O2 Announcement EXPOSED! Please Read!



  • jilljill Posts: 917
    This article also gives motives for murder. They knew it would be impossible for him to do 50 shows, not to mention he didn't want to. If AEG bought up 1000 seats per show and were trying to sell them at outrageous prices they were in the hole, if it is true the seats were not selling for the amount they wanted. It would have looked bad to have that many empty seats right up front at most of the shows. Not only embarrassing to them but to Michael as well. You would think they would have just sold them back to the arena and let them sell at regular price. Maybe AEG was afraid they were going to lose their butts and took action to recoup their money.

    Joe said he would not see This Is It because most of it was not Michael but doubles. He knows his own son. I wonder if he knew for a fact that Michael was not the one showing up for practices? Different reports puts Michael in his home and also at rehearsal at the same time the night before June 25.

    The article states that Joe Jackson got involved and was saying he was managing Michael again, however, Joe himself stated he couldn't get near Michael because of the people surrounding him. He said he had been trying for weeks to even get a phone call thru to him. Everything in this case is contradictory. None of it makes sense.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    At last, a post not to be denied. I have never believed that Michael would do those shows, and always felt he was forced, that his hands were tied by Sony or AEG or some other entities. They wanted Michael to be their puppet and they were of the mindset to do every and anything possible to make sure that he was. But they forgot, that shy, soft spoken Michael Jackson had BALLS and he would not be handled that way. I am so GLAD to see this post. It has made my day. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! If anything happened to Michael, this little evidence should at least shed some light on the history and as far as Lopez is concerned, something tells me he was an offed witness. He had to be put down. Not a suicide, but made to look like one. Michael Jackson did not want to do those shows. Michael Jackson gets what Michael Jackson wants. Were they done? HELL NO. Ask somebody. They tried to make Michael feel obligated by insisting he HAD to do them to get out of debt. What Crap! I'll bet he's out of debt now and he did it HIS WAY.
  • letstalkagainletstalkagain Posts: 348
    Well with AEG, Phillips and SONY, unable to sell tickets and Mj notwanting to do the concerts. could'nt they have also helped him to fake his death. I mean the concerts were
    insured right, plus the movie, and the DVD release, made mega cash because of his death. This could go either way maybe Lopez knew the truth and was blackmailing someone, about letting the public know the truth.

    It is very confusing and still it could go either way. I am correct was the attorney murdered on the side of his house? Interesting way to cmmit suicide on the side of your home, this does not make any sense to me, other than he was ambushed while outside of his home.
  • Listen guys...there was plan A and plan B...Plan A was to get MJ to perform at these concerts...based on what his fans said so so long ago, that near the end, his body guards were keeping him away from his fans so he couldn't tell his fans any more that he didn't want to do these concerts and the video I saw with my own eyes that is now GONE of him saying that and based on MJ's recent history of not performing when expected and the fact that he was missing rehearsals and everyone was fed up...........ENTER PLAN B! They knew they were never gonna get paid with MJ acting this way...the only other thing left...Kill him. WORTH MORE DEAD THAN ALIVE. They tried to keep him on plan A...they drugged him up and let Murray move in with him to keep him drugged and keep him compliant rather than loud and COMPLAINING! When that still didn't get him showing up to rehearsals...Plan B...

    The funny thing is...I don't blame MJ one bit! He should have signed on for 100 concerts and throw them all in the garbage! no one, NO ONE was more responsible for his TRIAL than his own industry and his own "coworkers" all turned their backs on him...I don't blame him if he EVER set one tiny pinky on stage again. His industry didn't deserve the dinner they ate that he paid for...I think MJ was sick and tired of being everyone's meal ticket.
  • Listen guys...there was plan A and plan B...Plan A was to get MJ to perform at these concerts...based on what his fans said so so long ago, that near the end, his body guards were keeping him away from his fans so he couldn't tell his fans any more that he didn't want to do these concerts and the video I saw with my own eyes that is now GONE of him saying that and based on MJ's recent history of not performing when expected and the fact that he was missing rehearsals and everyone was fed up...........ENTER PLAN B! They knew they were never gonna get paid with MJ acting this way...the only other thing left...Kill him. WORTH MORE DEAD THAN ALIVE. They tried to keep him on plan A...they drugged him up and let Murray move in with him to keep him drugged and keep him compliant rather than loud and COMPLAINING! When that still didn't get him showing up to rehearsals...Plan B...

    The funny thing is...I don't blame MJ one bit! He should have signed on for 100 concerts and throw them all in the garbage! no one, NO ONE was more responsible for his TRIAL than his own industry and his own "coworkers" all turned their backs on him...I don't blame him if he EVER set one tiny pinky on stage again. His industry didn't deserve the dinner they ate that he paid for...I think MJ was sick and tired of being everyone's meal ticket.

    I agree with you on the Plan A/Plan B. I have always thought that since the beginning. I'm not so sure MJ got out of this alive. This AEG Crew had pre-bank-rolled everything and I read with this company, losing Money is NOT an option. The Concert was NOT sold out, it seemed MJ had reached the end of his rope, on and on. A failed investment was Not an option for them.....Poor MJ <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • Well with AEG, Phillips and SONY, unable to sell tickets and Mj notwanting to do the concerts. could'nt they have also helped him to fake his death. I mean the concerts were
    insured right, plus the movie, and the DVD release, made mega cash because of his death. This could go either way maybe Lopez knew the truth and was blackmailing someone, about letting the public know the truth.

    It is very confusing and still it could go either way. I am correct was the attorney murdered on the side of his house? Interesting way to cmmit suicide on the side of your home, this does not make any sense to me, other than he was ambushed while outside of his home.

    I've read 4/5 differant accounts that are all the same, except some say was found in Back Yard and others say Front Yard. I agree it's unusual to drive your kids to school, then come back home to off yourself in front/back yard where wife can find you. (Out on a rural road in the car would make more sense to be found by stranger or police)
  • Rita HayworthRita Hayworth Posts: 122
    I think the truth is finally coming out. It's always been about the money...but not for Michael, for everyone else. I think he would do 10 concerts, but not the 50. His own family was after him to tour.

    But I still believe MJ knew what was going on and found a way out. We have to remember the memorial service, the family's reaction, etc. I don't believe he's dead. I do believe that he reached out to Farrakahn and they found a way to protect him. However, I think "they" may have figured that out by now and possibly went after Lopez to get information or intimidate Michael.

    Or what I prefer to think is that MJ is legally trying to expose all of them and needed Lopez help to do so. So they both are in some sort of protective custody. But all of it explains why the kids are no where near him.It may also explain why the police were called to the house that night for a possible intruder. The trial and investigation may be uncovering more than AEG, etc are comfortable with. It's going to get worse before the June date. It's time for the prayer warriors to get serious. Now we all know why we are here and Jermaine's message makes a lot of sense. Does it also make sense that Klein's
    derogatory remarks about Michael are now appearing? This is no longer a game.

    The entertainment business has always been shady at best and
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    I really hope the police do a thorough investigation into Lopez's death and not just let it go as a suicide. Even we can see it is likely murder. This whole thing stinks like three day old fish.
  • Good post.

    There´s a thread about Lopez as well:
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=17&t=9485<!-- l -->
  • airiesladyairieslady Posts: 384
    And I am thinking if they did "off" Lopez, what's to keep them from forcing other people into doing or saying things or if they don't they will be killed too...including family or anyone else involved. I just hope that Lopez is not dead...if he really is, this is definitely related. Farrakhan... hmm! He sure gave a hellified speech about MJ crucifiction... that's some bad ass dudes if they are involved. I would say there are alot of different "bad boys" playing parts in all of this. This is going to be another long month. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • And I am thinking if they did "off" Lopez, what's to keep them from forcing other people into doing or saying things or if they don't they will be killed too...including family or anyone else involved. I just hope that Lopez is not dead...if he really is, this is definitely related. Farrakhan... hmm! He sure gave a hellified speech about MJ crucifiction... that's some bad ass dudes if they are involved. I would say there are alot of different "bad boys" playing parts in all of this. This is going to be another long month. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    regarding maybe Lopez isn't dead....
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=17&t=9460<!-- l -->

    This is starting to seem like Mob vendettas back in 1930's Chicago <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • They are already having his funeral..

    A funeral for entertainment lawyer Peter Lopez will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday at St. Monica Catholic Church in Santa Monica, his family announced.

    Lopez, 60, was found dead Friday of a gunshot wound outside his home in Encino. Coroner's officials have confirmed the death as a suicide.

    Lopez was a founding partner of Kleinberg Lopez Lange Cuddy and Klein, and over the years represented artists including Michael Jackson, the Eagles and Julio Iglesias. He had bachelor's and law degrees from UCLA and was a member of the California State Athletic Commission.

    Survivors include his wife, actress Catherine Bach; their daughters, Sophia and Laura; a son from a previous marriage, Michael; a brother, Arthur; and his parents, Eleanor and Arturo.
  • They are already having his funeral..

    A funeral for entertainment lawyer Peter Lopez will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday at St. Monica Catholic Church in Santa Monica, his family announced.

    Lopez, 60, was found dead Friday of a gunshot wound outside his home in Encino. Coroner's officials have confirmed the death as a suicide.

    Lopez was a founding partner of Kleinberg Lopez Lange Cuddy and Klein, and over the years represented artists including Michael Jackson, the Eagles and Julio Iglesias. He had bachelor's and law degrees from UCLA and was a member of the California State Athletic Commission.

    Survivors include his wife, actress Catherine Bach; their daughters, Sophia and Laura; a son from a previous marriage, Michael; a brother, Arthur; and his parents, Eleanor and Arturo.

    Thanks for finding this. but guess what? It does NOT say Where he will be buried does it? Just that the funeral service will be held at a certain church. Usually it states "inturment will be at _______ Cemetary" So Where will he be laid to rest???
  • heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
    OK...everybody, let's take a breath and recap some things about this....first of all, I am the person who originally found the British Blog posts called The Newshound....I actually originally shared them here because of the mention of Peter Lopez' name in them as a means to track down his exact involvement in MJ's life and the timeline of his employment by Michael....it is true that we don't know if any of it is actually true, but my gut feeling, by the way it was written, was that it very possibly could be....it did seem to fill in a LOT of gaps we were either curious about or didn't even realize were in play....if nothing else, it sure sparked a lot of good conversation about something we'd never considered before....that this man, Peter Lopez, might be an entirely new-to-us, MAJOR player in Michael's "death" and what led up to it....the man does appear to be dead....he had a family....what a tragedy, no matter if it was suicide or murder....he did not die of natural causes....something is really rotten here....I am seeing many interesting takes on this from many of you....I think we are all onto something REALLY big....we are seeing evil....and it is a scary thing to see....but we must keep the faith...and persist in our search for THE TRUTH....no matter what it is....that is paramount...one more thing I want to say is this: when you read these two blogs and then watch the footage of MJ at the O2 Press Conference, it's like someone turned on a light for me...the weirdest parts of Michael's behavior caught on tape that day completely line up with that account....MICHAEL LOOKS SO COMPLETELY PISSED TO ME NOW!....backstage, he sort of storms off the bus with Thome at his heels, walking in a very un-MJ way....why does this look so strange to us?....I'll tell you EXACTLY why...because we rarely saw this Gentle Soul act this way...and his petulant, "if looks could kill" look that he shoots at someone out in the crowd to the right, followed by the Black Panther fist!....THE MAN WAS LIVID!...I ENCOURAGE YOU TO WATCH THE O2 FOOTAGE AGAIN WITH NEW EYES!!!...and yet Michael seem to still be cognizant that he was on stage in front of fans that adored him and he adored, fans that DIDN'T HAVE ONE SINGLE CLUE as to the nefarious goings on behind what they were seeing....so he pulled it back in....but if you put all these pieces together...piece by piece by piece....it's no less than astounding to me....The Peter Lopez Piece of this is KEY, I tell you....he might have been the only person fighting for MJ at that juncture....against so many who were avidly trying to, I believe, manipulate/control/manage/force MJ into doing their bidding....and now, as this case spirals into more and more weirdness....and as more and more information is coming to light, in large part, to folks like us who are INTELLIGENT/QUESTIONING/AWARE/NOT BUYING THE BS WE'RE BEING FED....THAT VERY MAN...IS....DEAD!!!! OMG......oh my dear GOD!
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    And I am thinking if they did "off" Lopez, what's to keep them from forcing other people into doing or saying things or if they don't they will be killed too...including family or anyone else involved. I just hope that Lopez is not dead...if he really is, this is definitely related. Farrakhan... hmm! He sure gave a hellified speech about MJ crucifiction... that's some bad ass dudes if they are involved. I would say there are alot of different "bad boys" playing parts in all of this. This is going to be another long month. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    MJ reached out to Farrakhan for a reason. He is a force to be reckoned with. The nation of Islam don't play. I believe that Farrakhan would protect MJ if he had too. I just think MJ finally realized what was happening with his shady management trying to con him and I believe he also realized that Arnie Klein was no good as well and that it is very possible that MJ took matters into his own hands before it was too late. If I were MJ's family and he was in trouble due to people being greedy I would protect my family as well. Do whatever is necessary as long as it's not harming anyone physically.
  • heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
    Last night, after my last post, I searched YouTube for more footage that I'd remembered seeing of Michael backstage before his O2 press conference, but I couldn't find what I was looking for...suddenly I remembered where I'd seen it!....in the Special Features section of Disc One of TII...."Staging the Return: The Adventure Begins"....and guess what I found? (and I apologize in advance if this has already been discussed)..... there are scenes of Michael riding in what I call a "golf cart" that takes him to and from the stage....in the footage that shows him coming back to the bus outside, we see the backs of Michael, Thome and Phillips, as the film was shot from behind the cart....Michael appears to be trying to jump out of the cart before it's really stopped...he sits back down...it moves forward some more and then he jumps out and quickly goes up the stairs of the bus...you see his bodyguard, Alvarez, standing by the door of the bus, staring directly into the camera....Thome and Phillips quickly follow MIchael to the bus, but he is up the stairs before they can even reach him...this indicates to me that he wanted to get away from them and this whole experience as soon as he could...also, the back of Michael looks very strange to me....it's more than him being thin and his shirt being too big for him...there is something under that shirt...something padded...something square-ish....perhaps a bullet proof vest?....I know that's a stretch, but I can't figure out what else it could be...also....
    as the camera follows the cart to a stop, as Michael gets out, the camera pulls back to reveal none other than MARK LESTER sitting on the BACK of the cart, facing backward (Michael/Thome/Phillips/cart driver were all facing forward)....check out the look on Mark's face....it is patently obvious that he looks VERY unhappy....in fact, he looks VERY WORRIED to me...the looks screams, "OMG....my poor dear old friend is in DEEP SHIT and I am helpless to help him!"....it is so clear that there is more going in in this footage than what is obvious to the casual viewer...if you have this DVD (and I'm sure most, if not all, of you do), please check it out asap and get back to me with your thoughts...why would Mark Lester be there? Simply because he is an old, dear friend of Michael's and Michael is in London?...why would he look so sad then if Michael had simply been announcing his residency at the O2? You'd think Mark would have looked THRILLED, wouldn't you?....after all, that would mean that he and Michael would soon be spending a lot of time together....instead, the man looks very uneasy and unhappy....you know that old saying, "You can't see the forest through the trees"?....apply that here....I think AEG may have underestimated just how astute and discerning we hoaxers can be...we now have in our hands footage that we can watch frame by frame for clues of their subterfuge....it's there, people....it's right there...
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    I think the truth is finally coming out. It's always been about the money...but not for Michael, for everyone else. I think he would do 10 concerts, but not the 50. His own family was after him to tour.

    But I still believe MJ knew what was going on and found a way out. We have to remember the memorial service, the family's reaction, etc. I don't believe he's dead. I do believe that he reached out to Farrakahn and they found a way to protect him. However, I think "they" may have figured that out by now and possibly went after Lopez to get information or intimidate Michael.

    Or what I prefer to think is that MJ is legally trying to expose all of them and needed Lopez help to do so. So they both are in some sort of protective custody. But all of it explains why the kids are no where near him.It may also explain why the police were called to the house that night for a possible intruder. The trial and investigation may be uncovering more than AEG, etc are comfortable with. It's going to get worse before the June date. It's time for the prayer warriors to get serious. Now we all know why we are here and Jermaine's message makes a lot of sense. Does it also make sense that Klein's
    derogatory remarks about Michael are now appearing? This is no longer a game.

    The entertainment business has always been shady at best and

    I hope you are right and Peter is not dead, but I have a gut feeling he is gone. I wonder if he had spoken to the DA and was preparing to speak at the trial. I am praying about this also.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    So, you think MIchael ( and Mark Lester?) were the only ones who knew what will happen in June?

    I mean, MIchaels acting was really strwange like "okay I know something you don't but I can't and I' m so sorry...."

    But if MIchael was the only one who knew about it, whats with Thome? Is he involved in this hoax or not? I mean,he was at UCLA with Jermaine..
  • heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
    Kirsche....thanks for your question....what I am trying to say is this...after viewing all the O2 footage very carefully and looking at it within the context of that British blog, The Newshound, I feel that Michael Jackson was being forced to commit himself to more performances than he could probably physically have pulled off and all because he had been infiltrated by a group of greedy bastards who were manipulating him left and right....and I believe Thome Thome was at the top of that list...now whether Jermaine knew of Thome's danger to Michael remains to be proved....part of me can't believe he was capable of betraying his brother like that, but sadly, part of me can't shake the thought perhaps he was, in part, a danger to Michael himself....I really can't decide on that and that's mainly because his jealousy of MJ and drive for the spotlight has been evident for years...but in the meantime, I will cut JJ some slack and believe his intentions were good as far as bring Thome into Michael's life....but make no mistake...when I see the top brass of AEG talking, I see nothing but dollar signs in their eyes...particularly Phillips...I think he is a phony and a liar.....and to me, Thome is just plain frightening....and those two are like white on rice on MJ throughout that press conference....Michael's demeanor and strange behavior throughout now seems completely in line with a man being forced to do something against his will....every mannerism that seems "off" about him that day....that makes you question if it's really him....could be attributed to this scenario, IMHO. Thanks for your input.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    You're welcome!

    Thank YOU for your posts <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    @hesinme09...Great post. I totally agree.
  • I also posted this on the other threads about the reasons of this death but also here as you´re talking about the same thing and this is something completing the circle.
    Minamai found this and posted it on the spanish forum. Here you have it translated:
    Another mysterious death about Michael Jackson

    The King of Pop felt his lawyer Peter Lopez as a friend with whom she had a close relationship over 20 years. (Supplied)
    Monday, May 3, 2010
    Melba Brugueras / Primera Hora

    Peter Lee, a close friend and personal lawyer of the star Michael Jackson and the Jackson family for more than 20 years, allegedly committed suicide last Friday near his luxury mansion in Encino, California, where the family of the late King of Pop also has a complex.

    The problem is that people who belong to the inner circle of the Jackson family and the Lopez family still can not believe that the attorney's death was a suicide.

    Peter Lee, one of the most sought after lawyers in the entertainment industry in the United States and Latin America, reportedly was close to granting a very revealing interview about the killing of the King of Pop

    Moreover, there are inconsistencies in the versions that have been offered on the death of the lawyer, who was the husband of the star of Dukes of Hazzard Catherine Bach, who bore him two girls.

    Some reports indicate that Lopez was found dead by police in Los Angeles in a garden in front of his mansion. Other reports state that was in a garden behind the mansion and others that it was within his residence.

    And there are other questions about the number of shots heard by neighbors of the lawyer.

    another suicide in relation to Jackson


    If Lopez's death was self-inflicted, then this would be the second suicide that occurs around the King of Pop since his death. The first was that of Evan Chandler, a man who accused Jackson of molesting her son Jordie Chandler in 1993. In fact, this incident caused the cancellation of the concert that the star was scheduled on the island as part of his Dangerous world tour.

    Incredulous Maritza Casiano

    Whatever the real version of the facts surrounding the mysterious death of Jackson attorney, people who knew Lopez or worked with him are convinced that the lawyer would never have thought about suicide.

    "If you had told me that Peter Lee contemplated suicide, had said that it was crazy," he said in an interview with Primera Hora Maritza Casiano producer who, as the producer Angelo Medina, Lopez knew from the singer's glory days Mexican Emmanuel. Casiano also worked with Peter Lopez several issues related to Juan Luis Guerra and Caribbean Records. Throughout his career, the lawyer represented Laura Bozzo, Maná, Whitney Houston, Jennifer Lopez, Andrea Bocelli, Vanilla Ice, The Eagles and Wilson Phillips, among many other artists.

    "The last time I saw Peter was in 2006, he went to my office. I remember that day I was well excited that Michael (Jackson) had asked him to take charge of his comeback and was his legal business manager. He also represented Michael in the dispute with Sony and Tommy Mottola. Do not see the sense in all this. Peter was a man secure. I do not believe that he committed suicide, "said Casiano.

    Another person who was close to the attorney of the King of Pop was the celebrity commentator Javier Ceriani.

    "It was my personal friend for over six years. Peter told me much about his relationship with Michael (Jackson) and the trust it had for him. Michael told me that it was difficult to trust people, but what struck me most was when one day I said to Michael you were giving a lethal injection. That told me a month before Michael died, "Ceriani told to Primera Hora.

    "After Michael died, he told me that the world had to know the truth and he always told Michael I had to make a will but that he was annoyed and told him not to talk about it because it was a bad karma. It was as if he knew about some loose ends in the death of Michael "concluded Ceriani.

    All this sounds really bad!
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Ok.. i have said at the very beginning that this is the real Michael at the O2 and the reason people think its not is because of his behaviour. And there is a reason for the behaviour.
    Regarding the swag walk.. MJ has walked like that before. Especially during the 2005 trial, he did that walk.

    I have heard also, that there were arguments and tensions after the announcements and MJ argued with Thome Thome. There was also a video which seems to have been removed from youtube which showed Thome Thome shoving Michael on the bus after the announcements.. Michael was at the window waving and Thome Thome pushes him away... not nice.

    Michael did NOT want to do those shows... who knows for what reason.. maybe he felt pressurised. Maybe he knew about the ticket fiasco and didnt want his fans fleeced of money.

    Michael tried every trick to get out of those shows.. heismypeterpan has said he took weight loss drugs on purpose to fail the medical. Michael suggested ten shows and to record them and release a DVD.. then when he died, thats what they did anyway. That was NEVER Kenny O's idea. Kenny smiles too much.. watch the ones with the idle smiles.

    Was Michael taking drugs to blot out the pain??? Was he drinking and taking aenesthetic to sleep? I dont know.. although i wouldnt blame him if he did. Even his own family were using and abusing him for money. He must have felt very lonely and unhappy. I know people dont like bashing the Jacksons on here.. but my thoughts since day one are that his family were NOT there for him. Karen Faye WAS NOT there for him. Kenny O WAS NOT there for him.. all they cared about was their own careers and pay packets. I wish his children had been older..... God., sorry.. this upsets me.

  • your right mike was placed in the kill box - but did he escape or is he truly dead i think the latter

    but was it accident or design - did murray do the deed intentionally or by malpractice and delivered up to them what is now history

    they are like a gang a mob - the funeral - like a mob movie ditto funeral

    so who do we see, thome[back head just behind mike], mark lester [im the daddy] and randy phillips - why phillips? so the big guns to get mike there

    so dermot said 10 shows, this is usually edited out after the words "that was so weird" but he continues about mj being so near - the king of pop - yes it was unbelievable being so near a living legend and you hugged him.

    so from march 3rd was it (?) we have 10 shows, then we have the letter/contract when was that dated(?) to 31 shows, then we had 38 then we had 50 then we had which it always was a 3/4 year world tour.
  • Rita HayworthRita Hayworth Posts: 122
    Dancing the dream - I think you summarized it beautifully. Most of us came here looking for the truth, but as with all truths, sometimes it's not what we want to hear. I think the evidence this week is clear to affirm what you are saying and it's not too hard to understand what was going on the 6 months before Michael died. Can't believe I put it in black and white, but there it is. The only thing left now is how it happened...intentionally or an accident. I also agree with you that the family was not supportive and some may have even been accomplices in his demise. It's just too sad to believe and hard to accept that he died that way. My biggest doubt about it being a hoax was when Stevie Wonder broke down at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame celebration this year. That was real emotion. Stevie Wonder is real. I think I knew it then but didn't want to accept it. There are people who know what was going on and know the truth, but we may never know. May Peter Lopez' death was a warning to everyone to keep quiet. I think we all want to believe that good prevails and justice wins, but in reality we all know that isn't true.

    Thanks for telling it like it is. I needed that---
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