
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    Thank you for your kindness,god bless you all,together we will make the change for a better future that we and our children deserve all around the world! I really believe we are living now to do this.

    There are many of us out there, not only on this site. I am so glad you were bold enough to post this topic. I had no idea about the DIA. I have never heard anything about it before reading your post. I know there are bunkers built under the Greenbriar Hotel in Greenbriar, WV which is very exclusive and beautiful. It is also very elaborate with underground bunkers and tunnels. There have been several specials on tv about it. It was originally created for the president, his cabinet, the senate and congress to evacuate to in a homeland attack. It is stocked to the nines with quipment and supplies. They said in the last special I saw that it is no longer the priority site for refuge, but they did not give the contingency plan....maybe Denver now?
  • Well Denver airport is still working its enormous,they are still putting tunnels and have highways underneath. well it is called new world airport so could be the main spot. Also that guy with the gun and mask already protects the bunkers and said if people come running the doors will already be closed if not they gotto do what they gotto do! He seems to have no remorse!
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    When was the airport built? I wonder if that is where they took Bush to on Air Force One on 911 when he went missing for the day...

    The Greenbriar is still functioning in all its glory. I am sure they will put it to use as well. You can find it on the web.
  • It was built in 1995,often called DIA, is, by land size at 53 square miles (140 km2), the largest international airport in the United States, and the third largest international airport in the world after King Fahd International Airport and Montreal-Mirabel International Airport.
    <!-- m --> ... clear.html<!-- m -->
    THE SCARIEST PART is the plot has been in motion for awhile it seems.
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • @Staytuned. I agree with you. Many Christians are aware of what to expect in the end times and what the scriptures say will happen. So many of us get caught up in our own lives and don't want to see the signs of the times or are in denial about it. There are two scriptures that have been reverbrating in my spirit for the past couple of months. Joel 2:1 Blow the trumpet in Zion, and sound the alarm on My Holy Mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the Day of the Lord is coming, surely it is near. The other one is Matthew 10:26-27 Therefore do not fear them, for there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed and nothing covered up that will not be brought to light. What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops. I believe it is a call for the nations to wake up to what is happening around us. God does not expect us to be door mats. He wants us to put the truth out there!
    Girl say it twice, I got chills when you mentioned those 2 scriptures, i can barely type from crying, I try to tell soo many people about what is going on, to open their eyes, to wake up, it's like being in a room with 100 people and they are all asleep and your the only one awake, I understand now why Jesus loves us so much, it breaks my heart cause i don't wanna see a soul lost and I be wanting to just shake people so they can see, but if i could just reach one soul I have done a lil even though i wanna reach them all. All of things happening around us does not shock me at all cause i know what His word says, I just wanna be ready!
    And it is surely time for the nations to wake up, it's been time, enough is enough!
  • <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    Jam lyrics

    Nation To Nation
    All The World
    Must Come Together
    Face The Problems
    That We See
    Then Maybe Somehow We Can Work It Out
    I Asked My Neighbor
    For A Favor
    She Said Later
    What Has Come Of
    All The People
    Have We Lost Love
    Of What It's About

    I Have To Find My Peace Cuz
    No One Seems To Let Me Be
    False Prophets Cry Of Doom
    What Are The Possibilities
    I Told My Brother
    There'll Be Problems,
    Times And Tears For Fears,
    We Must Live Each Day
    Like It's The Last

    Go With It
    Go With It
    It Ain't Too Much Stuff
    It Ain't Too Much
    It Ain't Too Much For Me To
    It Ain't
    It Ain't Too Much Stuff
    It Ain't
    Don't You
    It Ain't Too Much For Me To

    The World Keeps Changing
    Rearranging Minds
    And Thoughts
    Predictions Fly Of Doom
    The Baby Boom
    Has Come Of Age
    We'll Work It Out

    I Told My Brothers
    Don't You Ask Me
    For No Favors
    I'm Conditioned By
    The System
    Don't You Talk To Me
    Don't Scream And Shout

    She Pray To God, To Buddha
    Then She Sings A
    Talmud Song
    Confusions Contradict
    The Self
    Do We Know Right
    From Wrong
    I Just Want You To
    Recognize Me
    In The Temple
    You Can't Hurt Me
    I Found Peace
    Within Myself

    Go With It
    Go With It
    It Ain't
    It Ain't Too Much Stuff
    It Ain't Too Much
    It Ain't Too Much For Me To
    It Ain't
    It Ain't Too Much Stuff
    It Ain't
    Don't You
    It Ain't Too Much For Me To
    It Ain't Too Much Stuff
    It Ain't Too Much
    It Ain't Too Much For Me To
    It Ain't
    It Ain't Too Much Stuff
    It Ain't
    Don't You
    It Ain't Too Much For Me To

    [Rap Performed By Heavy D]
    Jam Jam
    Here Comes The Man
    Hot Damn
    The Big Boy Stands
    with an upper hand
    Makin' Funky Tracks
    With My Man
    Michael Jackson
    Smooth Criminal
    That's The Man
    Mike's So Relaxed
    Mingle Mingle Jingle
    In The Jungle
    Bum Rushed The Door
    3 And 4's In A Bundle
    Execute The Plan
    First I Cooled Like A Fan
    Got With Janet
    Then With Guy
    Now With Michael
    Cause It Ain't Hard To...

    It Ain't
    It Ain't Too Much Stuff
    It Ain't Too Much
    It Ain't Too Much For Me To
    Get On It
    It Ain't Too Much Stuff
    It Ain't
    Don't Stop
    It Ain't Too Much For Me To
    It Ain't
    It Ain't Too Much Stuff
    It Ain't
    Don't You
    It Ain't Too Much For Me To
    It Ain't
    It Ain't Too Much Stuff
    It Ain't
    Don't You
    It Ain't Too Much For Me To

    It Ain't Too Hard For Me
    To Jam [9x]
    Get On It
    It Ain't
    It Ain't Too Much Stuff
    It Ain't
    Don't You
    It Ain't Too Much For Me To
    It Ain't Too Much Stuff
    It Ain't Too Much
    It Ain't Too Much For Me To
    It Ain't Too Much Stuff
    It Ain't Too Much
    It Ain't Too Much For Me To
    Too Much
    It Ain't Too Much Stuff
    It Ain't
    Don't You
    It Ain't Too Much For Me To

    Get On It
    Get On It
    Give It Baby
    Give It To Me
    Come On
    You Really Give It Too Me
    Got To Give It
    You Just Want To Give It
    jermaine on the show kept saying he is ready to JAM in the reality show.
    MJ always says it in his lyrics.Nation to Nation the World must come TOGETHER Face The Problems
    That We See
    Then Maybe Somehow We Can Work It Out! This was in 1991 he was calling for this,19 years later and he is still right! by the way look at this "3 And 4's In A Bundle/ 3=4=7
    Execute The Plan /plan -=hoax?
    First I Cooled Like A Fan =cold like death?
    Got With Janet=vma's
    Then With Guy=not sure
    Now With Michael
    He don't sing it if he don't mean it!
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    they have technology that can cause earthquakes and other kinds of disasters that will appear to look natural, my first thought was Haiti, now I am not saying it's true but it was my first thought

    This can't be true because apparently, the US Military cares soooo much about Haiti that they had just practiced a "Disaster Relief Scenario" the day before the huge earthquake... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I'm sure they had NO IDEA this horrific tragedy was going to take place the very next day.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    @Staytuned...You are doing more than you know. Prayer is the most powerful tool the church has. I am standing with you for eyes to be opened and ears that will hear. If one can put 1000 to flight, 2 can put 10,000 to flight. Be encouraged! He always has a remnant and we are not alone! Staytuned, your words have been a blessing to me and I'm sure to many others as well. Just keep on being you!
  • LizziebeeLizziebee Posts: 264
    they have technology that can cause earthquakes and other kinds of disasters that will appear to look natural, my first thought was Haiti, now I am not saying it's true but it was my first thought

    This can't be true because apparently, the US Military cares soooo much about Haiti that they had just practiced a "Disaster Relief Scenario" the day before the huge earthquake... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I'm sure they had NO IDEA this horrific tragedy was going to take place the very next day.

    Well, have you guys heard of HAARP? May be responsible for the 2008 earthquake in China and Hurricane Katrina. [youtube:tcd8c7im]
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    I saw that on Fox news the other day. They did a piece on the technology they now have to cause these things. It makes me sick at my stomach to think they even consider doing these kinds of things to unsuspecting people!

    That video is frightening. It is disgusting to think that our government may have been responsible for these disasters.
  • JACKSONOLOGIST and others, I'm 58 and have seen the destruction of the US govt first hand while growing up JFK, fake moon landing, MLK shot, 911. The illuminati is now definately in charge and not hiding who and what they are. My roommate BF has a hard head, is due to retire and does not want to hear my bullshit about the end of times. He is more interested in who's playing football and what trip to plan or what's for supper. He says I'm bi-polar, skitz and to shut up.
    I'm not stupid and like your dad is frustrated that the people I care about do not want to listen. Do I leave them in the dust and move on ?

    I'm thankful to have found this forum and we are finally getting down to business talking about reality. My plan is to bulk mail all links that I find factual with back up and sources to confirm the info. I won't call wolf. And I will keep mailing the info until my friends and family decide to pay attention. It is up to them,
    REALIZE that the Illuminati DOES own the internet and can shut it down at any moment, so I want to take advantage while I can.


    MY NEW PET PROJECT is to find a few silk screen shops who are anti-NWO that would be willing to sponsor and print t-shirts OR bumperstickers with slogans: "NWO NO", "POWER TO THE PEOPLE RIGHT ON", etc anyone here have some good slogans off the top of you head?
    I want the shirts given out free.

    I may even type up a links page, print and do handouts while at biker events...that is a large group who stick together and are always willing to support good causes. Is saving the lives of millions a worthwhile cause ??? I think so !!!!!!!!

    In 2 weeks I attend my monthly Harley Owners Group meeting and I'm mustering up the guts to leap onto the stage, grab the microphone and say what's on my mind. This group is made up of many war vets near my age. Projected on the wall is a huge photo of the Twin Towers before 911 and an American Flag we look at while saying the pledge.
    They say it so softly I can't hear a thing. What the F is up with that ?? Why are people more about talking about their new freakin Harley instead of owning or taking our freedom back?

    I'd rather be sending out positive vibrations to dilute the negative and fear, but there also has to be this period of waking the sheep up.

    I'm off to relax and see 300 Manatee who come to the warm waters near the power plant in Tampa. That'll make me cry.

  • they have technology that can cause earthquakes and other kinds of disasters that will appear to look natural, my first thought was Haiti, now I am not saying it's true but it was my first thought

    This can't be true because apparently, the US Military cares soooo much about Haiti that they had just practiced a "Disaster Relief Scenario" the day before the huge earthquake... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I'm sure they had NO IDEA this horrific tragedy was going to take place the very next day.

    Well, have you guys heard of HAARP? May be responsible for the 2008 earthquake in China and Hurricane Katrina. [youtube:27kpld9b]

    Here we are again with a practice bombing scenario at the London underground on the morning of 7/7/05 and again on the morning of 9/11/01 we have another practice scenario about a plane attack in America???
    Just coincidence??? Maybe we need to look into other major disaster's and see if there are any more coincidences... I for one, would not be surprised to see more added to the list.

    <!-- m --> ... va&aid=821<!-- m -->
  • @Staytuned...You are doing more than you know. Prayer is the most powerful tool the church has. I am standing with you for eyes to be opened and ears that will hear. If one can put 1000 to flight, 2 can put 10,000 to flight. Be encouraged! He always has a remnant and we are not alone! Staytuned, your words have been a blessing to me and I'm sure to many others as well. Just keep on being you!
    And I feel the same way with your post, you have a beautiful spirit, I sense it, and thank you!
    Stay Blessed! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • they have technology that can cause earthquakes and other kinds of disasters that will appear to look natural, my first thought was Haiti, now I am not saying it's true but it was my first thought

    This can't be true because apparently, the US Military cares soooo much about Haiti that they had just practiced a "Disaster Relief Scenario" the day before the huge earthquake... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I'm sure they had NO IDEA this horrific tragedy was going to take place the very next day.
    Sweety, I didn't say it was true, it's just what i thought when i saw about the earthquakes, and i surely do not believe in coincidenses(sp) I do believe in purpose!
    and nothing just happens! Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere and it's huge, so if what they say about depopulation is true, they are gonna hit many places like this, if they caused it, not saying they did, but i believe they have the technology to do it! We ain't seen nothin' yet, just StayTuned!
    love ya!
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    coincidence I think not!
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    Sweety, I didn't say it was true, it's just what i thought when i saw about the earthquakes, and i surely do not believe in coincidenses(sp) I do believe in purpose!
    and nothing just happens! Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere and it's huge, so if what they say about depopulation is true, they are gonna hit many places like this, if they caused it, not saying they did, but i believe they have the technology to do it! We ain't seen nothin' yet, just StayTuned!
    love ya!

    I was agreeing with your first thought.
    Sorry, I guess my sarcasm doesn't translate well on the internet. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • julietjuliet Posts: 491
    LIZZEE, thanks for posting the vid on HAARP. People need to know more about cause & effect of different experiments not to omit the collateral damages involved. People in authority will always hide the truth and what they show/inform are refined lies.
  • Sweety, I didn't say it was true, it's just what i thought when i saw about the earthquakes, and i surely do not believe in coincidenses(sp) I do believe in purpose!
    and nothing just happens! Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere and it's huge, so if what they say about depopulation is true, they are gonna hit many places like this, if they caused it, not saying they did, but i believe they have the technology to do it! We ain't seen nothin' yet, just StayTuned!
    love ya!

    I was agreeing with your first thought.
    Sorry, I guess my sarcasm doesn't translate well on the internet. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    it's ok doll!
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    coincidence I think not!

    Wowza....i thought that!
  • SmokieSmokie Posts: 8
    I had a dream a while ago that the earth was ending and in my dream everything was falling apart, everyone was panicking and such and I remembered that I was trying to save my family but there was a train coming my way and I tried to run to the hills but I didn't make it on time and it collapsed on me and I woke up.
  • Hey smokey I had a few dreams that were very similar,I used to be afraid of them. Till I found a love and faith that feels so powerful now that the fear I had is completly gone!
    Love destroys FEAR. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    Hey smokey I had a few dreams that were very similar,I used to be afraid of them. Till I found a love and faith that feels so powerful now that the fear I had is completly gone!
    Love destroys FEAR. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    @terror...Well said!

    @smokie..I believe we have these dreams as warnings, not to scare you but so you can be prepared. That does not mean the hill will fall on you. You can be prepared and ready for an emergency such as this and won't be scared when or if it comes. All it takes is a little bit a prayer and you will know what to do if this situation does arrise. God does not want his people stumbling around in the dark.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    coincidence I think not!

    What is this? I haven't heard of this either. Please explain. What are the points of the pentagram and what do they mean?
  • I said I would not be back for awhile wife encouraged me to continue with what i believe in! so here it is i have some real important stuff on This Is It . When we look at the earth song it is a "Warning" of the Future that we will being seeing in 2012! the Dolphins,the killer Whale,the Penguin and the rest of the animals,Earth girl are all from these murals at a new denver airport believed to have the largest underground bunkers this is murals they have right in everyones face because they beleive people are to dumb to see the truth of what they are planning for us. <!-- m --> ... togall.htm<!-- m -->
    Jessie ventura conspiracys put this part together,for some reason I don't think he seen the video of earth song so he would not know This is what mj sees in our future also and he named names of who is behind this.They have some evil plans for us and our children,don't trust the government. they plan to save themselves from destruction in their bunkers and leave us to burn. If someone could post the video from this is it "earth song "so everyone can match it up. They really dont care about us. wake up it is real.
    yes correct, but when you tell people this they look at you like your crazy, no one believes it , but Jessie ventura conspiracys show talked about HAARP , I think it was his first show , it's an huge area where they have the ability to produce energy and send it anywhere in the world to cause distruction , I think they used it on katrina, Heiti and plan to use it on us in 2012, I know Michael knew and was going to warn the world about their plans ,they would believe him , that's why he's in hiding now .
  • they have technology that can cause earthquakes and other kinds of disasters that will appear to look natural, my first thought was Haiti, now I am not saying it's true but it was my first thought

    This can't be true because apparently, the US Military cares soooo much about Haiti that they had just practiced a "Disaster Relief Scenario" the day before the huge earthquake... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I'm sure they had NO IDEA this horrific tragedy was going to take place the very next day.If you think this happened by chance , check out the HAARP conspiracy on the internet.
    The government did it , just like Katrina .
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