Audio Of Paramedics In Route To UCLA With Michael Jackson



  • TracyKTracyK Posts: 163
    I am so sorry but someone asked a question and I lost it so I cannot quote you.

    My friend is hearing impaired and she was interested in what this had to say. I did not understand a lot of what was being said, so I could only type out what I understood at the time. This is why there is not much text. I didn't understand it all at the time. I understand most of it now though. I am glad that we have Ladymedic to keep things in perspective. I did feel that it was not real. It was contradicting. But as I said, before it got too out if hand, I wanted to get this out there.

    Yes, it was posted on June 26. A subscriber of mine told me that after viewing the video. I am not sure why all of a sudden that audio is starting to circulate now. I don't even know how she found it. I sure wish this would have been brought to our attention June 26! It was shocking to me at first. After the shock wore off I started to notice that this seemed pretty unprofessional.
  • FAKE!!!!
  • deleted
  • mjaliveomgmjaliveomg Posts: 178
    right..its was a emergency right? where is the sirens sound??? a ambulance transporting a pacient (and not a normal pacient..its Michael Jackson) who is dying or in a critical status and no sirens?? incridible!

    Please tell me you are not serious. ALL medical emergencies are emergencies. They probably turned on the siren after they got to the Boulevard which is a hop, skip and jump. That's what they do where I live. Michael was already gone when they got there. The horrible truth will come out at the trial. It's not a pretty picture.

    Well, here where I live even if the patient is found "dead" the ambulance turn on the siren and proceed as fast as possible to the hospital, since it has a little chance of reviving the patient with the hospital equipments (not counting the CPR that the doctors held until the arrival at the hospital).
    And like you said every medical emergency is an emergency , so its nice use the siren to warn drivers or pedestrians that it is an emergency. So its "ridiculous" a ambulance carrying a patient with a "emergency status" and didn't turn on the siren once the patient is inside the ambulance...even if he's "dead".
    sorry for my english , its not my native language <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • LadyMedicLadyMedic Posts: 169
    right..its was a emergency right? where is the sirens sound??? a ambulance transporting a pacient (and not a normal pacient..its Michael Jackson) who is dying or in a critical status and no sirens?? incridible!

    Please tell me you are not serious. ALL medical emergencies are emergencies. They probably turned on the siren after they got to the Boulevard which is a hop, skip and jump. That's what they do where I live. Michael was already gone when they got there. The horrible truth will come out at the trial. It's not a pretty picture.

    Well, here where I live even if the patient is found "dead" the ambulance turn on the siren and proceed as fast as possible to the hospital, since it has a little chance of reviving the patient with the hospital equipments (not counting the CPR that the doctors held until the arrival at the hospital).
    And like you said every medical emergency is an emergency , so its nice use the siren to warn drivers or pedestrians that it is an emergency. So its "ridiculous" a ambulance carrying a patient with a "emergency status" and didn't turn on the siren once the patient is inside the ambulance...even if he's "dead".
    sorry for my english , its not my native language <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    I've posted this on another forum, but it seems to fit in really well here, as well. Regarding the siren, I can't imagine any paramedic, unless he was young, new, and sparky, putting on his siren in that environment. He has his lights on, and it was pretty clear to everyone around that the ambulance was moving. Sirens are LOUD. At that point in time, there was no reason to use sirens. It wasn't going to help him back out faster, and it wasn't going to get him there any faster. We use sirens to get traffic to move out of our way on the road. The most you might have heard was a quick "woop, woop" type of noise if the driver wanted to. But it's not common for paramedics or EMTs to deafen bystanders because they're being overzealous with the siren.

    And it has nothing to do with transporting dead people. If I'm working a code, I'm not going to sit at a traffic light doing CPR. We'd go lights and sirens. Ambulances don't transport dead people. (And before that statement gets thrown in my face, what I mean by that is if we find someone who is "dead dead" and we do NOT work them, we don't transport them. The patient does not get brought to the hospital if no resuscitative measures are taken.)
  • mjaliveomgmjaliveomg Posts: 178
    right..its was a emergency right? where is the sirens sound??? a ambulance transporting a pacient (and not a normal pacient..its Michael Jackson) who is dying or in a critical status and no sirens?? incridible!

    Please tell me you are not serious. ALL medical emergencies are emergencies. They probably turned on the siren after they got to the Boulevard which is a hop, skip and jump. That's what they do where I live. Michael was already gone when they got there. The horrible truth will come out at the trial. It's not a pretty picture.

    Well, here where I live even if the patient is found "dead" the ambulance turn on the siren and proceed as fast as possible to the hospital, since it has a little chance of reviving the patient with the hospital equipments (not counting the CPR that the doctors held until the arrival at the hospital).
    And like you said every medical emergency is an emergency , so its nice use the siren to warn drivers or pedestrians that it is an emergency. So its "ridiculous" a ambulance carrying a patient with a "emergency status" and didn't turn on the siren once the patient is inside the ambulance...even if he's "dead".
    sorry for my english , its not my native language <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    I've posted this on another forum, but it seems to fit in really well here, as well. Regarding the siren, I can't imagine any paramedic, unless he was young, new, and sparky, putting on his siren in that environment. He has his lights on, and it was pretty clear to everyone around that the ambulance was moving. Sirens are LOUD. At that point in time, there was no reason to use sirens. It wasn't going to help him back out faster, and it wasn't going to get him there any faster. We use sirens to get traffic to move out of our way on the road. The most you might have heard was a quick "woop, woop" type of noise if the driver wanted to. But it's not common for paramedics or EMTs to deafen bystanders because they're being overzealous with the siren.

    And it has nothing to do with transporting dead people. If I'm working a code, I'm not going to sit at a traffic light doing CPR. We'd go lights and sirens. Ambulances don't transport dead people. (And before that statement gets thrown in my face, what I mean by that is if we find someone who is "dead dead" and we do NOT work them, we don't transport them. The patient does not get brought to the hospital if no resuscitative measures are taken.)

    very nice! here they turn on the siren once they get the patient..and i know if the patient is dead dead they dont transport them. Well..the record was fake <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • libra8libra8 Posts: 170
    how do you know that ? It sounds very fake.

    I posted web site where guys who listen and record scanners, testified on their forum that MJ was dead, way before TMZ posted. You can ask them questions, they also have CD and DVD with scanner records from past that you can buy.

    no stuff... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> mean they're making their living selling cds and dvds with audio collected from different ambulance recordings...? very interesting... <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    No. They don't make a living from that, only few people. Mostly they do this(listening scanners) as a hobby.
    kind a like 'Ghost Busters'? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
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