Orianthi performed @ Neverland yesterday



  • cleaclea Posts: 145
    The giraffes were out of Neverland <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • willddoMJwillddoMJ Posts: 699
    is that MJ in top right hand corner in window, above girls? cause i see sun-glasses and a face mask in that window, as if some1 sitting in side or something
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    This is a more recent photo of Neverland, taken in feb or march this year.

    Maybe Elizabeth Taylor was married there??? As always, with L.O.V.E xox
  • willddoMJwillddoMJ Posts: 699
    a bit big lol
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    This is a more recent photo of Neverland, taken in feb or march this year.

    Maybe Elizabeth Taylor was married there??? As always, with L.O.V.E xox
    Liz's marriage was a rumor.. Wasn't it? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • OMG <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> IS THAT "NEVERLAND" ON THE FIRETRUCK??? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    why is it on there?

    Dont fall for her tricks.. its an old photo. Remember the auction that was due to go ahead in 2009 of Michaels possessions from Neverland? The auction house put them on display for members of the public and potential buyers to view.. they were cancelled after Michael found out and fired Thome...

    this picture is from that auction.. that is why Sam has a pic of herself next to it.

    She played April 14, what happened April 14, 2009? Michael's Neverland possessions were saved from the auction! A year ago to the day! Tell me it's a cooinceidence.

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • Orianthi just tweeted this:

    we were invited to play a private show there and it was a beautiful place. Xx

    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • Orianthi just tweeted this:

    we were invited to play a private show there and it was a beautiful place. Xx

    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> nothing more to say <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Karen Faye tweet:

    I was not invited. Correct. Michael always had his door open for me. He no longer lives there. No reason for me to want to go
  • Karen again:

    I know nothing about it. Neverland has lost all it's magic without Michael's presence. I let it go when Michael did.

    I do not know why people want to believe he is still alive. All I know is that it is painful to know he is gone.
  • Karen again:

    I know nothing about it. Neverland has lost all it's magic without Michael's presence. I let it go when Michael did.

    I do not know why people want to believe he is still alive. All I know is that it is painful to know he is gone.

    I guess someone sent her a tweet commenting on Michael being alive right? If not why mention THAT?
  • @alovesmichael - yes, someone tweeted her about the Neverland gig and she said she wasnt invited and knew nothing abou tit.
    Someone also tweeted her about MJ being alive and that was her response.

    This is getting very painful for me.. the news Orianthi has played a gig has made me very upset. I understand when she says she let Neverland go when MJ did. Maybe we all need to do that.. idk.

    Its painful that Orianthi played a gig there and hasnt explained why and for who.. and if MJ really has died, then why are people at his ranch doing this?

    Maye i need to take a break.. im tired of the lies and the secrets. Why cant she say why she was there?? And if it was such a big secret, then why tweet about it at all??
  • @alovesmichael - yes, someone tweeted her about the Neverland gig and she said she wasnt invited and knew nothing abou tit.
    Someone also tweeted her about MJ being alive and that was her response.

    This is getting very painful for me.. the news Orianthi has played a gig has made me very upset. I understand when she says she let Neverland go when MJ did. Maybe we all need to do that.. idk.

    Its painful that Orianthi played a gig there and hasnt explained why and for who.. and if MJ really has died, then why are people at his ranch doing this?

    Maye i need to take a break.. im tired of the lies and the secrets. Why cant she say why she was there?? And if it was such a big secret, then why tweet about it at all??

    I feel exactly the same DTD. All the secrecy is exhausting my mind and heart, why can't anyone just say straight out what is going on?! KF does but then she's just dismissed as an attention seeker... Idk, what more can we do? How can one know what to believe and what not to believe, it's all so miserable.

    And yes, why were they at the ranch anyway?

    If Michael is really gone I do understand KF's comment about letting Neverland go but to me Neverland will forever represent innocence, fun, beauty and magic. That ranch is something Michael created from his heart and soul, and it will always be a special place, no matter how much people try to destroy it. Neverland is apart of Michael's vision of love therefore I can never let go of it.
  • What I don't understand is why the concocted, odd stories still continue? It is odd to hear a private concert took place at Neverland. If there is nothing to hide how come people can't just disclose the whole truth rather than just bits and pieces to drag out this never-ending saga? It is tiring to say the least. Someone must know some of the answers to fill in the gaps to all of this mess. Instead of getting any closure the whole thing is just getting odder.
  • I agree...as long as you get it on twitter, it's nothing private anymore. I do not twitt about what I consider to be private...So it's just a way to drive us mad I think. It's private or it's public, but how can you get a private thing on twitter, and then say "I will not tell you about it ! Nanana !" I just feel back in the 80's when I was about 5, and having secrets with my friends and telling girls I don't like that I have a secret but will never tell... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    @alovesmichael - yes, someone tweeted her about the Neverland gig and she said she wasnt invited and knew nothing abou tit.
    Someone also tweeted her about MJ being alive and that was her response.

    This is getting very painful for me.. the news Orianthi has played a gig has made me very upset. I understand when she says she let Neverland go when MJ did. Maybe we all need to do that.. idk.

    Its painful that Orianthi played a gig there and hasnt explained why and for who.. and if MJ really has died, then why are people at his ranch doing this?

    Maye i need to take a break.. im tired of the lies and the secrets. Why cant she say why she was there?? And if it was such a big secret, then why tweet about it at all??

    I feel exactly the same DTD. All the secrecy is exhausting my mind and heart, why can't anyone just say straight out what is going on?! KF does but then she's just dismissed as an attention seeker... Idk, what more can we do? How can one know what to believe and what not to believe, it's all so miserable.

    And yes, why were they at the ranch anyway?

    If Michael is really gone I do understand KF's comment about letting Neverland go but to me Neverland will forever represent innocence, fun, beauty and magic. That ranch is something Michael created from his heart and soul, and it will always be a special place, no matter how much people try to destroy it. Neverland is apart of Michael's vision of love therefore I can never let go of it.
    Aw, don't be upset, DTD, this is great- why else would Ori perform there and not say why- because he might be there! It makes so much sense, there's no other reason why Ori wouldn't just SAY! And KF is all bitter.. maybe in the back of her mind she suspects, LOL..
  • ZenZen Posts: 341
    I also agree about all this odd secrecy. I am just wondering
    if this has been all along but we never noticed as much.
    WHAT is everyone hiding all these years, or since March 09? <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    wouldn't neverland be the perfect place to go? after vowing publicly he'd never live there again, we'd all assume he fled the country or lived in encino in this hoax. well...what if everything is right under our noses? the ambiguous tweet should be nothing new to us. when has anyone ever really given a clear answer? it's always slip ups, magic tricks, conspiracies, etc. this tweet is odd, yes. but i definitely think it's a "hello, game time. i'm here" from michael. orianthi has respect for him, she wouldn't perform at a private event at his heart and soul of a home in vain. this is good guys. this is big. chins up!
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    could the concrete have been for a solid base for the stage and equipment?? maybe the gig was outside?? and anyway,has it not been mentioned that it is not confirmed he ever sold neverland........and if there has been a performance there......could it have been REHEARSELES....and not a show as such.......either way....someone owns the place dont they...otherwise it would not have been used .the only hope is....micheal is putting the final touches to something.......because.......he surely would not be having a hey old time at neverland ...knowing how we all really miss him....now would he??? its not the way micheal behaves.....xxxxx
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Wait, the company that took over Neverland from Michael was a joint venture between him & someone else. So he still had a stake in Neverland, right? What if Michael is actually there <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> What if his estate executors were able to get it back & he is staying there unknowingly. Or maybe he isn't there but the executors were still able to get it back as it was the children's first home & MJ's creation, maybe Orianthi performed for the family. Jermaine & a couple other brothers said the family had big plans for Neverland. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> & then the whole concrete & fixing up the garden or whatever. MJ also said he would make Neverland more accessible. What if Orianthi performing there has something to do with all of that. So many possibilities...maybe the concrete was for an outdoor stage. Hmm. I wonder if we're on to something here. That would be so awesome if MJ did his BAM from Neverland <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> Wishful thinking again but wouldn't that be great?
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    People tweet what they have been up to. Perhaps orianthi was told she could say where she had been but not who the funtion was for. I am sure it would be pretty normal for her to tweet that she went to neverland - especially if she had not been before. She is just repecting her client's privacy imo.

    If you had been invited to neverland, wouldn't you tweet that?

    Tom Barrack owns neverland. MJ owned a stake in the company that owns neverland.
  • People tweet what they have been up to. Perhaps orianthi was told she could say where she had been but not who the funtion was for. I am sure it would be pretty normal for her to tweet that she went to neverland - especially if she had not been before. She is just repecting her client's privacy imo.

    If you had been invited to neverland, wouldn't you tweet that?

    Tom Barrack owns neverland. MJ owned a stake in the company that owns neverland.

    Don't you think we could WONDER who's client it was <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> as long as Neverland is supposed to be EMPTY.
  • @alovesmichael - yes, someone tweeted her about the Neverland gig and she said she wasnt invited and knew nothing abou tit.
    Someone also tweeted her about MJ being alive and that was her response.

    This is getting very painful for me.. the news Orianthi has played a gig has made me very upset. I understand when she says she let Neverland go when MJ did. Maybe we all need to do that.. idk.

    Its painful that Orianthi played a gig there and hasnt explained why and for who.. and if MJ really has died, then why are people at his ranch doing this?

    Maye i need to take a break.. im tired of the lies and the secrets. Why cant she say why she was there?? And if it was such a big secret, then why tweet about it at all??

    I feel exactly the same DTD. All the secrecy is exhausting my mind and heart, why can't anyone just say straight out what is going on?! KF does but then she's just dismissed as an attention seeker... Idk, what more can we do? How can one know what to believe and what not to believe, it's all so miserable.

    And yes, why were they at the ranch anyway?

    If Michael is really gone I do understand KF's comment about letting Neverland go but to me Neverland will forever represent innocence, fun, beauty and magic. That ranch is something Michael created from his heart and soul, and it will always be a special place, no matter how much people try to destroy it. Neverland is apart of Michael's vision of love therefore I can never let go of it.
    Aw, don't be upset, DTD, this is great- why else would Ori perform there and not say why- because he might be there! It makes so much sense, there's no other reason why Ori wouldn't just SAY! And KF is all bitter.. maybe in the back of her mind she suspects, LOL..

    But would KF be bitter for being let out of the hoax? Doesn't make sense that Orianthi would be included and KF not, i.e. if there is a hoax. And why would she then say she did Michael's burial make-up? KF is one of the people that actually makes me believe Michael is really gone... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • Thomas J Barrack Jr: Barrack preparing Neverland Ranch public viewing (photo)
    By Therese Lisieux on July 1st, 2009

    Updated July 10 2009 – Inside Neverland Ranch, the rooms were crammed with Michael Jackson’s stuff. Neverland had wall to wall possessions of all sorts. Jackson had many life size dolls of children and a red throne. Look at the interior of Neverland Ranch here. The old photos were taken during the sheriff’s raid in 2003.

    Updated July 3 2009 – There will be no public functions at Neverland Ranch. The public memorial service for Michael Jackson will be at Staples Center, LA, on Tuesday, July 7.

    There are photos of the interior of Neverland Ranch here.

    Jul 1 2009.

    Thomas J Barrack Jr, a business partner of Michael Jackson, wrote an open letter to Santa Barbara residents. Barrack wanted to warn them about the crowds that would converge in Santa Barbara as they flock to Neverland Ranch for the public viewing of Michael Jackson’s body on Friday, July 3.

    Barrack wrote that the public and Santa Barbara residents should try to accommodate the wishes of the Jackson family during this difficult time.

    Besides Barrack, the CHP is also gearing up to prepare for security as Jackson’s motorcade is expected to travel on the road as it drives slowly from LA or the temporary holding place to Neverland Ranch.

    Barrack, or the parties responsible for getting Neverland Ranch ready for Friday’s large crowds, has ordered contractors to do up Neverland Ranch. Reports said large quantities of concrete were delievered to Neverland Ranch.

    Barrack´s Letter to Santa Barbara

    Thomas J Barrack Jr wiki

    In May bought $23.5 million mortgage of Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch from Fortress Investment Group, brought financially troubled pop star to negotiation table.

    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neverland_ ... ial_status<!-- m -->
    Foreclosure proceedings commenced against Neverland Ranch on October 22, 2007.[8][9] However, a spokesperson for Jackson said that the loan was merely being refinanced.[10]

    Former zoo buildings, July 2009On February 25, 2008, Jackson received word from Financial Title Company, the trustee, that unless he paid off $24,525,906.61 by March 19, a public auction would go forward of the land, buildings, and other items such as the rides, trains, and art.[11][12] On March 13, 2008, Jackson's lawyer L. Londell McMillan announced that a private agreement had been reached with the private investment group, Fortress Investment, to save Jackson's ownership of the ranch.[13] Before the agreement, Jackson owed three months' arrears on the property.[13] McMillan did not reveal the details of the deal.

    On May 12, 2008, a foreclosure auction for the ranch was canceled after an investment company, Colony Capital LLC, purchased the loan, which was in default.[14] In a press release, Jackson stated, "I am pleased with recent developments involving Neverland Ranch and I am in discussions with Colony and Tom Barrack with regard to the Ranch and other matters that would allow me to focus on the future."[15][16]

    On November 10, 2008, Jackson transferred the title to Sycamore Valley Ranch Company, LLC, and neighbors reported immediate activity on the property, including the amusement rides being trucked along the highway.[1] Jackson still owned an unknown stake in the property, since Sycamore Valley Ranch was a joint venture between Jackson (represented by McMillan) and an affiliate of Colony Capital LLC (an investment company run by billionaire Tom Barrack).[17][18][19][20] The Santa Barbara County Assessor's Office stated Jackson sold an unknown proportion of his property rights for $35 million.[21][22]

    Concrete Evidence Found at Neverland


    Jackson's Body to Return to Neverland

    Neverland 2008
    <!-- m -->http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_3Xd9HVFF10A/S ... fwfwef.bmp<!-- m -->

    Neverland 2009
    <!-- m -->http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_3Xd9HVFF10A/S ... fggwrg.bmp<!-- m -->

    Oops I destroyed this message! I think I ment it as it was.
  • Michael had a whole basement build under Neverland and he's hidding there <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Seriously, I don't think we could compare pictures because on 2008 ones, trees are "sleeping" so it's normal that everything look less beautyfull...doesn't mean there is nothing done there compared to other pictures. I mean, in the summer grass look dead, doesn't mean the place is abandonned <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
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