

  • Please people, google this:
    Hundredth-Monkey Phenomenon
    Critical Mass (ideology)
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    they have technology that can cause earthquakes and other kinds of disasters that will appear to look natural, my first thought was Haiti, now I am not saying it's true but it was my first thought

    This can't be true because apparently, the US Military cares soooo much about Haiti that they had just practiced a "Disaster Relief Scenario" the day before the huge earthquake... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I'm sure they had NO IDEA this horrific tragedy was going to take place the very next day.If you think this happened by chance , check out the HAARP conspiracy on the internet.
    The government did it , just like Katrina .

    I was being sarcastic.
    Check the eye roll & the link. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Of course they were involved...
  • AC: When I first tried to contact the artist and talk to him about these murals, he told me that he was given guidelines on what to paint and put in the murals. When I showed up in his studio, I asked to see the guidelines for the last two murals he was working on, he suddenly went "brain dead" and said "of course, there are no guidelines." It took myself and two other people over eight months to
    to figure out all the symbology that is embodied in these murals. It turned out that some of these are "trigger" pictures, containing symbology designed to trigger altered personalities of people that have been groomed in MKULTRA type programs for specific tasks that they have been trained to do in terms of something connected with Satanic rituals and mind control. I had one woman that called me out of the blue one night, and she was really disturbed about some information. She told me many different things that later turned out to be known MKULTRA triggers. Also, almost every aspect of these murals contains symbols relating back to secret societies. When you get the overall view of what they are talking about in these things, it is very very scary. It goes back to the Biodiversity Treaty, getting rid of specific races of people, taking over the world and mind control.


    LOOK AT PICTURE NUMBER 4 and the dead children,and the pengiun encased in glass like if its extinct.
    This is a larger one
    <!-- m --> ... 36ac_b.jpg<!-- m -->

    omg do you know what i just realized? mike does the " peguin" after he sings FOUR WALLS WONT HOLD ME TONIGHT!
    like that case around the penguin!
  • supermj4eva thats why I am saying alot of things from the mural at Denver New World airport are also in This Is it. I agree with Mj all the way and I want a better future for all of us and our children then a disgusting vision and plot that certain individuals feel is the way the world should be! I have faith that this vision will not come to pass, but it won't be easy,for the world does have alot of evil and corrupt people. when enough people see the truth,we shall prevail!
  • we are getting so smart here............
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    supermj4eva thats why I am saying alot of things from the mural at Denver New World airport are also in This Is it. I agree with Mj all the way and I want a better future for all of us and our children then a disgusting vision and plot that certain individuals feel is the way the world should be! I have faith that this vision will not come to pass, but it won't be easy,for the world does have alot of evil and corrupt people. when enough people see the truth,we shall prevail!

    You're absolutely right.
    The thing we need is tell the truth to more people. There are so many people who live in routine and don't know how really the world is.
    If Michael comeback, he can show to people the truth, and then make them act.

    <!-- m --> ... and-lyric/<!-- m -->
  • terror2k9terror2k9 Posts: 75
    Senators from both parties, Democrat, and Republican, were the ones to introduce a new bill called: “Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010,”

    The Republican Senator is John McCain (who should be ashamed of himself), and the Democrat Senator Joe Lieberman(who should also be ashamed of himself).

    The problem with this bill is that, and I quote:
    “sets out a comprehensive policy for the detention, interrogation and trial of suspected enemy belligerents who are believed to have engaged in hostilities against the United States by requiring these individuals to be held in military custody, interrogated for their intelligence value and not provided with a Miranda warning,”

    There is no distinction between U.S. citizen, and non-U.S. citizen.

    The bill also gives such a broad definition of who could be an "enemy belligerent", that basically anyone they want can be one.

    Here are the definition of what this new bill considers an "enemy belligerent":

    (1) poses a threat of an attack on civilians or civilian facilities within the U.S. or U.S. facilities abroad; (2) poses a threat to U.S. military personnel or U.S. military facilities; (3) potential intelligence value; (4) is a member of al Qaeda or a terrorist group affiliated with al Qaeda or (5) such other matters as the President considers appropriate.

    So whoever the President considers appropiate will be an "enemy belligerent"....

    President Obama has already gone on television and stated that he wanted to make legal the ability of the government to detain anyone, even if they haven't committed any crime, but rather to the "possibility" that such person "could commit a crime", and such detention could be done for years, and such a person would have no rights whatsoever.

    We even have had threads showing a video of Rachel Maddow comment on "President Obama indefinite detention wish".

    Now it seems that President Obama got his wish with this new bill.
    Where is the freedom and our constitutional rights in this,Like freedom of speech and to believe in what you want,The government is supposed to work for the people not the other way around! These days it seems tax this tax that!raise fares, Change this rule here,regardless if its in the constitution or not.something has to be done about this soon before its to late!anyone here at this site could be considered a Enemy Belligerent.
  • so if im following correctly, we are all going to die in 2012!?

    now im depressed.
  • I live in Missouri and we have those bunkers here. They are close to Branson. They say they are caves but if you tour one of the caves you will see doors that should not be there. Fantastic caverns is the one I am talking about.
  • so if im following correctly, we are all going to die in 2012!?

    now im depressed.

    No, no no, no way.
    It´s all a CHANGE for L.O.V.E.
    This is a war of L.O.V.E. against HATE.
    Be optimistic! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> This is really it.
    Beyond MJ, but also through him.

    Somebody shakes when the wind blows
    Somebody's missing a friend, hold on
    Somebody's lacking a hero
    And they have not a clue when it's all gonna end

    Stories buried and unfold
    Someone is hiding the truth, hold on
    When will this mystery unfold
    And will the sun ever shine
    In the blind man's eyes when he cries?

    You can change the world
    (I can't do it by myself)
    You can touch the sky
    (Gonna take somebody's help)
    You're the chosen one
    (I'm gonna need some kind of sign)
    If we all cry at the same time tonight

    People laugh when they're feelin' sad
    Someone is taking a life, hold on
    Respect to believe in your dreams
    Tell me where were you
    When your children cried last night?

    Faces fill with madness
    Miracles unheard of, hold on
    Faith is found in the winds
    All we have to do is reach for the truth

    You can change the world
    (I can't do it by myself)...

    And when that flag blows
    There'll be no more wars
    And when all calls
    I will answer all your prayers, prayers
    Show the world

    You can change the world
    (I can't do it by myself)...

    You can change the world
    (I can't do it by myself)...

    You can change the world
    (I can't do it by myself)
    You can touch the sky
    (Gonna take somebody's help)
    You're the chosen one
    (I'm gonna need some kind of sign)
    All cry at same time tonight

    All cry at same time tonight
    All cry at same time tonight
    Change the world
  • so if im following correctly, we are all going to die in 2012!?

    now im depressed.

    No, no no, no way.
    It´s all a CHANGE for L.O.V.E.
    This is a war of L.O.V.E. against HATE.
    Be optimistic! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> This is really it.
    Beyond MJ, but also through him.

    Somebody shakes when the wind blows
    Somebody's missing a friend, hold on
    Somebody's lacking a hero
    And they have not a clue when it's all gonna end

    Stories buried and unfold
    Someone is hiding the truth, hold on
    When will this mystery unfold
    And will the sun ever shine
    In the blind man's eyes when he cries?

    You can change the world
    (I can't do it by myself)
    You can touch the sky
    (Gonna take somebody's help)
    You're the chosen one
    (I'm gonna need some kind of sign)
    If we all cry at the same time tonight

    People laugh when they're feelin' sad
    Someone is taking a life, hold on
    Respect to believe in your dreams
    Tell me where were you
    When your children cried last night?

    Faces fill with madness
    Miracles unheard of, hold on
    Faith is found in the winds
    All we have to do is reach for the truth

    You can change the world
    (I can't do it by myself)...

    And when that flag blows
    There'll be no more wars
    And when all calls
    I will answer all your prayers, prayers
    Show the world

    You can change the world
    (I can't do it by myself)...

    You can change the world
    (I can't do it by myself)...

    You can change the world
    (I can't do it by myself)
    You can touch the sky
    (Gonna take somebody's help)
    You're the chosen one
    (I'm gonna need some kind of sign)
    All cry at same time tonight

    All cry at same time tonight
    All cry at same time tonight
    Change the world

    so, there is gonna be a war? what do you mean by this is really it? im so confused.
  • We awakening and the people who does not want it to happens are at war yet.
    A war where our weapons are L.O.V.E. and STUDY, and theirs are FEAR, control and disinformation (well, they have many). But there´s nothing that can´t be done if we raise our voice as one.
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