NEW Record Deal for Michael



  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    I agree 100% x Branca creeps me out more than DiLeo or Tohme. Thugs aren't just found standing on dimly lit streets or lurking in dark alleys. They can hide behind custom-made suits, college degrees and sit in fancy corporate offices.

    MJ fired Branca February 3, 2003 and the Bashir documentary aired in the UK that same day. It was aired February 6th in the US and a school official filed a complaint on behalf of Gavin Arvazio after watching the show. Janet Arvazio was interviewed by Dept of Child & Family Services on February 20th as a result. February was a very high voltage month as this stuff started to unravel.

    The timing stinks and makes me think that Branca was moving the "take MJ down" plans to the next level. What many people fail to realize is that when someone is motivated by greed or revenge they don't care about their history/past relationship with someone. It may even be because of their personal knowledge of their target that they are better equipped to aim below the belt and aim hard. Sure one time ..Branca and MJ were friends. That was before MJ discovered that Branca was screwing him over. To paraphrase a line from The Godfather...It's not's business.

    Does anyone else find it weird that there were just a few people managing MJs affairs. C'mon no one is a jacks of all trades. Why did MJ have one or possibly two people managing such a vast business empire? That in itself leaves too much power and control in the hands of just a few people. If more people were involved and delegated to handle certain aspects of business then there would have been more checks and balances across the board.

    Mo and I have been discussing Branca many times. I get you, but the thing that is bugging me and that I don't get, is why should Branca be able to be an executor of the estate while th will is false? Why is no one fighting the will if Branca is in the bad camp? Why is Branca working for 'only' 10%? I hope you get what I mean. It confuses the hell out of me. And still there is a little voice in my head saying this deal is not that bad.... "They never thought I would out think them". Branca screwed Mike, Sony screwed Mike, Sony trusts Branca because he screwed Mike... But on who's side is he? There is a very good chance Sony is screwed and if that is the case, Branca has to be on Mike's side.
    I get you: he's like Severus Snape in the Harry Potter books, LOL!
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