Jermaine Jackson - @jermjackson5 (verified)



  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    Jermaine's latest tweets - Chronolically read from the bottom to the top.
    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    It astonishes me how people are side-tracked by fantasy fiction when the goal should be seeking justice for the death of Michael
    8 minutes ago

    @misscoppelia nor do I recall "attacking" anyone. I do recall pointing out that 2+2=5 is caused by wild imaginations
    11 minutes ago

    @misscoppelia how can a hoax video be "beautiful" when its inventions mislead so many and cause so much pain??
    14 minutes ago

    @frqtrdar55 one benefit of Twitter is the outlet to knock down lies at source, and especially lies that concern my wife
    25 minutes ago

    Let's nail this nonsense once and for all: my wife @halimarashid is not related to Tohme Tohme #madness
    29 minutes ago

    @KarlaJorge I'm not refusing to answer Qs about Tohme Tohme. I'm just not doing it via a 140-character medium
  • voice, my apologies, I don't have a Twitter account so I get confused easily reading the tweets... what is being said here in these screenshots?

    Voice thank you for the screenshots. I hope people do not start to push Brando to talk about the hoax. Once a believer friend of mine even called the flower shop of the Brandos and talked with his wife. She didn't directly said that Michael is alive but she didn't deny it either.

    Bec, I have Twitter and I'm sure that Voice will explain it too but until she comes to the thread again, let me try to explain you what it is. On the left top, someone called Rossmile sent Miko a tweet which is "True Love never ends". And Miko retweeted it which is like we make a quotation on this forum. People RT(ReTweet) things they like on Twitter. And then someone called Mademoiselle asked Miko if MJ is alive and she wrote that we would know it soon. And Miko answered her and wrote "Not soon" and also he wrote that he knows things. And then Miko asked her if they could talk via DMs where noone else can see what they talk about. DM is like a PM in this forum.

    Hope this answered your question.
    <!-- smj_dance/ -->mj_dance/<!-- smj_dance/ -->

    Thank you - I agree. I was hesitant to put those screen shots up because the last thing I want is for people to start interrogating Miko. It was really just to bring some more hope from someone other than Teddy Riley. The absolute best thing to do is to let them talk in their own time. We need to keep in mind that there could be some danger involved in this which would explain why Teddy is no longer able to talk. As far as Miko, I think he's said other cryptic things too but I didn't save those screen shots.

    That was also a great explanation of the tweets. I could not have done better. Thank you.

    Blessings <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    EDIT: I also want to say about those tweets from Miko - that if MJ is dead, he would have no reason to say "I know things" and "not soon". He would come out and say it like it is. He also wouldn't need to DM the person. I also checked recently and that person he DM'd no longer has their account so either they were hounded for answers by people and they closed their account or they did so because of what they were told. Not sure..just speculation.
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    I'll defend Michael -- and the truth about everything -- in a considered context in the book, not via piecemeal tweets
    50 seconds ago
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Talking about Tom (PianoGames)
    misscoppelia coppelia
    @jermjackson5 Just a few words to tell you that the young man you attacked the other day is extremely respected here.

    @jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    @misscoppelia how can a hoax video be "beautiful" when its inventions mislead so many and cause so much pain??

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    @misscoppelia nor do I recall "attacking" anyone. I do recall pointing out that 2+2=5 is caused by wild imaginations
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    I'll defend Michael -- and the truth about everything -- in a considered context in the book, not via piecemeal tweets
    50 seconds ago

    It looks like he's promoting his book. Buy my book and read more.
  • TheMoonIsDancingTheMoonIsDancing Posts: 1,003
    I think his book comes out this fall. Can't wait.
  • I must say that Jermaine is rather eloquent.
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    1. Question
    HendaBeLIEver jamie henderson
    @jermjackson5 , how do you explain @Akon & @TeddyRiley1 both being open believers?. please explain that one.

    Jermaine's Answer
    @jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    @HendaBeLIEver one is an unverified account that you rely on, and I don't believe for a second that @Akon believes this to be the case

    2. Question or whatever
    HendaBeLIEver jamie henderson
    @jermjackson5 You need to understand that what the hoaxers believe are clear facts/clues, too many to be just coincidences

    Jermaine's answer
    @jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    @HendaBeLIEver i think your definition of a 'fact/clue' is very different to mine
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    TouchedByAngelM Carol
    @jermjackson5 Was wondering when you took these pics with Pearl? <!-- m --><!-- m --> Didn't you know what she was up to?

    @jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    @TouchedByAngelM countless people ask for photos daily. unfortunately, they don't wear name badges

    whosbackmjsback Conrad Murray
    @jermjackson5 why? so u can keep making money off michael's death?! i want the truth straight...i dont wanna go buy some book.!

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    @whosbackmjsback I'm sure they have libraries where you live

    HendaBeLIEver jamie henderson
    @jermjackson5 You need to understand that what the hoaxers believe are clear facts/clues, too many to be just coincidences. #HAIRGEL

    @jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    @HendaBeLIEver i think your definition of a 'fact/clue' is very different to mine

    Mememeow1 Marie
    @jermjackson5 Word to the Badd ..will you cover that song? The reason behind it? And how hurtful he must have felt

    @jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    @Mememeow1 like I say, i will be addressing everything

    Yambo3003 Yambo©
    @jermjackson5 @touchedbyangelm I'm sure Pearl Jr. Identified herself. She's a journalist who followed & covered the 2005 Trial.

    @jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    @Yambo3003 I'm sure she did. But I don't know the name & wouldn't have known what she was upto

    HendaBeLIEver jamie henderson
    @jermjackson5 , how do you explain @Akon & @TeddyRiley1 both being open believers?. please explain that one.

    @jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    @HendaBeLIEver one is an unverified account that you rely on, and I don't believe for a second that @Akon believes this to be the case
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    HendaBeLIEver jamie henderson
    @jermjackson5 You need to understand that what the hoaxers believe are clear facts/clues, too many to be just coincidences. #HAIRGEL

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    @jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    @HendaBeLIEver one is an unverified account that you rely on, and I don't believe for a second that @Akon believes this to be the case

    It seems like Jermaine hasn't watched Teddy's interview where he says he is a knower and hasn't read Akon's interview at the magazine where he says that he believes MJ is alive.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Omg henda... needs to stfu.

    This is outrageous. These hoaxers are out of control and out of line.

    If I were Jermaine I would tell them all to fuck off.

    They need to shut up... this makes me so anxious, I can't even sit still after reading them.


    But really, I guess Michael needs to understand... we KNOW now. Asking people to wait and wait and wait with no reveal and no explanation and no answers.... yet the clues keep on coming... well... every man has his breaking point. Women take longer but we have ours too.

    Michael, darling, you had it coming. Human nature and all, you know its a beast. They really should lay off Jermaine though.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Are some of these our guys? I think they might be. I feel for Jermaine
    want to add they need to back off. hounding like this is not on.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Ps, guys, thanks for the Twitter tutorial from earlier. Seems like every time I figure out how to decipher it they change something.
  • Steph22Steph22 Posts: 150
    I feel for Jermaine. I hate it that people bother him so much. People just don't seem to let it go. What do people expect of him? He can't just go around telling that Mike is alive. What is wrong with those people? I can understand the impatience. I don't like to wait either. But people will just have to deal with this. It's gonna take as long as it's gonna take. Nobody of us will change that. Someone needs to tell those people to shut up and leave Jermaine and also Nelson de la Nuez alone. It can't be good. For all we know it'll make things more difficult. I'm really angry. Come on people, show some respect. <!-- srespect/ -->respect/<!-- srespect/ -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Well. In the hoaxers slight defense, trial delay was a huge blow... not to our confidence, but to our moral. Huge. People are pissed and frustrated. They want validity... I do too. I'm sincerely tired of being the crazy person who thinks MJ is not dead. Now Mr. Airport is saying we hoaxers just can't let go and can't come to terms with death and well, we aren't kids Jermaine! Most of the die-hards are professional adults. We aren't stupid or naive. This is a hoax and his brother is not dead and I am not crazy damnit!

    So yeah, I get the frustration. Perhaps it's good that Michael sees some of it?
  • Omg henda... needs to stfu.

    This is outrageous. These hoaxers are out of control and out of line.

    If I were Jermaine I would tell them all to fuck off.

    They need to shut up... this makes me so anxious, I can't even sit still after reading them.
    I'm with you. Henda must think that if she keeps asking Jermaine all these questions, he's just going to tweet something like, "Yeah. It's true. Mike's alive." <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> IMO, if someone believes, beLIEves, or KNOWs, just wait because time will tell. Don't waste time trying to get an answer when you're not going to get it in the first place.

    Actully, most of the tweets that are sent to him about this hoax need to calm down, IMO. All they are going to do is make someone lose faith, that is if that person has faith. I wish some people would understand that anyone would lie to defend someone; not everything is true. For some people, they've been here from day one (June 25, 2009). Going on two, long, dreadful, yet surprising years. Come on now.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Henda is a he fyi. He is one of the original MJHD crew.
  • Are some of these our guys? I think they might be. I feel for Jermaine
    want to add they need to back off. hounding like this is not on.

    Yes, also I was think remember TR said way back he will get his twitter verified, well he never did, coincidence?

    I don't think anyone can say to believers to stop because of course people wanna know the truth, but I'm sure JJ likes the attention.
    I know, it is probably hard for him with getting all these question along with some hater tweets but as soon as he answered questions about the hoax, a landslide came down and it's not going to stop, so MJ being the smart man he is would of known this, I also think he is answering these hoax questions because it's getting to the end, but in the meantime are people just supposed to keep asking until we check mate him or do they leave him alone?

    But I am sure if he wanted the questions to stop he would say so.
  • Jermaine shouldn't even entertain these people tweeting him.

    He keeps tweeting back like he has a guilty concience or something. Block these people, ignore them. why keep stirring the flames?

    If hoaxers are so deluded in our "2+2+5" mentality then why is he even waste his time answering our "illusionary" questions and inquiries?

    I do agree that some of the people tweeting Jermaine are too nasty and bold, but he should have never said anything about the hoax in the first place he's just inviting trouble.

    This is all a set up...i have conflicting emotions about Jermaine and time will tell...are you really "Michaels backbone?" Jermaine.
  • mdcmdc Posts: 343
    Jermaine, Jermaine, Jermaine....

    you know with all the lies that have been told in the past two years there is no wonder we are having a hard time sorting out fact from fiction. And it seems Jermaine is too, even when he's told some of them.

    *Let's imagine for one horrible second that he's telling the truth this time and MJ, is indeed, dead. He still should not excuse the coincidences and the numbers. Someone has put in a LOT of work trying to make us believe MJ is alive. If not MJ, then who? Seems to me you figure that out, you find your killer. I have no doubt that if MJ is dead he was murdered and all they have to do is follow the money, and the numbers, to find out who did it. But of course, they already know who did it or so they all say...but conveniently they are not talking. They say "we know the truth and the truth will prevail." But it won't if you don't tell it. And Jermaine, Dude, I'm not about to buy some lame ass book to find out who killed MJ. So if you know, be a man and spill it. If MJ is indeed dead, and you wanted to sell that book of yours, you should have let the illusion continue until AFTER the book came out because if MJ's gone I won't buy another Jackson item EVER. Not only on principle but also because I don't know who's pocket the money will go in and I'm not keeping up some murdering SOB. Some will say that's wrong to think that way and "what about MJ's kids," well, if those children are ever in need of the money I will be the first one to send a check directly to them and cut out the greedy bastards in between. Actually, it seems I would have been better off to send the money directly to MJ all along. If he needed it, I would have...and been happy to do it. Still would. /rant

    *Probably should delete this instead of hit submit but I ain't gonna. So, as always, JMO and YMMV and all that jazz.
  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    *sigh* all this drama

    I personally think Jermaine is right on track when he says "It astonishes me how people are side-tracked by fantasy fiction when the goal should be seeking justice for the death of Michael". Now hear me out. Whether the death is literal or figurative is what we've (Ok I've) often gotten stuck on.

    Let me try explaining this another way. If I wanted you to find a pot of gold, and I made it like a treasure hunt and left little clues and steps along the way to get you to the pot of gold, I would smack my head in desperation of you stopped at every clue and looked at it, weighed it, smelled it, tasted it, compared it to the other clues, etc. Then to top it off, I would just scream if you then held up the clue and said "you see this IS a treasure hunt!" Then if you were to spend the rest of the time trying to convince people (the ones who said there is no treasure hunt and no clues) that there is a treasure hunt.... arrrggghhh! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> Do you know what I mean? Let the ones who think there are clues and a treasure hunt do that, and let the ones who just want to scan the terrain for the pot of gold do it that way. But we ALL want the same thing... the pot of gold!

    Sometime hoaxers (me included) get so wrapped up in he's dead/he's not dead, it's a hoax/it's not a hoax debate we forget that there is a very real message and very real concern going on. I think I saw someone talking about it earlier in the thread about corruption in government, medical system, music industry, etc. Yes this has come up in the hoax but it is VERY REAL!

    We NEED to clear MJ's name, we need to help set the record straight, and we need to expose the corruption behind how such a good man's name could get dragged through the mud, how people/celebrities are being murdered under our noses, how we are slaves believing we are free!

    I'm not going to say any more... I'll just post a couple of old posts that touch on this from back in 2010.

    I love you guys! <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->
  • Are some of these our guys? I think they might be. I feel for Jermaine
    want to add they need to back off. hounding like this is not on.

    Yes, also I was think remember TR said way back he will get his twitter verified, well he never did, coincidence?

    I don't think anyone can say to believers to stop because of course people wanna know the truth, but I'm sure JJ likes the attention.
    I know, it is probably hard for him with getting all these question along with some hater tweets but as soon as he answered questions about the hoax, a landslide came down and it's not going to stop, so MJ being the smart man he is would of known this, I also think he is answering these hoax questions because it's getting to the end, but in the meantime are people just supposed to keep asking until we check mate him or do they leave him alone?

    But I am sure if he wanted the questions to stop he would say so.

    Teddy's twitter is real. Just because it's not verified doesn't mean it's a fake. Look at Marlon as an example...

    Anyway, here are two links that back up TeddyRiley1 as being the real Teddy's Twitter.

    <!-- m --> ... &Itemid=82<!-- m -->
    Teddy Riley On Oprah Print E-mail

    MJ(20-11-2010) Seems Oprah Winfrey's not through with Michael Jackson yet. Yesterday, on his official Twitter account, Teddy Riley let it slip that he will be appearing on the Oprah show to talk about the King of Pop. Riley tweeted:

    "On my way to Oprah to represent my mentor, big brother, & best friend. Michael J Jackson. Thank you for the times & greatness we shared."

    Then, a few hours later Riley tweeted:

    "I'm sorry yall, I got a call from my publicist I can't talk about the show til after it airs. Yall know I got a whole mouth fall [sic]. Yep Yep!!!"

    "Ok this is all I can say, it will air on Dec 6th. I wish I can talk to yall but I can't...MJ fans much love to all of you."

    You can follow Teddy Riley on Twitter at

    Source: MJFC /

    <!-- m --> ... 6fce8b1def<!-- m -->

    I think people should quit harassing Jermaine. Teddy has already been told to keep quiet and this could be ruining any future information. Just my opinion but this isn't helpful so I hope we start being more respectful to these people. Blessings.
  • jessicakthxjessicakthx Posts: 460
    Omg henda... needs to stfu.

    This is outrageous. These hoaxers are out of control and out of line.

    If I were Jermaine I would tell them all to fuck off.

    They need to shut up... this makes me so anxious, I can't even sit still after reading them.

    I couldn't agree more with this. It's seriously getting just downright pathetic. And people wonder why there's division amongst the fans? Um... DUH.

  • Are some of these our guys? I think they might be. I feel for Jermaine
    want to add they need to back off. hounding like this is not on.

    Yes, also I was think remember TR said way back he will get his twitter verified, well he never did, coincidence?

    I don't think anyone can say to believers to stop because of course people wanna know the truth, but I'm sure JJ likes the attention.
    I know, it is probably hard for him with getting all these question along with some hater tweets but as soon as he answered questions about the hoax, a landslide came down and it's not going to stop, so MJ being the smart man he is would of known this, I also think he is answering these hoax questions because it's getting to the end, but in the meantime are people just supposed to keep asking until we check mate him or do they leave him alone?

    But I am sure if he wanted the questions to stop he would say so.

    Teddy's twitter is real. Just because it's not verified doesn't mean it's a fake. Look at Marlon as an example...

    Anyway, here are two links that back up TeddyRiley1 as being the real Teddy's Twitter.

    <!-- m --> ... &Itemid=82<!-- m -->
    Teddy Riley On Oprah Print E-mail

    MJ(20-11-2010) Seems Oprah Winfrey's not through with Michael Jackson yet. Yesterday, on his official Twitter account, Teddy Riley let it slip that he will be appearing on the Oprah show to talk about the King of Pop. Riley tweeted:

    "On my way to Oprah to represent my mentor, big brother, & best friend. Michael J Jackson. Thank you for the times & greatness we shared."

    Then, a few hours later Riley tweeted:

    "I'm sorry yall, I got a call from my publicist I can't talk about the show til after it airs. Yall know I got a whole mouth fall [sic]. Yep Yep!!!"

    "Ok this is all I can say, it will air on Dec 6th. I wish I can talk to yall but I can't...MJ fans much love to all of you."

    You can follow Teddy Riley on Twitter at

    Source: MJFC /

    <!-- m --> ... 6fce8b1def<!-- m -->

    I think people should quit harassing Jermaine. Teddy has already been told to keep quiet and this could be ruining any future information. Just my opinion but this isn't helpful so I hope we start being more respectful to these people. Blessings.

    I know TR twitter is real but I'm saying he said he will verify it but he didn't, and if he did ages ago, what will be Jermaine's excuse now, he wouldn't be able to say one twitter isn't verified, so I am saying was this how it was going to go anyway.
  • Kristina4LOVEKristina4LOVE Posts: 622
    <!-- smj_bad/ -->mj_bad/<!-- smj_bad/ -->
    Tonight’s story is somewhat unique and calls for a different kind of introduction
    A monster had arrived in the village
    The major ingredient of any recipe for fear is the unknown
    And this person or thing is soon to be met
    He knows every thought, he can feel every emotion
    Oh yes, I did forget something didn’t I? I forgot to introduce you to the monster.

    You’re fearing me, ‘cause you know I’m a beast
    Watching you when you sleep, when you’re in bed
    I’m underneath
    You’re trapped in halls, and my face is the walls
    I’m the floor when you fall, and when you scream it’s ‘cause of me
    I’m the living dead, the dark thoughts in your head
    I heard just what you said
    That’s why you’ve got to be threatened by me

    You should be watching me, you should feel threatened
    Why you sleep, why you creep, you should be threatened
    Every time your lady speaks she speaks to me, threatened
    Half of me you’ll never be, so you should feel threatened by me

    You think you’re by yourself, but it’s my touch you felt
    I’m not a ghost from Hell, but I’ve got a spell on you
    Your worst nightmare, it's me, I'm everywhere
    In one blink I’ll disappear, and then I’ll come back to haunt you
    I’m telling you, when you lie under a tomb
    I’m the one watching you
    That’s why you got to be threatened by me


    The unknown monster is about to embark
    From a far corner, out of the dark
    A nightmare, that’s the case
    Never Neverland, that’s the place
    This particular monster can read minds
    Be in two places at the same time
    This is judgement night, execution, slaughter
    The devil, ghosts, this monster is torture
    You can be sure of one thing, that’s fate
    A human presence that you feel is strange
    A monster that you can see disappear
    A monster, the worst thing to fear.

    What you have just witnessed could be the end of a particularly terrifying nightmare.
    It isn’t. It’s the beginning.

    WE ARE IN A LIVE THRILLER! OK YOU GOT ME MICHAEL, I'M SCARED <!-- serrrr -->errrr<!-- serrrr --> <!-- safraid/ -->afraid/<!-- safraid/ --> <!-- safraid/ -->afraid/<!-- safraid/ --> <!-- safraid/ -->afraid/<!-- safraid/ --> <!-- sparty/ -->party/<!-- sparty/ -->
    But i'm enjoying it <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ -->

    And yeah, die heart beLIEvers should leave Jermain alone, seriously he will never tell you that Michael is alive, why waist time and your emotions? Plus Jermain will get pissed off <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ --> Sorry Jerm, they mean no harm, they are just very tired! Here is a big <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug --> for you. WE LOVE YOU! We really do!

    L.O.V.E to you all my friends! <!-- smj_dance/ -->mj_dance/<!-- smj_dance/ -->
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