Are you ready for tomorrow? (january 18)



  • KukiKuki Posts: 346
    I miss him too..... but I keep in mind that he is still here, watching us and hopefully with all the things we do here, we make him smile! And THAT is good enough for me right now!

  • because our EGO is so big,we cant see the truth..we cant feel the wind..We all want to have a little satisfaction for all our attention we payd to this case...But who are we to get it?!It is not his duty to give us something!He is here not just for us-believers.but for the whole world!His mission is much bigger as we can imagine..And is sad to see,how easily you can loose your fait,your dreams,your hope...just because you didnt recieve inmediately what you wanted...How long it took for Michael to be where he is now?!How long it took to ´´clean´´ his name just a bit?!couple of why we wanna everything so quick?! who are we to get anything???do you know,what the true love is like??the true love is never asking of anything..the true love is never expecting anything..the true love is simple here...ready to be shared and without to get any profit from this sharing..thats another lesson we should learnt....

    What a great post! I´m totally agree with you <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
  • KukiKuki Posts: 346
    Amen to that!
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