE UCLA that day in the parking lot?<br /><br />And why would this be necessary?<br /><br />This doesn't seem very plausible to me.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    on 1351697760:
    <br />Wait.<br /><br />Are we speculating that's MJ in the parking lot?<br /><br />If I am going to face tough opposition saying it's too risky for him to hitch a ride from Carrolwood in an ambulance and go INTO UCLA on 6/25/09, how can we then turn around with a straight face and speculate that he's walking around OUTSIDE UCLA that day in the parking lot?<br /><br />And why would this be necessary?<br /><br />This doesn't seem very plausible to me.<br />
    <br />Only from TS though...
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    And who is that guy appearing in that photo of backs, In the first row looking the whole scene?<br /><br /><br />Coatlength1.jpg
  • .
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1351713537:
    <br />
    on 1351697760:
    <br />Wait.<br /><br />Are we speculating that's MJ in the parking lot?<br /><br />If I am going to face tough opposition saying it's too risky for him to hitch a ride from Carrolwood in an ambulance and go INTO UCLA on 6/25/09, how can we then turn around with a straight face and speculate that he's walking around OUTSIDE UCLA that day in the parking lot?<br /><br />And why would this be necessary?<br /><br />This doesn't seem very plausible to me.<br />
    <br />Only from TS though...<br />
    <br /><br />Nah, there's others that support his theory.<br /><br />Besides, there's the question of; for what gain? What's the motive driving MJ to theoretically change clothes in the public parking lot of UCLA? Why couldn't he change clothes somewhere more private considering he's supposed to be inside the ER @the time dead or dying. Once he's in the hospital, he could leave via the helicopter, via under cover vehicle pick up, through the tunnels, shoot-- even in the bottom of a laundry basket like the old movies... or walk out the back door and change clothes in the parking lot with a bunch of his body guards?
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Adi<br />
    Just thinking out loud here.......if the Dr M trial/court was real and was being used for a sting operation then does the use of "alleged victim"  and "alleged date" cover them? IDK......
    <br />So I would say in answer to TS question, that yes “alleged” covers them, or cancels out what was said in the verdict of 'guilty'.<br />So would that mean that if there really exists a Dr. Murray, that he really wasn’t in jail because his conviction was cancelled/nullified?  And the jury was flushed down the toilet for calling him guilty. Jury on trial.<br />So after Bam, those in the know, say Murray didn’t actually spend any time behind bars.  Have you guys noticed the many reality shows lately of young celebrity stars being punked? Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus and others.  Some of the scenarios are getting pretty elaborate.<br /><br />TS on Nov 28,11<br />
    So now I have given two strong points for MJ not going to the hospital.  #1 It would be an unnecessary risk of MJ being bumped off, when the world thinks he’s already dead (even if this was a low risk, it was still a risk—and an unnecessary risk, at that).  #2 Jermaine’s “airport” clue, plus the very early hoax reports, point to MJ going to the airport instead of the hospital.  And I still have three more strong points on this, yet to come (total of five reasons why MJ did not go to the hospital)…<br />Also, they could simply ask the staff not to take any pictures, and confiscate their camera/phone if they did.  So I think that we can file this (staff sent away before bringing the body down) as another good evidence of the hoax.  If MJ really died, this makes no sense… Yes, that is my third of five reasons why MJ did not go to the hospital.<br />My fourth point, on MJ not going to the hospital, is the testimony of Sharon Sidney.  She is one of the “stalker” fans, who was at Carolwood day and night; and she was there when the ambulance went to UCLA.  Ben talks about her, and you can even see a still shot of her face {see 1:15, compare }... “She says, there were strange cars at Michael Jackson's mansion on the night of June 24th. She felt that something covert was taking place. ... She tells of how, at the hospital, she spoke with paramedic Blount, and how they both agreed that the person that was wheeled into the hospital was not Michael Jackson. Sharon is adamant that the patient wheeled into the emergency room was much shorter than Michael. She was very upset that paramedic Blount told a completely different story when he testified for the prosecution and detailed how he and his partner handled Michael's resuscitation efforts at Carolwood.”
    <br />So there’s a reason #5 to find apparently.  I have no clue, but I’m just giving a kind of crazy possibility.  I’m sure it’s not the one TS has in mind. Here's 'Elvis' again, explaining how his 'death' details took place at 2:09:09. <br />
    The plan was for a DEA helicopter to pick me up. I was going to fly to Argentina, until things blew over. Then on to Kalamazo, Michigan. But the helicopter saw a television crew outside the gate and left. So I shimmied down the side of the house and walked into the pool house…<br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=rYu-P92ILDE
    <br />Okay so maybe Elvis’ original plan was to fly out of there, but they went with plan B—waiting it out in the house till things blew over. Did MJ similarly have the at least stated plans to fly out (like Jermaine said) but actually stayed hidden either in that house or an insider’s place. Or did MJ perfect what went wrong for Elvis and actually fly outta town.  Although, I remember from early days someone had possibly taken a pic of someone looking like MJ at Tito’s house in the window (anyone remember?), and reports said shortly after the “death” that the Encino property was being guarded all around like Fort Knox.<br /><br />Just before ‘Elvis’ says the above he says his ‘death’ would be like:<br />
    Master comics #110, 'Captain Marvel Jr. and the Hidden Death', where Captain Marvel Jr. faked his own death to deceive his own enemies. Then he defeated them and came back as a hero. That was my way out.
    http://www.comics.org/issue/7949/cover/4/  I can't seem to find details on the comic story to see if CMJ flew out of his 'death' scene, if someone can find that, thanks.  But I did find this interesting:<br /><br />Captain Marvel Jr. from Wiki:<br />
    Captain Marvel Jr.'s alter-ego is Freddy Freeman, a crippled newsboy saved by Captain Marvel from the villainous Captain Nazi. Junior derives his powers from Captain Marvel himself, while the other Marvels derive their powers from the wizard Shazam. And lots more interesting details…
    <br /> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Marvel_Jr.<br /><br />'Power of Shazam!'  Remember Front’s post?<br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,5167.msg352400.html#msg352400<br /><br />souzam.png<br /><br />And of course MJ loved Marvel comics and wanted to buy it…<br />I know much of this has been discussed before, but maybe it can help for brainstorming...
  • ellydellyd Posts: 220
    Good to discuss this further.<br /><br />TS on Nov 28,11<br />
    So now I have given two strong points for MJ not going to the hospital.  #1 It would be an unnecessary risk of MJ being bumped off, when the world thinks he’s already dead (even if this was a low risk, it was still a risk—and an unnecessary risk, at that).  #2 Jermaine’s “airport” clue, plus the very early hoax reports, point to MJ going to the airport instead of the hospital.  And I still have three more strong points on this, yet to come (total of five reasons why MJ did not go to the hospital)…<br />Also, they could simply ask the staff not to take any pictures, and confiscate their camera/phone if they did.  So I think that we can file this (staff sent away before bringing the body down) as another good evidence of the hoax.  If MJ really died, this makes no sense… Yes, that is my third of five reasons why MJ did not go to the hospital.<br />My fourth point, on MJ not going to the hospital, is the testimony of Sharon Sidney.  She is one of the “stalker” fans, who was at Carolwood day and night; and she was there when the ambulance went to UCLA.  Ben talks about her, and you can even see a still shot of her face {see 1:15, compare }... “She says, there were strange cars at Michael Jackson's mansion on the night of June 24th. She felt that something covert was taking place. ... She tells of how, at the hospital, she spoke with paramedic Blount, and how they both agreed that the person that was wheeled into the hospital was not Michael Jackson. Sharon is adamant that the patient wheeled into the emergency room was much shorter than Michael. She was very upset that paramedic Blount told a completely different story when he testified for the prosecution and detailed how he and his partner handled Michael's resuscitation efforts at Carolwood.”
    <br /><br />#1<br />Unnecessary risk.<br />"Risk is the potential that a chosen action or activity (including the choice of inaction) will lead to a loss (an undesirable outcome)."<br />Undesirable outcomes could be:<br />a) MJ discovered as not being dead.<br />b) MJ discovered as not being the body on the stretcher.<br /><br />Risk a) is much less important than b) since the media were jumping on subject a) anyway (AP press note about "UCLA raising the dead". <br />http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31686168/ns/health-heart_health/t/jacksons-hospital-known-raising-dead/<br />What would have happened if the "undead" would have been found? Plans would not have worked out as prepared.<br /><br />b) The discrepancy between "as if" and "is" could be detected at every second with or without MJ being at the hospital - simply by looking closely and checking for teeth, DNA etc. Providing hair samples etc from the living for the dead could have even helped the case become more realistic - except when responsible doctors were on a payroll anyway and samples were already in the hospital (from another day). <br /><br />#2<br />Jermaine's "airport" thought spoken out.<br />Usually people go more often to an airport than to a hospital. It is not uncommon to think of what a person usually does when leaving a place. <br />Red herring to produce more smokescreen.<br />Why would MJ have had a need to leave via airlift?<br />Because it's getting out fast? What for?<br /><br />Question is whether there was a need to get away.<br />Second question: why get away FAST.<br />It is much safer to go by car - if needed at all.<br />The "dead body on stretcher" photo was taken on a stretcher model which was out of operation at UCLA since 2003.<br />If all major footprints were prepared since years - why would there be a need to produce a "beam-me-up-and-outta-here-as-fast-as-possible"? Don't think so. No underestimating MJ in this detail.<br /><br />#3<br />Staff having to leave the house before the body was brought down.<br />This is only an indication that they were not supposed to see the body but not an indicator that MJ did not go to the hospital.<br />"Stairs down" and "go to UCLA" = two different matters.<br /><br />#4<br />So<br />1) Blount was in and talked to a stalker fan at the hospital<br />2) Blount was not in and talked to a stalker fan at the hospital.<br /><br />I don't buy either one. <br />HIPAA. <br />In addition, the EMTs were under surveillance and training on what to do and what not to do - especially that day they were reportedly not even authorized to place calls to their families from their cellphones.<br /><br />#5<br />MJ could have been at the hospital - in disguise - this wouldn't have been any risk at all. <br />The director does not have to be present at scene if<br />- tasks are 100% assigned to a vice-director<br />- tasks don't need any supervision<br />- tasks will be executed as foreseen anyway<br />- he has no live influence on what happens in case the script is not being followed.<br /><br />Given MJ had everything planned since a long time, given he knew well what usually (and in special terms at UCLA) happens in hospitals, emergency rooms and with dying patients, he could have prevented the need of his presence as MJ in the hospital.<br /><br />But could he have been present at the hospital giving a different persona, protected by the agencies involved?
  • on 1351744276:
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    on 1351713537:
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    on 1351697760:
    <br />Wait.<br /><br />Are we speculating that's MJ in the parking lot?<br /><br />If I am going to face tough opposition saying it's too risky for him to hitch a ride from Carrolwood in an ambulance and go INTO UCLA on 6/25/09, how can we then turn around with a straight face and speculate that he's walking around OUTSIDE UCLA that day in the parking lot?<br /><br />And why would this be necessary?<br /><br />This doesn't seem very plausible to me.<br />
    <br />Only from TS though...<br />
    <br /><br />Nah, there's others that support his theory.<br /><br />Besides, there's the question of; for what gain? What's the motive driving MJ to theoretically change clothes in the public parking lot of UCLA? Why couldn't he change clothes somewhere more private considering he's supposed to be inside the ER @the time dead or dying. Once he's in the hospital, he could leave via the helicopter, via under cover vehicle pick up, through the tunnels, shoot-- even in the bottom of a laundry basket like the old movies... or walk out the back door and change clothes in the parking lot with a bunch of his body guards?<br />
    <br /><br /><br />I have to agree, he would not go through all the scenes of a hoax, and then go out publicly and changes clothes behind the SUVs ESPECIALLY, knowing, that tons of fans, paparazzi and cameras were there..no reason for that.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1351625291:
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    on 1351505306:
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    on 1351499154:
    <br />MJonmind, You mean this one and others, right? <br />BG2b.jpg<br /><br />I think the shots are all shown in the video. I don't remember anymore where we discussed the video.<br />There's a thread at .net if you want to review. It is called "Possible photo evidence? UPDATED 10/31/10"<br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=7143&start=220<br />Credits go to Christabelle.<br />
    <br /> :th_bravo:  Yep that whole set of pics are them!!  Thanks!  There did seem to be something 'else' going on hoax-wise, and that 'guy' walking away in front.<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Interesting photos of those days<br /><br />Coatlength1.jpg<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Coatlength2.jpg<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />These photos were leaked to create controversy, who took it had a good angle and the photo will  short opportunely  to not see who is the person with the white coat, as we know if those photos  specifically are of day JUNE 25?<br />
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    ... And i forget to say that I do believe that the man in the white coat is MJ,.. these photos  It is likely are another day.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Paula, so it's not settled? :icon_lol:<br /><br />uclamjmayb.jpg<br /> :screaming-7365:<br /><br />Paula, so you think these photos were taken another day and given to fans for decoys for June 25?  Do you then think MJ went to the airport on the 25th?<br />
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    on 1351828271:
    <br />Paula, so it's not settled? :icon_lol:<br /><br />uclamjmayb.jpg<br /> :screaming-7365:<br /><br />Paula, so you think these photos were taken another day and given to fans for decoys for June 25?  Do you then think MJ went to the airport on the 25th?<br />
    <br /><br />Somehow I think that some photos were taken prior June 25th.
  • so do we know for sure what building they are coming out of ? if so how do we know? curious
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1351828271:
    <br />Paula, so it's not settled? :icon_lol:<br /><br />uclamjmayb.jpg<br /> :screaming-7365:<br /><br />Paula, so you think these photos were taken another day and given to fans for decoys for June 25?  Do you then think MJ went to the airport on the 25th?<br />
    <br /><br /><br />… ..I don't know! :Pulling_hair: :icon_lol:<br /><br /><br /><br />
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    That man with the white or gray suit is not the same as it was with Mrs. Katherine? :confused:<br /><br />Coatlength2.jpg<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />whoare10.jpg
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