It's true, Mike is gay and I have proof...



  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    Why Is this "paporrazi crap?
    The only reason why this thread would be deleted is because there are lots of ignorant
    people with no sense of humor or reading skills to fully understand the real meaning of this thread.
    If you got past the name of it, you'd see that there is a lot of good information.
    Before everyone gets their panties in a bunch, read the whole thing with an open mind.
    Don't judge a thread by it's name.
    Please. It was obviously a simple joke. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • @loveratheart4mj
    Why Is this "paporrazi crap?
    The only reason why this thread would be deleted is because there are lots of ignorant
    people with no sense of humor or reading skills to fully understand the real meaning of this thread.
    If you got past the name of it, you'd see that there is a lot of good information.
    Before everyone gets their panties in a bunch, read the whole thing with an open mind.
    Don't judge a thread by it's name.
    Please. It was obviously a simple joke. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Being the sister of someone who is VERY Gay and i couldnt love him more than i do.....i would NEVER EVER post a joke about someones sexualality.

    Thats pretty must like posting

    ITS TRUE, LOVERATHEART IS GAY AND I HAVE PROOF... yeah thats going to get attention and ALOT of attention for all the wrong reasons. So PERIOD. Im done with all the blah blah blah. I simply said this was my HUMBLE OPINION>
  • ANd Im not ignorant and i have VERY good reading skills. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • ~Souza~ wrote
    Oh sure, I believe he is a child molester Like I also said I think he is gay in the modern meaning of the word Do you have trouble reading
    having trouble in reading is much more better than having it in understanding <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    I will not repeat my self because even if i do it a 1000 time u still wont understand it !!
    There for pleas aloud me to but it in another way maybe this time u wold understand:
    SOUZA ... u r a "flying pig " !!
    No no no .... waite pleas !!
    Befor giting angry could u pleas go and find what that means in wikipedia <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    get the point now ?? <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
    shore not !!
    ~Souza~ wrote
    You better stop provoking right now, because I am about to click a button that won't allow you back on this forum
    do what u got to do !!
    Its not the end of the world u know !! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    shoting members and locking threads that disagree with u!!
    Now ist that the story of ur life ??!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    "from mjs song tabloid junkie"
    Just because you read it in a magazine
    Or see it on the TV screen
    Don't make it factual, actual
    They say he's homosexual
    Infinitylady wrote
    Hey, let it rest. OK. It's all good. You believe he wasn't gay. He stated it more than once so you know what, let it rest
    yes ... i do believe he wasn't gay because he said it !!
    i do believe that Dr.Arnold Klein is a lier .
    how in the world could i believe some one that said mj always like to pee in front of children ?!!
    he does not worth mjs trust to be apart of the hoax after saying such a bad thing ??
    i do believe that Dr.Arnold Klein and his assistants are liers .
    he has his own agenda and let me tell you that it's not an innocent one !!
    This man has nothing to do with the hoax and only time will prove me right .
    u really have a beautiful way responding !!
    i think SOUZA and MO should learn from u how to communicate with members .
    for u only i sure will give it a rest now .
    One last thing ..some mjs fan post this to Dr.Arnold Klein in a nother fourm ... i really love it :
    I will see u all in 9-5-2010 at hoax videos section if i am still a member then !!
    If not then ther is always another hoax fourm .
    up until then i have nothing more to add .
  • BelleBelle Posts: 14
    so if u dont believe that he is not gay then u do believe he is a child muolester !!

    Wow! Excellent logic there my friend. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    The thing that bugs me is not whether he was straight or gay or bi or whatever, but the fact that if what's been said about their relationship is true then clearly Michael didn't want to broadcast it (for whatever reason). So why should it be broadcast now? - when he isn't exactly in a position to argue for or against it himself...

    (please excuse any spelling or grammar mishaps, it is late and I'm tired but can't get to sleep... *grumblegrumble*)
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Squall-Lionheart publishes the names of everyone who has said that Michael is gay, I have not read the first
  • MercurialMercurial Posts: 101
    Lol.I get that this was intended as a joke/funny(I laughed) but as you all most likely know,sexuality isnt much of a laughing matter.I dont have a problem with gay people,like i dont care.I dont feel the need to unneccessarily bother a human being over what gender they are attracted to,whether it be the same or not trying 2 glorify myself with that or suggest im some kind of activist btw because thats cheesy and annoys me when others do.He couldve been lying,ya know,gotta consider that tbh.Possibly If michael is gay then too 'bad',oh well,cool.But what I know of,he seems straight.Obviously if something isnt true you deny it, well because ITS NOT THE TRUTH,especially on sexuality.duh!so people saying that he isnt arent neccessarily homophobic.People calling you gay isnt just something that should be taken lightly because it comes with a negative connotation.If others catch on you can get bashed and looked at differently because of that lie.Sometimes it can go way far,too far.Im not done.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Why Is this "paporrazi crap?
    The only reason why this thread would be deleted is because there are lots of ignorant
    people with no sense of humor or reading skills to fully understand the real meaning of this thread.
    If you got past the name of it, you'd see that there is a lot of good information.
    Before everyone gets their panties in a bunch, read the whole thing with an open mind.
    Don't judge a thread by it's name.
    Please. It was obviously a simple joke. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Being the sister of someone who is VERY Gay and i couldnt love him more than i do.....i would NEVER EVER post a joke about someones sexualality.

    Thats pretty must like posting

    ITS TRUE, LOVERATHEART IS GAY AND I HAVE PROOF... yeah thats going to get attention and ALOT of attention for all the wrong reasons. So PERIOD. Im done with all the blah blah blah. I simply said this was my HUMBLE OPINION>

    Being ALSO the sister of someone who is gay, I think people are over reacting. What is so bad about being gay? What would be so bad if Mike were gay? Please note (and I will say it AGAIN) that I do NOT think he is gay, see my original post please.

    What if the title of the thread was: "It's true, Mike is straight and I have proof"? I don't think there would be anyone that would feel offended. That means people are still in a way discriminating gay people.

    And for the last time, read the post itself please, instead of just the title.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    geeezzz! i can't believe this discourse is even going on...

    to me it was clear from the beginning that this is NOT about mike being gay or not, but about the ORIGINAL meaning of the word. i could care less about mike's sexual orientation, that won't change the genius of the man and my admiration for that!!! period!!!

    all these die-hard fans claiming to know mike better than anyone also claim a right to be the only ones entitled to admire mike and to say what they think? why?

    i also know that mike himself said he wasn't gay, everybody ever working with him or close to him said that, too. and anyone with a functioning brain can see that arne and jason are making this up, for whatever reason. where does this anger come from? if some people here are such die-hard fans, they shouldn't even bother with that question, if they are so damn sure about what 'their' mike would and wouldn't do.

    what a waste of time and energy. souza, do your thing, whatever you feel is right. but don't let that take another minute of your precious time and energy.

    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    edit: anyone in here should also know by now that souza and mo have a very dístinct humor and that a headline is just that...READ, PEOPLE!
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    geeezzz! i can't believe this discourse is even going on...

    to me it was clear from the beginning that this is NOT about mike being gay or not, but about the ORIGINAL meaning of the word. i could care less about mike's sexual orientation, that won't change the genius of the man and my admiration for that!!! period!!!

    all these die-hard fans claiming to know mike better than anyone also claim a right to be the only ones entitled to admire mike and to say what they think? why?

    i also know that mike himself said he wasn't gay, everybody ever working with him or close to him said that, too. and anyone with a functioning brain can see that arne and jason are making this up, for whatever reason. where does this anger come from? if some people here are such die-hard fans, they shouldn't even bother with that question, if they are so damn sure about what 'their' mike would and wouldn't do.

    what a waste of time and energy. souza, do your thing, whatever you feel is right. but don't let that take another minute of your precious time and energy.

    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    edit: anyone in here should also know by now that souza and mo have a very dístinct humor and that a headline is just that...READ, PEOPLE!

    very well said tabloidburn! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
    i love the humor of mo and souza!
    and i love the way you put your thoughts here...
    i´m a mj fan and i think that nobody have the truth and the all truth, we are here investigaing, having fun sometimes and helping eachother...
    we have all different cultures, languages, beliefes... and we are all here, with the same love for this man who change the world for ever, even if you are a fan of his music, even if you admire him, even if you like him... L.O.V.E.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    I have not homophobic feelings, sexuality is a matter of personality CADA, I'm not interested. That I have a nephew is gay and I love him the same way that any member of my family Other <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • @loveratheart4mj
    Why Is this "paporrazi crap?
    The only reason why this thread would be deleted is because there are lots of ignorant
    people with no sense of humor or reading skills to fully understand the real meaning of this thread.
    If you got past the name of it, you'd see that there is a lot of good information.
    Before everyone gets their panties in a bunch, read the whole thing with an open mind.
    Don't judge a thread by it's name.
    Please. It was obviously a simple joke. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Being the sister of someone who is VERY Gay and i couldnt love him more than i do.....i would NEVER EVER post a joke about someones sexualality.

    Thats pretty must like posting

    ITS TRUE, LOVERATHEART IS GAY AND I HAVE PROOF... yeah thats going to get attention and ALOT of attention for all the wrong reasons. So PERIOD. Im done with all the blah blah blah. I simply said this was my HUMBLE OPINION>

    Being ALSO the sister of someone who is gay, I think people are over reacting. What is so bad about being gay? What would be so bad if Mike were gay? Please note (and I will say it AGAIN) that I do NOT think he is gay, see my original post please.

    What if the title of the thread was: "It's true, Mike is straight and I have proof"? I don't think there would be anyone that would feel offended. That means people are still in a way discriminating gay people.

    And for the last time, read the post itself please, instead of just the title.

    It is true if the title read: It's true, Mike is straight and I have proof"?
    then YES there would be alot more happier people on here (myself included)

    We live in a world where still people are judged by their sexuality, race, religion etc
    I dont think that is ever going to change. There is always some body who has something to say and is going to put people down for it and discriminate

    I wouldnt mind at all if Michael were an open Gay man. However i dont believe for a second
    he is. Just the actual thought of something being written about our Michael (us MJ fans)
    who we all love that is not true (or at least we believe it isnt) just rubs us in the wrong way
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    We live in a world where still people are judged by their sexuality, race, religion etc
    I dont think that is ever going to change. There is always some body who has something to say and is going to put people down for it and discriminate

    Only if we would let that happen...

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Long time a go the word gay means happy .
    now it means homosexual so as we all know that we live in present time:roll: it clear that it means homosexual .
    no body is given a d*** what it means 100 years ago!!
    pleas dont make a simple word that every body knows so complicated for us !!
    Dr.Arnold Klein sayed MJ was gay and by that he means homosexual doest need a genius to figure it out .
    thats all i am saying .

    Well it actualy IS important what a word meant 100 years ago, and people SHOULD give a damn, the more you know about words, the better you read and really understand what is meant by them.
  • Long time a go the word gay means happy .
    now it means homosexual so as we all know that we live in present time:roll: it clear that it means homosexual .
    no body is given a d*** what it means 100 years ago!!
    pleas dont make a simple word that every body knows so complicated for us !!
    Dr.Arnold Klein sayed MJ was gay and by that he means homosexual doest need a genius to figure it out .
    thats all i am saying .

    Well it actualy IS important what a word meant 100 years ago, and people SHOULD give a damn, the more you know about words, the better you read and really understand what is meant by them.
    i 2nd that...
  • mjgirl86mjgirl86 Posts: 316
    We live in a world where still people are judged by their sexuality, race, religion etc
    I dont think that is ever going to change. There is always some body who has something to say and is going to put people down for it and discriminate

    It sucks when it's your own family....
  • We live in a world where still people are judged by their sexuality, race, religion etc
    I dont think that is ever going to change. There is always some body who has something to say and is going to put people down for it and discriminate

    It sucks when it's your own family....

    Yes it does. It is very sad indeed.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    Long time a go the word gay means happy .
    now it means homosexual so as we all know that we live in present time:roll: it clear that it means homosexual .
    no body is given a d*** what it means 100 years ago!!
    pleas dont make a simple word that every body knows so complicated for us !!
    Dr.Arnold Klein sayed MJ was gay and by that he means homosexual doest need a genius to figure it out .
    thats all i am saying .

    Well it actualy IS important what a word meant 100 years ago, and people SHOULD give a damn, the more you know about words, the better you read and really understand what is meant by them.

    I agree. My mother who is now over 60 said the same thing. That word did mean differently till now.
  • King_MichaelKing_Michael Posts: 367
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    Whachu talkin' 'bout Willis?
  • King_MichaelKing_Michael Posts: 367
    Whachu talkin' 'bout Willis?

    LOL well Michael did use doubles maybe one of his doubles was homosexual and had a relationship with that guy who knows lol
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    Whachu talkin' 'bout Willis?

    LOL well Michael did use doubles maybe one of his doubles was homosexual and had a relationship with that guy who knows lol

    yeah maybe...and maybe JP thought it was the real Michael <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    Whachu talkin' 'bout Willis?

    LOL well Michael did use doubles maybe one of his doubles was homosexual and had a relationship with that guy who knows lol

    yeah maybe...and maybe JP thought it was the real Michael <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    That would be soo embarrassing.
    But I think it might be highly possible. But there still is one question.
    Wouldn't he know it was a double? I mean, Michael's face is everywhere and Jason would know his Bo looks different.
    He couldn't possibly look (and sound) EXACTLY like Michael.. yaddada mean?
  • mjgirl86mjgirl86 Posts: 316
    Haha, I NEVER thought about that, guys! ^_^
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