
  • I think Michael was with his kids all this time. So they don't need to unite because they were together all the time, but that is what I believe.
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    the only thing is that why the heck is the rest of the familys kids living with Katherine???? do they not have their own parents and their own homes <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    kathrine should only be looking after Prince, Paris and Blanket.... With Mike sitting in a room writing another album <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    Unfortunately on another thread here at the forum one of the members say they work with the Department of Children Services and all of the news was real. They really had to investigate it. So, if that dept decided the home was unfit I am pretty sure they would not tell them to leave the country, but it is scary what they might say.

    Wow, who is that member? I thought that this was a make-up story by TMZ but it is real? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    like i said in another post on the stun gun-incident: it's going through the motions. they deal with those people coming to the house, cuz they had to do their little 'investigation'. turns out nothing happened, kids are fine, they all get interviewed and tell how happy they are and that everything is just perfect otherwise. interviews over, took a look around the house, stamped their piece of paper, everybody happy and that was that. these kids will not be moved by the childrens' services people. nooo way! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    p.s.: if there's anything, that the jackson family really knows how to deal with, it's other people's bullshit! and then: how did they find out about the stun gun in the first place? do they monitor what the jackson family does online??? that should be investigated...
  • <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> OMG!!!! They are studying us!!!!! Hee hee hee! Shamone!!!!
  • [quote="t I think she is the one that slept with Joe Jackson.

    ...WHAT?????...sorry, if this is true it's just nasty disgusting !
    come on Mike, do something! this is just eurkkkk!..

    on the other hand ..did you guys see that message a while ago (october 09) about Jermaine and Alejandra...and an INSIDER' long email I supposed you noticed THAT sentenced?

    "She uses her children to get huge amounts of money from Katherine, [b]this money now is coming from Michael Jackson’s estate who loves his nephews and niece dearly and doesn’t mind supporting them,[/b] but not Alejandra who is 40 years of age with little to no education and no career."

    "WHO LOVES HIS NEPHEWS AND NIECE...AND DOESN'T MIND SUPPORTING THEM..heuu how coud he??? he is "DEAD" innit????

    I am sure it's someone closely connected to the family (exact knowledge of when the money was paid in Alejandra bank account!!!..) that is to tell her exactly that they will be busting her anytime IMO...

    Just for recap below...

    Dear TMZ,

    I am writing to you on behalf of the story that you wrote about Jermaine Jackson and his ex wife Alejandra Oaziaza. I am a Jackson family insider. It has come to my knowledge that she is writing gossip sites spreading malicious lies about this family and his relationship with his children, Jaafar and Jermajesty Jackson. Alejandra has been living with Katherine Jackson since 1985, illegally while married to someone else and even ran away from her country of South America. She lied about her real age and the status of her marriage at the time, she was married to Nicholas Ray! She married Nicholas Ray in 1987 in a secret ceremony because she needed a green card and was in the country illegally. She left her homeland of Columbia as a minor to which her family did not know where she was, she came to America to live with Nicholas’s family, whom she had met in Columbia.
    Alejandra met Randy Jackson when she was 16 years old and lied to him about her age, telling him she was 18 years old. He moved her into the Jackson family home on October 16th, 1985. She was a minor at this time and the Jacksons continued to let them live with her because she also told Randy Jackson she was homeless. This was not the truth, she had been living in Beverly Hills with Nicolas’s family but also lied to them and said she was moving back to Columbia, when in fact she had taken up a residence at the Jackson family home.

    She married Nicholas Ray on March 2nd, 1987 while still living with the Jacksons. She kept this marriage a secret because she continued to live at the residence. Nicholas lived in Brentwood, California and was lied to as well. Alejandra told him she was going back to Columbia to be with her mother and brother. She moved out of the Encino Compound briefly in 1988, Randy Jackson brought her a condo in Beverly Hills but later kicked her out because he found out about her relationship with Nicholas. At this time, Alejandra had dropped out of school and lost all contact with the Jacksons, she flew out of the country to Columbia. Katherine Jackson knew at this time she was pregnant with her first child and ordered for her to come back to the family home. She had been writing to Katherine and making phone calls to her to get Katherine on her side. Randy Jackson brought back Alejandra and their daughter Genevieve, at this time he was married to Eliza Shaffy and Alejandra knew of this marriage. He separated from Eliza and later divorced her in 1991. At this time, him and Alejandra had a room at his mother’s home with their daughter Genevieve, their adopted son and Alejandra was pregnant with their son Randy Jr. Randy Jackson married Alejandra Jackson on February 13th, 1993. They had a private ceremony that was actually not legal because Alejandra was married to Nicholas Ray.

    Before Randy Jr. was born, Alejandra flew back to Columbia claiming that Randy Jackson had threatened to kill her, she lived here for 6 months until again Randy Jackson came to get her where she went back to the Jackson family home. On March 5th 1995 Alejandra married Jermaine Jackson, Randy’s big brother without ever telling Randy. Jermaine Jackson and Alejandra had been having an affair since 1991. So Alejandra is a liar, she’s crazy and should not be trusted. She has caused trouble and rifts within the Jackson household for years and should not be held in good favor. It was later acknowledged by the judge that Alejandra Jackson’s marriage to Jermaine Jackson held no merit because she had been married to Nicholas Ray since 1987! She had even been receiving money from Nicholas throughout her marriage to Jermaine. She also lied and said she filed for divorce from Jermaine, when in actuality, Jermaine filed for divorce. The court papers can prove this.
    Katherine Jackson has spoken to me several times about Alejandra and how she wanted to testify in court to get Alejandra out of her home. The judge is only letting Alejandra live at the residence because she has no job, no support at this time in her life. Katherine, Michael, Janet, and Jermaine Jackson have all supported Alejandra Jackson. They have given her cash, money orders, gift cards and other valuable assets to help her by the judge that Alejandra Jackson’s marriage to Jermaine Jackson held no merit because she had been married to Nicholas Ray since 1987! She had even been receiving money from Nicholas throughout her marriage to Jermaine. She also lied and said she filed for divorce from Jermaine, when in actuality, Jermaine filed for divorce. The court papers can prove this.
    Katherine Jackson has spoken to me several times about Alejandra and how she wanted to testify in court to get Alejandra out of her home. The judge is only letting Alejandra live at the residence because she has no job, no support at this time in her life. Katherine, Michael, Janet, and Jermaine Jackson have all supported Alejandra Jackson. They have given her cash, money orders, gift cards and other valuable assets to help her maintain her lifestyle. Alejandra Jackson continues to live at the Hayvenhurst home with all her children, Katherine Jackson, Michael Jackson’s children and several other family members.
    Jermaine Jackson would love to have custody of his children because Alejandra is an unfit mother, she uses profane language with her children and sometimes forces physically violence which the kids have told Katherine and Jermaine about. She uses her children to get huge amounts of money from Katherine, this money now is coming from Michael Jackson’s estate who loves his nephews and niece dearly and doesn’t mind supporting them, but not Alejandra who is 40 years of age with little to no education and no career.
    On August 5th, 2009 Katherine Jackson gave Alejandra $1,000 dollars on behalf of Jermaine Jackson, Alejandra lied to Katherine and said Jermaine did not come through with his child support payment but he deposited $650 dollars into her account on July 22nd, 2009.
    Everyone in the Jackson family has supported Alejandra Jackson over the years, giving her money and other necessities. Her presence in the home with Michael’s children alarmed me and I was reassured by a Jackson insider that Katherine brought Grace, the children’s former nanny into the home because of incidents involving Michael’s children and Alejandra Jackson. This has caused a rift within the home where it is volatile for children.
    In 2001, Katherine Jackson talked with Jermaine Jackson about getting custody of his children so that they court can order Alejandra out of the home, Katherine did not go through with this. My sources tell me that Jaafar and Jermajesty Jackson would love to live with their grandmother and their cousins and are scared of their mother. Grace has also been ordered by Katherine to look after Jaafar and Jermajesty, the boys have taken to her just like their cousins. Something tells me that none of this will end well. I have a feeling that the entire family is getting together to get Alejandra out once and for all. It will get nasty over the next couple of weeks or months, I also hear from a source Alejandra is trying to flee the country again because she has stolen money from Katherine and someone in the house hold has found out and is threatening her. I also am hearing that Katherine wants all legal rights to her children. I will write more later…..the story is developing

    Everyone in the Jackson family has supported Alejandra Jackson over the years, giving her money and other necessities. Her presence in the home with Michael’s children alarmed me and I was reassured by a Jackson insider that Katherine brought Grace, the children’s former nanny into the home because of incidents involving Michael’s children and Alejandra Jackson. This has caused a rift within the home where it is volatile for children.
    In 2001, Katherine Jackson talked with Jermaine Jackson about getting custody of his children so that they court can order Alejandra out of the home, Katherine did not go through with this. My sources tell me that Jaafar and Jermajesty Jackson would love to live with their grandmother and their cousins and are scared of their mother. Grace has also been ordered by Katherine to look after Jaafar and Jermajesty, the boys have taken to her just like their cousins. Something tells me that none of this will end well. I have a feeling that the entire family is getting together to get Alejandra out once and for all. It will get nasty over the next couple of weeks or months, I also hear from a source Alejandra is trying to flee the country again because she has stolen money from Katherine and someone in the house hold has found out and is threatening her. I also am hearing that Katherine wants all legal rights to her children. I will write more later…..the story is developing

    Read more: <!-- m --> ... 6#comments<!-- m -->#ixzz0hJUL7TQ6[/quote]

    Do I smell a "blood-sucker"???????
  • mjlovebugmjlovebug Posts: 122
    I have too much time on my hands. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    You should start a new thread with this picture! Called "We always feel like TMZ is watching us." <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • OMG!! IOMA!!!

    that was classic!!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
    I have too much time on my hands. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    OMG that is too funny ROFLMAO!!!!!!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • akirakaakiraka Posts: 202
    TMZ, God I can laugh day and night, TMZ in our hearts <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> .

    DEDICATED TO TMZ <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Every breath you take
    Every move you make
    Every bond you break
    Every step you take
    I'LL BE WATCHING YOU <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Every single day
    Every WORD you say
    Every GAME you play
    Every night you stay
    I'LL BE WATCHING YOU <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Oh, can't you see
    You BELONG TO ME <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • Unfortunately on another thread here at the forum one of the members say they work with the Department of Children Services and all of the news was real. They really had to investigate it. So, if that dept decided the home was unfit I am pretty sure they would not tell them to leave the country, but it is scary what they might say.

    Wow, who is that member? I thought that this was a make-up story by TMZ but it is real? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    If you go on the homepage of DCS you will see that this first week of March is called the family reunificationweek!Well, that would fit,right!OMG, so many stories this week,lets be patient and see to which evidence this all will lead.
  • I don't think so,I wouldn't leave my house for nobody,but I'd damn sure be putting a few people out,like Jermanie's leech of an ex-wife and their children.Its Jermaine's responsibilty to provide a roof over his children's head not Katherine.And if the stun gun story is true then Jermaine needs to brush up on his parenting skills along with their mother.I don't think nonone should be in that house but Michael's children,but Jermaine's kids were there a long time before MJ's kids came in to the picture,so that's the only home they know.However if Michael was coming to get his kids ,he would 've gotten them by now and blown his own cover for their sake and security.If this situation concerning his children is not enough to make him "come out of hiding ",nothing will.
  • I don't think so,I wouldn't leave my house for nobody,but I'd damn sure be putting a few people out,like Jermanie's leech of an ex-wife and their children.Its Jermaine's responsibilty to provide a roof over his children's head not Katherine.And if the stun gun story is true then Jermaine needs to brush up on his parenting skills along with their mother.I don't think nonone should be in that house but Michael's children,but Jermaine's kids were there a long time before MJ's kids came in to the picture,so that's the only home they know.However if Michael was coming to get his kids ,he would 've gotten them by now and blown his own cover for their sake and security.If this situation concerning his children is not enough to make him "come out of hiding ",nothing will.

    I cant help but agree with you. Why would Michael want his children living in this situation?
  • JennieJennie Posts: 514
    Reffering to that letter to the attention of TMZ.... I dont think it makes any sense at all. Wouldn't a person like that be deported for marrying someone and someone else and another...? Isn't it fraudulent? And among other things that I find dont make sense there's the part where Jermaine couldn't get custody. Why not? Is he worse than her? Not that I have heard of anyway, besides I dont see why social services would leave custody of children in the hands of a parent behaving the way they say that women does.. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> I am not passing judgement here to this woman, simply saying that to me this letter can't be 100% factual unless the states is really loose in regards to children safety. I'm in Canada and believe me this woman would not have custody of her children if the father tried to get custudy in such circumstances.

    I for one really dont believe the claims of the Jackson's being stuck with this woman. But I'll bite and let's just say I believe it all, With the lawyers that Jackson money can buy if they really wanted to, that woman would be out of there. For goodness sakes, in Hollywood they even get the celebs off murder charges so I can't believe they cant handle this situation. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    here goes today's tmz:

    <!-- m --> ... -burglary/<!-- m -->

    thanx, tmz for all the entertainment you're giving us!!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> like there's nothing more important!?! wouldn't surprise me if they had someone camp outside the jackson's home, just so they can come up with more stuff to fill their pages. if it wasn't for 'checking the calendar', i wouldn't even go there. but on that, tmz is very reliable. it's something every day, be it as unimportant as a sack of rice busting in china.

    (wonder who that was trying to break into the house...? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> like tryin' to get some kids out...? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> )

    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    I don't think so,I wouldn't leave my house for nobody,but I'd damn sure be putting a few people out,like Jermanie's leech of an ex-wife and their children.Its Jermaine's responsibilty to provide a roof over his children's head not Katherine.And if the stun gun story is true then Jermaine needs to brush up on his parenting skills along with their mother.I don't think nonone should be in that house but Michael's children,but Jermaine's kids were there a long time before MJ's kids came in to the picture,so that's the only home they know.However if Michael was coming to get his kids ,he would 've gotten them by now and blown his own cover for their sake and security.If this situation concerning his children is not enough to make him "come out of hiding ",nothing will.

    I cant help but agree with you. Why would Michael want his children living in this situation?

    maybe because he trusts his mom with them? the situation isn't new, so it's not like he didn't know what the situation was. alejandra has pretty much stayed there for the last 20+ years (!?!), so it's not that he didn't know about that. that was his choice, and he gave his mother custody, not jermaine or anyone else. and when you put kids with other kids, there's gonna be a certain amount of fuzzing and fighting. can't help that.

    what i don't get is that alejandra seems to have full custody of her kids. with her getting married on top of getting married, i would create a legal case from that. she broke the law and gets full costody??? the usual would be a shared custody between mother and father, unless one of the two is acting in a way that doesn't allow that. that is actually the strangest part to me, if true. i don't see how jermaine or randy cannot get custody of their children and 'have to keep her in the house'. there must be something else going on, cuz this is not right on the legal side (you have to have a very good legally valid reason to not grant a parent shared custody). did jermaine or randy ever apply for custody? it's written that they 'would love to have custody'. well, you just have to go to court or a lawyer and go for it. what's so difficult?
    and how come this chick has no job??? i couldn't stand anyone in my house laying around lazy like that and still complain about how's she's not getting this or that. the only legal claim on alejandra's part is child support payment from her kid's fathers. katherine doesn't have to give her anything. that would be one reason for a custody battle. if alejandra has full custody it's her job to provide for the kids, not the estate's or katherine's. this is very weird altogether.

    actually, the whole situation is really disgusting. just imagine, you 'share' a wife and children with your brother...??? and these kids are half-siblings and cousins at the same time!? EEEWWW...!!! jermaine has some major issues anyway, but taking his brother's wife??? sorry, that's just sick to me. there are some unwritten rules i think, and not messing with your sibling's spouse is one of them. definitely not in an ongoing relationship and also not after that. it's just gross.
  • JacksonologyJacksonology Posts: 1,548
    I have too much time on my hands. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    AHH! you had me thinking this was a Real Photo!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • I don't think so,I wouldn't leave my house for nobody,but I'd damn sure be putting a few people out,like Jermanie's leech of an ex-wife and their children.Its Jermaine's responsibilty to provide a roof over his children's head not Katherine.And if the stun gun story is true then Jermaine needs to brush up on his parenting skills along with their mother.I don't think nonone should be in that house but Michael's children,but Jermaine's kids were there a long time before MJ's kids came in to the picture,so that's the only home they know.However if Michael was coming to get his kids ,he would 've gotten them by now and blown his own cover for their sake and security.If this situation concerning his children is not enough to make him "come out of hiding ",nothing will.

    I cant help but agree with you. Why would Michael want his children living in this situation?

    maybe because he trusts his mom with them? the situation isn't new, so it's not like he didn't know what the situation was. alejandra has pretty much stayed there for the last 20+ years (!?!), so it's not that he didn't know about that. that was his choice, and he gave his mother custody, not jermaine or anyone else. and when you put kids with other kids, there's gonna be a certain amount of fuzzing and fighting. can't help that.

    what i don't get is that alejandra seems to have full custody of her kids. with her getting married on top of getting married, i would create a legal case from that. she broke the law and gets full costody??? the usual would be a shared custody between mother and father, unless one of the two is acting in a way that doesn't allow that. that is actually the strangest part to me, if true. i don't see how jermaine or randy cannot get custody of their children and 'have to keep her in the house'. there must be something else going on, cuz this is not right on the legal side (you have to have a very good legally valid reason to not grant a parent shared custody). did jermaine or randy ever apply for custody? it's written that they 'would love to have custody'. well, you just have to go to court or a lawyer and go for it. what's so difficult?
    and how come this chick has no job??? i couldn't stand anyone in my house laying around lazy like that and still complain about how's she's not getting this or that. the only legal claim on alejandra's part is child support payment from her kid's fathers. katherine doesn't have to give her anything. that would be one reason for a custody battle. if alejandra has full custody it's her job to provide for the kids, not the estate's or katherine's. this is very weird altogether.

    actually, the whole situation is really disgusting. just imagine, you 'share' a wife and children with your brother...??? and these kids are half-siblings and cousins at the same time!? EEEWWW...!!! jermaine has some major issues anyway, but taking his brother's wife??? sorry, that's just sick to me. there are some unwritten rules i think, and not messing with your sibling's spouse is one of them. definitely not in an ongoing relationship and also not after that. it's just gross.

    I'm not saying Michael didn't trust his Mother,at the time MJ was "living" there were no teenaged boys with access to stun guns living in his house.If you all believe Michael is alive,then he should have gotten his children by now.Kids are going to be kids,but if this story is true,Michael's children were left in a life threatening position,and no one is going to make me believe he would leave them there because he doesn't want to blow his cover.Michael Jackson loved his children with everything in him.Now Jermaine ,and Randy's having kids with this same skank of a woman is their business,she just shouldn't be staying in Michael's house leeching off of his mother.Alejandra is the smart one in all of this because she is not doing no more than the Jackson family let her,Michael included.
  • techdivatechdiva Posts: 448
    I don't think so,I wouldn't leave my house for nobody,but I'd damn sure be putting a few people out,like Jermanie's leech of an ex-wife and their children.Its Jermaine's responsibilty to provide a roof over his children's head not Katherine.And if the stun gun story is true then Jermaine needs to brush up on his parenting skills along with their mother.I don't think nonone should be in that house but Michael's children,but Jermaine's kids were there a long time before MJ's kids came in to the picture,so that's the only home they know.However if Michael was coming to get his kids ,he would 've gotten them by now and blown his own cover for their sake and security.If this situation concerning his children is not enough to make him "come out of hiding ",nothing will.

    I cant help but agree with you. Why would Michael want his children living in this situation?

    maybe because he trusts his mom with them? the situation isn't new, so it's not like he didn't know what the situation was. alejandra has pretty much stayed there for the last 20+ years (!?!), so it's not that he didn't know about that. that was his choice, and he gave his mother custody, not jermaine or anyone else. and when you put kids with other kids, there's gonna be a certain amount of fuzzing and fighting. can't help that.

    what i don't get is that alejandra seems to have full custody of her kids. with her getting married on top of getting married, i would create a legal case from that. she broke the law and gets full costody??? the usual would be a shared custody between mother and father, unless one of the two is acting in a way that doesn't allow that. that is actually the strangest part to me, if true. i don't see how jermaine or randy cannot get custody of their children and 'have to keep her in the house'. there must be something else going on, cuz this is not right on the legal side (you have to have a very good legally valid reason to not grant a parent shared custody). did jermaine or randy ever apply for custody? it's written that they 'would love to have custody'. well, you just have to go to court or a lawyer and go for it. what's so difficult?
    and how come this chick has no job??? i couldn't stand anyone in my house laying around lazy like that and still complain about how's she's not getting this or that. the only legal claim on alejandra's part is child support payment from her kid's fathers. katherine doesn't have to give her anything. that would be one reason for a custody battle. if alejandra has full custody it's her job to provide for the kids, not the estate's or katherine's. this is very weird altogether.

    actually, the whole situation is really disgusting. just imagine, you 'share' a wife and children with your brother...??? and these kids are half-siblings and cousins at the same time!? EEEWWW...!!! jermaine has some major issues anyway, but taking his brother's wife??? sorry, that's just sick to me. there are some unwritten rules i think, and not messing with your sibling's spouse is one of them. definitely not in an ongoing relationship and also not after that. it's just gross.

    I'm not saying Michael didn't trust his Mother,at the time MJ was "living" there were no teenaged boys with access to stun guns living in his house.If you all believe Michael is alive,then he should have gotten his children by now.Kids are going to be kids,but if this story is true,Michael's children were left in a life threatening position,and no one is going to make me believe he would leave them there because he doesn't want to blow his cover.Michael Jackson loved his children with everything in him.Now Jermaine ,and Randy's having kids with this same skank of a woman is their business,she just shouldn't be staying in Michael's house leeching off of his mother.Alejandra is the smart one in all of this because she is not doing no more than the Jackson family let her,Michael included.
    I'd agree about how could Jermaine just up and marry his brother's ex-wife and have two kids by her. I found an article that Jermaine is seeking sole custody of the two children. So this means Jermaine does have shared custody of the boys. The children reported that their mother slapped them around. I think the stun gun incident is try to show that Alejandra doesn't have control of what her children are doing. Also, Alejandra couldn't get spousal support because she was legally married to Nicolas Ray. Did she ever divorce Nicolas Ray? And she was married to Nicolas Ray the same time she was married to Randy. This is part I am confused about. If she was married Nicolas Ray while she living in the Jackson by in 1987; then she marries Randy. When Randy filed for divorce from Alejandra, wouldn't this show up in the records before she married Jermaine? Here's article I found about a family member on the situation/;goto=newpost

    Here an article about Jermaine filing for sole custody in Feb, 2009
    Donte Jackson father is Joe Jackson. He gave him to Jermaine and Alejandra. But I also read that Alejandra gave birth to Donte.
    She is a total slut. I can't believe they have let her live in that house for over 18 years for what she had done. She have been lying since day one. When she told Randy that was 18 when she was 16 and saying she was homeless when she was living with Nicolas Ray's family in Brentwood. Go figure. I think this is reason for the stun gun incident to get her out of the that house.
  • I don't think so,I wouldn't leave my house for nobody,but I'd damn sure be putting a few people out,like Jermanie's leech of an ex-wife and their children.Its Jermaine's responsibilty to provide a roof over his children's head not Katherine.And if the stun gun story is true then Jermaine needs to brush up on his parenting skills along with their mother.I don't think nonone should be in that house but Michael's children,but Jermaine's kids were there a long time before MJ's kids came in to the picture,so that's the only home they know.However if Michael was coming to get his kids ,he would 've gotten them by now and blown his own cover for their sake and security.If this situation concerning his children is not enough to make him "come out of hiding ",nothing will.

    I cant help but agree with you. Why would Michael want his children living in this situation?

    maybe because he trusts his mom with them? the situation isn't new, so it's not like he didn't know what the situation was. alejandra has pretty much stayed there for the last 20+ years (!?!), so it's not that he didn't know about that. that was his choice, and he gave his mother custody, not jermaine or anyone else. and when you put kids with other kids, there's gonna be a certain amount of fuzzing and fighting. can't help that.

    what i don't get is that alejandra seems to have full custody of her kids. with her getting married on top of getting married, i would create a legal case from that. she broke the law and gets full costody??? the usual would be a shared custody between mother and father, unless one of the two is acting in a way that doesn't allow that. that is actually the strangest part to me, if true. i don't see how jermaine or randy cannot get custody of their children and 'have to keep her in the house'. there must be something else going on, cuz this is not right on the legal side (you have to have a very good legally valid reason to not grant a parent shared custody). did jermaine or randy ever apply for custody? it's written that they 'would love to have custody'. well, you just have to go to court or a lawyer and go for it. what's so difficult?
    and how come this chick has no job??? i couldn't stand anyone in my house laying around lazy like that and still complain about how's she's not getting this or that. the only legal claim on alejandra's part is child support payment from her kid's fathers. katherine doesn't have to give her anything. that would be one reason for a custody battle. if alejandra has full custody it's her job to provide for the kids, not the estate's or katherine's. this is very weird altogether.

    actually, the whole situation is really disgusting. just imagine, you 'share' a wife and children with your brother...??? and these kids are half-siblings and cousins at the same time!? EEEWWW...!!! jermaine has some major issues anyway, but taking his brother's wife??? sorry, that's just sick to me. there are some unwritten rules i think, and not messing with your sibling's spouse is one of them. definitely not in an ongoing relationship and also not after that. it's just gross.

    I'm not saying Michael didn't trust his Mother,at the time MJ was "living" there were no teenaged boys with access to stun guns living in his house.If you all believe Michael is alive,then he should have gotten his children by now.Kids are going to be kids,but if this story is true,Michael's children were left in a life threatening position,and no one is going to make me believe he would leave them there because he doesn't want to blow his cover.Michael Jackson loved his children with everything in him.Now Jermaine ,and Randy's having kids with this same skank of a woman is their business,she just shouldn't be staying in Michael's house leeching off of his mother.Alejandra is the smart one in all of this because she is not doing no more than the Jackson family let her,Michael included.
    I'd agree about how could Jermaine just up and marry his brother's ex-wife and have two kids by her. I found an article that Jermaine is seeking sole custody of the two children. So this means Jermaine does have shared custody of the boys. The children reported that their mother slapped them around. I think the stun gun incident is try to show that Alejandra doesn't have control of what her children are doing. Also, Alejandra couldn't get spousal support because she was legally married to Nicolas Ray. Did she ever divorce Nicolas Ray? And she was married to Nicolas Ray the same time she was married to Randy. This is part I am confused about. If she was married Nicolas Ray while she living in the Jackson by in 1987; then she marries Randy. When Randy filed for divorce from Alejandra, wouldn't this show up in the records before she married Jermaine? Here's article I found about a family member on the situation/;goto=newpost

    Here an article about Jermaine filing for sole custody in Feb, 2009
    Donte Jackson father is Joe Jackson. He gave him to Jermaine and Alejandra. But I also read that Alejandra gave birth to Donte.
    She is a total slut. I can't believe they have let her live in that house for over 18 years for what she had done. She have been lying since day one. When she told Randy that was 18 when she was 16 and saying she was homeless when she was living with Nicolas Ray's family in Brentwood. Go figure. I think this is reason for the stun gun incident to get her out of the that house.

    You have made some wonderful points,and I agree with you,but she and Randy never married she was just his baby mother.In Margret Jackson's(she's Jermaine's common law wife) book The Jackson family values she says of how Randy found out about his brother marrying his woman.Jermaine is no better than Alejandra,he really messed up the family tree making brothers and sisters first cousins too,yuck.
  • cawobethcawobeth Posts: 135
    I highly doubt that this will be part of the scenario-
    "Katherine will decide she can't take care of all the kids"
    As per Ms. Grace, huh ? we'll see...

    Meanwhile, of course Michael will want, at least 3 months to be w/just his kids !!!
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    At first after sitting here reading all of this I was going to say that Poor Mamma Katherine!! She is up in age for christs sake! All those kids in that house! Especially, Jermaine's kids? I had no idea that Katherine had Alejandra and Alejandra's kids there too! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> Katherine does not need to be subjected to taking care of all of those kids, if that is the case Jermaine and his present wife just relaxing and living kid free? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> I remember seeing an episode of TMZ where Jermaine gave the cameras the bird <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> because they were asking him about his childsupport! SOmebody should upload that episode <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Anywhoo! I suppose Katherine will be ok I guess Grace the nanny is there to help. If Grace is there she is looking after more than just MJ's kids! As far as Jermaine and Randy with that woman that is downright crazy! No way in hell would I marry a man my sister has slept with, engaged with, married with, whatever!!! No way!

    On a final note....Not to say that Katherine would not be right for the kids but I have always wondered why Janet, or Rebbie dont have custody it would help momma katherine out.
  • ZIsisZIsis Posts: 165
    Hey guys, did you see this 7 March 2010 article about the possibility of MJ kids attending regular school this fall?

    <!-- m --> ... -come-fall<!-- m -->

    I could relate to some of the comments to that myself. So, what do you make out of this? Do you think there's anything of substance in there or is it merely that; another speculative story?

  • ZIsisZIsis Posts: 165
    Sorry about posting this here if this doesn't belong here, admin, but I couldn't find an appropriate category & since I mentioned 'school' in the above post under this same topic too, thought I will post this here as well. Please move them as you see fit though...


    Sat Feb 27 2010 06:56:34

    Tickets for Michael Jackson's ill-fated gigs at the O2 were snapped up by fans in their thousands, but the superstar's children were just as excited about the concerts.

    "The kids would've finished their school term and so they were going to be invited to come to rehearsals and spend more time with us," revealed Kenny Ortega, Jackson's close friend and creative director of his This Is It shows.

    "They did visit us on the set," added Kenny. "They came when we were shooting the Smooth Criminal sequence. So they were able to see dad working as a filmmaker and in front of the camera as well."

    The King of Pop was survived by children Prince, Paris and Blanket, when he died on June 25 last year.

    Kenny however, would not speculate on whether they would follow in his footsteps by also becoming performers.

    "Oh, I have no idea," he said.

    "They're young and they're bright and they're getting a great education. They're lovely smart kids. I had a chance to get to know them a little. But Michael kept them apart from the work because they were in school."

    (<!-- m --><!-- m -->)

    Here's the related video link on youtube:

    <!-- m --> ... r_embedded<!-- m -->

    Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't MJ's children always been home-schooled, with the aid of personal tutors (including at present too!)? So, why was Kenny O so comfortable & liberal with the use of words like: "school term" & "school" here?

    Also, I remember reading somewhere much earlier that MJ wanted this to be a BIG surprise treat to the kids & hence, kept them away (the last bit KO somewhat confirms in the a statement towards the end of the article). What made Kenny wish to share the 'tidbit' about them visiting the set at the shooting of the Smooth Criminal sequence? And, why now (check date of article)? Or was it all a honest mistake; that he simply got it wrong & am I looking for/grasping at straws here?

    Oh & interesting that MJ wanted to share ALL of his talents with the children too; that he was equally interested in sharing BOTH his skills as a "filmmaker" as well as a performer "in front of the camera too", don't you agree? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    That's our KO, always "generous" with his words! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Your thoughts, please?

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