O2 Announcement EXPOSED! Please Read!



  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    Michael had a definite "up yours" attitude at the 02 announcement, and I think he wanted the fans to know, that his demeanor had nada to do with them. He was obviously so fed up with the charade that he had to show it in some way, let us know, something is up, something just ain't right about Michael. There was an article at one time, don't know if it's still out there, about Michael finishing the announcement and going behind the curtains to find Tohme Tohme about to get physical with someone regarding some of Michael's stuff he was auctioning behind the scene. Triffling assholes. MJ was visibly upset. About the bullet proof, I have wondered the same thing when watching MJ in This Is It. I would certainly think that if Michael had been receiving some threats or if he had indicated to them the strong belief that he was being targeted, surely he would have been wearing some kind of protection. But yeah, Michael was pissed. You could see it and hear it. He was pissed, and hell, so was I. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I think everybody saw that there was somethi g wrong I read that he shut hself in the hotel and that he fell on the way to the announcment maybe that's why he had marks on his hands now it is all scary
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Thank you all for your insightful posts. It is clear as day what was going on now that we look at the O2 announcement in a new way. I for one though, think he could have gotten away from them. He knew people who could help him, I think they did. However, I don't think he'll come back, that's just asking for something bad to happen. He has to appear dead. He can't ever come back unless he is safe, which I'm not sure he ever will be. & If Peter Lopez helped MJ in the dispute with Sony & Tommy Mottolla, he was definitely on a list of people to get rid of. He would be their enemy. I think they either went to him to try to get information about where MJ is & if he is alive. Or they went after him to try to get MJ to come out. MJ could be dead, but I still believe he could have found people to help him get away. & a bullet proof vest could have been used if there was reason to believe they would try to kill him. Perhaps CM was just supposed to keep MJ drugged & he has no idea that this is all a hoax. He didn't give MJ enough to kill him but it's all part of MJ's getaway plan. CM never knew what went on with MJ at the hospital. It could have all been staged or it was a double at the hospital used to throw the bad guys off. It's all like a gangster movie. I truly believe Jermaine thought Thome Thome was helpful or good for MJ but he didn't know what was going on behind the scenes how would he know? Thome Thome was firing people left & right & keeping the family away. I'm sure it wasn't Michael doing that, it was his "adviser" Thome. However, the family probably thought it was Michael doing it because Thome Thome made them think that or told Jermaine that it was Michael. It's all shady. I'm sure that Randy is the only family member who knows something about what was going on though. Perhaps he was at MJ's house to help him plan this. That's why he is so quiet. & some of the family is now clued in I'm sure. They are trying to push for CM to get charged with murder & maybe the bad guys will be exposed during the trial & since it can't be proved that CM murdered MJ, he will not go to prison. Thus, the bad guys will be investigated making CM a fall guy. JMO. It still makes sense, hopefully it plays out that way otherwise MJ is really gone - murderd. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I think everybody saw that there was somethi g wrong I read that he shut hself in the hotel and that he fell on the way to the announcment maybe that's why he had marks on his hands now it is all scary

    I remember someone saying when MJ was getting out of the bus he fell. Now seeing how things were that day, I think they pushed him out of the bus & were physically making him do the announcement. Especially now that one of you has said that Thome Thome was pushing MJ. & that he tried to hop out of the golf cart but someone made him sit back down. It's all so scary, poor Michael. I can't imagine what other crap he was being put through that we have no way of seeing. It makes me sick. I really hope he got out alive. He was smart & he knew people who could help him, I hope they did. I also hope Jermaine had nothing to do with this & that he either didn't know Thome Thome was bad or he is just playing nice <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Yes but what do we make of the idea that this entire hoax was planned many years ago ? I mean the hints and all the information we have collected has been placed and prepared way before the O2 announcement and even concerts preparation. A lot of us agreed on the fact that Michael had this idea (faking his death) in his mind since years now, so does it still fit in these circumstances ? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Or are you heading for Michael is dead now ? (which I don't believe). We are only speculating on the reasons of this "suicide" we don't know if it's true, if it's murder or if he's still alive...and why ? etc...

    I'm gonna re-read TS post Greater Proof Hoax, Not Murder. I still believe that Michael is alive. God bless you.
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  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Yes but what do we make of the idea that this entire hoax was planned many years ago ? I mean the hints and all the information we have collected has been placed and prepared way before the O2 announcement and even concerts preparation. A lot of us agreed on the fact that Michael had this idea (faking his death) in his mind since years now, so does it still fit in these circumstances ? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Or are you heading for Michael is dead now ? (which I don't believe). We are only speculating on the reasons of this "suicide" we don't know if it's true, if it's murder or if he's still alive...and why ? etc...

    I'm gonna re-read TS post Greater Proof Hoax, Not Murder. I still believe that Michael is alive. God bless you.
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    He may have been planning to disappear out of the spotlight at some point. But I think it became a serious situation once these bad people entered or re-entered his life. Before it might have been I want to retire from music & do other things. Now with all of this proof of shady stuff going on, Peter Lopez's death & the trial etc. It became a rescue mission, imo. If he just wanted out of the spotlight, there wouldn't be a trial coming up. I also think the concerts were being planned waaayy before 2009. & he didn't want to so he tried to appear sick. But they kept pushing him to do them. So he agreed to 10. They got greedy & controlling. & he was looking for a way out but they probably threatened him & this all could have started earlier than 2009 or even 2008 for that matter. They are just making us believe it was something he wanted to do & that he was planning it, blah blah blah. The whole "He wanted to do this because his kids are old enough & he's still young enough to do it." thing they all say, to me, is just so that we think they are good guys & that they are doing this for him, etc. When really, they want the money & could care less about the man himself. It's pretty obvious that they are faking it.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Yes but what do we make of the idea that this entire hoax was planned many years ago ? I mean the hints and all the information we have collected has been placed and prepared way before the O2 announcement and even concerts preparation. A lot of us agreed on the fact that Michael had this idea (faking his death) in his mind since years now, so does it still fit in these circumstances ? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Or are you heading for Michael is dead now ? (which I don't believe). We are only speculating on the reasons of this "suicide" we don't know if it's true, if it's murder or if he's still alive...and why ? etc...

    I'm gonna re-read TS post Greater Proof Hoax, Not Murder. I still believe that Michael is alive. God bless you.
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=48&t=7194<!-- l -->

    He may have been planning to disappear out of the spotlight at some point. But I think it became a serious situation once these bad people entered or re-entered his life. Before it might have been I want to retire from music & do other things. Now with all of this proof of shady stuff going on, Peter Lopez's death & the trial etc. It became a rescue mission, imo. If he just wanted out of the spotlight, there wouldn't be a trial coming up. I also think the concerts were being planned waaayy before 2009. & he didn't want to so he tried to appear sick. But they kept pushing him to do them. So he agreed to 10. They got greedy & controlling. & he was looking for a way out but they probably threatened him & this all could have started earlier than 2009 or even 2008 for that matter. They are just making us believe it was something he wanted to do & that he was planning it, blah blah blah. The whole "He wanted to do this because his kids are old enough & he's still young enough to do it." thing they all say, to me, is just so that we think they are good guys & that they are doing this for him, etc. When really, they want the money & could care less about the man himself. It's pretty obvious that they are faking it.

    I agree on the fact that Michael didn't want to do these shows and I'm well aware that greedy and nasty people are all around him to make as much money as possible no matter what. But I think that this hoax is not just about disappearing from the spotlight, that he planned it since more than 10 years and that the aim is to get to the bottom of things. Maybe they thought they had control on him but in reality it was the contrary.

    I really dont know where we're going and I must admit that the death of Mr Lopez has thrown some very bad waves in the story. I hope we'll get more information on that matter.
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    I read something like this before, I think that was MJ at the O2, not a double, only that he was weird, nervous, he knew that was his last apparence in public, he knew that when he died all the world would see this final speech...
    When I look at this I have the same feeling that i have when i look the killer thriller party when he say :
    "they don´t think, that this performer, my self, would out think them"... i feel the same when he say : "this is it, this would be my final shows, this is it, and when i say this is it, this is it, because...."
    the way he walks.... i see the same at the beggining of this video
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADCuUF0xSEk<!-- m -->
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    I think Michael had future plans to get out of the limelight and do more behind the scene kinda things for a while; however, I have 2 different scenarios for Michael hoaxing his death, and this is one of them. The other is off a different nature altogether and not suitable for this thread. However, in both cases, I think the hoax came up as a direct result of things that were happening more recently. I think once that contract was signed obligating him to those shows, and when he started second guessing and then actually witnessing that these damn people were trying to rob him of all his assets, his health, his career and his life, is when they really started dogging Michael. Couldn't you sense some tension on the set of This Is It? It was definitely there. Truth be told, I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't purposely trying to make him think he was losing his mind, the reason all those sticky notes were found around his home. I'd go as far as to even not put this pass them, that they had someone shadowing Michael and filling his head with ideas about someone being out to get him, causing paranoia. I don't put anything past the almighty dollar to a bunch of money hungry leeches. Poor Michael, I wish I could just give him a hug and rub his feet.
  • heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
    I did notice something on his left palm, but never considered it could have been from a fall! OMG! It is heartbreaking to think he was literally, as well as figuratively, being manhandled behind the scenes like that! Again, OMG! My eyes are welling up right now at the thought of it!

    I've thought for some time now that either this is:
    A) a hoax that was in place for an entirely reason but changed into a rescue mission to save Michael's life OR
    B) he is truly dead. And if that is true? No doubt in my mind WHATSOEVER that it was murder! This was not an accidental overdose. This was not Manslaughter. But whether Conrad Murray was actually the person that killed him, I still can't decide. More and more, he just seems to be a puppet in all this. When you are broke, you are very susceptible and vulnerable to manipulation.

    Nobody has commented much about the fact that Mark Lester was on the golf cart too.....what do you all make of that? Did you see his face? He looks MISERABLE! Do you think Michael asked him to be there as his friend because he needed one badly there in London? I see a man that seems helpless to help his friend.

    I think Peter Lopez was one of The Good Guys. From everything I've read, those who knew him are not believing it was suicide. Well, that makes it MURDER then. Why would Peter Lopez be murdered? Three reasons:
    1) He refused to cooperate with those that are trying to find Michael;
    2) He is being used as an example to scare others;
    3) He was offed as payback for previous acts that were contrary to what the killers were trying to accomplish;
    OR, scariest thought of all....

    Right now, I am praying for two things:
    1) That Michael was able to escape all of this somehow and is working behind the scenes to bring these criminals to justice, and
    2) That The Truth Will Prevail!

    I really feel the most we can possibly hope for here is that Michael is safe....I don't believe he will be if he ever comes out of hiding...this is so damned deep and evil, he couldn't possibly expect to survive a second attempt on his life.

    Thank you to all for your incredible insight, opinions and intelligence. I feel as if we've opened Pandora's Box here....
  • Rita HayworthRita Hayworth Posts: 122
    Hesoutofmylife - it's funny that you say that about the movie...after the movie was over I sat there for as long as I could (before the people who clean up came) and all I felt was an extreme sadness. He seemed very unhappy. Nothing about his dancing or singing was the free spirited Michael that so connected with the audience. I bought the DVD. Watched it once and felt the same thing. I picked it up about 2 weeks ago and still felt something was wrong...even Kenny's demeanor with him I thought was condescending. He was the Star and yet he wasn't the Star. We women can sense things long before we have an explanation. I know when something is wrong with my kids before they even tell me. I felt that way watching the movie. I understand your wanting to rub his feet. I felt that same protective feeling when I watched the movie. I just wish others who were able to help him did as well.

    The "little girl" in me wants to believe that he is safe and will live in happiness with his children. But the adult in me thinks he was way in over his head with these thugs and he made promises to many powerful people who were not going to let him get out of it. I think in the end, they got their "pound of flesh" if not more. I am also very suspicious of Kenny Ortega. He made a lot of money out of this as well. I'm not sure he was looking after Michaels best interests. I know why Michael hid out in Neverland and didn't want to grow up...
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    I just watched it again. When MJ comes back and gives that hard sign and shrugs his shoulders, he seems to be directing it to someone in the audience. There were probably some AEG, SONY or whomever plants in the crowd with the fans to give him the evil eye just in case he got off point or said something misleading. OMG I hate this. How could they treat him like this after ALL he did for them? Stupid question. MONEY AND GREED.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    Hesoutofmylife - it's funny that you say that about the movie...after the movie was over I sat there for as long as I could (before the people who clean up came) and all I felt was an extreme sadness. He seemed very unhappy. Nothing about his dancing or singing was the free spirited Michael that so connected with the audience. I bought the DVD. Watched it once and felt the same thing. I picked it up about 2 weeks ago and still felt something was wrong...even Kenny's demeanor with him I thought was condescending. He was the Star and yet he wasn't the Star. We women can sense things long before we have an explanation. I know when something is wrong with my kids before they even tell me. I felt that way watching the movie. I understand your wanting to rub his feet. I felt that same protective feeling when I watched the movie. I just wish others who were able to help him did as well.

    The "little girl" in me wants to believe that he is safe and will live in happiness with his children. But the adult in me thinks he was way in over his head with these thugs and he made promises to many powerful people who were not going to let him get out of it. I think in the end, they got their "pound of flesh" if not more. I am also very suspicious of Kenny Ortega. He made a lot of money out of this as well. I'm not sure he was looking after Michaels best interests. I know why Michael hid out in Neverland and didn't want to grow up...
    Kenny was very condescending which I could tell was making Michael quite uncomfortable. I have never trusted Kenny Ortega and his sudden love for Michael Jackson. I just don't buy it. I think he is just as much of a snake as any of the lot of them.
  • Rita HayworthRita Hayworth Posts: 122
    Since we're exchanging insights, what if Conrad Murray is telling the truth? Maybe he didn't give Michael anything that would kill him...but someone else did. It would be very possible to do something to Michael while he was "out of it" and while Murray left the room. Whatever happened the night of the last rehearsal may have been enough so that they knew Michael wasn't going to go through with it or couldn't go through with it. I hope these are some of the "surprises" that come out at the trial...if we an expect justice. I will have to relook at the autopsy report although I don't know how accurate that is.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Since we're exchanging insights, what if Conrad Murray is telling the truth? Maybe he didn't give Michael anything that would kill him...but someone else did. It would be very possible to do something to Michael while he was "out of it" and while Murray left the room. Whatever happened the night of the last rehearsal may have been enough so that they knew Michael wasn't going to go through with it or couldn't go through with it. I hope these are some of the "surprises" that come out at the trial...if we an expect justice. I will have to relook at the autopsy report although I don't know how accurate that is.

    I cant shake that feeling with Murray... that either he was being paid to do it, or he didnt do it... something isnt right about the story we are being told about him. I dont know what it is....
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    Since we're exchanging insights, what if Conrad Murray is telling the truth? Maybe he didn't give Michael anything that would kill him...but someone else did. It would be very possible to do something to Michael while he was "out of it" and while Murray left the room. Whatever happened the night of the last rehearsal may have been enough so that they knew Michael wasn't going to go through with it or couldn't go through with it. I hope these are some of the "surprises" that come out at the trial...if we an expect justice. I will have to relook at the autopsy report although I don't know how accurate that is.

    I cant shake that feeling with Murray... that either he was being paid to do it, or he didnt do it... something isnt right about the story we are being told about him. I dont know what it is....

    Maybe a Rogue Bodyguard???
  • heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
    "Rogue Bodyguard"....That's an interesting idea, awesome1...but somehow, when I read that phrase, my mind jumped more to a Rogue Bodyguard (AKA ALVAREZ!) helping Michael "escape" vs. implementing his actual death....clearly, Alvarez is up to his NECK in this in some way...was clearly on the "front lines" of this battle...he was the 911 caller for God's sake!....I know I may reading waaaay too much into every detail of the Backstage O2 footage we've all been discussing, but look at him again by the door of the bus...this was not a joyous/happy/celebratory moment over the Return of the King AT ALL...he is staring down the cameraperson taking this footage...perhaps the evil ones got to him....or perhaps he stayed loyal to Mike...we don't know this yet...what DO we know then?...we know that his wife reported him missing for a few days after Michael's death...on the one hand, that could easily just be attributed to him just being upset that Michael died on his watch and holing up somewhere, but not to tell your wife where you are?....do they have kids?....if so, a father wouldn't do that, would he?...or he could have been SCARED SHITLESS OF certain people...like, Get the Hell Out of Dodge Til We See How This Plays Out....but here is another detail that I've posted before without too much response...it has been shown here on this forum that the there was more than one 911 call....that one of those calls (the first perhaps?) was actually shown on the EMT's screen as coming from the address of the Beverly Hilton Hotel...so what does this mean?...then it was suggested that the cell tower in that area is atop that hotel and that's why the call appeared to be eminating from there....but if you go back and look at the timeline...completely verified by video taped interviews....Frank Dileo admits ON TAPE to a timeline that supports that he was at that hotel at the exact time of that phone call....hmmmmm....I really don't want to think that Frank is involved in The Dark Side of this....I know he had Michael's back for years...but let me remind you of the mantra that should NEVER be far from our minds as we investigate this..."FOLLOW THE MONEY"....there is PLENTY of evidence...video taped evidence....showing some questionable practices by him in the last 6 months that Michael was alive...many questions with no answers...I could completely buy the notion that he was finally bought off to betray Mike...there are too many holes in his story that don't add up...even Alvarez could have succumbed to that temptation, I suppose...if even part of this is actually true, this does not bode well for our belief that Michael is still among the living...but I hold out hope that he was able to find the help he needed to escape....I think it really came down to an escape...and how ironic that he actually wrote a song with the same title and message....soooo spooky and if not, one HELL of a kawinky-dink!
  • mjsweetymjsweety Posts: 99
    Well if i remember correctly Thome hired Alvarez so whose side do you think he was on
    (if we're going with the "Murray didn't give MJ anything that should have killed him so who did?)
    About Dileo being or not being on "the dark side" well he got MJ into so much trouble regarding the Allgood entertainment contract , because it was Dileo that signed for that...
    I'm still on the fence about this being it though, i have faith that MJ got help and got out,
    this just prevents him from coming back anytime soon. Until there has been a trial, or unless the greedy basterds slip up big time with MJ's estate and money so they can be brought down, i don't think we should expect him back.
  • alovesmichaelalovesmichael Posts: 903
    I can't help but wonder if everything mentioned in that Newshound blog are true... If they are, to me, that would mean Michael might have had a serious drug problem, poor angel <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> . It would explain why no new music was released, I wouldn't be so blunt as to call it "laziness" though <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> . He did look like he was on something a few times during interviews, or was he just sad? His eyes just looked so sad sometimes... <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • Rita HayworthRita Hayworth Posts: 122
    Around 2001 is when he starts to look like he's on something...especially at the NYC Invincible album promotion and at his 30th anniversary concerts. Either he's on something or he simply doesn't want to be there. I'm wondering if this is the point where he loses all interest in doing public performances. He has his children and so I would totally understand wanting to spend more time with them. In one interview with the Rabbi he says "they" won't let him do the things he wants to do, like spend more time on his charities. Unfortunately, I think he was a cash cow and no one was going to let him not perform if there was the possibility of making a kigililion dollars. I also believe he was not broke or if he was then someone stole a lot of money from him. I read somewhere that he made $12M a year from royalties. That cannot be right, not with the catalog he owned. If he spent a lot money, I think it's because he knew what he was worth. I think that they were either stealing from him or making him think he was broke so he would work. It was an impossible situation. He could not trust anyone, not even his own family. There are too many things that others have said that don't fit. You can't be a doting father and be on drugs. Drug addicts do not have relationships...except with drugs or alcohol or whatever they get high on. That's a fact. You can't be knowledgeable about health and supplements, etc. and not let your children have sugar and then go without eating. I think sometimes we think there is a double because it's almost like 2 different personalities. After almost a year, we still don't really know the real michael. That is what brings me back here....who is the real Michael? I think you're right...this concert thing goes back to 2008 or even 2007. It's almost like they stalked him to commit. We may never know the truth.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    Even if he didn't have a drug problem before this, he would certainly need a few nerve pills to deal with all the slime that was surrounding him. If he was taking any drugs, I can certainly understand why. Shoulda had some good weed and a ride or die girl. Then he wouldn't have needed any pharmaceuticals. I'm just saying <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
    Hello again! I watched the backstage footage again on the DVD of TII/Disc One, "Staging the Show/The Adventure Begins" and found one more interesting thing to share....the part when Michael is onstage and toward the end, shoots a really pissed off look to someone out in the audience and then gives the Black Panther fist and cocks his head back in anger?....that is NOT included on the DVD footage...that can only be found on YouTube....so ask yourself....why would that footage be edited out?....hmmmmmm.....perhaps to portray Michael as being nothing but thrilled to be there?...I'm telling you....he most certainly WAS NOT THRILLED to be there....I believe he was THREATENED to be there....and Thome Thome was literally within arms length at all times....perhaps that is why Michael appears to be wearing a bullet proof vest under his shirt....I think he really feared for his life that day....and not from some overzealous fan....is it possible that Thome Thome could have made MJ believe that if he didn't do as they said that he could be assassinated like John Lennon? Perhaps that is to whom his angry look was directed....some faceless, anonymous person planted in the audience to intimidate Mike....if you stop to think about this, it is totally within the realm of possibility, Folks! JMHO! Peace to all!
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Hello again! I watched the backstage footage again on the DVD of TII/Disc One, "Staging the Show/The Adventure Begins" and found one more interesting thing to share....the part when Michael is onstage and toward the end, shoots a really pissed off look to someone out in the audience and then gives the Black Panther fist and cocks his head back in anger?....that is NOT included on the DVD footage...that can only be found on YouTube....so ask yourself....why would that footage be edited out?....hmmmmmm.....perhaps to portray Michael as being nothing but thrilled to be there?...I'm telling you....he most certainly WAS NOT THRILLED to be there....I believe he was THREATENED to be there....and Thome Thome was literally within arms length at all times....perhaps that is why Michael appears to be wearing a bullet proof vest under his shirt....I think he really feared for his life that day....and not from some overzealous fan....is it possible that Thome Thome could have made MJ believe that if he didn't do as they said that he could be assassinated like John Lennon? Perhaps that is to whom his angry look was directed....some faceless, anonymous person planted in the audience to intimidate Mike....if you stop to think about this, it is totally within the realm of possibility, Folks! JMHO! Peace to all!

    Yes it is and probably the main point of the hoax if the truth be known.
  • heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
    Yes, Datroot, very well said....and I believe that day of the O2 Press Conference is our clue as to when Michael's long-planned/waiting in the wings Death Hoax Contingency Plan began to kick into high gear...the writing was on the wall for him that day....he realized that he had to let the Evil Ones think he was dead....let them think they were getting one over on him and even his estate beyond that....he knew the time had finally come to go underground and "outthink them"....we're talking about a GENIUS here...truly and completely....an EFFING GENIUS! In this footage, I see a man who is simultaneously BLOWN AWAY by the love of his fans and PISSED AS HELL that he was being manipulated, pillaged and used once again to make EVERYONE AROUND HIM RICH...and by whom? It's obvious....by THOSE VERY FANS HE ADORES!! The injustice of that juxtaposition is astounding, when you think about it...THIS IS IT>>>>>This was the impetus...right then and there, I believe....that set the Death Hoax into actual motion....as always, JMHO....Peace!
  • kemrekemre Posts: 44
    Wow! Thanks so much OP! I can see now why I thought this wasn't MJ at o2! It wasn't the way he looked it was his demeanor. He looks pissed.

    It seems every time he gets a hateful look on his face he's sure to tell his fans "I love you"

    Like to say.. It's not you.. Sorry I'm not myself right now.. But know ghat I do love you!

    He storms off that bus!
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