Are you ready for tomorrow? (january 18)



  • cool big news tomorrow and return on jan 25th perfect <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    Ready for return MJs we are for a long time!!!smilie_i_025.gif
  • FWIW, the difference between 25 and 18 is 7

    Wow.. thats cool.

    My big feeling is that some big info will come out tomorrow... something to do with Murray, or perhaps the lost CCTV from MJs house will emerge... it will be some big development.

    My feeling has always been on Jan 25th.. as that is 7 months after his "death".
  • LouLou Posts: 169
    Maybe new news or some new "sign", but I don't expect a comeback tomorrow. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • I'm just hoping for some good news. My only fear is that they may show the rest of the burial footage , I'm trying to think positive though!Either way i think it's MJ related.
  • can someone explain the exact reason were following 18th so closely please?? I have to go in a min but I think I have missed a HUGE chuck of this investigation somewhere <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> no idea how cause im here every day...

  • I think tomorrow will be some hint that MJ is not ead but not appearance. I tend to beleieve his come back will be in June.

    Let's ask God every night saying this:

    God! Please help Michael and return him to us! No matter how. It's in your power, ressurect or encourage Michael to return.Thank you!

    hahaha! that made me remember this part of "that's life" by Sinatra, one of my favorites:

    That's life, that's what all the people say.
    You're riding high in April,
    Shot down in May
    But I know I'm gonna change that tune,
    When I'm back on top, back on top in June.
  • Like the rest of you all I think that it will be some big news tomarrow and maybe just maybe he will comeback on the 25th but I was kinda aiming for April hmmmm well we'll have to just wait and see <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    @Suzy You saying that is doing no justice and that kinda hurts with u saying that <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • mjj_fanmjj_fan Posts: 311
    i dont know its kind of mix feeling i think i wont come on line tomorrow and may be for couple of few days i dont wonna hear something i dont want to .. but i will keep my fingers cross ,will pray for something great to happen .can some one pm me if some miracle happen tomorrow God bless Good luck !!
  • I feel excited!!!LOL!
    The only problem is that my day at work tomorrow will keep me away from the computer for a few hours because we have an "event" tomorow at work.... ugh... But when it finishes - I will stick to my LCD monitor as crazy! LOL!!!1
  • SabrinaSabrina Posts: 342
    I will try to sleep now but this is going to be hard, so exiting !
    Plus, in Paris we're Jan 18th and you know what ? At midnight on tv i heard one of MJ's music in an ad...good sign no ? Haha !
    God Bess You All and Good Night for Europeans, Asians and Good Evening for Americans <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    can someone explain the exact reason were following 18th so closely please?? I have to go in a min but I think I have missed a HUGE chuck of this investigation somewhere <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> no idea how cause im here every day...


    ‘If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live’.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.
    ‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that’.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.
    ‘I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation’.
    Martin Luther King Jr.
    (sounds familiar? TII)

    Jan 18 is a U.S. holiday - there will be no court open and no judge to hear any revocation of any will, not even MJ's...


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  • WendyEWendyE Posts: 105
    If MJ does come back tomorrow, or any other day, all he would have to do is stand there. OMG could you imagine! Remember when he would walk out on stage and stand there? The crowd went NUTS! I am not say that he will just stand there but I thought the idea of it was rather humorous. Whenever his clothes are on display, the receive more attention that most popular performers do on stage LOL <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    I am not sure when MJ will return. Only God knows that. Either way, I will continue to search for the truth. MJ, I love you so very much! Baby, do what you need to do for yourself and your family that is what is most important to me! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> I just want you back!
  • I've been following your theories and posts for so long and let me tell you I just L.O.V.E that you NEVER lose the faith!
    Today's Jackson's TV show "mind-blowing" revelation was actually devastating for us Hoax Believers... But soon I know we'll find more clues showing that Michael is still breathing! Let's see what happens tomorrow... <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • for those who think his return will deal with the number 7...just remember it can be can be 43 months because 4+3=7 lol just a little example hm??
    Also I think there will be big news about Dr. Murray and the investigation involving him.
    I dont think there would be any big news on the children though...that would be nice because i haven't heard much on how they are doing and so on, it would be nice to see them doing alright <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->.
    Maybe something will come up about the missing tapes?!?!? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Haha watch pictures come up tomoro of the brothers visiting the grave to...i still find it funny how they visited it in the fall and there was not one picture of them visiting the grave :/.
    Hopefully this month is going to be a very revealing month! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> but i dont think Michael will return for awhile...i mean he actually has a chance to relax in peace...wouldn't you take your time making another return IF he even decides to return? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • WendyEWendyE Posts: 105
    Well, it's almost time. I have 8 minutes before it's MLK Day. I have many mixed feelings. I do not think he is coming back on MLK Day but maybe the 25th. The seventh month anniversary. I know there will be some sort of news. There is a hearing set for the 28th of Jan for the revocation of the Will. Humm one can only wonder about that. I can see him coming back on the 25th and the media phenzy <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> then going to the hearing and tell the court I want to revoke my will cause um I am alive!!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Either way no matter what my love and devotion will never change. I have always been one that does my homework and got the message. This experience however has changed my life. I have been on a roller coaster ride. Lot's of twist and turns. I look at everything differently. I see so much, my eyes are open and I get it. I truly do. I love you dearest Micheal. God save the King.
    Blessing to all! Let Freedom Ring!
  • I just wanted to say to you guys you shouldn't get your hopes high, cause if nothing happens it would be a big disappointment. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • KukiKuki Posts: 346
    Just waiting to see what will happen....
  • KINGdom52KINGdom52 Posts: 315
    Still nothing, huh?
    no tapes, no kids, no Murray so far, but the day is not over yet , right ? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • BellexxBellexx Posts: 166
    I think we just have to wait... The day hasn't started yet in L.A.
  • KINGdom52KINGdom52 Posts: 315
    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • I really don't think Michael will return today, he needs much more time!
  • KINGdom52KINGdom52 Posts: 315
    I really don't think Michael will return today, he needs much more time!

    I agree . Not even this month .He needs time .
    I just want to hear something good and not that TMZ bs stories again !
  • LavdHimLavdHim Posts: 352
    I hope murray won't be charged .. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
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