Audio Of Paramedics In Route To UCLA With Michael Jackson



  • I heard when the paramedics entered the house of MJ, they said that they felt something not kosher. When they saw the patient they saw a resemblance of MJ. They also stated that the patient had surgery . We all know that MJ the night before he was at the rehearsal, and he did not have any surgery. They did say a resemblance.. so not him.. Too bad I cannot find where I read it, but I know I did.. as soon as i see it i will post it..

    Yes please do.. surgery, eh? Ive not heard that before... could that explain the blood soaked t-shirt in the closet??? <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    That has been on my mind a lot lately. When they said he was unrecognizable, my mid immediately flew to that bloody blouse in the closet. Man if they beat Michael <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> somebody's gonna come up missing.
  • jeje Posts: 128
    i don't believe this recording for one nano sec..period
  • I heard when the paramedics entered the house of MJ, they said that they felt something not kosher. When they saw the patient they saw a resemblance of MJ. They also stated that the patient had surgery . We all know that MJ the night before he was at the rehearsal, and he did not have any surgery. They did say a resemblance.. so not him.. Too bad I cannot find where I read it, but I know I did.. as soon as i see it i will post it..

    Yes please do.. surgery, eh? Ive not heard that before... could that explain the blood soaked t-shirt in the closet??? <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    That has been on my mind a lot lately. When they said he was unrecognizable, my mid immediately flew to that bloody blouse in the closet. Man if they beat Michael <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> somebody's gonna come up missing.

    Do you know what plays on my mind?
    That MJ didnt use propofol to sleep... but that he was getting cosmetic surgery in the home... that would explain the the blood soaked t-shirt and also explain the propofol.. i have a fear that they told MJ that he was going under aenesthetic to have some minor cosmetic work done and then just pumped it in to kill him... its just a theory.
    Propofol doesnt give restful sleep, no REM.. so why use it as a sleeping aid? And why so late on in the morning?
    Those closest to MJ say they didnt see any proof of drug taking... in the autopsy report there were no traces of painkillers, only the drugs Murray gave him that night.

    Why didnt the police seize that t-shirt for forensic analysis???

    I hope not, but its a theory that goes around in my head sometimes.
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    No background sounds? In LA? Huh!?
    Don't forget that awful VH1 is airing the Michael Jackson case on Fri. evening. I wonder if this will be on it? What they showed about Anna Nicole Smith last week was horrible and biased and who knows how much was fact!! It really was bad, I am so afraid to watch this week.
    I'm not buying this audio, it is missing a lot of info and telling info that wouldn't be on a true call for paramedics. More garbage.

    Keep the faith!!! I LOVE YOU MICHAEL!!!!
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    I heard when the paramedics entered the house of MJ, they said that they felt something not kosher. When they saw the patient they saw a resemblance of MJ. They also stated that the patient had surgery . We all know that MJ the night before he was at the rehearsal, and he did not have any surgery. They did say a resemblance.. so not him.. Too bad I cannot find where I read it, but I know I did.. as soon as i see it i will post it..

    Yes please do.. surgery, eh? Ive not heard that before... could that explain the blood soaked t-shirt in the closet??? <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    That has been on my mind a lot lately. When they said he was unrecognizable, my mid immediately flew to that bloody blouse in the closet. Man if they beat Michael <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> somebody's gonna come up missing.

    Do you know what plays on my mind?
    That MJ didnt use propofol to sleep... but that he was getting cosmetic surgery in the home... that would explain the the blood soaked t-shirt and also explain the propofol.. i have a fear that they told MJ that he was going under aenesthetic to have some minor cosmetic work done and then just pumped it in to kill him... its just a theory.
    Propofol doesnt give restful sleep, no REM.. so why use it as a sleeping aid? And why so late on in the morning?
    Those closest to MJ say they didnt see any proof of drug taking... in the autopsy report there were no traces of painkillers, only the drugs Murray gave him that night.

    Why didnt the police seize that t-shirt for forensic analysis???

    I hope not, but its a theory that goes around in my head sometimes.

    question here? who would have performed the cosmetic surgery at his home? murray? unlikely, since he is a cardiologist (that is not a surgeon, he mainly monitors patients and performs tests to prescribe meds or other therapy), not a plastic surgeon.
    and right: why so late in the morning when mj had to show up for an important rehearsal that day?
    and there is no mention of the t-shirt so far (lapd report? tests on that t-shirt performed?), i haven't seen anything yet.

    no match here...i think you can lay off of that theory.
  • The LAPD didnt seize it so we wont get any answers...

    And Dr Murray isnt an aenesthetist either, yet we are expected to believe he sedated MJ.

    I just dont know... i think i need sleep.
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    The LAPD didnt seize it so we wont get any answers...

    And Dr Murray isnt an aenesthetist either, yet we are expected to believe he sedated MJ.

    I just dont know... i think i need sleep.

    exactly. he isn't even supposed to buy propofol. my brother is a doctor but he cannot get meds that are 'out of his field'. i dunno how it is in the u.s., but that's not possible. if you don't have a practice or currently working in a hospital, you can't even write your own prescriptions. at least not over here.
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    Another thing is ETA was said to be 5 minutes. The Holmby Hills home was only 3 minutes away. That 5 min. ETA was said past the middle of the 4 1/2 min. video.
    Makes you go HMMMM.

    tabloidburn I like this <!-- s:-) -->:-)<!-- s:-) -->))
    "i have disguises, i can fool my own mother - mj 1988"
  • can i just say my other half works for an ambulance service and i know for a fact that u can hear noise in the background when movin in this recordin theres nothin no road noise no sirens no moniters and way to calm,also takin to much time relayin the info insted of workin on a critical patient,also it was a one way convo with only the ambulance radio heard not the hospital,reason for calmness either patient is dead already or its fake,
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    Another thing is ETA was said to be 5 minutes. The Holmby Hills home was only 3 minutes away. That 5 min. ETA was said past the middle of the 4 1/2 min. video.
    Makes you go HMMMM.

    tabloidburn I like this <!-- s:-) -->:-)<!-- s:-) -->))
    "i have disguises, i can fool my own mother - mj 1988"

    watch this:

    <!-- m --> ... re=related<!-- m -->
    (get his face after saying that, starts at 2:01... <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> )

    warning: red alert on 'cute&sexy'!!! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    LISTEN TO THIS>>>>>>This is how a "real ambulance" sounds when heading back to UCLA:

    <!-- m --> ... re=related<!-- m -->
  • This is how a "real ambulance" sounds when heading back to UCLA:

    <!-- m --> ... re=related<!-- m -->
    Thats a real ambulance!!!! The paramedic on the MJ video sound way to calm. and No siren? FOR ME IS FAKE!!!
  • besides no siren,,.if the paramedic is talking to the hospital, how come we only hear one side of the conversation, and more static...there is always static on a two way radio.
  • right..its was a emergency right? where is the sirens sound??? a ambulance transporting a pacient (and not a normal pacient..its Michael Jackson) who is dying or in a critical status and no sirens?? incridible!
    yes your right no sirens that is impossible!!
  • what about accent anyone in the LA area notice anything?

    no background noise as you guys said, in internal noise, he is very slow , not calm, so rude am i - brain function slow - i would not want him working on me.

    i agree he did seem like you said brain function slow. lol.
  • BoreasBoreas Posts: 119
    Hmmm <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> well i do find no background noise odd. Did anyone else notice the voice at 3:10 or am i just wishing for too much <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I thought the same thing at 3:10.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    This is how Britney spears arrived at Hospital, and she was still alive laughing, and they even had the sirens on for her............that makes me sooooo mad.
    Watch this:

    <!-- m --> ... ZBkWNiWaxc<!-- m -->
    and this video too. Look how much special treatment she gets: this now confirms the fact that MJ's death was so was only mentioned by TMZ after he left his house.

    <!-- m --> ... re=related<!-- m -->
  • Another thing is ETA was said to be 5 minutes. The Holmby Hills home was only 3 minutes away. That 5 min. ETA was said past the middle of the 4 1/2 min. video.
    Makes you go HMMMM.

    tabloidburn I like this <!-- s:-) -->:-)<!-- s:-) -->))
    "i have disguises, i can fool my own mother - mj 1988"

    I guess that extra 2 minutes was to account for backing out of the driveway? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • I can't say if this is fake (sounds like it though), but I just realized something. Ambulances/EMTS/Paramedics absolutely call in with their passenger information. I know this because unfortunately I have spent a lot of time in emergency rooms. I have also rode in ambulances. The big question would be, do they record those sessions? and if they do...Where is Michaels? My first thought is, they probably don't record them though.

    Here is what I overhear every time I am unfortunate to be in the ER for something. An example of a trauma..."We are in route to your location with, head trauma (or something similar) 11 year old Male, Pupils fixed and dilated, BP 120/70..ETA 15 Minutes. This type of information is repeated every few minutes updating not only vitals but ETA.
    Over the hospital intercom you will hear something like Trauma Alert Level 1, ETA 15 Min and updated along as the paramedics update

    Yes totally.... but everything is wrong here...the medic, the paramedic, the judge, the lawyers, the family, I don´t know.... we are all of different countries and keep repeating... "maybe in LA is different" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I think in LAland everything is very different!!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • im close to LA and its not that different <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> well not to me because maybe in San Diego we are "different" too lol
  • It has already been confirmed by Brian Oxman that the ambulance photo is a fake ,so I would say this is a fake as well .How come you can't here the dispatcher ,don't they have radios in their ambulances ?
  • After reading a little, watching brittney spears in the ambulance an everithig this is what came to my mind after a little inspiration:

    1 the audio is real (yes it is not fake)

    2 there were no sirens by the time the ambulance left MJ's house. ( we have been through that by now).

    3 you can find hundreds o photos of britney being taken to the hospital, why not MJ's?
    (which only remarks this is so fake)

    4 that is exactly how not the normal situation of an hospital hurry is, so:

    The recording is from the very same day of MJ taken to UCLA, no sirens because there were no sirens that day, the conversation could have been recorded with some sort of hand-recorder such as a cellphone (thats why you cant hear the other person on the phone) and what they are saying are just codes only they understand sayin: "Everything is according to plan, get everything set when we get there"and it is not fake, what is a fake is the whole thing, but I would put more attention to the tape since it could have clues.

    by the way...check my other topic about Paul Anka performing this is it, it just sounded soooooo different.
  • After reading a little, watching brittney spears in the ambulance an everithig this is what came to my mind after a little inspiration:

    1 the audio is real (yes it is not fake)

    2 there were no sirens by the time the ambulance left MJ's house. ( we have been through that by now).

    3 you can find hundreds o photos of britney being taken to the hospital, why not MJ's?
    (which only remarks this is so fake)

    4 that is exactly how not the normal situation of an hospital hurry is, so:

    The recording is from the very same day of MJ taken to UCLA, no sirens because there were no sirens that day, the conversation could have been recorded with some sort of hand-recorder such as a cellphone (thats why you cant hear the other person on the phone) and what they are saying are just codes only they understand sayin: "Everything is according to plan, get everything set when we get there"and it is not fake, what is a fake is the whole thing, but I would put more attention to the tape since it could have clues.

    by the way...check my other topic about Paul Anka performing this is it, it just sounded soooooo different.

    so your saying the recording is real but the reason it was made was for the hoax? just to clarify. X
  • yup
  • why is this circulated now?
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