O2 Announcement EXPOSED! Please Read!

teine21teine21 Posts: 898
I just saw what someone had said about the O2 conference & Michael looking angry that day. It has been reported that Peter Lopez, Michael's music attorney had helped cancel it the first time. I was just watching it again. & I thought if that is true. Then Michael obviously didn't want to do those shows. He was being forced into it. So I watched it again & at 5:20 when he throws up the "Black Power" sign, he gives this look, you can see it's directed towards someone, like he is angry. Then he shrugs his shoulders & turns back to the audience & smiles one more time then leaves. That gave it away right there for me, he wasn't happy. When he got off the bus he seemed irritated & Thome Thome was the one ordering him where to go & holding his arm. I also noticed the part in his speech where he says "These will be my final show performances in London. & when I say this is it, it really means this is it because..." & then he chuckles & looks off to the side. I think he laughs because he was planning something to get out of it & away from them, the bad guys, but they didn't know. It sounded like a "HAHA I got you!" or "You have no idea" kind of laugh. I couldn't find the orginal place where people were talking about this that's why I posted it here. Thoughts? I really am now more than ever thinking that Peter's death was either because he was being threatened by those Michael escaped from or who were after him. They probably felt he knew something or because he helped Michael go against them, they went after Peter. It all is becoming more & more clear. The truth is revealing itself, little by little.

Here's the link, I don't know how to post it on here:
<!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c00CwFA5JNE<!-- m -->

Watch at 5:20, take another look at "the look" Michael gives & the shrug, that's definitely not directed at his fans. Also watch in the beginning when he's getting off the bus, he doesn't seem excited & the way he's surrounded by men, one of which is Randy Phillips? & then Thome Thome is holding onto his arm & ordering him where to go. Michael loves his fans we all know that, so when addressing them he is smiling & telling them he loves them, but he definitely has attitude at this announcement. & the chuckle show he was up to something that "they" (those who were controlling him & forcing him to do this) were unaware of. He was pissed off, they were trying to control him. He also is very vague in his announcement, I think for a reason. They told him to announce the shows, he did that & also said more without saying too much <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> He was planning something, whether he accomplished it or not, I'm not sure about.


  • TracyKTracyK Posts: 163
    I COMPLETELY agree with you that he DID NOT want to do these shows and that the speech he gave was an F-you to the people who were forcing him into it!!!!!!!!! He emphasized that he would NOT do concerts again over there. Look how many they were getting.. Way more than any one country has ever gotten before. MJ liked to spread his love, not keep it contained in one place. I feel that he loved London with all his heart, but wanted to spread his message throughout the world and could not do that in one place.

    I have said this many-many times! Thome I believe was fired right after that conference!! That should say a lot about what was going on that day and on that stage!! Good post!!
  • heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
    Great analysis, teine21 & tracyk! It was suggested that I re-post two British blogs posts I came across yesterday that speak directly to the confusion/mayhem leading up to the O2 announcement....after you read these, you will be astounded at how differently you look at Michael's behavior at the O2....it is VERY CLEAR that he did not want to be there...and remember how so many people have commented on his gait (the way he walks) in that backstage clip....so much so that it convinced many that it was a double and not MJ at all....but if you look at him again, it could all be attributed to him being COMPLETELY PISSED OFF about being there! And all the other strangeness about his behavior that day also fits this explanation! I had always wondered about the Black Power Fist....O.M.G.!!!!
    Blog Entry #1
    Here is a mention of Peter Lopez from a British blog called The Newshound....I'll warn you in advance...this blog is NOT at all kind to Michael:***********************************************************
    Sad but predictable news has reached the Newshound that Michael Jackson's O2 negotiations have faltered for a third time.

    Selected staff at Sony BMG's London HQ had been briefed that Jackson would announce details of his O2 residency on Thursday morning.

    Meanwhile, staff at the O2 arena were told over a week ago that the residency would be announced in a press conference on either Wednesday or Thursday of this week.

    By midday on Thursday there was confusion at Sony HQ as to why the announcement had not been made. However, staff were reassured that the announcement would be made by the end of the day.

    The announcement never came.

    The Newshound is now hearing whispers that Jackson has fired Peter Lopez, the star's music lawyer of several years. Lopez had been representing Jackson in negotiations surrounding the residency since they began in 2007.
    Rumours of the lawyer's dismissal are as yet unconfirmed and the reasons behind the alleged dismissal remain unclear.
    The Newshound, however, will be so bold as to venture that should these rumours prove true, there is just one reason behind the decision.

    Jackson is extremely work shy and has been since the late ninties. In 1999 the star signed contracts to perform two concerts at the turn of the millennium. However, Jackson failed to perform those concerts and never offered a legitimate reason as to why.

    Jackson approached his next studio album, Invincible, so lazily that Sony rejected it in its original state. Insiders claim that Jackson was so addicted to alcohol and painkillers that friends and colleagues feared for his life. The star reportedly had no interest in the project, earning most of his songwriting credits by changing occasional words in other people's compositions.

    Prior to the album's release, Jackson performed two largely mimed concerts in New York, infuriating producer David Gest by showing up high on painkillers.

    The star went on to record one music video for Invincible but shunned all subsequent promotion, branding his record company 'racist'.

    Later, in a 2003 television special, the star declared that he hated touring.

    In late 2003 Jackson struck a peace deal with Sony, agreeing to embark on a short European tour to promote his 'Number Ones' compilation album. However, it is worth noting that although Jackson technically agreed to the tour, he had already got wind of an impending child abuse allegation and hired Mark Geragos as his defence lawyer. As such, it could be the case that Jackson knew he would never have to fulfill that particular obligation.

    Since his child molestation trial Jackson has promised charity singles, a music video and an album - and, more recently, claimed to be 'finalising' TV specials and a world tour. To date none of these projects, some of which date back to 2005, have ever seen the light of day.

    No evidence exists to suggest that the star has completed any work on his new record apart from a lacklustre duet with Akon, featuring a vocal so half-hearted that Jackson could have recorded it in under an hour.

    Jackson displayed further laziness early last year when he reneged on a deal with Sony to promote 'Thriller 25' at the Grammy Awards. The star was due to perform a live medley and then complete a backstage interview for the promotional podcast series known as the 'Thrillercasts'.

    Jackson angered Sony by failing to complete either activity and enraged Grammy organisers to such an extent that they cancelled an 'all-star salute to the King of Pop', despite having already advertised it on national television.

    Sony sources also told the Newshound in late 2007 that Jackson had recently backed out of an X Factor appearance, claiming he had done so because the press had 'ruined the surprise'.

    During the last 18 months Jackson has become involved in serious discussions with AEG Live - promoters for the O2 arena - on three separate occasions; once in late 2007, once in early 2008 and once during the last fortnight.

    It seems that firing Peter Lopez could be Jackson's way of backing out for a third time, effectively killing the negotiations by removing his only point of contact. This would be typical of Jackson's cowardly approach to dealing with problems, which tends to consist of either running away and leaving somebody else to clear up his mess or trying to place the blame on a third party. Or, quite often, both.

    However, speculation is rife that the O2 has already booked dates for Jackson's residency, with no concerts currently being marketed between July 6th and August 5th. Rumour also suggests that some papers could already have been signed, which - if true - could leave Jackson fighting one of the most intense legal battles of his career.

    The future of Jackson's O2 residency is unclear. The only certainty is that Sony employees and O2 employees were expecting an announcement on Wednesday or Thursday. That announcement never came. At the same time, the steady stream of leaked information has once again dried up, suggesting that negotiations have ceased.

    More as and if the Newshound hears it.

    Thursday, 26 February 2009
    Jackson announcement this morning?

    Sony sources are telling the Newshound that today (Thursday 26th February), at 9am GMT, an announcement regarding Michael Jackson's O2 residency will be made via his official Sony website.

    The Newshound must stress, though, that this may be misinformation.

    For example, a year ago when rumours of an O2 residency were circulating, a high up Sony source told various fansites that the concerts were to go ahead. Plainly, the shows did not go ahead. This is just one of many instances of misinformation about Michael Jackson being distributed by authoritative sources.

    In the world of Michael Jackson nothing is concrete until it is officially announced. Sometimes the star changes his mind on a whim. On other occasions people act beyond their briefs and leak information before it has been confirmed. Sometimes false information is intentionally leaked with the intent of distracting the press and public from ongoing negotiations. Other times high-ups float false information as part of a mole hunt - the aim is to discover and plug the leak.

    The Newshound has decided to publish this breaking news as it was delivered directly by numerous Sony sources. However, there is every chance that for one of the aforementioned reasons, the announcement will not be made.

    Fingers crossed, however.
    Blog Entry #2
    Here is the 2nd reference to Peter Lopez in the British Blog, The Newshound which may provide a timeline of when Lopez stopped working for Michael...this comes from a British blog site, written April 15, 2009 in regard to background of the This Is It O2 Press Conference:

    In the world of Michael Jackson, onlookers must often wait for the dust to settle before events become clear. The star is eratic, his plans are rarely concrete and his motivation is often beyond comprehension.

    Events surrounding Jackson's press conference last month were typically baffling, but the Newshound is now able to shed some light on the confusion that surrounded the announcement of his London concerts.

    In February the Newshound became the first journalist to break news of Michael Jackson's summer residency. Shortly afterwards, the Newshound received information from Sony and O2 sources that a press conference would take place on Thursday 26th February.

    The date came and went and the Newshound's sources were bemused. At the time, it was speculated that company heads could have leaked the wrong date as a diversionary tactic.

    The Newshound can now reveal that this was not the case - Jackson really was due to announce the concerts on Thursday 26th February.

    Sources involved in organising funding and sponsorship for the concerts say the star is a 'loose cannon' who simply failed to show up in London at the appointed time.

    Jackson fired lawyer Peter Lopez early in the week that the announcement had been scheduled, leaving organisers unable to contact him and forcing them to scrap their plans.

    When concert promoters eventually contacted Jackson through his manager, Dr Tohme Tohme of Colony Capital, the press conference was rescheduled for the following week.

    When anxious organisers received word that Jackson had boarded his flight to London on Tuesday 3rd March, a source contacted the Newshound to leak the star's arrival time and accommodation details. Organisers also ensured that news was leaked to Jackson's many fansites.

    Those responsible claimed to be leaking the information on Jackson's behalf, saying that the star wanted his fans to greet him upon his arrival.

    This later proved untrue - Jackson hid behind an umbrella at the airport and entered his hotel through a back door, shunning the fans who organisers had urged to wait outside the hotel all afternoon.

    The true reason for the leak was that the previous week's event had served as a stark reminder to concert organisers that Jackson is entirely unreliable.

    In an act of desperation, information was leaked to the Newshound and to the fan community in the hope that the mainstream press would pick up on it. If the press caught Jackson sneaking into the country, thought the organisers, there was no way he could pull out of the press conference and sneak back out again.

    It was The Sun who delivered the golden egg, capturing long lens photographs of Jackson exiting his private jet at Mohammed Al Fayed's private airstrip.

    The Newshound can today reveal that despite having been captured on camera arriving in London, Jackson still attempted to pull out of his press conference.

    The Newshound was issued accreditation for the press conference and so was stuck in the holding pen, otherwise known as the Indigo2 nightclub inside the O2 complex, as a drama secretly unfolded at Jackson's hotel.

    As the appointed time of 4pm drew closer, press and photographers grew ever more anxious: Why were they not being allowed into the foyer for the announcement? Annoyed snappers and reporters began gathering at the nightclub doors, much to the chagrin of PR staff.

    "Nothing will be happening for at least twenty minutes," press were told, "so you may as well sit down." Twenty minutes soon became thirty, then forty. Forty minutes became an hour.

    Press were eventually led into the arena at around 4.30pm, after relieved PR staff received confirmation that Jackson had finally left his hotel. The star would later appear onstage at 5.30pm, an hour and a half late.

    The official reason for Jackson's lateness was that he had become stuck in traffic en route to the O2 complex.

    This story was later contradicted by reports that before Jackson took the stage for his announcement, he became the first person to walk around the O2's new exhibition, the 'British Music Experience'.

    This was self-serving spin designed to accomplish two goals. The first was to give the impression that Jackson had been at the O2 centre all along, distracting press from the real reason for his lateness, and the second was to shamelessly promote the complex's latest attraction.

    In fact, both stories are easily disproved.

    When Jackson left his hotel for the press conference he was, as usual, accosted by a mob of fans and photographers.

    Photographers snapped the star leaving his hotel at approximately 4.15pm - a quarter of an hour after he was supposed to have taken the stage. He wasn't stuck in traffic and he wasn't walking around an exhibition - he hadn't even left his hotel.

    The Newshound can exclusively reveal that Jackson had barricaded himself in his hotel room and spent several hours refusing to attend the press conference. Minders were forced to stand in the hotel corridor and plead with him through the door to his room. By the time he was persuaded to leave, he was already significantly late for the announcement. Meanwhile, at the O2, PR staff were becoming concerned and irritable.

    Once at the O2 Jackson remained reluctant to take the stage. After Dermot O'Leary introduced the star, it was several minutes before he eventually stepped through the curtains. Footage of the press conference on the star's official website was later edited to give the impression that he had sauntered immediately onstage.

    When Jackson did take the stage he abandoned his teleprompter and gave a disjointed speech. Rather than the upbeat concert announcement fans had expected, they were instead subjected to a rambling retirement announcement in which Jackson sounded audibly irritated by the fact that he was to perform again, sternly informing the audience, "This is the final curtain call, OK?"

    Caitlin Moran later wrote of the event, "He seems borderline tetchy about being here at all... It sounds like a weary warning. I will not be performing for you now, is the subtext. I will give you nothing else... After announcing that that the concerts will be in July, and that he loves us all so, Jackson is gone - giving four minutes to people who have been waiting five hours, and 12 years, and a lifetime."

    After Jackson left the stage one young female follower was carried from the building, sobbing that Jackson had sounded angry with his fans.

    Reports suggested that Jackson later returned to his hotel drunk and complaining loudly about the prospect of his live comeback.

    Since Jackson's announcement British tabloids have been awash with stories surrounding the upcoming concerts. These have included stories about four separate properties Jackson will supposedly live in (Rod Stewart's Essex mansion, a house on the Thames so he can travel to the concerts by boat, a castle built atop a network of haunted caves and a private house in suburban East London), stories about Jackson hiring David Copperfield to help orchestrate magic tricks, and suggestions that Jackson will enter the stage astride an elephant.

    The Newshound can reveal that most, if not all of these stories, are false - but they are not the concoctions of tabloid reporters. The stories are in fact being systematically planted on an almost daily basis by concert promoters AEG Live, who have developed an obsession with keeping the concerts in the headlines.

    The reason? Although the official line is that all of the concerts are sold out, the company is facing a ticketing crisis.

    Just days after the concerts were announced, 'The Times' revealed that AEG Live had secretly given up to 1000 tickets per concert to commercialised touting company Viagogo. The tickets would be sold at inflated prices on the condition that both companies shared the profits.

    At the time a spokesperson defended the move, saying, "To suggest that there won't be a premium market is unrealistic." Indeed. But isn't that why several blocks of seats at each concert were reserved for £800-a-ticket premium packages?

    After reserving several blocks per show for official premium packages and donating up to a further 1000 tickets per show to Viagogo, almost 10% of all seats for the residency were being sold for hugely inflated prices. That is without taking into account the number of business-minded buyers who snaffled tickets in the official sales with the specific intention of re-selling them for several times their face value on Ebay.

    Consequently, although the shows are officially billed as 'sold out', somewhere in the region of 50,000-100,000 tickets currently remain onsale in the form of VIP packages on Ticketmaster, overpriced tickets on Seatwave and Viagogo and countless tickets being touted on Ebay.

    AEG now has a dilemma on its hands. The company has fallen victim to its own greed. Bosses accurately predicted that the shows would be immensely popular and would sell out, leaving a huge excess demand. What they over-estimated, however, was the number of people who could actually afford to pay hundreds of pounds for a concert ticket.

    As Britain slips deeper into recession, the number of punters with hundreds or, in many cases, thousands of pounds to spare for one pair of Michael Jackson tickets is dwindling and the Newshound is skeptical as to whether, even at the height of the economic boom, there were ever 50,000 people who would be willing to splash that much cash on a night out.

    AEG's reaction has been to release a steady stream of false stories to the popular press in an attempt to keep the concerts on everybody's lips but, publicity or no publicity, the public simply cannot afford the extortionate Viagogo prices.

    If sales of premium tickets remain slow, organisers face the prospect of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of empty seats at each of the 50 concerts. Worse still, some of the empty seats will be directly in front of the stage. Ironically, had the seats been included in the general sale they would have sold out immediately. As it stands, inflating the ticket prices has actually cost company bosses significant profits - not exactly the desired effect.

    A final note from the Newshound on Jackson's father, who has recently hit headlines fo attempting to stage a coup and oust his son's current management. Reports suggest that Joseph Jackson emailed media outlets and fansites two weeks ago claiming he had assumed control of his son's affairs.

    The 79 year old was reportedly hoping to cut himself in on Jackson's 50 nights in London and convince the star to piggyback a Jacksons reunion tour on his own solo success.

    The debacle led to the publication of a strange article by Celebrity Access wich seemed to quote Frank Dileo claiming to be Jackson's manager. This is not the case. Jackson is still managed by Dr Tohme Tohme and Colony Capital, but that Dileo is speaking on Jackson's behalf is an interesting development. The Newshound revealed in April of last year that Dileo was becoming a more regular fixture in Jackson's camp.

    The Newshound can reveal that Joseph Jackson has been trying to worm his way back into his son's affairs ever since he learnt that the O2 deal was being finalised. Jackson was sticking his nose in so regularly that staff involved in fundraising for the Jackson concerts believed he was integral to the deal. Jackson told them he was also arranging a Jacksons reunion concert to compliment the residency. Rumour was that a Jacksons concert at Wembley Stadium would be announced in early April, but evidently that did not happen.

    The Newshound wonders, though, whether there may be some truth to the rumour. The Jacksons were involved in negotiations for a Wembley Stadium concert in Summer 2007 but the deal was never finalised. Reminiscent indeed of the O2 residency, which was first discussed over 18 months before it finally came to fruition.

    As is always the case where Michael Jackson is concerned, only time will tell.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I COMPLETELY agree with you that he DID NOT want to do these shows and that the speech he gave was an F-you to the people who were forcing him into it!!!!!!!!! He emphasized that he would NOT do concerts again over there. Look how many they were getting.. Way more than any one country has ever gotten before. MJ liked to spread his love, not keep it contained in one place. I feel that he loved London with all his heart, but wanted to spread his message throughout the world and could not do that in one place.

    I have said this many-many times! Thome I believe was fired right after that conference!! That should say a lot about what was going on that day and on that stage!! Good post!!

    Yup, I agree with you too. I also meant to add in my post, that I don't think it was MJ that had fired Peter Lopez, I think it was Frank Dileo or Thome Thome & they did it because he was helping MJ go against them. They didn't like that so they fired him. & maybe MJ had contacted him before his "death" to help him so now they thought Peter had something to do with helping MJ fake his death & went after him for answers or to get MJ to come out. Or he knew about them so they had to threaten him to keep him quiet & he maybe just couldn't handle it. There is definitely more to all of that. The truth is coming out. All I know if MJ didn't want to do these shows, they were forcing him & trying to control him & he was planning a way to get out of it. I'm not sure whether he succeeded however & that he is safe now or if they caught on to it & he was you know...murdered <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> But we are definitely getting somewhere.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Great analysis, teine21 & tracyk! It was suggested that I re-post two British blogs posts I came across yesterday that speak directly to the confusion/mayhem leading up to the O2 announcement....after you read these, you will be astounded at how differently you look at Michael's behavior at the O2....it is VERY CLEAR that he did not want to be there...and remember how so many people have commented on his gait (the way he walks) in that backstage clip....so much so that it convinced many that it was a double and not MJ at all....but if you look at him again, it could all be attributed to him being COMPLETELY PISSED OFF about being there! And all the other strangeness about his behavior that day also fits this explanation! I had always wondered about the Black Power Fist....O.M.G.!!!!
    Blog Entry #1
    Here is a mention of Peter Lopez from a British blog called The Newshound....I'll warn you in advance...this blog is NOT at all kind to Michael:***********************************************************
    Sad but predictable news has reached the Newshound that Michael Jackson's O2 negotiations have faltered for a third time.

    Selected staff at Sony BMG's London HQ had been briefed that Jackson would announce details of his O2 residency on Thursday morning.

    Meanwhile, staff at the O2 arena were told over a week ago that the residency would be announced in a press conference on either Wednesday or Thursday of this week.

    By midday on Thursday there was confusion at Sony HQ as to why the announcement had not been made. However, staff were reassured that the announcement would be made by the end of the day.

    The announcement never came.

    The Newshound is now hearing whispers that Jackson has fired Peter Lopez, the star's music lawyer of several years. Lopez had been representing Jackson in negotiations surrounding the residency since they began in 2007.
    Rumours of the lawyer's dismissal are as yet unconfirmed and the reasons behind the alleged dismissal remain unclear.
    The Newshound, however, will be so bold as to venture that should these rumours prove true, there is just one reason behind the decision.

    Jackson is extremely work shy and has been since the late ninties. In 1999 the star signed contracts to perform two concerts at the turn of the millennium. However, Jackson failed to perform those concerts and never offered a legitimate reason as to why.

    Jackson approached his next studio album, Invincible, so lazily that Sony rejected it in its original state. Insiders claim that Jackson was so addicted to alcohol and painkillers that friends and colleagues feared for his life. The star reportedly had no interest in the project, earning most of his songwriting credits by changing occasional words in other people's compositions.

    Prior to the album's release, Jackson performed two largely mimed concerts in New York, infuriating producer David Gest by showing up high on painkillers.

    The star went on to record one music video for Invincible but shunned all subsequent promotion, branding his record company 'racist'.

    Later, in a 2003 television special, the star declared that he hated touring.

    In late 2003 Jackson struck a peace deal with Sony, agreeing to embark on a short European tour to promote his 'Number Ones' compilation album. However, it is worth noting that although Jackson technically agreed to the tour, he had already got wind of an impending child abuse allegation and hired Mark Geragos as his defence lawyer. As such, it could be the case that Jackson knew he would never have to fulfill that particular obligation.

    Since his child molestation trial Jackson has promised charity singles, a music video and an album - and, more recently, claimed to be 'finalising' TV specials and a world tour. To date none of these projects, some of which date back to 2005, have ever seen the light of day.

    No evidence exists to suggest that the star has completed any work on his new record apart from a lacklustre duet with Akon, featuring a vocal so half-hearted that Jackson could have recorded it in under an hour.

    Jackson displayed further laziness early last year when he reneged on a deal with Sony to promote 'Thriller 25' at the Grammy Awards. The star was due to perform a live medley and then complete a backstage interview for the promotional podcast series known as the 'Thrillercasts'.

    Jackson angered Sony by failing to complete either activity and enraged Grammy organisers to such an extent that they cancelled an 'all-star salute to the King of Pop', despite having already advertised it on national television.

    Sony sources also told the Newshound in late 2007 that Jackson had recently backed out of an X Factor appearance, claiming he had done so because the press had 'ruined the surprise'.

    During the last 18 months Jackson has become involved in serious discussions with AEG Live - promoters for the O2 arena - on three separate occasions; once in late 2007, once in early 2008 and once during the last fortnight.

    It seems that firing Peter Lopez could be Jackson's way of backing out for a third time, effectively killing the negotiations by removing his only point of contact. This would be typical of Jackson's cowardly approach to dealing with problems, which tends to consist of either running away and leaving somebody else to clear up his mess or trying to place the blame on a third party. Or, quite often, both.

    However, speculation is rife that the O2 has already booked dates for Jackson's residency, with no concerts currently being marketed between July 6th and August 5th. Rumour also suggests that some papers could already have been signed, which - if true - could leave Jackson fighting one of the most intense legal battles of his career.

    The future of Jackson's O2 residency is unclear. The only certainty is that Sony employees and O2 employees were expecting an announcement on Wednesday or Thursday. That announcement never came. At the same time, the steady stream of leaked information has once again dried up, suggesting that negotiations have ceased.

    More as and if the Newshound hears it.

    Thursday, 26 February 2009
    Jackson announcement this morning?

    Sony sources are telling the Newshound that today (Thursday 26th February), at 9am GMT, an announcement regarding Michael Jackson's O2 residency will be made via his official Sony website.

    The Newshound must stress, though, that this may be misinformation.

    For example, a year ago when rumours of an O2 residency were circulating, a high up Sony source told various fansites that the concerts were to go ahead. Plainly, the shows did not go ahead. This is just one of many instances of misinformation about Michael Jackson being distributed by authoritative sources.

    In the world of Michael Jackson nothing is concrete until it is officially announced. Sometimes the star changes his mind on a whim. On other occasions people act beyond their briefs and leak information before it has been confirmed. Sometimes false information is intentionally leaked with the intent of distracting the press and public from ongoing negotiations. Other times high-ups float false information as part of a mole hunt - the aim is to discover and plug the leak.

    The Newshound has decided to publish this breaking news as it was delivered directly by numerous Sony sources. However, there is every chance that for one of the aforementioned reasons, the announcement will not be made.

    Fingers crossed, however.
    Blog Entry #2
    Here is the 2nd reference to Peter Lopez in the British Blog, The Newshound which may provide a timeline of when Lopez stopped working for Michael...this comes from a British blog site, written April 15, 2009 in regard to background of the This Is It O2 Press Conference:

    In the world of Michael Jackson, onlookers must often wait for the dust to settle before events become clear. The star is eratic, his plans are rarely concrete and his motivation is often beyond comprehension.

    Events surrounding Jackson's press conference last month were typically baffling, but the Newshound is now able to shed some light on the confusion that surrounded the announcement of his London concerts.

    In February the Newshound became the first journalist to break news of Michael Jackson's summer residency. Shortly afterwards, the Newshound received information from Sony and O2 sources that a press conference would take place on Thursday 26th February.

    The date came and went and the Newshound's sources were bemused. At the time, it was speculated that company heads could have leaked the wrong date as a diversionary tactic.

    The Newshound can now reveal that this was not the case - Jackson really was due to announce the concerts on Thursday 26th February.

    Sources involved in organising funding and sponsorship for the concerts say the star is a 'loose cannon' who simply failed to show up in London at the appointed time.

    Jackson fired lawyer Peter Lopez early in the week that the announcement had been scheduled, leaving organisers unable to contact him and forcing them to scrap their plans.

    When concert promoters eventually contacted Jackson through his manager, Dr Tohme Tohme of Colony Capital, the press conference was rescheduled for the following week.

    When anxious organisers received word that Jackson had boarded his flight to London on Tuesday 3rd March, a source contacted the Newshound to leak the star's arrival time and accommodation details. Organisers also ensured that news was leaked to Jackson's many fansites.

    Those responsible claimed to be leaking the information on Jackson's behalf, saying that the star wanted his fans to greet him upon his arrival.

    This later proved untrue - Jackson hid behind an umbrella at the airport and entered his hotel through a back door, shunning the fans who organisers had urged to wait outside the hotel all afternoon.

    The true reason for the leak was that the previous week's event had served as a stark reminder to concert organisers that Jackson is entirely unreliable.

    In an act of desperation, information was leaked to the Newshound and to the fan community in the hope that the mainstream press would pick up on it. If the press caught Jackson sneaking into the country, thought the organisers, there was no way he could pull out of the press conference and sneak back out again.

    It was The Sun who delivered the golden egg, capturing long lens photographs of Jackson exiting his private jet at Mohammed Al Fayed's private airstrip.

    The Newshound can today reveal that despite having been captured on camera arriving in London, Jackson still attempted to pull out of his press conference.

    The Newshound was issued accreditation for the press conference and so was stuck in the holding pen, otherwise known as the Indigo2 nightclub inside the O2 complex, as a drama secretly unfolded at Jackson's hotel.

    As the appointed time of 4pm drew closer, press and photographers grew ever more anxious: Why were they not being allowed into the foyer for the announcement? Annoyed snappers and reporters began gathering at the nightclub doors, much to the chagrin of PR staff.

    "Nothing will be happening for at least twenty minutes," press were told, "so you may as well sit down." Twenty minutes soon became thirty, then forty. Forty minutes became an hour.

    Press were eventually led into the arena at around 4.30pm, after relieved PR staff received confirmation that Jackson had finally left his hotel. The star would later appear onstage at 5.30pm, an hour and a half late.

    The official reason for Jackson's lateness was that he had become stuck in traffic en route to the O2 complex.

    This story was later contradicted by reports that before Jackson took the stage for his announcement, he became the first person to walk around the O2's new exhibition, the 'British Music Experience'.

    This was self-serving spin designed to accomplish two goals. The first was to give the impression that Jackson had been at the O2 centre all along, distracting press from the real reason for his lateness, and the second was to shamelessly promote the complex's latest attraction.

    In fact, both stories are easily disproved.

    When Jackson left his hotel for the press conference he was, as usual, accosted by a mob of fans and photographers.

    Photographers snapped the star leaving his hotel at approximately 4.15pm - a quarter of an hour after he was supposed to have taken the stage. He wasn't stuck in traffic and he wasn't walking around an exhibition - he hadn't even left his hotel.

    The Newshound can exclusively reveal that Jackson had barricaded himself in his hotel room and spent several hours refusing to attend the press conference. Minders were forced to stand in the hotel corridor and plead with him through the door to his room. By the time he was persuaded to leave, he was already significantly late for the announcement. Meanwhile, at the O2, PR staff were becoming concerned and irritable.

    Once at the O2 Jackson remained reluctant to take the stage. After Dermot O'Leary introduced the star, it was several minutes before he eventually stepped through the curtains. Footage of the press conference on the star's official website was later edited to give the impression that he had sauntered immediately onstage.

    When Jackson did take the stage he abandoned his teleprompter and gave a disjointed speech. Rather than the upbeat concert announcement fans had expected, they were instead subjected to a rambling retirement announcement in which Jackson sounded audibly irritated by the fact that he was to perform again, sternly informing the audience, "This is the final curtain call, OK?"

    Caitlin Moran later wrote of the event, "He seems borderline tetchy about being here at all... It sounds like a weary warning. I will not be performing for you now, is the subtext. I will give you nothing else... After announcing that that the concerts will be in July, and that he loves us all so, Jackson is gone - giving four minutes to people who have been waiting five hours, and 12 years, and a lifetime."

    After Jackson left the stage one young female follower was carried from the building, sobbing that Jackson had sounded angry with his fans.

    Reports suggested that Jackson later returned to his hotel drunk and complaining loudly about the prospect of his live comeback.

    Since Jackson's announcement British tabloids have been awash with stories surrounding the upcoming concerts. These have included stories about four separate properties Jackson will supposedly live in (Rod Stewart's Essex mansion, a house on the Thames so he can travel to the concerts by boat, a castle built atop a network of haunted caves and a private house in suburban East London), stories about Jackson hiring David Copperfield to help orchestrate magic tricks, and suggestions that Jackson will enter the stage astride an elephant.

    The Newshound can reveal that most, if not all of these stories, are false - but they are not the concoctions of tabloid reporters. The stories are in fact being systematically planted on an almost daily basis by concert promoters AEG Live, who have developed an obsession with keeping the concerts in the headlines.

    The reason? Although the official line is that all of the concerts are sold out, the company is facing a ticketing crisis.

    Just days after the concerts were announced, 'The Times' revealed that AEG Live had secretly given up to 1000 tickets per concert to commercialised touting company Viagogo. The tickets would be sold at inflated prices on the condition that both companies shared the profits.

    At the time a spokesperson defended the move, saying, "To suggest that there won't be a premium market is unrealistic." Indeed. But isn't that why several blocks of seats at each concert were reserved for £800-a-ticket premium packages?

    After reserving several blocks per show for official premium packages and donating up to a further 1000 tickets per show to Viagogo, almost 10% of all seats for the residency were being sold for hugely inflated prices. That is without taking into account the number of business-minded buyers who snaffled tickets in the official sales with the specific intention of re-selling them for several times their face value on Ebay.

    Consequently, although the shows are officially billed as 'sold out', somewhere in the region of 50,000-100,000 tickets currently remain onsale in the form of VIP packages on Ticketmaster, overpriced tickets on Seatwave and Viagogo and countless tickets being touted on Ebay.

    AEG now has a dilemma on its hands. The company has fallen victim to its own greed. Bosses accurately predicted that the shows would be immensely popular and would sell out, leaving a huge excess demand. What they over-estimated, however, was the number of people who could actually afford to pay hundreds of pounds for a concert ticket.

    As Britain slips deeper into recession, the number of punters with hundreds or, in many cases, thousands of pounds to spare for one pair of Michael Jackson tickets is dwindling and the Newshound is skeptical as to whether, even at the height of the economic boom, there were ever 50,000 people who would be willing to splash that much cash on a night out.

    AEG's reaction has been to release a steady stream of false stories to the popular press in an attempt to keep the concerts on everybody's lips but, publicity or no publicity, the public simply cannot afford the extortionate Viagogo prices.

    If sales of premium tickets remain slow, organisers face the prospect of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of empty seats at each of the 50 concerts. Worse still, some of the empty seats will be directly in front of the stage. Ironically, had the seats been included in the general sale they would have sold out immediately. As it stands, inflating the ticket prices has actually cost company bosses significant profits - not exactly the desired effect.

    A final note from the Newshound on Jackson's father, who has recently hit headlines fo attempting to stage a coup and oust his son's current management. Reports suggest that Joseph Jackson emailed media outlets and fansites two weeks ago claiming he had assumed control of his son's affairs.

    The 79 year old was reportedly hoping to cut himself in on Jackson's 50 nights in London and convince the star to piggyback a Jacksons reunion tour on his own solo success.

    The debacle led to the publication of a strange article by Celebrity Access wich seemed to quote Frank Dileo claiming to be Jackson's manager. This is not the case. Jackson is still managed by Dr Tohme Tohme and Colony Capital, but that Dileo is speaking on Jackson's behalf is an interesting development. The Newshound revealed in April of last year that Dileo was becoming a more regular fixture in Jackson's camp.

    The Newshound can reveal that Joseph Jackson has been trying to worm his way back into his son's affairs ever since he learnt that the O2 deal was being finalised. Jackson was sticking his nose in so regularly that staff involved in fundraising for the Jackson concerts believed he was integral to the deal. Jackson told them he was also arranging a Jacksons reunion concert to compliment the residency. Rumour was that a Jacksons concert at Wembley Stadium would be announced in early April, but evidently that did not happen.

    The Newshound wonders, though, whether there may be some truth to the rumour. The Jacksons were involved in negotiations for a Wembley Stadium concert in Summer 2007 but the deal was never finalised. Reminiscent indeed of the O2 residency, which was first discussed over 18 months before it finally came to fruition.

    As is always the case where Michael Jackson is concerned, only time will tell.

    Thank you for that. Michael is a very smart man who knows what he wants & he knew what he was doing when he didn't show up. As I mentioned before this post, I don't believe it was Michael who fired Peter Lopez, I think it was Thome Thome or Randy Phillips, Frank Dileo or someone. They wanted complete control over Michael.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Oh & the "Black Power" fist, that's definitely a message to them. & the way he did it & the look & the shrug, it was meant to be a slap in their face. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
    Your post is right on, teine21! It's like I'm seeing the O2 press conference for the first time! OMG! This runs so deep! I just pray that Michael was able to stay one step ahead of all of these greedy bastards and that the Hoax was his way of doing so...God, I hope that's the case! Thanks for your thoughts...I believe you are on to something, that's for SURE!!!
  • LouLou Posts: 169
    It totally makes sense!!!! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    Wow, this is the first time I read this article and I thought I had read almost everything on the net, lol. This article really explains Michael's behavior at the O2 announcement. No wonder so many thought it could not be him. We have never seen him angry publically before. He was pissed. It also explains why Brian Oxman spoke out and said he believed Peter Lopez was murdered. It certainly seems like that may be the case. I wonder how much of the truth will come out at the trial next month.
  • MJsbasheretMJsbasheret Posts: 81
    I am so glad you brought this up. I haven't been able to get the Peter Lopez death out of my head all week. This HAS to do something with Michael. Even the suicide note he allegedly left didn't have a reason why he did it. I think the letter was written for him and he was killed. So sad. I'm 99% sure this is connected to Michael. Just don't know how.
  • I just saw what someone had said about the O2 conference & Michael looking angry that day. It has been reported that Peter Lopez, Michael's music attorney had helped cancel it the first time. I was just watching it again. & I thought if that is true. Then Michael obviously didn't want to do those shows. He was being forced into it. So I watched it again & at 5:20 when he throws up the "Black Power" sign, he gives this look, you can see it's directed towards someone, like he is angry. Then he shrugs his shoulders & turns back to the audience & smiles one more time then leaves. That gave it away right there for me, he wasn't happy. When he got off the bus he seemed irritated & Thome Thome was the one ordering him where to go & holding his arm. I also noticed the part in his speech where he says "These will be my final show performances in London. & when I say this is it, it really means this is it because..." & then he chuckles & looks off to the side. I think he laughs because he was planning something to get out of it & away from them, the bad guys, but they didn't know. It sounded like a "HAHA I got you!" or "You have no idea" kind of laugh. I couldn't find the orginal place where people were talking about this that's why I posted it here. Thoughts? I really am now more than ever thinking that Peter's death was either because he was being threatened by those Michael escaped from or who were after him. They probably felt he knew something or because he helped Michael go against them, they went after Peter. It all is becoming more & more clear. The truth is revealing itself, little by little.

    Here's the link, I don't know how to post it on here:
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c00CwFA5JNE<!-- m -->

    Watch at 5:20, take another look at "the look" Michael gives & the shrug, that's definitely not directed at his fans. Also watch in the beginning when he's getting off the bus, he doesn't seem excited & the way he's surrounded by men, one of which is Randy Phillips? & then Thome Thome is holding onto his arm & ordering him where to go. Michael loves his fans we all know that, so when addressing them he is smiling & telling them he loves them, but he definitely has attitude at this announcement. & the chuckle show he was up to something that "they" (those who were controlling him & forcing him to do this) were unaware of. He was pissed off, they were trying to control him. He also is very vague in his announcement, I think for a reason. They told him to announce the shows, he did that & also said more without saying too much <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> He was planning something, whether he accomplished it or not, I'm not sure about.


    This is so important what you bring up! Would you be offended if I suggest you edit your Subject line to something more attention grabbing, like: 02 Announcement Exposed! Everybody needs to see this and it (and YOU) deserves a more Sensational Headline for Sure!
  • Wow - I feel so bad for Michael and his children. It makes so much sense. Is there any way to find out who was on that side of the stage where he was looking? His demeanor definitely changed at that point.

    I could never understand him barricading himself in his room but now it makes perfect sense if they were forcing him to do something he didn't want to do. I don't think it had anything to do with fear or laziness or anything else the media was fed. It's funny that he was probably told to read from the prompter and he deliberately ignored their demand.

    Interesting part was Joe's involvement. He never came forward after Michael's death to announce that he had been given authority had he? It was only the friend that came forward.

    Sadly, I think Mr Lopez' demise is directly related to Michael somehow. If the time frame is right then it's been about 2 years ago, right? I hope the truth comes out. I also remember reading that Michael was unaware of the price gouging going on by AEG. And why was Sony involved in the concert? Is that normal? I don't understand that but it serves as a reminder that Sony and AEG were working together to make money off of Michael.

    I also don't think Michael was lazy or unreliable. I think he was continually manipulated by others and the times he didn't show was when he outright refused to play their game.

    Is it me or does it feel like we are reading a mystery novel? Sometimes I have to sit back and remember that this is indeed about real people. It's so bizarre, really, the wave of emotion this all brings. The drama of it all unfolding like reading a Sherlock Holmes novel. I keep praying for a happy ending to all of this.
  • Wow - I feel so bad for Michael and his children. It makes so much sense. Is there any way to find out who was on that side of the stage where he was looking? His demeanor definitely changed at that point.

    I could never understand him barricading himself in his room but now it makes perfect sense if they were forcing him to do something he didn't want to do. I don't think it had anything to do with fear or laziness or anything else the media was fed. It's funny that he was probably told to read from the prompter and he deliberately ignored their demand.

    Interesting part was Joe's involvement. He never came forward after Michael's death to announce that he had been given authority had he? It was only the friend that came forward.

    Sadly, I think Mr Lopez' demise is directly related to Michael somehow. If the time frame is right then it's been about 2 years ago, right? I hope the truth comes out. I also remember reading that Michael was unaware of the price gouging going on by AEG. And why was Sony involved in the concert? Is that normal? I don't understand that but it serves as a reminder that Sony and AEG were working together to make money off of Michael.

    I also don't think Michael was lazy or unreliable. I think he was continually manipulated by others and the times he didn't show was when he outright refused to play their game.

    Is it me or does it feel like we are reading a mystery novel? Sometimes I have to sit back and remember that this is indeed about real people. It's so bizarre, really, the wave of emotion this all brings. The drama of it all unfolding like reading a Sherlock Holmes novel. I keep praying for a happy ending to all of this.

    I agree and this new info about behind the scenes at 02 Press Conference is a Big Revelation. It makes everything crystal clear doesn't it? I mean MJ has been working since the age of 5. I think he was burned out but he was a Commodity and they were never going to let him retire. He was being Pushed & Pulled and Exploited and Manipulated by so many Greedy Sycophants and Vultures....it just scares me to imagine what it must have been like for him.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I just saw what someone had said about the O2 conference & Michael looking angry that day. It has been reported that Peter Lopez, Michael's music attorney had helped cancel it the first time. I was just watching it again. & I thought if that is true. Then Michael obviously didn't want to do those shows. He was being forced into it. So I watched it again & at 5:20 when he throws up the "Black Power" sign, he gives this look, you can see it's directed towards someone, like he is angry. Then he shrugs his shoulders & turns back to the audience & smiles one more time then leaves. That gave it away right there for me, he wasn't happy. When he got off the bus he seemed irritated & Thome Thome was the one ordering him where to go & holding his arm. I also noticed the part in his speech where he says "These will be my final show performances in London. & when I say this is it, it really means this is it because..." & then he chuckles & looks off to the side. I think he laughs because he was planning something to get out of it & away from them, the bad guys, but they didn't know. It sounded like a "HAHA I got you!" or "You have no idea" kind of laugh. I couldn't find the orginal place where people were talking about this that's why I posted it here. Thoughts? I really am now more than ever thinking that Peter's death was either because he was being threatened by those Michael escaped from or who were after him. They probably felt he knew something or because he helped Michael go against them, they went after Peter. It all is becoming more & more clear. The truth is revealing itself, little by little.

    Here's the link, I don't know how to post it on here:
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c00CwFA5JNE<!-- m -->

    Watch at 5:20, take another look at "the look" Michael gives & the shrug, that's definitely not directed at his fans. Also watch in the beginning when he's getting off the bus, he doesn't seem excited & the way he's surrounded by men, one of which is Randy Phillips? & then Thome Thome is holding onto his arm & ordering him where to go. Michael loves his fans we all know that, so when addressing them he is smiling & telling them he loves them, but he definitely has attitude at this announcement. & the chuckle show he was up to something that "they" (those who were controlling him & forcing him to do this) were unaware of. He was pissed off, they were trying to control him. He also is very vague in his announcement, I think for a reason. They told him to announce the shows, he did that & also said more without saying too much <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> He was planning something, whether he accomplished it or not, I'm not sure about.


    This is so important what you bring up! Would you be offended if I suggest you edit your Subject line to something more attention grabbing, like: 02 Announcement Exposed! Everybody needs to see this and it (and YOU) deserves a more Sensational Headline for Sure!

    No, I'm not offended at all. I wasn't sure what to title it. I wasn't sure if there was any other threads about it. I was just wanting to get people's opinions because I've been going crazy ever since Peter Lopez's death & I starting thinking about these things. Thanks for the suggestion actually <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    It does all make so much sense. I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing it. It's definitely becoming more clear now. It's like as we get closer & closer to the trial, the truth is being revealed little by little. I definitely think he was supposed to read from a teleprompter, they usually have those at things like that. But he DID ignore that & just said what ever the f*** he wanted to. He had so much attitude. & the look he threw towards the back & then the chuckle he directed to the side, he was sending them a message & that message was F*** YOU! I'm CONVINCED that Peter Lopez's death had everything to do with MJ & that he didn't commit suicide, he was murdered. Usually if it's suicide you at least make sure your family is safe & you say goodbye. He died abruptly & the note didn't say anything to why he did it. It was extremely vague. This is getting crazy but we have to hold on & wait for the rest of the truth. I'm also hoping that MJ managed to stay one step ahead & that they didn't catch on & take him out. I really hope he faked his death & they are exposed for who & what they really are. But honestly, it really could have gone either way. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> I think perhaps we should turn this into the official O2 thread? & please post anything more you all find out about the O2 announcement, concerts, Peter Lopez, who was at the announcement, etc. Anything related to this. We are definitely on to something, no doubt.
  • I just saw what someone had said about the O2 conference & Michael looking angry that day. It has been reported that Peter Lopez, Michael's music attorney had helped cancel it the first time. I was just watching it again. & I thought if that is true. Then Michael obviously didn't want to do those shows. He was being forced into it. So I watched it again & at 5:20 when he throws up the "Black Power" sign, he gives this look, you can see it's directed towards someone, like he is angry. Then he shrugs his shoulders & turns back to the audience & smiles one more time then leaves. That gave it away right there for me, he wasn't happy. When he got off the bus he seemed irritated & Thome Thome was the one ordering him where to go & holding his arm. I also noticed the part in his speech where he says "These will be my final show performances in London. & when I say this is it, it really means this is it because..." & then he chuckles & looks off to the side. I think he laughs because he was planning something to get out of it & away from them, the bad guys, but they didn't know. It sounded like a "HAHA I got you!" or "You have no idea" kind of laugh. I couldn't find the orginal place where people were talking about this that's why I posted it here. Thoughts? I really am now more than ever thinking that Peter's death was either because he was being threatened by those Michael escaped from or who were after him. They probably felt he knew something or because he helped Michael go against them, they went after Peter. It all is becoming more & more clear. The truth is revealing itself, little by little.

    Here's the link, I don't know how to post it on here:
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c00CwFA5JNE<!-- m -->

    Watch at 5:20, take another look at "the look" Michael gives & the shrug, that's definitely not directed at his fans. Also watch in the beginning when he's getting off the bus, he doesn't seem excited & the way he's surrounded by men, one of which is Randy Phillips? & then Thome Thome is holding onto his arm & ordering him where to go. Michael loves his fans we all know that, so when addressing them he is smiling & telling them he loves them, but he definitely has attitude at this announcement. & the chuckle show he was up to something that "they" (those who were controlling him & forcing him to do this) were unaware of. He was pissed off, they were trying to control him. He also is very vague in his announcement, I think for a reason. They told him to announce the shows, he did that & also said more without saying too much <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> He was planning something, whether he accomplished it or not, I'm not sure about.


    This is so important what you bring up! Would you be offended if I suggest you edit your Subject line to something more attention grabbing, like: 02 Announcement Exposed! Everybody needs to see this and it (and YOU) deserves a more Sensational Headline for Sure!

    No, I'm not offended at all. I wasn't sure what to title it. I wasn't sure if there was any other threads about it. I was just wanting to get people's opinions because I've been going crazy ever since Peter Lopez's death & I starting thinking about these things. Thanks for the suggestion actually <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    I am with you on the Lopez death, I was just starting to get my life back and now I'm re-obsessing all over again. (I used to work in Advertising copy writing and it was my job to come up with Attention Grabbing Headlines, so I can usually come up with one pretty fast, hee-hee)
  • This is such a great post, really well put together.

    I remember reading about this on another blog awhile back.

    I also haven't been able to get the Peter Lopez mysterios death out of my head either there is something going on for sure and he is part of a piece of the missing puzzle in the hoax/murder. This is just like a gangster movie where they start killing off people....

    I hate to think what is going to happen next..
  • heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
    Hey teine21....good job! Here is another view of the O2 announcement I found on YouTube...taken by a fan at the press conference....to me it's clear that Thome Thome and Randy Phillips are literally waiting at the back of the stage for him as he leaves the stage....I get a vibe like: "Michael...don't even think for a second that you're getting out of our sight"....but it does beg the question who he was shooting the Stink Eye to right there at the end....obviously someone in the front and to the right...I was thinking that would like have been Phillips or Thome, but this video seems to show otherwise....also, looking again at the footage of him getting off the bus....he looks completely pissed off to me there....look at his body language....a combination of sulking/storming forward....like he's thinking: "Shit, let's just get this farce over with and get the eff outta here!"....I know I've seen more footage of backstage....I'll let you know what I find....keep up the good work....I'm starting to think this is HUGE and how ironic that it's been right in our faces all along....<!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TEcwJBw4LY<!-- m -->
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Hey teine21....good job! Here is another view of the O2 announcement I found on YouTube...taken by a fan at the press conference....to me it's clear that Thome Thome and Randy Phillips are literally waiting at the back of the stage for him as he leaves the stage....I get a vibe like: "Michael...don't even think for a second that you're getting out of our sight"....but it does beg the question who he was shooting the Stink Eye to right there at the end....obviously someone in the front and to the right...I was thinking that would like have been Phillips or Thome, but this video seems to show otherwise....also, looking again at the footage of him getting off the bus....he looks completely pissed off to me there....look at his body language....a combination of sulking/storming forward....like he's thinking: "Shit, let's just get this farce over with and get the eff outta here!"....I know I've seen more footage of backstage....I'll let you know what I find....keep up the good work....I'm starting to think this is HUGE and how ironic that it's been right in our faces all along....<!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TEcwJBw4LY<!-- m -->

    Thank you for the video! I agree, it was like they were keeping a very close eye on him. Making sure he did what he was supposed to do. Hmm, it could be possible when he gives the stink eye he is looking into a camera because he knows they are watching it backstage? Please do let me know anything else you find. & yes isn't it ironic? We've been digging all over the place & here it was all along. The beginning of the truth. BTW I also noticed when he chuckles he looks back behind the curtain as well. & when he gets off stage, Thome grabs him right away. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    I watched carefully at the part of the video when MJ does the shrug with his head and shoulders he is definitely directing it towards someone and it's not the fans. It's like a cocky shrug that he does like yeah what you want some of me? He also has this kinda evil grimace look on his face when he does it. I also think that he may have said something under his breath. So there is proof from this conference that it was suppose to be 10 shows. I never seen Michael do a cocky pose and look like that before. He look like he was plotting on somebody that rubbed him the wrong way. I think Michael got pissed off before he came on stage. Also he had a swag when he walked into the arena. People say that wasn't him but I think it was just his wig was throwing off his look and I believe he may have had something done to his lips they do appear larger. Somebody commented that he was throwing up the black power sign as well. I'm not exactly sure but he was throwing his fist up like he wanna go Mayweather on somebody. I think MJ took matters into his own hands that's how This is it came to be with Kenny O. Once MJ found out that someone was trying to play him like a sucka into doing more shows that he didn't want to do. I think someone in MJ's management camp was shady and also I believe Arnie Klein to be shady. So my hope is that MJ was able to get them instead and that justice will prevail and they will be brought down.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    it is so interesting when a different light is thrown on something.....and if you watch it with this new information....it does make sense...........what i simply find unbelievable is.....micheal is a very clever man.....and i dont understand how ........if he did not want to tour........that he even thought of saying yes to one........and i dont believe that money was the issue here.........micheal is wealthy enough to not need to ever tour if he does not want to......so is something much more evil going on here.....????? the death of the lawyer is shocking btw.....xxxx
  • mjsweetymjsweety Posts: 99
    I watched carefully at the part of the video when MJ does the shrug with his head and shoulders he is definitely directing it towards someone and it's not the fans. It's like a cocky shrug that he does like yeah what you want some of me? He also has this kinda evil grimace look on his face when he does it. I also think that he may have said something under his breath. So there is proof from this conference that it was suppose to be 10 shows. I never seen Michael do a cocky pose and look like that before. He look like he was plotting on somebody that rubbed him the wrong way. I think Michael got pissed off before he came on stage. Also he had a swag when he walked into the arena. People say that wasn't him but I think it was just his wig was throwing off his look and I believe he may have had something done to his lips they do appear larger. Somebody commented that he was throwing up the black power sign as well. I'm not exactly sure but he was throwing his fist up like he wanna go Mayweather on somebody. I think MJ took matters into his own hands that's how This is it came to be with Kenny O. Once MJ found out that someone was trying to play him like a sucka into doing more shows that he didn't want to do. I think someone in MJ's management camp was shady and also I believe Arnie Klein to be shady. So my hope is that MJ was able to get them instead and that justice will prevail and they will be brought down.

    what comes to mind now is Kenny O saying in an interview on tv( can't remember the show,maybe Ophrah) " Michael did'nt have to die" and " I can't believe he's still not with us" Somehow these two phrases sound contradicting to me . One thought about first phrase is Kenny O is part of the bad guys yet did'nt think they needed to go as far as to off MJ or He's on mikes side and found that mike did'nt have to fake his death over this
    Second phrase, always had me thinking coma situation...
    Indeed the 02 conference ,broken down like that it makes a lot of sense. I'm with you guys on this who feel this is like reading a mystery novel, now i read a ton of mysteries every year but i'll be darned i can't get my head around this particular mystery just yet!
    Keep the faith though!!I'm pretty sure MJ knew what he was up against and got out in time!
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    This is a great observation, and totally explains his behaviour. WOW. Thanks for this post. I too have suspicions regarding Lopez's death. It's just too coincidental.
    I've always thought Joe Jackson is feeling really guilty about something or is covering up something . Does anyone else feel this way too????
    Also, we can eliminate rumours of it being the impersonator "Navi" .

    He was there...........maybe as an decoy for when MJ arrived and left..???????
  • Oh & the "Black Power" fist, that's definitely a message to them. & the way he did it & the look & the shrug, it was meant to be a slap in their face. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I absolutely agree with you!
  • I am mortified by the latest news that Lopez is dead! I, too, don't believe it was suicide but murder, like many of you. This implies that something very serious and troubling was happening behind the scenes and I am frankly worried about it all. It definitely feels like "piece by piece" all will be revealed.

    I, for one, don't believe that MJ was a drug addict or alcoholic (although I may be naive and wrong)....but my intuition tells me he was playing those idiots he worked with. He was painting a rather impressive false portrait of himself to aid in his plan. I truly hope he trumped them all!

    It is good that new light has been shed on the O2 announcement in regards to MJ's behavior. It certainly seems plausible under that pretext. He definitely is showing attitude and is directed at someone....but the question is who?

    If this story is truly correct....it is far more dangerous than I had ever expected. All I can say is that I hope the children are under tight wraps and well protected. There is no telling how corrupt people are or where they will stop!
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    At first i thought that Michael Did want to do the shows.... only 10 no more than that.... i also think the move to do 50 shows was planned well before the 02 confrence, and michael knew, or found out about it and that could explain the attitude. What also struck me, The TII DVD extras, i think its staging the return bit, when they explain about how they were trying to get michael for residency.... they said " We TOLD Michael that HE HAD TO come back and regain his crown as the greatest live entertainer!" Did michael ever lose that crown ? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    But if the shows is the reason behind the hoax, then why the heck is murray involved ? why a trial ? and if the shows are the problem... The shows would have ended in March.... or knowing AEG they might still be going.

    Just wonder how long TII was supposed to last

    And this is actually really starting to get serious... there is definatley something fishy going on
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