It's true, Mike is gay and I have proof...



  • cleaclea Posts: 145
    Arnie is probably just angry that he hasn't got his green jacket back yet        ..... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->  <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->  <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->  <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    <br />yes  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
  • Oh dear, my doggy breed is about to extinct! Look at what the breed standard says:
    GENERAL APPEARANCE : Well balanced, sturdy, heavily coated.

    BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Gay and assertive. Alert, steady but somewhat aloof with strangers.

    If I take the word GAY as its interpreted today by society, I better start with artificial insemination right away as no natural breeding will take place anymore! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • chappiechappie Posts: 529
    Oh dear, my doggy breed is about to extinct! Look at what the breed standard says:
    GENERAL APPEARANCE : Well balanced, sturdy, heavily coated.

    BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Gay and assertive. Alert, steady but somewhat aloof with strangers.

    If I take the word GAY as its interpreted today by society, I better start with artificial insemination right away as no natural breeding will take place anymore! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Damned you're right Mo!
    This will be the end of normal dog breeding!
    But let's be serious.
    People use the word gay for homosexuel but you see that in the dog's world it's still means ;
    "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy"
    Chappie x
    (dogfood or close friend <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> )
  • lotus_sutralotus_sutra Posts: 224
    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> Hi everyone!
    Is'nt this the assistant that was found dead on a sidewalk??? Did he die of a broken heart? Now I must go find if this is him...

    oops, sorry <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> it was Bruce Ayers that 'died'!
  • Though I believe that every theory brings something to the table and all things are relevant, I feel there is a deeper meaning to this story than just that Michael is HAPPY. As Harvey said while live, this story has been around for at least 4 months and it keeps coming back up.

    Religion suggests that being gay is a sin.That as a result of homosexual behavior, a person is condemened to an eternity in hell. Gay individuals are being made to feel guilty, unworthy, bad, rejected etc all based on their sexuality ALONE.

    If you ask most gay people they will tell you that being gay is not something they chose. Why would anyone choose to be something that could cause them to be scorned by society, rejected by their families, deny them rights and subject them to possible violent hate crimes? That is not to say that all of being gay or lesbian is negative.
    Many gays and lesbians would argue that being gay is not a choice, but whether to act on it is.

    Most scientific organizations also believe that homosexuality is not a choice, that biology plays some role. The National Mental Health Association says, “Most researchers believe sexual orientation is complex, and that biology plays an important role. This means that many people are born with their sexual orientation, or that it’s established at an early age.”

    Science is in conflict with this religious doctrine but many people and the religious organizations refuse to accept this.

    Scientists have studied twins to try and learn if being gay is biologically determined. Studies of identical and fraternal twins suggest that there is a genetic influence on sexual orientation. If being gay were strictly genetic, then in identical twins, there would be a 100% concordance rate for sexual orientation. But one study in 1995 found a 52% correlation for male identical twins and 22% for male fraternal twins. A study on females came up with similar results. If one identical twin was a lesbian, in 48% of cases, the other twin was also a lesbian. For fraternal twins, the concordance was 16%.

    This suggests that there are many factors to consider biological and environmental (both the physical and emotional environment). Nature, Nurture and Environment.

    A widely publicized study in 1999 found that a certain part of the hypothalamus was smaller in gay men then in heterosexual men. This study was widely touted at the time as “proof” that one’s sexual orientation is biological and not chosen. But it is not known whether these differences in brain are present at birth or if they occur over a lifetime.

    Michael's Gay Lover
    Apostrophe's sometimes take the place of missing letters

    Michael Is Gay Lover
    Not proper English

    Michael Is A Gay Lover
    Better but what does that mean?

    Michael Is A Lover Of Gays
    Michael Loves Gay People
    as in the opposite of
    Michael Hates Gay People

    I think that the importance of this story is the religious aspect of whom Michael is. He is telling us that religion as we now presently know it has been created to divide us and causes negativity towards one another and within ourselves. He is trying to dispel this religious tenet and say that gay, lesbian, bisexual, are sinful bad people.

    Whether we are gay, lesbian, bisexual, black, white, brown, yellow, red, green, man, woman, child it doesnt't matter, these are all artificially created labels, we are all connected, we are all one and he LOVES US ALL.

    Inclusion not Seclusion, Acceptance not Judgement, Compassion not Indifference, Love not Hate,
  • By far ,
    This is the most stupid analyzing topic that i have ever seen in the 10 months hestory of the hoax <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
    It suggesting that people are still living in the 19th century when the word gay means happy and free !!
    And the worst part is that SOUZA is not even a MJs fan !!
    So what do u know about our MJ ?!!
    U dont have to be a fan but please be alittle resnble to us in what u r posting !!
    And a headline(subject) like that could be ofencev for a lot of us .
    No disrespect .
  • And the worst part is that SOUZA is not even an MJs fan !! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    No disrespect .

    Now that is thát supposed to mean..?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    By far ,
    This is the most stupid analyzing topic that i have ever seen in the 10 months hestory of the hoax <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
    And the worst part is that SOUZA is not even an MJs fan !! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    No disrespect .

    Ok, that's it. What is your problem?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • By far ,
    This is the most stupid analyzing topic that i have ever seen in the 10 months hestory of the hoax <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
    And the worst part is that SOUZA is not even an MJs fan !! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    No disrespect .

    I have to disagree with you. There is absolutely nothing stupid with analyzing any story, article or comment made concerning Michael or anything to do with Michael.

    "The beginning of wisdom is found in doubting; by doubting we come to the question, and by seeking we may come upon the truth."

    Being a "fan" has nothing to do with this either anyway.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    [bSerenitys_Dream » Tue May 04, 2010 1:51 pm

    Though I believe that every theory brings something to the table and all things are relevant, I feel there is a deeper meaning to this story than just that Michael is HAPPY. As Harvey said while live, this story has been around for at least 4 months and it keeps coming back up.

    Religion suggests that being gay is a sin.That as a result of homosexual behavior, a person is condemened to an eternity in hell. Gay individuals are being made to feel guilty, unworthy, bad, rejected etc all based on their sexuality ALONE.

    If you ask most gay people they will tell you that being gay is not something they chose. Why would anyone choose to be something that could cause them to be scorned by society, rejected by their families, deny them rights and subject them to possible violent hate crimes? That is not to say that all of being gay or lesbian is negative.
    Many gays and lesbians would argue that being gay is not a choice, but whether to act on it is.

    Most scientific organizations also believe that homosexuality is not a choice, that biology plays some role. The National Mental Health Association says, “Most researchers believe sexual orientation is complex, and that biology plays an important role. This means that many people are born with their sexual orientation, or that it’s established at an early age.”

    Science is in conflict with this religious doctrine but many people and the religious organizations refuse to accept this.

    Scientists have studied twins to try and learn if being gay is biologically determined. Studies of identical and fraternal twins suggest that there is a genetic influence on sexual orientation. If being gay were strictly genetic, then in identical twins, there would be a 100% concordance rate for sexual orientation. But one study in 1995 found a 52% correlation for male identical twins and 22% for male fraternal twins. A study on females came up with similar results. If one identical twin was a lesbian, in 48% of cases, the other twin was also a lesbian. For fraternal twins, the concordance was 16%.

    This suggests that there are many factors to consider biological and environmental (both the physical and emotional environment). Nature, Nurture and Environment.

    A widely publicized study in 1999 found that a certain part of the hypothalamus was smaller in gay men then in heterosexual men. This study was widely touted at the time as “proof” that one’s sexual orientation is biological and not chosen. But it is not known whether these differences in brain are present at birth or if they occur over a lifetime.
    <!-- m --> ... Causes.htm<!-- m -->

    Michael's Gay Lover
    Apostrophe's sometimes take the place of missing letters

    Michael Is Gay Lover
    Not proper English

    Michael Is A Gay Lover
    Better but what does that mean?

    Michael Is A Lover Of Gays
    Michael Loves Gay People
    as in the opposite of
    Michael Hates Gay People

    I think that the importance of this story is the religious aspect of whom Michael is. He is telling us that religion as we now presently know it has been created to divide us and causes negativity towards one another and within ourselves. He is trying to dispel this religious tenet and say that gay, lesbian, bisexual, are sinful bad people.

    Whether we are gay, lesbian, bisexual, black, white, brown, yellow, red, green, man, woman, child it doesnt't matter, these are all artificially created labels, we are all connected, we are all one and he LOVES US ALL.

    Inclusion not Seclusion, Acceptance not Judgement, Compassion not Indifference, Love not Hate,][/b]

    No disrespect to anyone but I disagree and it is not about religion.
  • souza
    Ok, that's it. What is your problem?
    Why are you suggesting that there is a problem ??
    it's just my opinion !!
    thats all !!
    believe me i really admire your work in this forum .
    but in this topic i think u r sliping so far from the truth .

    Long time a go the word gay means happy .
    now it means homosexual so as we all know that we live in present time:roll: it clear that it means homosexual .
    no body is given a d*** what it means 100 years ago!!
    pleas dont make a simple word that every body knows so complicated for us !!
    Dr.Arnold Klein sayed MJ was gay and by that he means homosexual doest need a genius to figure it out .
    thats all i am saying .
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    Maybe we're looking too much into it?

    I really love your investigations but I don't know...Klein always told these kinda terrible about Michael.... I mean is he allowed to talk about his patients in that way? No, he isn't normally...
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    squall-lionheart , ~Souza~ looks like you are fighting... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    peace and L.O.V.E guys!
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    squall-lionheart , ~Souza~ looks like you are fighting... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    peace and L.O.V.E guys!

    Not really, I only asked what this new member's problem was. This is a hoax forum, like I explained many times, not a fan forum. We are here to investigate the hoax, not to drewl over his pictures and make 100 threads a day about how fantastic he is and what he would or wouldn't do or be or wear or say...

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Ok, that's it. What is your problem?
    Why are you suggesting that there is a problem ??
    it's just my opinion !!
    thats all !!
    believe me i really admire your work in this forum .
    but in this topic i think u r sliping so far from the truth .

    Long time a go the word gay means happy .
    now it means homosexual so as we all know that we live in present day it aveos that it means homosexual .
    no one is given a d*** what it means 100 years ago!!
    pleas dont make a simple word that every body knows so complicated for us !!
    thats all i am saying .

    Well if you claim to be such a big fan, you should know Mike read a lot of old books, loved old movies and uses a lot of symbolism and synonyms. Like I told you already, this is a hoax forum, not a fan forum. if you don't like a thread because of your emotional barrier, just skip it.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    squall-lionheart , ~Souza~ looks like you are fighting... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    peace and L.O.V.E guys!

    Not really, I only asked what this new member's problem was. This is a hoax forum, like I explained many times, not a fan forum. We are here to investigate the hoax, not to drewl over his pictures and make 100 threads a day about how fantastic he is and what he would or wouldn't do or be or wear or say...

    Yes I agree... in this forum we should talk about Hoax...
    but always with a LOVE ... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Well if you claim to be such a big fan, you should know Mike read a lot of old books, loved old movies and uses a lot of symbolism and synonyms
    And because i am a big fan i know mj moor than u do there for i am sure that he won't go that far by leaving a complecated cluse to his fans like that !
    Do u see now what i meant by saying that u r not even an mj fan ??
    Its because We know our michael moor than any one .
    We are here to investigate the hoax
    Did u see me talking about his music ??
    I was talking about the hoax when i sayed that Dr.Arnold Klein has nothing to do withe the hoax !!
    and when he sayed MJ was gay he meant homosexual not happy as you suggesting !!
    if you don't like a thread because of your emotional barrier, just skip it.
    U got that one right yes i really have emotional barrier and i am happy and proud to live in the barrier of michael jacksons love . <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • lacta89lacta89 Posts: 88
    I'm pretty sure that when Mr Klein says that MJ was gay,he means that he is homosexual...If MJ is really homosexual I don't care,I still love his music and admire his dedication to his children!BUT what I BELIEVE is that Mr Klein is a fraud and also this Jason....As I see it,MJ and this ''lover'' where just friends and all this guy does is spreading rumors and this is so unfair considering that MJ can't defend himself right now but even if he could people would never believe the truth out of his own mouth....!Rumors about MJ's sexuality are just RUMORS... many times in the past he said that he was/is not homosexual!And that's what I believe,but also I believe in my instinct about his sexuality <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    It's sad and disgusting the fact that people still spreading rumors for their own reasons and best interests about this man who was betrayed and debunked so many times in the past! They should respect his children who are not 5 years old any more and they associate with other kids and the world in general . I wouldn't feel conformable if people come and tell me that my father is wacko,homosexual,drug addict,freak,asexual and all these terrible thing! I think that these people should shut the fuck up for once and for all!!! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • lacta89
    I'm pretty sure that when Mr Klein says that MJ was gay,he means that he is homosexual...If MJ is really homosexual I don't care,I still love his music and admire his dedication to his children!BUT what I BELIEVE is that Mr Klein is a fraud and also this Jason....As I see it,MJ and this ''lover'' where just friends and all this guy does is spreading rumors and this is so unfair considering that MJ can't defend himself right now but even if he could people would never believe the truth out of his own mouth....!Rumors about MJ's sexuality are just RUMORS... many times in the past he said that he was/is not homosexual!And that's what I believe,but also I believe in my instinct about his sexuality It's sad and disgusting the fact that people still spreading rumors for their own reasons and best interests about this man who was betrayed and debunked so many times in the past! They should respect his children who are not 5 years old any more and they associate with other kids and the world in general . I wouldn't feel conformable if people come and tell me that my father is wacko,homosexual,drug addict,freak,asexual and all these terrible thing! I think that these people should shut the fuck up for once and for all!!!
    Finally i have someone who understand whats i am trying to say from the beginning !! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Except for the line in red !!
    I couldt agree more .
    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    [blacta89 » Tue May 04, 2010 5:57 pm

    I'm pretty sure that when Mr Klein says that MJ was gay,he means that he is homosexual...If MJ is really homosexual I don't care,I still love his music and admire his dedication to his children!BUT what I BELIEVE is that Mr Klein is a fraud and also this Jason....As I see it,MJ and this ''lover'' where just friends and all this guy does is spreading rumors and this is so unfair considering that MJ can't defend himself right now but even if he could people would never believe the truth out of his own mouth....!Rumors about MJ's sexuality are just RUMORS... many times in the past he said that he was/is not homosexual!And that's what I believe,but also I believe in my instinct about his sexuality
    It's sad and disgusting the fact that people still spreading rumors for their own reasons and best interests about this man who was betrayed and debunked so many times in the past! They should respect his children who are not 5 years old any more and they associate with other kids and the world in general . I wouldn't feel conformable if people come and tell me that my father is wacko,homosexual,drug addict,freak,asexual and all these terrible thing! I think that these people should shut the fuck up for once and for all!!! ][/b]

    Just trying to understand what you are saying when you say, "I believe in my instinct about his sexuality."
  • I first saw this thread the other night. LOL, great one! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • lisap27lisap27 Posts: 1,100
    ok.. i don't usually post disagreeing with people but..

    does anyone on her know mike personally.. NO i think not.. therefore he could be GAY.. just cos he said he wasn't doesn't mean he is not.. i know people live in a fantasy world thinking there gonna meet him and marry him etc etc.. yes dreams are shattered if this be true..

    but if you admire someone, its for who they are NOT their sexuality and who they choose to sleep with or have a relationship with!!

    i think he may have told a few porkies in the past.. (remember he is human) and if you believe in the hoax what is it.. a LIE.. or not.. or merely a twist of the TRUTH!! again who knows!!

    food for thought!! think about it..

    p.s i got told by an 75yr old man in a clinic today to have a GAY day!! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> so a happy day it was
  • souza
    Ok, that's it. What is your problem?
    Why are you suggesting that there is a problem ??
    it's just my opinion !!
    thats all !!
    believe me i really admire your work in this forum .
    but in this topic i think u r sliping so far from the truth .

    Long time a go the word gay means happy .
    now it means homosexual so as we all know that we live in present time:roll: it clear that it means homosexual .
    no body is given a d*** what it means 100 years ago!!
    pleas dont make a simple word that every body knows so complicated for us !!
    Dr.Arnold Klein sayed MJ was gay and by that he means homosexual doest need a genius to figure it out .
    thats all i am saying .

    Well, sometimes words and their meanings "from a 100 years ago" still can have the same meaning and significance; most of all, because that word is still used in its original sense sometimes... and actually it´s not that complicated and mostly, at least I think so, supposed to be funny! But still it´s interesting, because...who knows?
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Maybe we're looking too much into it?

    I really love your investigations but I don't know...Klein always told these kinda terrible about Michael.... I mean is he allowed to talk about his patients in that way? No, he isn't normally...

    No, we are not reading fairy tales into it or looking too much into it.

    This whole hoax is about our very personal narrow perception of how things are supposed to be according to some opinion builders these days.

    The hoax is about daring breaking free from forced opinion, third party heard-so / say-so point of view.
    The hoax is about daring thinking on our own and usíng the gift of a brain for its purpose - think, reflect, decide, revise, rethink again.
    The hoax is about multiple forms of way of living, multiple forms of opinions, multiple forms of belief, multiple forms of religion, multiple forms of looking at things, multiple forms of meanings, multiple forms of perception, multiple forms of comprehension.
    The hoax is about the unmeasurable richness and treasures of variety on the planet, in mankind, in every human being.
    The hoax is about the unlimited pleasure of individual talent and promising visions and about common consensus uniting us all across all differences.

    The hoax is not about any "generalizing understanding" or "generalizing interpretation" of any sentences, parables, pictured story used. We tend to jump on them in our dragged-in habits of understanding. As a non-native speaker of English I profit from double-checking words and their meanings. I have to admit, I love the word interpretation exercises that TMZ and others are giving us. Like the casket being also a jewel box. Like the propofol being also a prop of fools.

    Look what TMZ indeed wrote and what you may make out of it (due to being used to a certain kind of generalizing perception or "public opinion" or very individual interpretation:

    TMZ / the generalizing instant reaction / what else it could mean:
    [Klein called in during TMZ Live last Friday, and said Michael was gay and Jason was "the love of his life."Michael was homosexual and that man was the love of his life - OMG - it is true, it is true, he does not like girls, he's not for me, my hope vanishes in a second and there's not only another person but THIS person - OMG!!!!.
    Michael was gay --- happy
    Jason was "the love of his life --- who is his / he ? Jason is the love of the life of whom? Michael's or Klein's? You cannot really tell this from the twisted sentence. You would assume it would be Michael's - but that's exactly the point here: you assume and interprete and don't know and nobody said so. See it?

    On Saturday, Klein told TMZ he does not believe he betrayed Jackson because Jackson never tried to hide his sexuality. MJ did live this in public and did not hide this terrible non-mainstream absurd and sinful kind of life? OMG!!!
    Jackson never tried to hide his sexuality --- this is just very true - imagine MJ on stage without grabbing his...

    We called Klein out on his statement, because it seems to us MJ went to extreme lengths to keep his sexuality a secret.Yes, at least TMZ are trying to answer the questions - why did MJ manipulate us and did keep it a secret - OMG and no wonder what else was written about him!
    This talks about a problem TMZ are having - they are claiming they did not understand MJ, wanted to know more yet did not get any information about Michael's private life. Anything wrong with that? Not to my knowledge as to TMZ not knowing and MJ not disclosing.

    Klein told us Saturday, "Was he gay? Yes." He then went on to say his declaration is meant to shoot down rumors that Jackson was a pedophile.
    OMG this terrible Klein confirms it again - and yes of course homos don't bother with kids - OMG!
    Klein confirms again that MJ was a happy, cheerful person. He details why he talks about it - to shut up the pedophile subject. Now we may wonder about the drawn connection here - there is none actually existing. Happy people don't chase children? Homosexuals don't chase children? There is no "yes" to either interpretation so I guess we better leave it up to Klein to explain another day what he really was aiming for.

    And, Klein says, as far as he knows, Jason's alleged two-month relationship is the only gay relationship Jackson ever had.So this went on for 2 months undetected? With this person? I cannot believe it that this was the only one. No way then...
    So here we have the rumour motive: "alleged" - hear-say - no proof - not even any proof by the boss of the so-said-lover who claims to know everything about the relationship. Ha Ha. What is our reaction? We read it as if it were true, not as if it were "so-said". Instantly we brew another "OMG, about 2 months it did take? With that man?" And up we are in the foggy nowheres of "Geeeh I cannot believe it!". The only gay relationship ? Oh what a lie.... MJ was more than gay / cheerful (as we all witnessed for over more than 45 years and got further proof of even after his disappearance.

    I think the most important sentence here is the gut feeling of "I cannot believe it".
    Yet because others told us the contrary, we are confused and finally end up swimming with the least resistance in the main stream of "somebody more powerful and impressive than I am told me so he must be right and I must be wrong and therefore I better should believe what I am told."

    And this is exactly what this hoax is about.
    The most impressive demonstration of freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of belief history has ever seen.

    Dare trusting yourself.
    They cannot harm you. Nobody can. Nobody will stop you.
    If you only believe in yourself, in your own thoughts, in your own dreams, in your own capacities and abilities, in your own talents.
    If you only dare spreading your wings the sky will be filled with doves that never knew how easily they could fly.

    Pfeiffer says, "Michael was not ashamed of his sexuality."]
    So true. So true. Neither should we ever be ashamed of any part of us.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    I find it interesting anyways, that Klein will call in just to report about this "retard" story. As I said earlier I disagree on some of what was posted here but at the same time, why decide to call and say all of this. Really, for what?!! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
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