Arnie Klein: I Did Not Betray Michael Jackson



  • I still have a horrible feeling that Dr Klein is the father of Prince and Paris... if that turns out to be true (which i think it might be).. Michael made a bad decision there.

    I agree with u, Paris looks a LOT like Kleins other daughter..... and ive heard from "someone" that Dr Klein is a father.... :/
  • I still have a horrible feeling that Dr Klein is the father of Prince and Paris... if that turns out to be true (which i think it might be).. Michael made a bad decision there.

    If it is like that, I think it could have been a really good decision at the time,
    but that Arnie became twofaced over the years. I'm sure that he was trustworthy
    in the beginning, at least in Michaels opinion. Michael wasn't stupid, but he can't help
    if people turns on him later on.
  • Mm, LadyandBird, you've got proof? What is it? Me wanna see!
    As it is now, the second part of the interview
    wasn't even aired, because Michaels estate and Extra, was warned.
    If it had been aired, the proof would be in the media by now. Now, there's no need for that.
  • I still have a horrible feeling that Dr Klein is the father of Prince and Paris... if that turns out to be true (which i think it might be).. Michael made a bad decision there.

    If it is like that, I think it could have been a really good decision at the time,
    but that Arnie became twofaced over the years. I'm sure that he was trustworthy
    in the beginning, at least in Michaels opinion. Michael wasn't stupid, but he can't help
    if people turns on him later on.

    it isn't that MJ was stupid, but he was probably in need of friends. i think he planned to use MJ upon first meeting him... it probably started off with little things... and got more extreme over time...
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    I still have a horrible feeling that Dr Klein is the father of Prince and Paris... if that turns out to be true (which i think it might be).. Michael made a bad decision there.

    If it is like that, I think it could have been a really good decision at the time,
    but that Arnie became twofaced over the years. I'm sure that he was trustworthy
    in the beginning, at least in Michaels opinion. Michael wasn't stupid, but he can't help
    if people turns on him later on.

    Yes.. im not saying Michael was stupid.. but he was a bad judge of character at times. Just look at what happened with Bashir!

    It wouldnt surprise me that Klein persuaded him to do it with his sperm.. and Debbie was Kleins employer and i have heard the story that it was Klein that put Debbie forward as the surrogate mother in the first place. It wouldnt surprise me if Michael paid Klein for his sperm, either...

    I didnt know Klein had another daughter??? Where did she come from and with whom? I thought Klein was gay.
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    Since this is death hoax investigation, let me I try to look at this from hoax perspective.

    Jason first came out if I recall correctly in August 2009. According to then publication he made pretty interesting comments:

    And he said the twice-wed star began acting strangely two weeks before his shock death.
    Pfeiffer, who told his story to Aussie mag Woman's Day, said: "He completely changed in the final two weeks.
    "He was overly religious, overly dramatic, exhausting and exhausted.
    "He was saying goodbyes the week before passing. Everyone was creeped out by it.
    "Michael got very retrospective in the last few weeks, he was talking about God and the Mayan calendar and the year 2012 - which is when the Mayan calendar ends.

    <!-- m --> ... z0ml4GI1cN<!-- m -->

    I recall that Arnie did also say at some point about MJ saying good-byes to everybody in his office.

    Let’s assume for a moment they both are in the hoax and the purpose here is to give the massage on MJ saying good-byes (clue, he was planning sth) plus Mayan calendar (TII: we have only four years?, 2012 movie links? end of the world?).

    Maybe there is something more behind this?

    If they are in the hoax then maybe Jason's purpose/role is not to tell MJ was gay, but instead the gay stuff is just for his story to get a chance to get enough publicity? Probably he would not have a chance to get such publicity if he would just say: hi, I knew Michael Jackson and two weeks before he died he told me about Mayan calendar, end of world and then he said good-bye?

    There was very interesting TS post on 2012 (just as a reminder):
    4-33. Does the NWO Promote the End of the World?

    Clearly, the 911 call at 12:21 fits very well with the planned timing. So if it was really planned murder, and not a planned hoax: then the NWO conspiracy team decided to promote the end of the world concept, as part of the plan. Now it is quite understandable that MJ himself, who believes the Bible and knows it very well, it is easy to accept that he would want to warn about the end of the world.

    But why would NWO murderers do that? They don’t believe in the end of the world soon, or ever for that matter; they don’t care about warning people to get ready, and they have no reason to promote such a message. If they thought that the current world would soon be destroyed, then they would not spend all the money and energy trying to set up their own world order!

    Another point is that it’s very unlikely for NWO murderers to understand the Bible well enough to know about inclusive reckoning, and come up with the plan for 77 days and 7 days to 9-9-09 (inclusive). And MJ has not used inclusive reckoning publicly in the past; so they couldn’t merely watch how he operates, and then mimic him to make it look like he was behind the timing.

    Last but not least: God would not cooperate in a NWO plot to murder MJ, and make it look like a hoax. But on 3-6-09 (immediately after the O2 press conference) God did step in and reverse the NWO plot to destroy the economy; with a low of 666, the fastest six-month rally in history started on 3-9-09 (and six months later was 9-9-09).

    Although God would not be involved in a murder plot, it is quite likely that God would help in a plan to warn about the end of the world, to expose the NWO conspiracy, and to turn the NWO upside down (666 pyramid to 999). “The LORD ... relieveth the fatherless and widow: but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down.” (Psalm 146:9; see Isaiah 24:1; Acts 17:6).
  • I still have a horrible feeling that Dr Klein is the father of Prince and Paris... if that turns out to be true (which i think it might be).. Michael made a bad decision there.

    If it is like that, I think it could have been a really good decision at the time,
    but that Arnie became twofaced over the years. I'm sure that he was trustworthy
    in the beginning, at least in Michaels opinion. Michael wasn't stupid, but he can't help
    if people turns on him later on.

    Yes.. im not saying Michael was stupid.. but he was a bad judge of character at times. Just look at what happened with Bashir!

    It wouldnt surprise me that Klein persuaded him to do it with his sperm.. and Debbie was Kleins employer and i have heard the story that it was Klein that put Debbie forward as the surrogate mother in the first place. It wouldnt surprise me if Michael paid Klein for his sperm, either...

    I didnt know Klein had another daughter??? Where did she come from and with whom? I thought Klein was gay.

    yes how convienient? to have a surrogate mother right there in the wings... right there in the same office...
  • Yes.. im not saying Michael was stupid.. but he was a bad judge of character at times. Just look at what happened with Bashir!

    I know what you mean. I just don't wanna look at it like it was Michaels bad judgement.
    Those people could very well seem credible, nice and trustworthy. He wasn't more then a human,
    I don't think he was naive or had bad judgement, I just think those fooling him, were very good at
    what they were doing.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Just a reminder about Dr Klein.........and the green jacket...(green means jealousy, envy) Maybe Klein is gay and was in love with MJ <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    Debbie Rowe finks on Dr. Arnie Klein
    Aug 27, 2009, 9:10 GMT

    The late singer's ex-wife anonymously informed officers the dermatologist was supplying the tragic pop star with prescription drugs - including the powerful anaesthetic Propofol, which has been blamed for his death - using a number of different aliases. EPA/AARON LAMBERT/SANTA MARIA

    Debbie Rowe allegedly reported Michael Jackson's doctor Arnold Klein to the police.

    The late singer's ex-wife anonymously informed officers the dermatologist was supplying the tragic pop star with prescription drugs - including the powerful anaesthetic Propofol, which has been blamed for his death - using a number of different aliases.

    Court documents show an "unknown female caller" - believed to be Rowe - told police Michael used names including Omar Arnold, Fernand Diaz, Peter Madonie and Josephine Baker when he saw Klein, to allow the medic to prescribe him extra drugs.

    A source told Britain's The Sun newspaper: "Rowe holds Klein totally responsible for Jackson's drug addiction. She believes there is no way he could have got hooked without the help of Klein - and she is potentially the only one who can prove it. She must have suspected what was going on for years."

    When police searched Michael's Los Angeles home in June, they discovered a prescription issued by Klein for an Omar Arnold.

    Former nurse Rowe - who is the birth mother of Michael's eldest two children, 12-year-old Prince Michael I and Paris, 11 - was working for Klein in the 90s when she started a relationship
    with the 'King of Pop'.

    Earlier this week, the Los Angeles County coroner's report found Michael had died of a cardiac arrest on June 25 caused by a cocktail of drugs - including lethal levels of Propofol - he had been administered to help him sleep.

    Michael's personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, is being investigated for manslaughter over the singer's death, which is now being treated as homicide.

    The Los Angeles County Coroner's office is currently sorting through discrepancies in Murray's story of events leading up to the death.

    His statement says he administered Propofol to Michael at 10.40am and left 10 minutes later to use the bathroom. He claims he discovered an unconscious Michael two minutes later.

    However, Murray did not ask security to call emergency services until 12.21pm, after he had reportedly telephoned Klein for advice, called a lawyer and made one other mystery call.

    Because of an inconsistency in the late star's body temperature, it is believed he could have died even earlier.

    Meanwhile, a 24-year-old man named Prince Michael Malachi Jet Jackson claims he is the singer's secret child.

    A creditor's claim was filed in Los Angeles yesterday (26.08.09) by the man requesting a DNA rest to prove he is the biological son of the 'Thriller' singer.

    A birth certificate was also submitted, which names Michael Joseph Jackson of Indiana
    as the father and Zerline LaVette Dixon as his mother.
    <!-- m --> ... rnie-Klein<!-- m -->
  • There are photos confirming that it was A+J that was messing around, not J+M.
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    I'm sorry but I feel that Arnie Klein is a liar and shady. The way he talks he doesn't even sound professional to me. He just seem creepy and kinda idiotic. I also have a feeling that Klein may have been trying to set MJ up somehow. I think after the 25th of June he even tried to keep Debbie Rowe away from his office and she was his former employee. When I saw him speaking on Larry King I believe it was after MJ supposed death I just get bad vibes from him. I get worse vibes about him than Dr. Murray. For some reason I'm still not completely against Murray yet. I just feel there is a bigger picture in this whole situation. Isn't is kinda odd that Klein is now receiving death threats but you never hear anyone trying to attack Murray? We've even seen photos of Murray out and about just hanging out and no crazed MJ fan has attacked him yet? Who knows what kind of things Arnie Klein has done regarding Michael in the past. He may have started out as a friend but I think he turned into a foe. A good friend don't tell their friend's business. I'm sorry but I think that Jason is also not telling the truth. If MJ was really having an affair with him I'm sorry that would have been leaked way before now because people was constantly stalking MJ and was up in his business. Plus all the photos we see of Jason and MJ they are with other people not by themselves. We have seen pics of MJ and Lisa Marie alone, MJ and Diana Ross alone, MJ and Tatiana, MJ and Stephanie Mills, He and Brooke Shields, Shana Mangatal and even with his former nanny Grace. Klein says MJ is gay but why is there footage of him checking out girls, looking at their bodies and sniffing their hair on Youtube. I'm sorry I don't buy into their stories.
  • wasnt that mike jacket?

    didnt arnie say on TMZ that he was with the plan to use other names to get mj the meds
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    There are photos confirming that it was A+J that was messing around, not J+M.

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Classic. Love it.

    i also love the fact that MJ fans and friends have fought for Michael and WON!! Forced the media to back down and stop the airing of the interview.

    See what happens when we all stand up as one?? I hope that Michael feels this.. he would be so proud to see this. It would make his heart burst.

    We are slowly winning the war against the lying tabloids!!
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    I still have a horrible feeling that Dr Klein is the father of Prince and Paris... if that turns out to be true (which i think it might be).. Michael made a bad decision there.

    I agree with u, Paris looks a LOT like Kleins other daughter..... and ive heard from "someone" that Dr Klein is a father.... :/

    Ive never heard of Klein having a daughter. Do you have a picture?? I thought Klein was gay.. i even remember in a TMZ interview Klein stated he didnt have kids and didnt want them?.. although he conceded he may be the bio father of Prince and Paris.

    You are not mistaken with Mark Lester, are you? I know Mark Lester also said he thought he could be the bio father and Mark Lesters daughter does look very similar to Paris.
  • i also love the fact that MJ fans and friends have fought for Michael and WON!! Forced the media to back down and stop the airing of the interview.

    See what happens when we all stand up as one?? I hope that Michael feels this.. he would be so proud to see this. It would make his heart burst.

    We are slowly winning the war against the lying tabloids!!

    Yes, together we are strong, but let's not forget that it wasn't only fans that made
    it turn out like this, those who really knew him, that went to his estate and Extra,
    those were the ones in real power, with real evidence. I'm not saying the fans made
    a big impact, because ofcourse they did. But I'm happy we have people really close to
    him, standing up for him in those situations aswell. I'm sure the story would've aired
    if it wasn't for those two who threatened to release all the facts and photos against A+J.
  • Shall we ASK LMP??? Brooke?? Tatum?? Tatjana??? Stepahanie Mills??

    well only LMP had sex with mike

    to clarify, brooke, tatum, tatjana and mills have all said that their relationship was mike was non sexual

    LMP said she had a full relationship with mike

    and for the record i dont care what sexuality he was or how ofter either, thats the mans business, and as i have said before if he was not in a relationship - thats not a crime.

    but i am glad that he had a full life
  • to clarify, brooke, tatum, tatjana and mills have all said that their relationship was mike was non sexual
    LMP said she had a full relationship with mike

    and for the record i dont care what sexuality he was or how ofter either, thats the mans business, and as i have said before if he was not in a relationship - thats not a crime.

    but i am glad that he had a full life

    This is not about being gay or straight, or that it would be anything wrong with him being gay.
    This is about that it's completly false allegations, and that it was A+J messing around and that
    they now try to twist the story. And that's why it needs clarification.
  • pardon me for contributing - i will go now at your leave
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    Do you think they are trying to blackmail the Michael Jackson estate?
  • pardon me for contributing - i will go now at your leave
    I do not understand. Did I offend you?
    I just tried to point out why it is important that it's discussed..
    I'm sorry if I upset you.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    He is a slime ball why sell your car mentioning the links with michael. It was just to make more money why didn't he just sell the car he didn't have to do that. But he knew how much more he could make mentioning that name. I don't care if michael was gay but he if he wanted the world to. Know he would have told us I know things about my dead friends but I keep them to myself for my dead friends sake and my loyalty to them.

    Loyal friends is what michael needed and he was not one of them

    How can you tell a friend who has image problems you need work done. Only one reason

  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    He is a slime ball why sell your car mentioning the links with michael. It was just to make more money why didn't he just sell the car he didn't have to do that. But he knew how much more he could make mentioning that name. I don't care if michael was gay but he if he wanted the world to. Know he would have told us I know things about my dead friends but I keep them to myself for my dead friends sake and my loyalty to them.

    Loyal friends is what michael needed and he was not one of them

    How can you tell a friend who has image problems you need work done. Only one reason

  • simalvessimalves Posts: 730
    well i dont believe it

    but gay pp are not pedophiles, so dont understand that concept

    during the 2003/5 thing there were so many women coming saying they had relationships with mike - that was spin probably.

    if mike was gay it would not change anything for me, but in my opinion he wasnt.

    but does this matter, and why did klien do this, it is a detrayal, and his explanation is silly - and will do more harm to what mike held dear

    its awful the majority of mj associates just have no idea about friendship and loyalty

    lol - seems odd when at the same time the representative for the Vatican said that they were trying to reduce the number of paedophile cases by restricting gays from entering the clergy. They seemed to tie it in and of course there was uproar.
  • popisdeadpopisdead Posts: 205
    Well first of all i want to say that a gay is not a pedophile and there aren't no conncections in tired to see read to watch on tv people that make this connections...this is ignorance and an heavy offence to all gay community all over the whole world and firstly to all sane human beings...a gay is not a perverted!!! Is not a sick man!!! Is not a shame or wrong to be gay!!! Gay people can love a person as a heterosexual...have feelings and good projects of life with the person whom love i dont agree when somebody is scandalized to know that mj is gay...well with this i dont agree nor with mr klein that betrayed mj in a lot of times...after mj is"gone" neither with mr pfeiffer ..they are not loyal friends of mj and they need only attention to the whole world audience to make money under mj name that betrayed not once but a lot a lot of times.. im tiring to read this garbage about mj know they are doing this cuz mj cannot defend himself now...for obvious i pray they stop to continue to ruin a man that is FREE to hide and to dont want to speak about... and to live his sexulaity as he wants!!!! thank you for your attention reading this...
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Do you think TMZ have paid Klein for this interview today??
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