Murray WON'T Be Charged Today!! TMZ LATEST!



  • Haha I've got my ipod on and its playing Michael Jackson, of course. As I read this thread, the song that is on is "We've had enough"

    Oh brother does that fit?

    I just want Michael to be alive and safe. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • ChanceChance Posts: 250
    Murray will be charged on Friday.
  • ChanceChance Posts: 250
    Dr. Conrad Murray will be arraigned Friday and charged with involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson -- law enforcement sources tell
    TMZ. We're told Dr. Murray will turn himself in to the LAPD Friday morning. He will be booked and then taken to Airport Court in L.A., Division 144, where he will face a judge at 1:30 PM. A pool video camera and a still camera will record the event.
  • wow they sure do have their way of changing their minds... i am ready for something to happen already and quit beating around the bush..
    i dont find this funny at all...sorry for the lack of humor but seriously?

    TMZ SAYS after that i quit reading...
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Wow. Here we go again, more circles, excuses & BS. Now it's Friday? Give me a break <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Honestly I've had enough of TMZ's arrest predictions. Yesterday they said he was gonna go down today...Today they say he's gonna go down on Friday?

    I've been sceptical of TMZ since the very beginning....The thing that drove us to sacrifice our precious lives and follow their crappy website in the first place was the fact that they were the first ones to report Michael Jackson's death....Even before a single soul on earth got to know about it...Thats where our suspicions began.....

    But right now? They're making a fool of themselves...really. I mean to say that they are making things more and more obvious.....Upon reading the shit that they have been dishing out lately, even a non-believer could be provoked to ask the following question/s----

    1.How is it that the LAPD and the DA are even ALLOWING XCLUSIVE ACCESS TO A CELEBRITY GOSSIP WEBSITE FIRST HAND ? Why not to other relatively legitimate media houses like CNN, FOX, SKY etc?....News houses that are relatively more reliable?

    2. And even if these stories of Murray surrendering are true then....Who Is It ( <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ) that they are so afraid of? Who and What exactly is infinitely delaying the arrest if He is really guilty? How could be an accused given so much "preparation time"?

    TMZ says Murray to be indicted----DA say they dont have the case----Then TMZ say that Murray to be charged for Manslaughter
    Murray's lawyer says that he hardly has any Idea whats going on
    Then comes this sudden bulletin storm all over the world claiming that Murray would be handed over yesteday----Still Nothing---And Now its Friday......The circus goes on. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    3. I will now post a link to another blog.....This will surely tell you how this entire case could be a farce....Murrays lawyers dont have bar admissons to California.....You guys have probably read this in the weird list but still.....Have look at the entire post on this link.

    <!-- m --> ... ue-or-not/<!-- m -->

    Who will answer these questions?? The DA? The LAPD?

    I dont think even the top notch lawyers would have any clue as to how to clear up the mess that is this whole case.
  • its all in the game- a bad game for a good purpose or a good game for a bad purpose? I bet the first , whatever the exact reason may be!
  • TiggerTigger Posts: 17
    <!-- m --> ... son-death/<!-- m -->

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Hasta La Vista, Adios
  • Michael isn't ready yet <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    He needs to get his hair did.
    Pick out the right socks. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    "Where'd that damn Thriller jacket go!!"
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Yeah why is it that none of them have a clue what's supposed to be going on? Yet, TMZ is reporting all this information on their site. If the people supposed to be handling this case don't know what they're doing yet, how the heck would TMZ have a clue? The DA doesn't have the case, Murray's lawyer doesn't know anything about Conrad Murray turning himself in or surrendering, the LAPD doesn't seem to know wth is going on because supposedly the DA took over the case, Murray's supposed to be arrested & charged on tuesday (2/3/2010) then it was yesterday (2/4/2010) then today (2/5/2010) & nothing happened. Now it's supposed to be Friday?! I was worried yesterday when I heard he was really going to be charged but now since nothing happened I'm still believing this is all a hoax. & they just needed to act like he is going to be charged to try & throw people off. But they can't even do that right. If Michael is really dead, this is shitty, they are just treating this case like it doesn't matter & I will hunt Dr. Murray down myself if nothing happens & it turns out Michael is gone!! <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • So if Murray is charged with involuntary manslaughter then the prosecution have to prove that there was negligence on the part of the doc. So if Murray is charged is it definite that it will go to trial or does the prosecution have to prove negligence FIRST before a trial can even proceed?

    Sorry, please excuse my ignorance of US law <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • Tension Between LAPD and D.A. in Jackson Case
    Posted Feb 4th 2010 9:27AM by TMZ Staff

    LAPD officials feel slighted by the Los Angeles County District Attorney in the Michael Jackson case, and the cops made their point clear in a secret meeting yesterday .... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

    Sources say there was a "high level meeting" yesterday between officials from both departments. The D.A. had kept the LAPD in the dark over the arrest and prosecution of Dr. Conrad Murray. In fact, until yesterday the LAPD was not informed of any plan for the arrest or surrender of Murray on involuntary manslaughter charges.

    We reported earlier in the week that lawyers for Dr. Conrad Murray had been in touch with the D.A. and planned to drive the doctor themselves to the courthouse where he would be arraigned. That plan would have completely excluded the LAPD from the process.

    The D.A.'s plan was especially maddening for the LAPD because detectives in the Robbery Homicide Division had spent months putting the complicated case together. Inside sources say it's one of the best, most thorough investigations the LAPD has conducted in years.

    The upshot of yesterday's meeting -- the D.A. and LAPD made a plan -- the LAPD will place Dr. Murray under arrest on Friday morning, handcuff and book him, then take him to court at 1:30 where he will be arraigned.
  • Serenitys_Dream » Thu Feb 04, 2010 4:37 pm

    Tension Between LAPD and D.A. in Jackson Case
    Posted Feb 4th 2010 9:27AM by TMZ Staff

    LAPD officials feel slighted by the Los Angeles County District Attorney in the Michael Jackson case, and the cops made their point clear in a secret meeting yesterday .... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

    Sources say there was a "high level meeting" yesterday between officials from both departments. The D.A. had kept the LAPD in the dark over the arrest and prosecution of Dr. Conrad Murray. In fact, until yesterday the LAPD was not informed of any plan for the arrest or surrender of Murray on involuntary manslaughter charges.

    We reported earlier in the week that lawyers for Dr. Conrad Murray had been in touch with the D.A. and planned to drive the doctor themselves to the courthouse where he would be arraigned. That plan would have completely excluded the LAPD from the process.

    The D.A.'s plan was especially maddening for the LAPD because detectives in the Robbery Homicide Division had spent months putting the complicated case together. Inside sources say it's one of the best, most thorough investigations the LAPD has conducted in years.

    The upshot of yesterday's meeting -- the D.A. and LAPD made a plan -- the LAPD will place Dr. Murray under arrest on Friday morning, handcuff and book him, then take him to court at 1:30 where he will be arraigned.
    <!-- m --> ... t-meeting/<!-- m -->
    The meaning of life is contained in every single expression of life.
    It is present in the infinity of forms and phenomena that exist in all of creation.
    ~ Michael Jackson

    <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| --> All I can do is just shake my head on this one.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082

    I'm really wondering what TMZ posts next`???
  • So if Murray is charged with involuntary manslaughter then the prosecution have to prove that there was negligence on the part of the doc. So if Murray is charged is it definite that it will go to trial or does the prosecution have to prove negligence FIRST before a trial can even proceed?

    Sorry, please excuse my ignorance of US law <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    <!-- m --> ... octor?bn=1<!-- m -->

    LOS ANGELES – Prosecutors plan to charge Michael Jackson's doctor with manslaughter rather than take the case to a grand jury, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press Tuesday.

    Prosecutors will file a criminal complaint against Dr. Conrad Murray, who practices in Houston, instead of taking the case before a grand jury, which is done in private, the official said.

    The person is not authorized to speak publicly about the case and only spoke on condition of anonymity.

    The complaint would be the prelude to a public hearing in which a judge would weigh testimony from witnesses to decide if there is probable cause to try him on an involuntary manslaughter charge.

    Jackson died June 25 from an anesthetic overdose. Murray maintains nothing he gave Jackson should have killed him.

    Murray arrived in Los Angeles last weekend in anticipation of a charging decision from the district attorney's office, a spokeswoman said Tuesday.

    "Dr. Murray is in Los Angeles for a dual purpose – on family business and to be available for law enforcement," said spokeswoman Miranda Sevcik. "We're trying to be as co-operative as we can."

    There is no official word on when an announcement about any charges might come. David Walgren, the deputy Los Angeles County district attorney handling the case, declined to comment Tuesday.

    The district attorney's office has for weeks been working closely with Los Angeles Police Department investigators to build a case against Murray.

    Jackson, 50, hired Murray to be his personal physician as he prepared for a strenuous series of comeback performances in London. He died in Los Angeles after Murray administered the powerful general anesthetic propofol and two other sedatives to get the chronic insomniac to sleep, according to the Los Angeles County coroner's office, which ruled the death a homicide.

    Murray has denied any criminal wrongdoing.

    "We continue to maintain that Dr. Murray neither prescribed nor administered anything that should have killed Michael Jackson," Sevcik said.

    The underlined statement stood out to me. As if there is still a long road ahead of unsurities even if conrad is charged. Something about the judge will have to see if the case is worth bringing before a grand jury.

    i agree with one of the comments that someone made in one of these articles. If Michael died (please I hope not) conrad did not just kill Michael, he killed the whole world. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • I wouldn't be suprised if Murray's not even charged tomorrow! I mean they've put it off for a good seven months.. why now?
    I was thinking about all of this last night, and this one scene from the Dark Knight occured to me.

    Two-Face: It was your men, your plan!
    The Joker: Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it. You know, I just... do things. The mob has plans, the cops have plans, Gordon's got plans. You know, they're schemers. Schemers trying to control their little worlds. I'm not a schemer. I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control things really are. So, when I say... Ah, come here.
    [takes Dent's hand into his own]
    The Joker: When I say that you and your girlfriend was nothing personal, you know that I'm telling the truth. It's the schemers that put you where you are. You were a schemer, you had plans, and look where that got you.
    [Dent tries to grab the Joker]
    The Joker: I just did what I do best. I took your little plan and I turned it on itself. Look what I did to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple of bullets. Hmmm? You know... You know what I've noticed? Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying! If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, a gang banger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics, because it's all "part of the plan." But when I say that one little old mayor will die, well then everyone loses their minds!
    [Joker hands Two-Face a gun and points it at himself]
    The Joker: Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. Oh, and you know the thing about chaos? It's fair.

    Basically about the whole "plan".. Random I know, but a thought.
  • still no news police dragging their feet
  • agathiagathi Posts: 156
    if Murray goes in jail then what???ohGod help us

    i Miss Michael so much... <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • Check this out:

    Conrad Murray Will Show in Court No Matter What
    Posted Feb 5th 2010 9:10AM by TMZ Staff

    Conrad Murray's people just told TMZ they are ticked off that they are caught in the middle of a tug of war between the LAPD and the L.A. County D.A. -- and they will show up in court at 1:30 PM today to surrender ... whether charges are filed or not.

    As we first reported, a feud is raging between the LAPD and the D.A. -- the D.A. wants Murray to surrender and the LAPD wants him arrested before coming to court ... on charges of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson.

    We reported last night that things were so bad between the two agencies that the D.A. pulled the plug on today's arraignment.

    But Miranda Sevcik, the rep for Dr. Murray's lawyer Ed Chernoff, tells TMZ "We are stuck in the middle of something we can't control." Sevcik, who called the feuding "insane," says "Dr. Murray will wait for a call as to where and when he will surrender" and adds if the call doesn't come he will show up anyway at 1:30 PM.

    The problem for Dr. Murray -- if the D.A. doesn't file charges this morning, there's nothing to surrender to ....
    Stay tuned ...

    Read more: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    A new excuse for not arresting him yet? Why wouldn't they file charges eventhough there is a feud going on?
  • now he will appear in court reguardles if they file charges.
    There really isnt enough asprin to go around
    is there???

    Maybe he wave Hi Mom to the camera, since this is going to be a "show"

    This is really changing from a circus to a damn soap opera. Accept there is no john mcbain
    to drool over.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Honestly I've had enough of TMZ's arrest predictions. Yesterday they said he was gonna go down today...Today they say he's gonna go down on Friday?

    They messed up the reservation for the film studio...
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    (Remember, they had to find a date when everybody of the family was available for the burial?)
    Guess they have to find a date now when Murray is available for the take.
    He's busy with one minute at FL and another to say he doesn't like handcuffs...
    It's not that easy, you know?
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    if this goes to trial .... could you imagine this:

    " i call my next witness......." Lawyer points to the Door, door flies open "Michael Joe Jackson to the stand"

    Instant Worldwide BAM! right there <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • i swear steven king cant make this crap up
    credit goes to emma lolipop
    there is no court today

    <!-- m --> ... ridays.htm<!-- m -->

    list of furlough fridays
    beginning with july 10,2009
    most state offices will be closed 3 days per month

    feb 5, 2010 is one of those dates
    ca state offices/court is closed

    all week long tmz has said Friday is the day
    ther is no court today
  • DooDooDooDoo Posts: 437
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> court closed???
    This is getting better and better <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • :shock: <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> court closed???
    This is getting better and better <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    It's great isn't it??? ROFLMAO!!!!
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