Arnie Klein: I Did Not Betray Michael Jackson

DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
edited January 1970 in News

Arnie Klein: I Did Not Betray Michael Jackson

Originally posted 8 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

Dr. Arnold Klein -- Michael Jackson's long-time best friend and physician -- tells TMZ he did not betray Michael Jackson by claiming to TMZ that MJ had an affair with Klein's office manager ... and he's freaked out that he's getting "a lot of horrible death threats."

Klein and office manager Jason Pfeiffer were featured on "Extra" a few days ago -- during the interview Pfeiffer claimed to have had a romantic relationship with MJ.

Klein called in during TMZ Live last Friday, and said Michael was gay and Jason was "the love of his life."

On Saturday, Klein told TMZ he does not believe he betrayed Jackson because Jackson never tried to hide his sexuality. We called Klein out on his statement, because it seems to us MJ went to extreme lengths to keep his sexuality a secret.

Klein told us Saturday, "Was he gay? Yes." He then went on to say his declaration is meant to shoot down rumors that Jackson was a pedophile. And, Klein says, as far as he knows, Jason's alleged two-month relationship is the only gay relationship Jackson ever had.

Pfeiffer says, "Michael was not ashamed of his sexuality."

Klein and Pfeiffer say they have received numerous "horrible death threats" since their statements became widely public this week. They have both been in touch with the FBI and now say they have bodyguards

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  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    This is what stuck out to me:

    He then went on to say his declaration is meant to shoot down rumors that Jackson was a pedophile.
  • LovelyLurkerLovelyLurker Posts: 149
    Well Dr Klein.....if the shoe fits ....wear it !!! You do deserve whatever happens as you have let loose with your tongue once again and made a mockery of a friendship and a trusted relationship therefore let the chips fall where they may .....and may they fall on your head......and may they land with a great heavy hurtful thump.
  • well i dont believe it

    but gay pp are not pedophiles, so dont understand that concept

    during the 2003/5 thing there were so many women coming saying they had relationships with mike - that was spin probably.

    if mike was gay it would not change anything for me, but in my opinion he wasnt.

    but does this matter, and why did klien do this, it is a detrayal, and his explanation is silly - and will do more harm to what mike held dear

    its awful the majority of mj associates just have no idea about friendship and loyalty
  • i am really starting to em "dislike"... no thats a lie i'm starting to hate this "wanna be a celebrity" dr.

    a true friend for 20 years would not sell a car givin to them by that friend within 12 months of that friend demise, or jackets the friend gave them and surely would not sell them on such an impersonal market as ebay. for some reason i feel that he is trying to use MJ name to gratify his lifestyle... now after he is gone, he reveals all this... what an extreme user and i better not ever hear that he was an enabler for MJ or that he was one of the dr who gave him sedatives...

    maybe he does not know what a good friend is, or what a good dr is for that matter
  • LauraLaura Posts: 67
    Shall we ASK LMP??? Brooke?? Tatum?? Tatjana??? Stepahanie Mills??
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    i am really starting to em "dislike"... no thats a lie i'm starting to hate this "wanna be a celebrity" dr.

    a true friend for 20 years would not sell a car givin to them by that friend within 12 months of that friend demise, or jackets the friend gave them and surely would not sell them on such an impersonal market as ebay. for some reason i feel that he is trying to use MJ name to gratify his lifestyle... now after he is gone, he reveals all this... what an extreme user and i better not ever hear that he was an enabler for MJ or that he was one of the dr who gave him sedatives...

    maybe he does not know what a good friend is, or what a good dr is for that matter
    That's exactly what I say- I wish he would stop trying to force his way into the spotlight..
  • i am really starting to em "dislike"... no thats a lie i'm starting to hate this "wanna be a celebrity" dr.

    a true friend for 20 years would not sell a car givin to them by that friend within 12 months of that friend demise, or jackets the friend gave them and surely would not sell them on such an impersonal market as ebay. for some reason i feel that he is trying to use MJ name to gratify his lifestyle... now after he is gone, he reveals all this... what an extreme user and i better not ever hear that he was an enabler for MJ or that he was one of the dr who gave him sedatives...

    maybe he does not know what a good friend is, or what a good dr is for that matter

    i agree with you.

    this must mean that arnie is not in with the hoax or does it mean he is dead

    mike said goodbye to his staff, but is that strange he was going on a world tour?

    he spent christmas 2008 with mike - shocking that he is such a turncoat

    the cup thing does that mean that mike did not have prostrate problems?
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    i am really starting to em "dislike"... no thats a lie i'm starting to hate this "wanna be a celebrity" dr.

    a true friend for 20 years would not sell a car givin to them by that friend within 12 months of that friend demise, or jackets the friend gave them and surely would not sell them on such an impersonal market as ebay. for some reason i feel that he is trying to use MJ name to gratify his lifestyle... now after he is gone, he reveals all this... what an extreme user and i better not ever hear that he was an enabler for MJ or that he was one of the dr who gave him sedatives...

    maybe he does not know what a good friend is, or what a good dr is for that matter

    i agree with you.

    this must mean that arnie is not in with the hoax or does it mean he is dead

    mike said goodbye to his staff, but is that strange he was going on a world tour?

    he spent christmas 2008 with mike - shocking that he is such a turncoat

    the cup thing does that mean that mike did not have prostrate problems?
    You know, I actually think inserting the fakes into this makes it more realistic than if you don't!
  • more thoughts, jason was indecreet with regard to comments made about a client - should klien sack him?

    why does klien support indecreet actions of his employees

    i understand that debbie rowe did - revealing pics of herself at this centre
  • Arnie and Michael wasn't even that close.
    There was years between the times they spoke to eachother.
    And dear little Arnie, is so backstabbing in this story, it was Michael
    who walked in on Arnie and Jason, not the other way around. And there
    are solid proofs out there..
  • I am sorry but Michael is not gay. What I see occurring here is that there are two sides to this. The good, those involved in some way with the hoax or Michael's true friends and the bad side, those working AGAINST Michael. You can tell who is who by what they have said. Klein seems to be working against Michael and involved in the continuation of the smearing campaign that has been going on for years.
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    more thoughts, jason was indecreet with regard to comments made about a client - should klien sack him?

    why does klien support indecreet actions of his employees

    i understand that debbie rowe did - revealing pics of herself at this centre
    Hm, I didn't even think about that- whether it was totally made up or a fake visiting Dr. K he still allowed this Jason to say "personal" stuff about HIS client! That seems to point toward Dr. K making it up and getting this guy to go along for a refreshment of his 15 minutes and a buck or two..Meh.

    Mm, LadyandBird, you've got proof? What is it? Me wanna see!
  • Shall we ASK LMP??? Brooke?? Tatum?? Tatjana??? Stepahanie Mills??

    well only LMP had sex with mike
  • Arnie and Michael wasn't even that close.
    There was years between the times they spoke to eachother.
    And dear little Arnie, is so backstabbing in this story, it was Michael
    who walked in on Arnie and Jason, not the other way around. And there
    are solid proofs out there..

    i think in the TMZ interview - the hour one he said that there were times that he did not see mike around the trial 2005 was one period, so mike had pp giving him the creams and products he needed or other doctors
  • lisap27lisap27 Posts: 1,100
    Arnie and Michael wasn't even that close.
    There was years between the times they spoke to eachother.
    And dear little Arnie, is so backstabbing in this story, it was Michael
    who walked in on Arnie and Jason, not the other way around. And there
    are solid proofs out there..

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • I still stick with my first though of Jason having an affair with a double.

    Just because someone looks like Michael Jackson, it doesn't mean it is Michael Jackson.
  • I still stick with my first though of Jason having an affair with a double.

    Just because someone looks like Michael Jackson, it doesn't mean it is Michael Jackson.
    It didn't go down like that, but I can't explain more.
    People were there, not only Michael (and yes I mean real Michael)
    when this whole thing took place, but I can tell you that much,
    Michael was NOT involved in this, he was the one walking in on them.
    He was chocked. But people have a way of twisting stories for personal gain.
    And that shouldn't be news to us.
  • LauraLaura Posts: 67
    Shall we ASK LMP??? Brooke?? Tatum?? Tatjana??? Stepahanie Mills??

    well only LMP had sex with mike

    How can we sure of that. only LMP?? We do not know how many nonfamous girlfriends he had <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Shall we ASK LMP??? Brooke?? Tatum?? Tatjana??? Stepahanie Mills??

    well only LMP had sex with mike

    Dude.. you cant say that for sure. I dont think thats true.. but i dont know because i didnt know Michael.. but im guessing a lot went on with that man behind closed doors.
    We cannot guess about his private life.
  • Shall we ASK LMP??? Brooke?? Tatum?? Tatjana??? Stepahanie Mills??

    well only LMP had sex with mike

    How can we sure of that. only LMP?? We do not know how many nonfamous girlfriends he had <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    ooooh <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    i am really starting to em "dislike"... no thats a lie i'm starting to hate this "wanna be a celebrity" dr.

    a true friend for 20 years would not sell a car givin to them by that friend within 12 months of that friend demise, or jackets the friend gave them and surely would not sell them on such an impersonal market as ebay. for some reason i feel that he is trying to use MJ name to gratify his lifestyle... now after he is gone, he reveals all this... what an extreme user and i better not ever hear that he was an enabler for MJ or that he was one of the dr who gave him sedatives...

    maybe he does not know what a good friend is, or what a good dr is for that matter

    My thoughts are that Klein wasnt a good friend.. he only stuck around for the money. He had no qualms taking thousands in dollars for facial treatments that Michael didnt need.. also, he had no qualms about sticking needles full of Demerol into his arm either.

    Dr Klein = drug pusher.
  • My thoughts are that Klein wasnt a good friend.. he only stuck around for the money. He had no qualms taking thousands in dollars for facial treatments that Michael didnt need.. also, he had no qualms about sticking needles full of Demerol into his arm either.

    Dr Klein = drug pusher.

    They wouldn't see eachother for years and then out of the blue
    Arnie would call Michael, telling him that he had seen recent pics
    of him in the media and that he is starting to look old. Michael was so
    afraid of aging and looking old that he let Arnie do whatever it took,
    to remain younglooking. Arnie wasn't as close to M as he claims. He was
    often taking advantage of Michaels insecurity to make money.
  • My thoughts are that Klein wasnt a good friend.. he only stuck around for the money. He had no qualms taking thousands in dollars for facial treatments that Michael didnt need.. also, he had no qualms about sticking needles full of Demerol into his arm either.

    Dr Klein = drug pusher.

    They wouldn't see eachother for years and then out of the blue
    Arnie would call Michael, telling him that he had seen recent pics
    of him in the media and that he is starting to look old. Michael was so
    afraid of aging and looking old that he let Arnie do whatever it took,
    to remain younglooking. Arnie wasn't as close to M as he claims. He was
    often taking advantage of Michaels insecurity to make money.

    excuse me for a sec... (aw effin hellz nah please don't tell me this ish **CK NO!!) so he was probably giving him botox injections too! what a dirty **cker!!
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    I still have a horrible feeling that Dr Klein is the father of Prince and Paris... if that turns out to be true (which i think it might be).. Michael made a bad decision there.
  • I still have a horrible feeling that Dr Klein is the father of Prince and Paris... if that turns out to be true (which i think it might be).. Michael made a bad decision there.

    could be why he made sure they would go with his family and not become tortured souls of this user, should he try to get custody
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