TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • on 1352071732:
    <br />
    on 1351339247:
    <br />... JJ's slip up was there as a decoy, he put it in our minds and we assumed MJ went to the airport. ... <br />
    <br /><br />If the family is giving misleading hoax clues, then we might as well believe that they are just playing games with us and MJ is dead.  Also, many hoaxers already believed that MJ flew out of LAX, months before Jermaine gave this clue.  So that belief was not based on Jermaine’s “airport” slip of the lip; instead, Jermaine's statement was confirmation.<br />
    <br /><br />Good to have you back TS, missed ya!<br /><br />Umm yeah, I guess
  • Thank you for all of these replies - this is starting to answer a lot of questions IMO but also many questions yet to be answered.<br /><br />I don't think MJ would be in Bahrain either for the same reasons stated above. I also don't think he'd leave his children so far away from him unless his life was in danger and he wanted to protect them. Somehow I don't see them in immediate danger. I tend to wonder if he's living in Encino where the "supposed" remodeling is going on. Either that or he's at Neverland OR he could be at one of his many friends's homes as we heard an interview last week where he stayed with (can't remember the name) his friend during his Pepsi accident and nobody knew. I thought it was interesting timing for that story to come out.<br /><br />Blessings
  • on 1352089444:
    <br />... The verdict itself doesn't exist (thanks to "alleged") which could make the argument that the whole trial was just an imitation of a real court case and NOT real itself.
    <br /><br />But if it was not a real court, not operating under real judicial laws (and was merely an entertainment movie), then WHY the need for the word "alleged"?  NO OTHER MOVIE (or TV show) has been found, using the world "alleged"--so why would it be needed in this case, if there was no need to in other court movies?<br /><br />We could perhaps write it off as merely a hoax "clue"; but that seems like a rather shallow explanation, especially since it came at the END of the whole trial--where many clues had already been given, and what was the need to slip in one more clue at the end?  Just for fun?  And even if one more last minute clue was needed: why would "alleged" be a prime candidate for the final clue?  Why not something, anything--other than a LEGAL term, that covers LEGAL situations??<br /><br /> :judge-smiley:
  • Was it a hoax clue for unbelievers?
  • on 1352091419:
    <br />Was it a hoax clue for unbelievers?<br />
    <br /><br />... And even if one more last minute clue was needed [for unbelievers]: why would "alleged" be a prime candidate for the final clue? Why not something, anything--other than a LEGAL term, that covers LEGAL situations??<br /><br /> :icon_bounce:
  • on 1352078255:
    <br />... But we're talking about the specific date of June 25th here and I don't see what would make it NECESSARY for MJ to fly half way around the world.  Speaking of Bahrain, you hinted a while ago TS, that it was one of the places MJ was hiding out in.  So MJ flew for hours and hours right after everything went down?  That doesn't ring true for me.<br />
    <br /><br />My statement about driving to Bahrain in a car was a joke.  Nevertheless, like Elvis, MJ has probably been in hiding at multiple locations during his dead life (:icon_lol:).  The jet left LAX in the morning, hours before kick-off time.  So by noon, MJ could've been back on the ground in some other city, state, or even country--whether or not he was enroute to Bahrain.  Then he could watch, and direct remotely if needed, while being far from higher risks that would exist at Carolwood or UCLA.
  • on 1352091631:
    <br />
    on 1352091419:
    <br />Was it a hoax clue for unbelievers?<br />
    <br /><br />... And even if one more last minute clue was needed [for unbelievers]: why would "alleged" be a prime candidate for the final clue? Why not something, anything--other than a LEGAL term, that covers LEGAL situations??<br /><br /> :icon_bounce:<br />
    <br /><br />Legal terms are just more believable...Whhhaaattt!!<br /><br />Fuukkk I don't get it, why would MJ need to leave L.A on June 25th?
  • ellydellyd Posts: 220
    on 1352092167:
    <br />Then he could watch, and direct remotely if needed, while being far from higher risks that would exist at Carolwood or UCLA.<br />
    <br /><br />Which Michael did, not only at Memorial.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Nice TS...21 posts in a day, well done.  The word, "alleged" is close to the word, "allegations".  We all know that particular word points to one <br />part of Michael's complicated and pained life.  So perhaps, "alleged" was used as a nod or reference to the 2005 trial.  Instead of the legal <br />ramification we are trying to make it out to be. <br />With regards of Michael leaving on June 25th....somehow I don't think so.  Unless he was already gone when it all went down.  I can't help<br />but think airport was more than a slip however.  I also can't get the Santa Monica Airport out of my head.  The hanger there, full of his art<br />always intrigued me to no end.  Could it be that has been home base?  Who knows..........<br />Good to see you around posting TS......better watch it though, this hoax is addicting stuff  :icon_lol:<br /><br />Blessings Always
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1352091212:
    <br />
    on 1352089444:
    <br />... The verdict itself doesn't exist (thanks to "alleged") which could make the argument that the whole trial was just an imitation of a real court case and NOT real itself.
    <br /><br />But if it was not a real court, not operating under real judicial laws (and was merely an entertainment movie), then WHY the need for the word "alleged"?  NO OTHER MOVIE (or TV show) has been found, using the world "alleged"--so why would it be needed in this case, if there was no need to in other court movies?<br /><br />We could perhaps write it off as merely a hoax "clue"; but that seems like a rather shallow explanation, especially since it came at the END of the whole trial--where many clues had already been given, and what was the need to slip in one more clue at the end?  Just for fun?  And even if one more last minute clue was needed: why would "alleged" be a prime candidate for the final clue?  Why not something, anything--other than a LEGAL term, that covers LEGAL situations??<br /><br /> :judge-smiley:<br />
    Because it was live and included people who were not aware that it wasn't real so it was used for legality but also was used to indicate to anyone who was paying attention that it wasn't a real verdict (prevent entrapment).<br /><br />?<br /><br />Also, like UYI said, why would MJ need to leave LA on 6/25/09? The only place anyone would be looking for him was on a stretcher inside UCLA and later in a locker at the morgue.
  • on 1352096734:
    <br />... Because it was live and included people who were not aware that it wasn't real so it was used for legality but also was used to indicate to anyone who was paying attention that it wasn't a real verdict (prevent entrapment).<br />
    <br /><br />Exactly!<br /><br />The key word is "also"--it served TWO purposes: a clue, and ALSO legalities.  Which means that the court was BOTH hoax court, and sting court!  (Ooops, did I spill the beans?)<br /><br /> :th_bravo:  :th_bravo:
  • on 1352096585:
    <br />... The word, "alleged" is close to the word, "allegations".  We all know that particular word points to one <br />part of Michael's complicated and pained life.  So perhaps, "alleged" was used as a nod or reference to the 2005 trial.  Instead of the legal <br />ramification we are trying to make it out to be. ...
    <br /><br />Was the word "alleged" or "allegations" used in the 2005 VERDICT?  If not, then that is hardly a parallel or nod or reference to 2005 (at least not the only reason).  Instead, alleged could be used throughout the Murray trial, before the verdict, if it was merely a reference to 2005.
  • on 1352097158:
    <br />... Which means that the court was BOTH hoax court, and sting court!  (Ooops, did I spill the beans?)<br />
    <br /><br />Of course that concept is not entirely new; several have already mentioned it.  But I'm wanting to put this conclusion on a more solid basis, than has been done before, in order to complete Level 7 solidly.<br /><br /> :compute:
  • on 1352096585:
    <br />Nice TS...21 posts in a day, well done.  The word, "alleged" is close to the word, "allegations".  We all know that particular word points to one <br />part of Michael's complicated and pained life.  So perhaps, "alleged" was used as a nod or reference to the 2005 trial.  Instead of the legal <br />ramification we are trying to make it out to be. <br />With regards of Michael leaving on June 25th....somehow I don't think so.  Unless he was already gone when it all went down.  I can't help<br />but think airport was more than a slip however.  I also can't get the Santa Monica Airport out of my head.  The hanger there, full of his art<br />always intrigued me to no end.  Could it be that has been home base?  Who knows..........<br />Good to see you around posting TS......better watch it though, this hoax is addicting stuff  :icon_lol:<br /><br />Blessings Always<br />
    <br /><br />If this hoax is so addicting Wishing then where is Its Her...lol...she can't hack it can she, she isn't really up for anything that is above her intelligence huh?  :affraid: did I just call her out?<br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    TS<br />
    But I'm wanting to put this conclusion on a more solid basis, than has been done before, in order to complete Level 7 solidly.
    <br /><br />So it’s etched in stone then (it'd be nice finally :fresse:), MJ left in the jet hours before Murray ‘went to the bathroom’. Wherever he went, Bahrain or countless options, he was in communication with the ‘team members’.  Guessing it had to have been a hospice patient who stayed at the house perhaps weeks before already, and Murray or someone other qualified, perhaps even had him all hooked up for propofol to convince bodyguards, who were NEVER allowed upstairs.  In Elvis’ case they did facial surgeries to help the patient look like Elvis. Remember the MJ autopsy said the guy had tattooed eye-liners, lips, hair-line, etc.  EMT and everyone at UCLA was so concerned to just cover their own ass, they didn’t wonder about odd things, same as at the trial.  I would think real lawyers would have jumped right up and cried ‘foul’ after hearing ‘alleged’ read, but perhaps it shows the utter respect for authority they all have, and not thinking for themselves. How long MJ would need to stay away from LA, is the next question, depending on if he was there in person at the memorial, etc.<br /><br />So I’m guessing from the TMZ naked men story, that the naked truth was that there were 18 ‘dreamteamers’ that pulled this hoax all off, including MJ. :icon_e_smile:
  • ellydellyd Posts: 220
    "alleged"<br />1<br />: asserted to be true or to exist <an alleged miracle><br />2<br />: questionably true or of a specified kind : supposed, so-called <bought an alleged antique vase><br />3<br />: accused but not proven or convicted <an alleged burglar><br />— al·leg·ed·ly adverb <br /><br />http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/alleged<br /><br />
    <br />http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0Y2f7x0V6Y&feature=related<br /><br />Start at 2:00:<br /><br />Not alleged thus real / proven:<br />Time verdict was read (Nov 7, 2011, 1:17 pm PDT)<br />Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County<br />The people of the State of California - plaintiff<br />CRM - defendent<br />case #<br />jury involved in the interaction<br />jury finds guilty<br />CM found guilty of the crash / crush ? of involuntary manslaughter<br />penal code section 192 subsection B<br />alleged victim Michael Joseph Jackson<br />alleged date of June 25, 2009<br />as charged in count one of the information<br />date of verdict<br />juror ID #<br />individual and personal verdicts<br /><br />
  • MaryKMaryK Posts: 1,732
    MJonmind: so he left his children alone at Carolwood? <br /><br />If so: who was taking care of them during the drama? <br /><br />Would he really leave them alone with only the bodyguards (well and Kai Chase and Dr. Murray and other staff)?
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Wow, what a night!  You've all been so busy while I've been asleep - TS especially!!<br /><br />So ..... if there was a sting element - who or what was it against? The whole system maybe? (It 'sucks' according to MJ)
  • on 1351272208:
    <br />Mike was able to visit MANY locations before 'death' where he could 'hide out' and/or only be seen if he wanted to be.  <br /><br />Again, not saying he boarded a plane or that he didn't...or that he went to UCLA or that he didn't....it would just be more assumptions and speculation.  But, IMO, out of all the possible scenarios, having a live and healthy-looking MJ anywhere near UCLA on June 25th would be THE riskiest move of all to pull after a 20 year long hoax plan.  But, that too, is 'technically' an opinion based on several assumptions and is not 'proof' enough to state, as fact, that he wasn't there.<br /><br />[size=12pt]This is tail chasing at its finest.[/size]<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br />
    <br /><br />Haha yeah something like that.<br /><br />Ok so MJ going to UCLA or MJ going to the airport...yes indeed either opinion is just an assumption but...<br /><br />Reason to go to UCLA (even though I still don't agree with this (risky) but on the basis of comparing, I'll use it).<br />-Hoax of course, MJ is 'dying' and needs medical attention<br /><br />Reasons to go to the airport<br />-None, unless he had something to do on the side like maybe he wanted to explore the world, backpack in England, climb Machu Picchu, play 'Where's Wally' or 'Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego'...lol, ah so there is no reason for him to leave.<br /><br />Like you said if he needed to hideout he could, London, even right in hoax/death city; L.A, anywhere.<br /><br />@TS you haven't backed up the reason why MJ would need to leave L.A, only stating:<br /><br />
    Then he could watch, and direct remotely if needed, while being far from [size=14pt]higher risks that would exist at Carolwood or UCLA[/size].
    <br /><br />That's funny that you mention that, because you call Carolwood as well as UCLA a risk for MJ to be there, but like it was discussed before by other members, to go to UCLA (MJ or no MJ) would be risky. So is it or isn't it?<br /><br />Ok, he can also be far away from Carolwood without leaving the city, leaving on a plane would be risky too, for obvious reasons. <br />Hmm, so MJ had to get away from a risky place (Carolwood or UCLA) just so he could go do something equally as risky (to the airport)...yeah I'll believe that when I can moonwalk (and believe me I've tried, tried really hard (to Moonwalk I mean).<br /><br />That can't be your only reason why MJ needed to leave Carolwood and you haven't given us a substantial reason why he needed to leave. Which, in your assumption you state that MJ had to get away from a risky place. I'm assuming MJ wouldn't jeopardise his hoax program for something he didn't need to do.<br /><br />Not only that, wouldn't it be a double risk if MJ left L.A and then came back. Because my naive belief is that MJ needed to comeback to L.A for Dave Dave (unless you don't think that was MJ) then I'm just  :Pulling_hair:  and might need a couple of  :beerchug: to suppress the pain. <br /><br />But then again, I'd probably get taken to  :judge-smiley: after being charged with SUI (Sleeping under the Influence)  :over-react-smiley: and would think of  :smiley-vault-misc-150: myself to jail. But oh wait what's this  :omg: :WTF: ...  :elvis-1405: will  :moonwalk_: in ( :woohoo2:) and represent me, and  :ghsdf: up some some exceptional defence. I would be forever indented to him  :bowdown:  and tell him  :abouttime: that he got himself down to the  :judge-smiley: .  After I get let off I'd slowly back away  :Michael_Jackson_smiley_by_red do a little dance  :michael-jackson: while telling the  :judge-smiley: how  :michael_jackson-1135: I am  :images:. I'd  :argue: with :elvis-1405: about coming in late  :icon_evil: then I'd  :icon_redface:, apologise and show him some  :smiley_abuv:  :th_bravo: . We would have a huge homecoming  :multiplespotting: a few  :beerchug: (while awake of course), sing a few karaoke songs  :screaming-7365:  and do a few moves  :penguin: (top notch, inspired of course by my pet  :icon_albino: and his bestie  :animal0017: bait). And that was all just a couple of minutes ago, and now I'm  :compute: and telling you all...(damn where is the post button  :computer-losy-smiley:  :Crash: oh found it  :icon_rr:).<br /><br /><br /><br />And that my friends was a UYI original...'The Emoticon Story'.  <br /><br />Nar I was only kidding  :TongueOutSmiley: can't believe you all believed me,  I'm just that good am I :icon_cool:  :icon_lol: :icon_geek: (heck MJ should let me run the operations of his hoax, easy, like a walk in Echo Park (probably a bad analogy since people get mugged around there a lot) if you really didn't want all this to happen TS may-bay you'd fill us in on the blanks, like this:<br /><br />1. MJ did/didn't go to UCLA because _______<br />2. MJ did/didn't go to the airport because ______<br /><br />Sorry about this, been a long day, exams will do that to you.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    UYI, your posts are becoming almost as colorful and lively as Its Her—where is that girl… MIA!<br /><br />I’m thinking it’s better to drop anchor at least somewhere, by accepting TS’—MJ flew outta there June 25. I vote for starting to rethink the basic key scenes. Part of our torture and exasperation up to now, was thinking TS was tricking us, and that MJ was there somehow.  :icon_lol: Sorry TS! I’m kinda relieved to read:<br /><br />
    If the family is giving misleading hoax clues, then we might as well believe that they are just playing games with us and MJ is dead.  Also, many hoaxers already believed that MJ flew out of LAX, months before Jermaine gave this clue.  So that belief was not based on Jermaine’s “airport” slip of the lip; instead, Jermaine's statement was confirmation.
    <br />So then we must take this one seriously then too?<br /><br />11-Jermaine-T-ShirtBahrainetIreland.jpg<br /><br />
    My statement about driving to Bahrain in a car was a joke.  Nevertheless, like Elvis, MJ has probably been in hiding at multiple locations during his dead life ( ).  The jet left LAX in the morning, hours before kick-off time.  So by noon, MJ could've been back on the ground in some other city, state, or even country--whether or not he was enroute to Bahrain.
    <br />So another city could even be an airstrip close to Neverland where he could have a command center bunker.<br />Voice, I liked your thoughts on the story Emmanuel Lewis told only days ago, that MJ hid at his place after the Pepsi fire, and nobody knew.  There’s the Cascio’s in New Jersey (that’s another city, TS!), and the story someone told of seeing what appeared to be MJ and his 3 kids on a beach on the eastern coast, at the former Pepsi CEO’s beach-house, and apparently he and MJ had been friends.  So Mary, if true it might not necessarily be true that his kids were separated from him as much as it would seem.
  • shortyshorty Posts: 211
    I don`t believe that MJ leave LA or the State, that was to risky. The way to UCLA is the same risk, to much People and paps there.<br />My believe is, he`s at Neverland, in the near of his Kid`s and Family, and the property is guarded,for what reason? That none pick up<br />some Flowers? <br />He can watch from this point and have all under controll.
  • on 1352113365:
    <br />UYI, your posts are becoming almost as colorful and lively as Its Her—where is that girl… MIA!<br />
    <br /><br />So your saying I was bland before?  :icon_e_surprised: Haha, yeah I'm making up for ItsNotHer's lack of presence, warming up her seat until she gets here. <br />Nar I have split personalities, just ask UYI  :icon_eek:<br />But seriously where is she? She hasn't been on here for ages.<br /><br />Ok so this is partly a hoax court as well as a sting. But then who is the sting on? Is it a sting on more than one group or person?<br /><br />@shorty it reminds me of Threatened....<br /><br />[size=12pt]Never Neverland, that’s the place[/size]<br />This particular monster can read minds<br />[size=12pt]Be in two places at the same time[/size]<br />
  • shortyshorty Posts: 211
    Yeap.... :LolLolLolLol:<br />You are right use_your_illusion. But I know ONE person who can be at two places<br />at the same time.<br />You know too???<br /> :thjajaja121:
  • Regards to Michael Leaving his kids with just the Nanny, Kai Chase Bodyguards... when Prince was born, didn't he leave Prince in the care of a nanny while he went out of country for business? and in 2001 when he went to the UK? or did he take them along with him?<br /><br />Maybe he had a central place set up already set so he could sit and watch all the new reports, as well as be able to guide it from a viewers perspective, so he could see what we saw, just as we only heard and saw what the Jurors saw and heard in the court? He use to sit at the back of the staples so he could watch the performances with Travis in his place so he could see it the way his fans would see it so he could change it as needed, would being in L.A give him the best "view"? with fans all over the place after they heard the news, it was a risk that someone would spot him around L.A... maybe even someone following those who was helping to see if they went to him?.. I would think if he stayed in L.A he would be trapped in a box with very little space to move so to speak, there is many different theories i could come up with for why it was necessary for him to leave L.A at that time..
  • MaryKMaryK Posts: 1,732
    on 1352119992:
    <br />Regards to Michael Leaving his kids with just the Nanny, Kai Chase Bodyguards... when Prince was born, didn't he leave Prince in the care of a nanny while he went out of country for business? and in 2001 when he went to the UK? or did he take them along with him?<br />
    <br /><br />Yes of course you are right. I was just thinking that the whole situation on June 25 must have been very stressful and confusing for the children (even though I think they knew what was going to happen). So it was just a thought, a feeling...you know...a mother's heart  :icon_e_wink:
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