terror2k9terror2k9 Posts: 75
edited March 2010 in News
I said I would not be back for awhile wife encouraged me to continue with what i believe in! so here it is i have some real important stuff on This Is It . When we look at the earth song it is a "Warning" of the Future that we will being seeing in 2012! the Dolphins,the killer Whale,the Penguin and the rest of the animals,Earth girl are all from these murals at a new denver airport believed to have the largest underground bunkers this is murals they have right in everyones face because they beleive people are to dumb to see the truth of what they are planning for us. <!-- m --> ... togall.htm<!-- m -->
Jessie ventura conspiracys put this part together,for some reason I don't think he seen the video of earth song so he would not know This is what mj sees in our future also and he named names of who is behind this.They have some evil plans for us and our children,don't trust the government. they plan to save themselves from destruction in their bunkers and leave us to burn. If someone could post the video from this is it "earth song "so everyone can match it up. They really dont care about us. wake up it is real.


  • [youtube:1qwv1tyz]
  • [youtube:267qutu7]


    The Denver International Airport

    An apocalyptic horse with glowing red eyes welcoming visitors? Check.

    Nightmarish murals? Check.

    Strange words and symbols embedded in the floor? Check.

    Gargoyles sitting in suitcases? Check.

    Runways shaped like a Nazi swastika? Check.

    OK, this place is evil.

    But seriously, there are so many irregularities surrounding the DIA, that a voluminous book could be written on the subject. The facilities and the art displayed lead many observers to believe that the DIA is much more than an airport: it is literally a New-Age cathedral, full of occult symbolism and references to secret societies. The art at the DIA is NOT an aggregation of odd choices made by people with poor taste, like many people think. It is a cohesive collection of symbolic pieces that reflect the philosphy, the beliefs and the goals of the global elite. The DIA is the largest airport in America and it has cost over 4.8 billion dollars. Everything regarding this airport has been meticulously planned and everything is there for a reason.

    Read More Here with pictures of the murals and other information!
  • [youtube:3a30wl27]
    Gosh this video makes my body shiver and tears to my eyes, if he could do much more videos of this kind..and the instrumental is amazing.he sould have worked with musicals....movies...
  • <!-- m --> ... rtistNum=0<!-- m -->
    LOOK AT PICTURE NUMBER 4 and the dead children,and the pengiun encased in glass like if its extinct.
    LOOK AT PICTURE NUMBER 4 and the dead children,and the pengiun encased in glass like if its extinct.
    This is a larger one
    <!-- m --> ... 36ac_b.jpg<!-- m -->
  • yes, this makes much sense IMO...
  • LizziebeeLizziebee Posts: 264
    Wow, is all I can say on the airport. I've never heard anything about it until today. And let me say, I'm quite scared. Mass genocide?!?!? <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> I mean, I've always believed in the "end times"/apocalyptic stuff that I've read in the bible. But seeing it now, in our time...Look around. All these things are happening. Chaos is everywhere. Man, I need a break from thinking. I've tried talking about all of this with my family but they don't want to hear it. It's too disturbing for them. Jeesh...I gotta pray now. See you in a bit. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • I also noticed that the bird flu pig flu etc is all a part of their experiments..they spread the "laboratory disease" so that they can destroy workers farms and put their own lab. products on the market...and also at the same time they send the "special vaccines" to kill more people...I will never agree with those vaccines against pig flu.....And the more they take ill people to quarantine the more they die......i guess they better stay home... and treat with a good tea and aspirin.There are so so many things to find out but i'm afraid to dig because i'll be scared to even go out on the streets.
    Love was taken from a young life
    And no one told her why
    Her direction has a dimlight
    From one more violent crime

    She innocently questioned why
    Why her father had to die
    She asked the men in blue
    How is it that you get to choose
    Who will live and who will die
    Did god say that you could decide ?
    You saw he didn't run
    And that my daddy had no gun

    In the middle of a village
    Way in a distant land
    Lies a poor boy with his broken toy
    Too young to understand

    He's awaken, ground is shakin
    His father grabs his hand
    Screaming, crying, his wife's dying
    Now he's left to explain

    He innocently questioned why
    Why his mother had to die
    What did these soldiers come here for ?
    If they're for peace, why is there war ?

    Did God say that they could decide
    Who will live and who will die ?
    All my mama ever did
    Was try to take care of her kids

    We're innocently standing by
    Watching people lose their lives
    It seems as if we have no voice
    It's time for us to make a choice

    Only god could decide
    Who will live and who will die
    There's nothing that can't be done
    If we raise our voice as one

    They've gotta hear it from me
    They've gotta hear it from you
    They've gotta hear it from us
    We can't take it
    We've already had enough

    They've gotta hear it from me
    They've gotta hear it from you
    They've gotta hear it from us

    We can't take it
    We've already had enough

    They've gotta hear it from me
    They've gotta hear it from you
    They've gotta hear it from you baby

    We can't take it
    We've already had enough

    Deep in my soul baby

    Deep in your soul and let God decide

    Deep in my soul

    It's up to me and i'm still alive

    They've gotta hear it from us

    We can't take it
    We've already had enough

    It's going down baby
    Just let God decide,

    It's going on baby
    Just let God decide

    Deep in my soul baby

    We've already had enough

    They've gotta hear it from me
    They've gotta hear it from you
    They've gotta hear it from us

    We can't, we can't
    We've already had enough
  • When I was watching the clip of the so called Michael doing Earth Song I noticed whoever is singing doesn't sound like the normal Michael usually he sings really loud and crisp and the person singing has a lower singing register and they sound muffled. I think the person singing Earth Song is not the real Michael, what does everyone else think?
  • I think he is definitely Michael <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • When I was watching the clip of the so called Michael doing Earth Song I noticed whoever is singing doesn't sound like the normal Michael usually he sings really loud and crisp and the person singing has a lower singing register and they sound muffled. I think the person singing Earth Song is not the real Michael, what does everyone else think?
    I thought the same too that the voice is not the same as i'm used to....but than again think of the "2000 watts" or...."You can't win" at the end :

    Oh...."we've had enough" should have had a video too... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • Another thing is it makes perfect sense if you are against some powerful people,fake your death to deliver your message against them safely.They think you dead!
  • Another thing is it makes perfect sense if you are against some powerful people,fake your death to deliver your message against them safely.They think you dead!
  • Another thing is it makes perfect sense if you are against some powerful people,fake your death to deliver your message against them safely.They think you dead!
    I totally agree with you 2...Go, MIke!
  • WOw...That airport has some messed up s**t in there!! WTFhell? Why on God's Earth were they allowed to put those murals up in the first place?

    I read somewhere that governments around the planet have secretly built underground bunkers so when genocide or some catastrophic event occurs, they will save themselves and let regular people die in the streets. They will be able to survive underground for YEARS...

    This is some scary stuff.... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • It is so horrible that alot of these people think having 7 billion people in the world is a bad thing,I hear the number they want left is 500,000. We are insignificant in thier eyes!
  • people have to know it. We have to open our eyes!!
    This is one of the biggest messages Michael has always tried to tell us IMO...
  • people have to know it. We have to open our eyes!!
    This is one of the biggest messages Michael has always tried to tell us IMO...

    My father knows it. He is a HUGE history buff and he was ALWAYS telling us weird stories when we were young. To this day he believes to the bone about the NWO trying to take over. Its pisses him off so bad sometimes.
    I asked him about NWO recently and his eyes lit up. He was shocked that I asked him about it and I got to hear him talk about how he feels about it for about 2 hrs!!
  • The same way they treat nature is the same way they look at us,we are expendable,easier to control 500,000 than it is to control 7 billion people! Its all about CONTROL!
  • This is it...this has got to be it....i'm sure he'd risk his life for the future...for children and people to live in a better world... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • I believe hes known this time was coming all along, Captain EO says it all"We are here to Change The World"! Then listen and look at the lyrics for another part of me it says alot!
  • The same way they treat nature is the same way they look at us,we are expendable,easier to control 500,000 than it is to control 7 billion people! Its all about CONTROL!

    Think of it this way....there are more of us then there are of them so we could easily take them out!!! But no one pays attention anymore...they just go along with whatever the govt wants. Its sad really. We've gotten lazy.
  • That is why they got us at war and putting out diseases to lower our numbers,because they fear we will wake up and take back the control which is in our rights.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    This is a real eye opener. You hear about the conspiracy theories and read about them... but never have I seen it depicted in a public place. This is unbelievable. Leads me to think the time must be getting close for what ever it is they are planning. Just pray and remember, God has a plan too...and He wins in the end. 'nuff said.

    By the way, I didn't think it sounded like Michael at all either.
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