Blackorwhite is not fake PROOF



  • LLJLLJ Posts: 140
    I saw she posted this as well on Murray:

    About-Murray .... he will be charged and Michael will have justice's a joke..Murray will not be arrested.How can you indict a person who does not use his own name? It would be false.
  • LouLou Posts: 169
    I saw she posted this as well on Murray:

    About-Murray .... he will be charged and Michael will have justice's a joke..Murray will not be arrested. How can you indict a person who does not use his own name? It would be false.
    Wow. Did she say it? Now it's interesting if we check the following thread: <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=48&t=3119<!-- l --> It kind of reinforces the information above, doesn't it?
  • billy06billy06 Posts: 73
    hmm quite interesting.. maybe BOW got information from there? or they got info from BOW? confusing..

    if you want to ask Blackorwhite a Q, PM me or just write it in this topic <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Awesome. Thank you Billy for asking this question. We will just have to wait it out a few weeks. Time will tell...
  • billy06billy06 Posts: 73
    no problem canada <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    if you want to ask Blackorwhite a Q, PM me or just write it in this topic
  • GrenatGrenat Posts: 279
    I'm sorry but for Las Vegas's shop anyone could know if they watched Bashir interview , as someone else told in an earlier post
    As for the Childhood friend..I'm sorry but it's equally the case :anyone could've known about this :
    Donny Osmond has known Michael Jackson since they were both 13 years old and performed at the American Music Awards. Now he reminisces with our Lara Spencer
    Guess our tactic didn't work , but don't mean she's fake for sure.
    Let's try another thing another time
    Let's keep an open mind,open mind
  • In December BOW said follow the children in January. Hmm.... The Grammy's?
  • TerezaTereza Posts: 2,074
    That's right! I remember that too!
    This is great! I mean, I'd never have expected them to talk in front of that audience, so that was definitely something you couldn't guess before.
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    She also said MJ would be attending the Grammys in disguise.
  • I just read now that BlackorWhite or her name,Daniella,is back from L.A.And she will soon answering back questions.I really hope and think that she is no fake.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I hope she is true I have a feeling she is with some of the confident answered
  • People, I think that the compass of BoW information still stands as a really possibly true one.
    Track her Jannuary announcements how it fits:
    BOW says Jannuary is an interesting month to follow and says that there are 50% chances that MJ comes back on 28th. And that this is controversial within the family. She gives details and reasons why.
    The Jack5on soap announces great expectations at the end of the show.
    BOW says finally MJ is not coming back now (and this part seems really moving and sincere conversations).
    The Jack5on soap ends and there is not a big deal, so everybody ask themselves why.

    The whole story still stands.
    For anyone who want to read it all in English you have a thread with the translation in the italian forum:

    Michael Is Alive (ONLY Translation of BlackorWhite's messages, since 12/15/09 to 12/30/2009)

    Michael Is Alive (ONLY Translation of BlackorWhite's messages, since 01/02/10)

    About the question to ask, I´ve been thinking about a maybe impossible idea:
    What if BOW, through her source, could ask MJ to stage a conclusive sure sing for us.
    I mean, for instance: "Next time Janet speaks is going to say L.O.V.E" or something like that.
    Just an idea.

    And now I run to read what she sas posted after "supposedly" being at the Grammys...

    About Murray, she said nothing is going to happen to him.
  • Hi guy, nice to see freedom of speech again here...

    Just a little reminder to you all, BlackorWhite clearly stated that T.I.A.I. was to be followed, but not the whole truth was there... People started saying she is a fake and threads about BoW were closed. People were banned because of this...

    What about the fact that T.I.A.I. was stating that Michael would be back in January???

    BoW said it wasn't to be....

    Now, I posted this on Feb 1st, I hope it's useful to repeat it again...

    Here is the link if you are interested in reading the whole thread:

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=65&t=3576<!-- l -->

    Oh, I forgot... Just a little correction, her name is DANIELA and not Daniella....

    It's all for L.O.V.E., my dear friends... And I love you all!
    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    by JustAnotherPartOfMe » Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:12 pm

    Alessandra wrote:
    Bene ragazzi siamo il 1° febbraio e se davvero dietro al T.I.A.I. c'è un membro della famiglia o comunque qualcuno che sa, mi chiedo come abbiano potuto illuderci così!
    Il msg era chiaro:
    Diversi forum si sono mobilitati e preparati per accogliere la marea di fans increduli e spaesati che avrebbero dovuto invadere i forum dei believers per chiedere spiegazioni sulle motivazioni dell'hoax.
    C'è gente che si è messa a lavorare sodo dal giorno dopo aspettando queste persone, qualcuno si aspettava addirittura i giornalisti! E adesso?
    A giorni arriverà un altro update certo, vediamo quali saranno le novità..
    Io sinceramente non credo più a nessuno, non ho più voglia di sentire altre storielle.
    Credo in Michael e in quello che ha SEMPRE fatto e che continuerà a fare, il suo messaggio lo conosco e quando arriverà il momento io ci sarò.
    Scusate ma sono davvero molto demoralizzata.

    Concordo con te.
    Alla prova dei fatti sembra fin troppo chiaro anche a me.
    Oggi è il 1° febbraio e qualcuno deve delle scuse.
    Baci a tutti voi, amici miei!

    I agree with you.
    Actions speak louder than words, IMO it is all too clear.
    Today it is February 1st and someone owes apologies.
    Kisses to you all, my friends!
    That's a chance I'll take, Heaven can wait...


    Posts: 71
    Joined: Mon Nov 23, 2009 9:10 pm
    Location: italy
  • Oh, I forgot:
    any of you can ask questions, in Italian or in English....
    A nice member there, FragolinaVelenosa, and myself use to translate into English when needed, so feel free to post directly in the language you prefer...

    And she uses to answer PMs, to mu knowledge...

    Ok, I'm done...
    THANK YOU AGAIN!!! Kisses and hugs from Italy!

  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    Thankyou I do think the earth quake has put a stop tto Michael coming back at the moment as the dissaster is so huge people might not understand Michaels message so well that is just my thought I think BOW is worth following just in case there must be somebody that is telling the truth in this whole thing.
  • Thank you JustAnotherPartOfMe for your translations, I´ve been following them.
    No news from BOW back, no?

    I agree with you, and what BoW says make sense to me.

    About freedom to speak here about BoW, I don´t think that it´s about BoW herself.
    But what I understand is that, when it all started here with BoW, some ppl got the chance to mess around.
    I think that´s what Souza and Mo, don´t desire.
    So I´m happy we can speak again about Bow in a nice atmosphere.
    It´s should be a pitty otherwise, as it´s really interesting and enlightening.
  • MJJLivesMJJLives Posts: 130
    I am keeping an open mind on BoW. I am skeptical of "insiders/informers," but I will not rule out anyone completely.

    Thank you for the updates. I look forward to what she has to say about the Grammy's and "Mr. Magoo." <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I have asked him two questions and he has sent me two answers, i used google translate:

    1. Who was Michaels best childhood friend?

    A: I know by sight Donny Osmond a friend from childhood.
    Although Michael was very lonely ....

    2. What was Michael's favorite local shop in Gary, Indiana?

    A: St. Regis Galerie IN Las Vegas

    SURELEY only michael will know these?

    Seriously, come on....

    I knew he was friends with Donny and that shop is in VEGAS (as we ALL can see on the Batshit tapes), not GARY, so that she didn't know? Seriously, I am locking this again, please discuss BoW somewhere else.
    Easy to make up answers as well, Mike is not here to say they are right or wrong. I am sure that if you ask me a lot of questions, I can give you answers what will make you think I'm an insider as well. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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