Uri Geller did 'live' announcement on SBS6?



  • ZIsisZIsis Posts: 165
    Ah <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: --> , I gather ALL "THIS" is yet to get even MORE "curiouser & curiouser" still!?!... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Oh Lord, PLEASE grant us ALL BOUNTIFUL reserves of strength & patience here!!!

  • DutchDutch Posts: 13
    I think it is probably for ratings, so everyone will tune in. It also was strange that he said, in this mental arena. Does this mean, that mentally, this person will there, live in spirit and not physically?

    This Uri Geller show is all about finding other people (mentalists) who in some way can do the same as Uri Geller. There are currently something like 10 competitors and each week one is being voted out, so in the end remains one who'll get a trophy and may call him/herself "The new Uri Geller". Now, the physical location (just a studio) where the participants are competing is often referred to as "mental arena".

    However I doubt hugely it will be MJ revealing himself on an insignificant channel in an even more insignificant country, for security I'll have my camcorder ready (don't have a VCR or something connected) to snapshot the event when it takes place on the 9th. If it is anything noteworthy I'll dump it on Youtube and link it here as anyone who can not catch the channel will be able to view the next day the earliest. Should it really be MJ, I think the website which hosts the shows now will be down due to enormous number of hits. Actually, should MJ reveal himself (in the event he's still alive) I think the whole internet will go down in a matter of minutes as the world massively will be tapping in on all news sites. Such an event would be at least tenfold bigger news than his "death" and would send unbelievable shock waves throughout the world.
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Excitin' innit.
  • lotus_sutralotus_sutra Posts: 224
    It is surprising to see that no one has brought up Lamb Island! Here is a link to Uri's page about the island and why he bought it, I find it to be a perfect fit since Lamb Island is associated with Kings and Pharoas, lamb & Easter, resurrections abound! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Have a read and you will understand what I am talking about...<!-- m -->http://site.uri-geller.com/why_i_bought_lamb_island<!-- m -->
  • I've been thinking about this and could he mean Jermaine maybe? Cause he is huge in the Netherlands at the moment with the Move Like Michael Jackson shows.
    I don't know if he's controversial though <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • There is only one thing I see happening now and that is that this thing with Uri Geller is splitting us up in groups again. People who believe Geller and people who don't believe him. No matter what our beliefs are we must stay united. I for one don't trust Uri Geller and I've never trusted him! But we all must stay united.
  • MissinMJMissinMJ Posts: 73
    It's funny how people are judging Uri and thinking they know how Michael felt about him. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> We don't know the inside scoop of anything...that's why we are INVESTIGATING we are trying to find the truth. We don't know if there was any deep problems between Michael and Uri or not. This is simply hearsay. The truth will reveal itself. I believe that Uri IS talking about Michael, going by the way he is talking. He also said he was 99.9% sure this person will show up. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> That's pretty much FULLY sure that this "person" will show their face. Remember even Brian Oxman said he was 99.9% sure that ambulance photo was fake and everyone jumped ALLL over that and beLIEved it. Open your minds.
  • i have heard this phrase used so much - open your minds

    why is it used as a term when you dont agree with the previous poster?
  • MissinMJMissinMJ Posts: 73
    i have heard this phrase used so much - open your minds

    why is it used as a term when you dont agree with the previous poster?

    Isn't that why we're all here?? Because we opened our minds? All I'm saying is to continue to open your mind..in this hoax there are so many possibilities. And what's wrong with me saying "open your minds"? I don't have to agree with what you or anyone says...and I'm not telling anyone to agree with what I said...I'm simply telling them to have a open mind in this weird hoax. When has anything in this hoax made complete sense? Um it hasn't.
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    i have heard this phrase used so much - open your minds

    why is it used as a term when you dont agree with the previous poster?
    Cause maybe it's an attempt to mind control <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

  • There is only one thing I see happening now and that is that this thing with Uri Geller is splitting us up in groups again. People who believe Geller and people who don't believe him. No matter what our beliefs are we must stay united. I for one don't trust Uri Geller and I've never trusted him! But we all must stay united.

    We are not obliged to fight about that <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
    I mean, this guy says something, and I only consider it as an information. It's been said in an special way, that could make us think he spoke of Micheal. But we should no take it as granted. It's only words...Now that they are said, I'll see about facts next week.
    No more no less. I'm not going to argue about this guy. We all appreciate MJ, and I don't see the point to fight about Uri Geller, he's just a man like any other. I don't think he has a power to separate people, unless you give him this power <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    So ok, some of us think he is "bad", and some of us only hear the word he spoke and found it strange. So just wait to see this "BREAKING NEWS SHOWING UP"
    I mean, if it's only "I don't know who" I think this guy really has a problem about talking and using MEGA, HUGE, EXTRA SUPER words <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • LoesLoes Posts: 612
    i know that most people here 'hate' uri geller, epecially since he was the one to introduce batshit to mike. but it was not uri's fault that batshit turned out to be a low life paparazzi after all. nobody could have predicted how batshit would turn his documentary into the piece of crap it turn out to be. uri not 'seeing' that only accounts for him being just another human being after all. but i have to agree with most here, uri's 'twist of mind' from being a CIA employee to what he does now and how he carries himself seem a bit odd. but people DO change and try to redeem themselves. and i could also imagine that uri's past with the CIA and mind control were the exact reasons wihy mike even got 'hip' to him. of course, that could only happen with uri no longer being with the CIA. but then, i don't know the exact circumstances of what led up to them being introduced to each other.
    i try to believe that rather than thinking that uri geller was only trying to trick michael into something or using his fame, whatever. here in europe, uri geller has been a high profile celebrity ever since his 'fork bending' tricks decades ago, so i don't see the need there to push his own celebrity through mike or trying to benefit from that in any way. uri seems to be a pretty straight and also a decent person now, but that's my 'german angle' here. all i can say is that nobody is bashing uri here for introducing batshit to mike or for his CIA past.

    it really seems as if uri has made a 180 degree turn in what he does. he is a fairly respected person, pretty much through all of europe and is obviously not involved anymore with what he is still associated with. he is also not the kind of person to push himself in the press, people come to him. and his statements seem to be quite honest, he is not an actor or appears as if he is trying to manipulate people when he appears anywhere, on the contrary. he actually shows people publically what is possible through mind control, so i rather look at it like he is sharing his knwoledge so people stay aware of that. his shows are quite spectacular and well received over here.

    i also have a funny feeling that some people WE might not think of even possibly being in the hoax, could actually be very much involved with it, especially those who know how to keep a secret...we can only speculate, despite the throrough research we do and combine it with what we THINK we know, if you boil it down to the essence of it. anyone can only know for a fact what he/she experiences personally, the rest of our knowledge is reading and learning, being educated by 'third parties'. only mike knows the full truth in this.
    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    I agree with your post Tabloidburn.

    Maybe Pianogames convinced Uri about the hoax and Uri found out the truth (ore Uri was in it from the beginning).
    Michael and Uri could be on good terms again, we don't know that, but it's very possible IMO.
    I can't wait to see what will happen on fridayevening.
    I'm sure it has something to do with Michael.
    Maybe Michael comes back this week and will also be in the show on friday, live ore through satelite?

  • when is the show next week??
  • LoesLoes Posts: 612
    when is the show next week??

    Fridayevening at 20.30 our to 22.30 our in the Netherlands on SBS.
  • Uri says he has changed and is now going for positive energy. So maybe he feels sorry for what he did in the past by introducing MJ to Bashir.

    I don't believe in fairy tales...

    Me neither. Uri has no mercy for what he has done and is still doing. You can't change like that when you've been doing Mind Control on people for years and years.

    I think we have to be careful with Uri Geller...

    However, if I believe in this hoax, which I do, I find myself also believing that anything is possible. Perhaps even fairytales.
  • the way i understood uri is that he was saying that whomever this person is will reveal themselves early in this week and it will be breaking news and then they will appear on his show he wasnt saying that they would be on his show and it would be breaking news. he also said that he wasnt for sure that this is what will happen because the plan could change. thats how i understood it. and i dont have a clue who this person could be maybe mike maybe not who knows.
  • mjjmjj Posts: 74
    guys dont you listnen to what the men has to say first before trowing out all kind of conclusions???
    wait and see! believe whit your heart! who else can it be?? not jermain come on guys!
    he said he could be in trouble fore doing this! and he is 99,9% sure the person shows up!

    wait and see! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Uri DIDN'T say that the person would appear on the show and that THAT would be breaking news.

    Based on what he said, the person will reveal themselves early in the week and then make an appearance in this "mental arena." Maybe he won't be there in person, maybe he appear live on satelite.

    But I think he IS talking about Michael. We don't know how the relationship between Uri and Michael is. We aren't them. For all we know, they are still good friends. We can't claim anything.
  • ZIsisZIsis Posts: 165
    Heck, despite my "blah boring 'logical' explanations & skeptical misgivings" (which is a LOT less than my sheer excitement, by the way! <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> ), I've got to admit, I'm MOST impatient to find out what comes out of this <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    Thanks to "lot" for creating this post & special thanks to "mjj" & "thecheetoman2004" for your infectiously 'inspirational' quotes above <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Here's to to spirit of "never saying never"!!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

  • Is that "good english" ? I think the words are "NEVER SAY DIE" I think they are just made for us <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Anyway, I lke this thread because people are not fighting about it. Some want to believe, and some say "be careful of what this man could say". Thank you all for you behaviour, and just wait and see ! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I can't believe people buy the BS that comes out of that creep's mouth.
    He backstapped Michael and hurt him, did you guys forgot about that? So you do really think for a second he would be in the hoax?

    He's just playing mindgames or he is probably talking about one of the contestants. That guy is so fake and so are his actions on that show. On every show he has to get "mad" at one of the "controversial" contestants, like he or the producers don't know what their acts are going to be. Remember that leech-eating contestant of last year and what Uri's reaction was e-v-e-r-y show...*sigh* ? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • I can't believe people buy the BS that comes out of that creep's mouth.
    He backstapped Michael and hurt him, did you guys forgot about that? So you do really think for a second he would be in the hoax?

    He's just playing mindgames or he is probably talking about one of the contestants. That guy is so fake and so are his actions on that show. On every show he has to get "mad" at one of the "controversial" contestants, like he or the producers don't know what their acts are going to be. Remember that leech-eating contestant of last year and what Uri's reaction was e-v-e-r-y show...*sigh* ? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I understand what you say, but I think everyone is disturbed by the "breaking news event" I mean, I don't think that a mentalist showin up to a mentalist show would break the news <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> This is what surprises me in fact. So I'll wait to see what's your conclusions on Friday (On friday, I'm watching NCIS and Scrubs <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> )
  • I dont think Mike will come on the show b/c now that the trial has been rescheduled it would pointless to come back before that. MJ might make an appearance like dave dave or something of that nature
  • trishatrisha Posts: 58
  • MJLive2010MJLive2010 Posts: 139
    When is the show this week ? And where can I watch it ?
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