
  • This is a real eye opener. You hear about the conspiracy theories and read about them... but never have I seen it depicted in a public place. This is unbelievable. Leads me to think the time must be getting close for what ever it is they are planning. Just pray and remember, God has a plan too...and He wins in the end. 'nuff said.

    By the way, I didn't think it sounded like Michael at all either.
    This is what Michael was going to tell all his fans during his 02 concerts, he was going to warn us.
  • God has a plan but we are all living in this time for a purpose,we must stand strong when the time comes! MJ can't do it by himself,
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • God has a plan but we are all living in this time for a purpose,we must stand strong when the time comes! MJ can't do it by himself,
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    This video contains content from Vevo, who has decided to block it in your country. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • hope this one works for you.
    <!-- m --> ... ackson-Cry<!-- m -->
  • This is a real eye opener. You hear about the conspiracy theories and read about them... but never have I seen it depicted in a public place. This is unbelievable. .

    Yes, that is so explicit...but there are many other symbols all around the world, here in Italy too...
  • <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    This is a video about the the mural at the new world airport at Denver.
  • hope this one works for you.
    <!-- m --> ... ackson-Cry<!-- m -->
    I've seen the video today at the made me cry allot....there are lots of messages in the song . <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    God has a plan but we are all living in this time for a purpose,we must stand strong when the time comes! MJ can't do it by himself,
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    My prayer has been for the past few months for God to Wake Up His People and call them to prayer! I have an overwhelming peace. I agree, I know we will go thru some horrible times but we must stand firm. Trust me, there are many who will stand against them and overcome. There is a scripture that says...If God be for us who can be against us. We cannot let fear rule our hearts.
  • I'm a true Christian and I know the Bible...which says He will return like a thief in the night, we won't know the day nor the all this 2012 stuff doesn't effect me because man will not know when He returns...just be ready.
  • this is some scary stuff! but I can't watch the TII clip it's been blocked by Sony <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
  • <!-- m --> ... =100448717<!-- m -->
    "Earth song from this is it"
  • JennieJennie Posts: 514
    Just a thought that I have had for a very long time now and never really dared to share it but what the heck.. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    Ok. You know how they talk about nostradanamus who predicted 3 anti christ people one being napoleon and the other hitler and they are saying yet who they believe the 3rd one is but I've got my own idea on that one. Well what about the other side of the medal, the prophets? Did Nostradanamus predict who the prophets would be? Cause I have always said to myself that Michael must have been a prophet. I really still believe that you know. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    I cant believe I just admitted that, you guys are going to think I am a froot loop now <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • I doudt you would be alone in thinking he is a messenger even big time stars thought of him to be special.
    Out of everyone he had the strongest messages.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    So, you are saying Michael knows it and warns us through his songs and hidden forever some where outside of the USA? He won't come back as we wait for him, guessing from those same clues about June 25 this year or so?
    What about his kids and mother he loves more than anyone?
    My point is, dont' be surprised, be sure he is alive. It makes me sad to think he won't be back.
  • ArielAriel Posts: 84
    I'm a true Christian and I know the Bible...which says He will return like a thief in the night, we won't know the day nor the all this 2012 stuff doesn't effect me because man will not know when He returns...just be ready.

    This is right. Yet, why would someone put those murals at the airport. To give hints to people? I have been there and ... did not notice them or may be they were so ugly I did not remember them.
  • ArielAriel Posts: 84
    I am not sure what Michael knows, but he could google like anyone else, join forums, say on illuminati with some nick.
  • Have anyone ever watched The Conspiracy shows on t.v, Jesse Ventura hosts it and he was talking about how they have technology that can cause earthquakes and other kinds of disasters that will appear to look natural, my first thought was Haiti, now I am not saying it's true but it was my first thought, I do believe they are performing genocide right before our eyes!
    But I do know this that in the bible God said if my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, He would heal the land...but will we?
  • I'm a true Christian and I know the Bible...which says He will return like a thief in the night, we won't know the day nor the all this 2012 stuff doesn't effect me because man will not know when He returns...just be ready.

    This is right. Yet, why would someone put those murals at the airport. To give hints to people? I have been there and ... did not notice them or may be they were so ugly I did not remember them.
    That's the whole point they put it right in our faces, they know alot of people are not paying attention,most folks could care less, or they don't believe it at all, i always find it hard to find things i misplace that are right in front of me and if it had of been a snake it would have bit me!
  • LizziebeeLizziebee Posts: 264
    This is a real eye opener. You hear about the conspiracy theories and read about them... but never have I seen it depicted in a public place. This is unbelievable. Leads me to think the time must be getting close for what ever it is they are planning. Just pray and remember, God has a plan too...and He wins in the end. 'nuff said.

    By the way, I didn't think it sounded like Michael at all either.
    This is what Michael was going to tell all his fans during his 02 concerts, he was going to warn us.

    Okay, I'm back. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    Yes, God has a plan and he always wins. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    I know that we must be strong and not allow fear to take over but it's so easy to let your emotions get the best of you. I pray for strength. It's amazing when I think about how we are all here together on this site. We're all trying to discover this message. And I really believe we are starting to get it. This is just the beginning. It seems so out there you know? It feels like it's not real but it is. VERY REAL. I'll be talking with my family about it tomorrow and I'll show them the videos. Just never really thought about having to talk to my loved ones about our government wanting to kill us. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    And about 2012, yeah I've always said the same thing too. God said that no one would know the day or hour he would come. But isn't that about the rapture? Has anyone seen the Left Behind series? They are fantastic and after seeing them you really think. Jeeze, people are always trying to cover up the truth. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    Also, have you guys been watching the news lately? I have. Tornado there, flood there, storm there...things are happening all over the U.S. And then there's the earthquake in Haiti. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    I'm a true Christian and I know the Bible...which says He will return like a thief in the night, we won't know the day nor the all this 2012 stuff doesn't effect me because man will not know when He returns...just be ready.

    Yes, be ready. And make sure loved ones are as well. <3
  • "The January 31 Grammy ceremony in Los Angeles will also feature the first complete showing of a 3-D mini movie for "Earth Song" created by Jackson before his death in June.

    The song and the movie, about the future of the planet, were intended to be the centerpiece of Jackson's planned series of 50 "This is It" comeback concerts in London last summer.

    "It was one of the most important portions of the concert tour to Michael and when Michael saw the film for the first time at his last rehearsal, there were tears in his eyes," Ken Ehrlich, a longtime Jackson associate and who is producing the Grammy telecast, said in a statement."
    I don't think its a coincidence they are showing Earth song again after seeing it in "This Is It" I think we will see the whole picture this time no pun intended.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    @Staytuned. I agree with you. Many Christians are aware of what to expect in the end times and what the scriptures say will happen. So many of us get caught up in our own lives and don't want to see the signs of the times or are in denial about it. There are two scriptures that have been reverbrating in my spirit for the past couple of months. Joel 2:1 Blow the trumpet in Zion, and sound the alarm on My Holy Mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the Day of the Lord is coming, surely it is near. The other one is Matthew 10:26-27 Therefore do not fear them, for there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed and nothing covered up that will not be brought to light. What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops. I believe it is a call for the nations to wake up to what is happening around us. God does not expect us to be door mats. He wants us to put the truth out there!
  • Since June 25th,my life changed,I stopped smoking,drinking,pray every day to God.
    searching for the truth of life.I have found out that some people go through life with nothing to believe in. Without belief you can never truly see the truths that are right before our eyes.
  • LizziebeeLizziebee Posts: 264
    Matthew 10:26-27 Therefore do not fear them, for there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed and nothing covered up that will not be brought to light. What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops.

    I remember hearing this one when I was younger. Wow. It's amazing. He's the whisper in the wind too. Just listen.

    Since June 25th,my life changed,I stopped smoking,drinking,pray every day to God.
    searching for the truth of life.I have found out that some people go through life with nothing to believe in. Without belief you can never truly see the truths that are right before our eyes.

    That is beautiful. Really. God bless your beautiful soul. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> We must stand for something or we'll fall for anything. And we have to fight for what we believe in. I'll stand up for what's right even if it means standing alone. But I'm sure I won't be alone because I have amazingly lovely people like Michael and you, who I know will fight for the truth. <3

    "On The Line" lyrics:

    Nothing good ever comes easy
    All good things come in due time
    Yes it does
    You gotta have something to believe in
    I'm telling you to open your mind
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    Since June 25th,my life changed,I stopped smoking,drinking,pray every day to God.
    searching for the truth of life.I have found out that some people go through life with nothing to believe in. Without belief you can never truly see the truths that are right before our eyes.

    @terror. That is so wonderful. You are not the only one here that that has happened to. A couple of other people have told me the same thing. I believe Michael has been used by God to put this message in the forefront . Our faith must be in God and not on any one particular man. I have noticed that there are many Christians drawn to this site. I was aware times were changing quickly but I had no idea about the conspiracies that existed until I started watching videos and found web sites such as this one. It is a powerful tool to get the message out as to what is really happening and being covered up.

    Your wife is right, you have to do what you feel is right in this situation. I am glad she is encouraging you to follow your heart.
  • Thank you for your kindness,god bless you all,together we will make the change for a better future that we and our children deserve all around the world! I really believe we are living now to do this.
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