Uri Geller did 'live' announcement on SBS6?

lotlot Posts: 3
edited January 1970 in News
Hi everyone, it's awesome to see and feel the love you all have for MJ. I am following you almost every day and this will be my first post. My English is not so good, but I will do my best!

Yesterday evening 2 april, Uri Geller told 'live' on Dutch television a great announcement about a person coming live in the Uri Geller show. Please, listen from 01:35:00 so you can hear for yourself.....
I am wondering if this has anything to do with MJ?
What's your thinking about this announcement? I have copied the link below, I hope you can all open this link. The show was on SBS6, live.
Also take a look at the performance of The Joker: after his performance Uri did his announcement.....
It's strange that his announcement came directly after seeing the picture of Uri and MJ from The Joker's performance.

So, from 01:35:00 follow what Uri has to say....... and see the performance of the Joker from about 01:25:00 or so


  • lovesquadlovesquad Posts: 117
    wow that was interesting.... How come he spoke this in english... that odd... like he wants everybody to understand what he is saying...
  • MichelleMichelle Posts: 325
    Oooooo...........I got goose bumps all over my body while listening to what he's saying, it's very very strange!!!!!!!!!!
    Thank you very much for sharing <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
    I was thinking, anybody who lives in Netherland, do you have any idea besides Michael, who is the person who is known all over Netherland and it could be a Breaking news and people wants to know the truth about him/her...Any idea please?
    Cause who is bigger news than the King of Pop himself?

    And lovesquad:
    Uri had a show here in Hungary too years ago, by the way i think his father was hungarian and he speaks a little our language too, so in the show he also spoke mostly english and i think anywhere he does this show he speaks english.
  • lovesquadlovesquad Posts: 117
    Oooooo...........I got goose bumps all over my body while listening to what he's saying, it's very very strange!!!!!!!!!!
    Thank you very much for sharing <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
    I was thinking, anybody who lives in Netherland, do you have any idea besides Michael, who is the person who is known all over Netherland and it could be a Breaking news and people wants to know the truth about him/her...Any idea please?
    Cause who is bigger news than the King of Pop himself?

    And lovesquad:
    Uri had a show here in Hungary too years ago, by the way i think his father was hungarian and he speaks a little our language too, so in the show he also spoke mostly english and i think anywhere he does this show he speaks english.

    ahhh ok - thanks... its really exciting tho.... I cant imagine anyone else being MEGA, controversial than MJ... and the sentence about THE THRUTH....
  • uri let mike down, cant see that mike would go to him - see his comments to pianogames

    anyother one looking to mystery for the $$$$$
  • Ok..I watched the important scenes...
    I have no idea...
    stunning for NL?
    maybe a politician like Geert Wilders?

    I really would be interested in Mo and Souza's opinion, so double-Dutch, if you read this thread, please
    contribute. Thanks <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • DutchDutch Posts: 13
    Not Geert Wilders. Geert Wilders showing up would do more damage than good to both the show as well as Geert Wilders (so short before the elections). Also, what truth is there to know about Geert Wilders, what possibly could mesmerize everybody about Geert Wilders and nothing about Geert Wilders possibly could be breaking news (besides him disappearing from the political scene all together).

    My initial thought was MJ, but no, IF it turns out MJ is still alive and will show up, that certainly would not happen in an insignificant country as the Netherlands and certainly not in this show. My second thought was Jermaine Jackson as he is contributing to another show on the same channel (show called "Move like Michael Jackson"). SBS6 is imho just surfing the financial waves of the regained interests in MJ.
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    Maybe he's asked Murray for a disappearing act? Or a watertank or sabre chamber escape act <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • wow that was interesting.... How come he spoke this in english... that odd... like he wants everybody to understand what he is saying...

    Uri always speaks in English on the show though. Uri said it would be breaking news all over the world? Or did I misheard that? I really don't know what to think of this why would Michael or something around this hoax reveal itself there it makes no sense I mean Michael and Uri haven't been friends anymore after all that happened and how bad he has treated Michael in my opinion. Also PianoGames has made Uri aware of that fact that Michael is alive which was a bad move I think. And I know I keep saying this but Uri Geller is bad news! He was into CIA Mind Control and I do not trust him for a bit EVER! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • ni-co-leni-co-le Posts: 535
    Hi everyone, it's awesome to see and feel the love you all have for MJ. I am following you almost every day and this will be my first post. My English is not so good, but I will do my best!

    Yesterday evening 2 april, Uri Geller told 'live' on Dutch television a great announcement about a person coming live in the Uri Geller show. Please, listen from 01:35:00 so you can hear for yourself.....
    I am wondering if this has anything to do with MJ?
    What's your thinking about this announcement? I have copied the link below, I hope you can all open this link. The show was on SBS6, live.
    Also take a look at the performance of The Joker: after his performance Uri did his announcement.....
    It's strange that his announcement came directly after seeing the picture of Uri and MJ from The Joker's performance.

    So, from 01:35:00 follow what Uri has to say....... and see the performance of the Joker from about 01:25:00 or so

    thanks for translating it ,i just made a topic about it yesterday evening on the dutch forum <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> maybe you saw it ? anyway we could be right about uri his announcement <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> lets wait and see... <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    i know that most people here 'hate' uri geller, epecially since he was the one to introduce batshit to mike. but it was not uri's fault that batshit turned out to be a low life paparazzi after all. nobody could have predicted how batshit would turn his documentary into the piece of crap it turn out to be. uri not 'seeing' that only accounts for him being just another human being after all. but i have to agree with most here, uri's 'twist of mind' from being a CIA employee to what he does now and how he carries himself seem a bit odd. but people DO change and try to redeem themselves. and i could also imagine that uri's past with the CIA and mind control were the exact reasons wihy mike even got 'hip' to him. of course, that could only happen with uri no longer being with the CIA. but then, i don't know the exact circumstances of what led up to them being introduced to each other.
    i try to believe that rather than thinking that uri geller was only trying to trick michael into something or using his fame, whatever. here in europe, uri geller has been a high profile celebrity ever since his 'fork bending' tricks decades ago, so i don't see the need there to push his own celebrity through mike or trying to benefit from that in any way. uri seems to be a pretty straight and also a decent person now, but that's my 'german angle' here. all i can say is that nobody is bashing uri here for introducing batshit to mike or for his CIA past.

    it really seems as if uri has made a 180 degree turn in what he does. he is a fairly respected person, pretty much through all of europe and is obviously not involved anymore with what he is still associated with. he is also not the kind of person to push himself in the press, people come to him. and his statements seem to be quite honest, he is not an actor or appears as if he is trying to manipulate people when he appears anywhere, on the contrary. he actually shows people publically what is possible through mind control, so i rather look at it like he is sharing his knwoledge so people stay aware of that. his shows are quite spectacular and well received over here.

    i also have a funny feeling that some people WE might not think of even possibly being in the hoax, could actually be very much involved with it, especially those who know how to keep a secret...we can only speculate, despite the throrough research we do and combine it with what we THINK we know, if you boil it down to the essence of it. anyone can only know for a fact what he/she experiences personally, the rest of our knowledge is reading and learning, being educated by 'third parties'. only mike knows the full truth in this.
    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • This is completely mental-ist <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I'm not sure how much we can trust Uri, of course i dont know him personally but i just get an ooky feeling when i watch him. He or she is hugely controversial wouldn't he say famous if he was talking about MJ? I suppose if MJ comes back from the dead he will be hugely controversial. Oh lord this are really getting hot now... we've been simmering for months now we're starting to boil <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    This is completely mental-ist <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I'm not sure how much we can trust Uri, of course i dont know him personally but i just get an ooky feeling when i watch him. He or she is hugely controversial wouldn't he say famous if he was talking about MJ? I suppose if MJ comes back from the dead he will be hugely controversial. Oh lord this are really getting hot now... we've been simmering for months now we're starting to boil <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    yup. all cookin' up nicely until the lid blows off... <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • mjjglorymjjglory Posts: 58
    Michael's death was a shocking event for the whole world. His comeback will be the same huge event I'm sure. Uri's show doesn't fit at all for the comeback. He just attracts more people to his shows and that's all. A matter of money.
  • There is no way Mike will ever get near Geller again. As published in our blog V for Vendetta – V for Vengeance:
    Here is some information about Uri Geller.

    Born in Tel Aviv, Israel, to Hungarian Jewish parents, Geller was the only child of Itzhaak Geller, a retired Army sergeant major, and Manzy Freud (Freud Manci). It is claimed that Geller is a distant relative of Sigmund Freud on his mother’s side, also has a twin called Adrian. He was brought to the United States for scientific investigation by Andrija Puharich.

    Andrija Puharich, MD, also known as Henry K. Puharich, (February 19, 1918 – January 3, 1995), was a medical and parapsychological researcher, medical inventor and author, who is perhaps best known as the person who brought Uri Geller and Peter Hurkos to the United States for scientific investigation. His research included studying the influence of extremely low frequency ELF electromagnetic wave emissions on the mind, and he invented several devices allegedly blocking or converting ELF waves to prevent harm.

    Extremely low frequency (ELF) is used to control behavior and mood patterns.


    Recent research has revealed Puharich to have a distinctly sinister side. As an Army doctor in the 1950s, he was deeply involved with the CIA’s notorious MKULTRA mind control project. He – together with the infamous Dr Sidney Gottlieb – experimented with a variety of techniques to change or induce actual thought processes even to creating the impression of voices in the head. These techniques included the use of drugs, hypnosis and beaming radio signals directly into the subject’s brain. And, significantly, he was engaged in this work at exactly the same time that The Nine made their first appearance at the Round Table Foundation. The Foundation itself is now known to have been largely funded by the Pentagon as a front for its medical and parapsychological research. Puharich was still working for the CIA in the early 1970s, when he brought Uri Geller out of Israel.

    Longtime friend Michael Jackson was best man when Geller renewed his wedding vows in 2001. Geller also claimed on a BBC Radio 5 Live interview with Nicky Campbell on the morning after Michael Jackson’s death (26 June 2009) that Jackson had agreed to let Geller hypnotise him to help him with a problem. Geller said that he did something “highly unethical” by asking him whether he had ever “touched a child in an inappropriate way.” Geller says that Jackson immediately denied it under hypnosis. Geller also negotiated the famous TV interview between Jackson with the journalist Martin Batshit: Living with Michael Jackson. He is also very well known inside the Pentagon.

    Among conspiracy theorists there’s always been talk that Uri Geller was not just a psychic – that he was working for U.S. military intelligence. The work Puthoff and Targ were conducting – as well as other research into psychic powers, ESP, ELF and such was heavily funded by the U.S. military.

    The belief is that the U.S. was locked in a covert sort of psychic arms race with the Soviets, both sides conducting research in how to use this stuff for spying, for mind control, and for weapons. Moreover, it is believed that Geller himself had put his psychic powers at the service of the Israeli intelligence agency, the Mossad.

    You might think “What is so interesting about this?” But Uri Geller is the one that introduced Batshit to Mike and we all know what happened after Batshit came to visit. He claims to be his friend, but we all noticed Uri likes to promote Uri. Is he Mike’s friend? Maybe, but we think he is not. If you look at his background and connections, it is way more likely that Geller introduced Batshit to Mike for a reason, and not to make Mike look better.

    'Nuff said.
  • Thank you Mo!
  • aimeeaimee Posts: 6
    Uri says he has changed and is now going for positive energy. So maybe he feels sorry for what he did in the past by introducing MJ to Bashir.

    What was also in the show was the act with the rock from Uri's island The Lamb and PianoGames was already taking about this island and the possibility that MJ was hiding in a resort opposite of the island.

    So let's wait and see with whom he shows up in the next show.

    Bye the way, La Toya was in Holland on the 29 of March 2010 to record her appearance on Dutch Tv Show "Jensen!" which she also did in Spring 2008. We do not know yet when it will be broadcasted.
  • Uri says he has changed and is now going for positive energy. So maybe he feels sorry for what he did in the past by introducing MJ to Bashir.

    I don't believe in fairy tales...
  • fairy tales were a very useful of passing down stories and warnings down the generations

    they are also very profitable
  • Uri says he has changed and is now going for positive energy. So maybe he feels sorry for what he did in the past by introducing MJ to Bashir.

    I don't believe in fairy tales...

    Me neither. Uri has no mercy for what he has done and is still doing. You can't change like that when you've been doing Mind Control on people for years and years.
  • Sounds like he's playing with people's minds. Although most viewers probably aren't beLIEvers he is still aware of the hoax theory thanks to pianogames. He could also just be refering to some other famous person and since we're so focused the hoax we're just reading too much into it (which happens very very often <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ). Would Michael really turn to Uri for such an announcement? I think not but I stilll wanna know who he's refering to.
  • I dont like or trust him at all. Cannot be trusted!!! Don't know what to think. To me this is totally irrelevant
  • bobobobo Posts: 44
    Bye the way, La Toya was in Holland on the 29 of March 2010 to record her appearance on Dutch Tv Show "Jensen!" which she also did in Spring 2008. We do not know yet when it will be broadcasted.

    Oh, i hope it's not Latoya.
  • Anything for viewership and ratings... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • I wouldn't trust someone like Uri for one second. Uri - go bend some spoons and stop playing tricks on peoples' minds.
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    well I don't like him too... and it looks he's just playing with us... I think he just need attention...
    for me It's enough to look in his eyes.. I think he is not sincere and honest ... maybe It's just me but that's what I feel... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
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