O2 Announcement EXPOSED! Please Read!



  • Hi All,

    I'm not sure if this has been discussed elsewhere, I'm sorry if it has, but I would like to know if anyone has come across photos from the O2 announcement that were taken by a fan...when watching the video you see numerous fans with camera's but I have not seen any footage of photos by fans from that day, except the ones taken by the media??? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    I don't know about photos taken by fans but several months ago we came across to a video of 02 announcement made by a random fan, and i agree, it was obvious from the very start that Michael was not in his usual tense that day, his behaviour looked odd, i have seen both "Dangerous" and "History" tours' announcements, he gave a long speech during the announcements, was awesome, not like in "This Is It" when he kept on saying only"This is it, this is really it. when i say this is it, i mean this is really it....", it was obvious that Michael was irritated, confused and didnt want to do the announcement, AEG simply cheated him and i think he took the revenge.Michael is smarter than we think.
  • What an interesting thread. So if it is an accurate analysis, who here thinks he's dead, and who thinks he planned the "death"?

    Was This is it still planned by MJ do you think? Some don't trust Kenny O, but I thought he seemed very sincere. Maybe the death was planned, and TII was revenge if a film version was what MJ wanted originally. I mean, the Gilda movie scene might be a clue to us but also a slap in the face to those who wanted the money...? To sort of say "ha ha, you didn't get what you wanted and I didn't really die..." And why else would MJ use so many graphic things like Gilda, and the Earth Song footage with the girl, and especially him talking about trees and the planet on it, if it wasn't planned? Would all that happen in a regular concert?

    And do you guys still believe it was MJ on Larry King Live as Dave Dave? If so, would this be somehow related to revenge, and a joke played on his enemies?

    Sorry I'm still slightly confused. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • What an interesting thread. So if it is an accurate analysis, who here thinks he's dead, and who thinks he planned the "death"?

    Was This is it still planned by MJ do you think? Some don't trust Kenny O, but I thought he seemed very sincere. Maybe the death was planned, and TII was revenge if a film version was what MJ wanted originally. I mean, the Gilda movie scene might be a clue to us but also a slap in the face to those who wanted the money...? To sort of say "ha ha, you didn't get what you wanted and I didn't really die..." And why else would MJ use so many graphic things like Gilda, and the Earth Song footage with the girl, and especially him talking about trees and the planet on it, if it wasn't planned? Would all that happen in a regular concert?

    And do you guys still believe it was MJ on Larry King Live as Dave Dave? If so, would this be somehow related to revenge, and a joke played on his enemies?

    Sorry I'm still slightly confused. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Thank you! This is what I've been thinking now for quite a few months and I've stated this in my posts lately: It's payback time for Michael.

    It really seems to me, that he has set up his enemies to deliver the sh** themselves - ALL without him doing ANYthing. It would suit his sharp mind, that Dieter Weisner detected in him: having his enemies bring themselves in situations which will cost their job/position/public image.

    And there lies the big difference: When his enemies believe he died, they WILL show their true intentions and they will eventually publically be ruined. I can only imagine Diane Diamond, who is so sure about herself, being totally dumbfounded, when she learns her carreer of lies is over. The magic of MJs mind is really, that he doesn't even have to DO something but having to die for ALL his enemies to come crawling out the caves.
    DOES THAT MAKE SENSE?? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • What an interesting thread. So if it is an accurate analysis, who here thinks he's dead, and who thinks he planned the "death"?

    Was This is it still planned by MJ do you think? Some don't trust Kenny O, but I thought he seemed very sincere. Maybe the death was planned, and TII was revenge if a film version was what MJ wanted originally. I mean, the Gilda movie scene might be a clue to us but also a slap in the face to those who wanted the money...? To sort of say "ha ha, you didn't get what you wanted and I didn't really die..." And why else would MJ use so many graphic things like Gilda, and the Earth Song footage with the girl, and especially him talking about trees and the planet on it, if it wasn't planned? Would all that happen in a regular concert?

    And do you guys still believe it was MJ on Larry King Live as Dave Dave? If so, would this be somehow related to revenge, and a joke played on his enemies?

    Sorry I'm still slightly confused. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Thank you! This is what I've been thinking now for quite a few months and I've stated this in my posts lately: It's payback time for Michael.

    It really seems to me, that he has set up his enemies to deliver the sh** themselves - ALL without him doing ANYthing. It would suit his sharp mind, that Dieter Weisner detected in him: having his enemies bring themselves in situations which will cost their job/position/public image.

    And there lies the big difference: When his enemies believe he died, they WILL show their true intentions and they will eventually publically be ruined. I can only imagine Diane Diamond, who is so sure about herself, being totally dumbfounded, when she learns her carreer of lies is over. The magic of MJs mind is really, that he doesn't even have to DO something but having to die for ALL his enemies to come crawling out the caves.
    DOES THAT MAKE SENSE?? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    It does make sense. But the only thing is, how exactly do you think their their true intentions come out?

    I remember in the Michael Jackson Tapes book (whether it's true or not) apparently back in 2001 MJ could clearly see Britney Spears would overexpose herself to the public and destroy her image. Schmuley pointed out that this was years before she shaved her head and all this other trouble. MJ knew. It made me see other celebs you hear about a lot differently; will they end up the same? Did MJ's theory apply to most or all celebs who overexpose? MJ knew the power of mystery, and he knew how to apply it to keep people interested. He knew The Jacksons tv series from 1976-7 would be too much exposure and the show wouldn't be a hit. Sure enough the ratings were crap. Apparently he told staff in later years not to even mention that "stupid tv show" to him. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I have the series myself and I love watching it because he's in it and he's amazing as ever in it, and some parts are funny but aside that the show itself is a bit ridiculous lol.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    If you watch this from the 7min mark, you'll see how others interperet the 02 announcement.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBTL-62W2NU&NR=1<!-- m -->

  • Here is a vids of the O2 announcement if you haven't already seen it. I still feel O2 Conference was odd and who did MJ do that gesture to?

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=99&t=6415&p=104509&hilit=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DewE6CIGUyUM#p104509<!-- l -->
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    Here it is, thank you.

    It is apparent from reading back over this that Michael gave that 0-2 speech the way he wanted to give it and not the way he was probably “instructed” to give it, the “planned” speech. He did it his way and it allowed his fans to see and recognize that something was wrong. Michael knows that his fans know him well, and that in doing the announcement so out of character for our Michael Jackson, would alert us should ANYTHING go awry. It did. And we were and still are on it. He was calling his army to attention. Preparing us. He knew there were going to be problems, and perhaps this was his way to warn us so that when it went down, we wouldn’t just accept it at face value. It worked.
  • are there any videos of him announcing other concert tours that we can compare it with?
  • starchildstarchild Posts: 374
    are there any videos of him announcing other concert tours that we can compare it with?
    Not a tour announcement, but a business venture.

  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    I haven’t been able to find any, so much Michael material has been removed from the net. However, whenever Michael spoke to his fans to announce anything, make a speech, make a donation, on stage anywhere, any time, his demeanor was always the same; caring, bashful, loving. This was definitely not normal. And it was obvious.
  • starchildstarchild Posts: 374
    I haven’t been able to find any, so much Michael material has been removed from the net. However, whenever Michael spoke to his fans to announce anything, make a speech, make a donation, on stage anywhere, any time, his demeanor was always the same; caring, bashful, loving. This was definitely not normal. And it was obvious.
    Good observation, hesouttamylife.

    The Kingdom Entertainment video above illustrates the contrast between MJ's demeanor at the 02 press conference (sunglasses and theatrics) versus his demeanor at other major press conferences. At the Kingdom press conference is a more natural MJ who is straightforward and business-like. Interesting goals are mentioned at the Kingdom conference too.
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • MadneZMadneZ Posts: 60
    To be honest the first times I watch this video I thought it wasn't him (maybe a impersonator pretending to be him) because of the way he walked towards the stage, and then how he was on stage.

    But sure, if he was sorta angry and/or upset and knew something that we "don't", as, I am gonna fake my death.
    Then maybe that was his angry walk, lol. How he acts when he is upset and have had enough.

    i really dont know. But it can explain some things for myself.
  • blankieblankie Posts: 2,350
    I always have been convinced that Michael don't wanted to do those shows and your post confirms once again my thoughts. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Michael has done well to disappear ... they would have done more harm, than those who already had suffered. But Michael will be back in two years because,in these two years he finally understood who really loves .. <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug --> ... Yes....Keeph the faith....we are not alone !!! <!-- smj_dance/ -->mj_dance/<!-- smj_dance/ -->

    <!-- smoonwalk_/ -->moonwalk_/<!-- smoonwalk_/ -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I do agree about the obvious demeanor of showing he's pissed and defiant about being forced to do the shows, and possible link to Peter Lopez's murder in that they are telling MJ that they mean business. But on the other hand, reading between the lines, when I see the 02 announcement I see MJ as he is in some of his videos such as Ghost, where he is also confident, defiant and ACTING. So I see the 02 MJ, as performing for us on stage, and not his sweet shy natural personality as he is in interviews or accepting awards etc. He has purpose here, it is setting the stage for the hoax/Thriller 2 movie, magician's introduction. You don't think they (the ones pushing him to do concerts) have only now been pushing him, or only now he's decided to assert his rebellion. No, both of those things have been going on since he was a little kid, but he's bringing those aspects out deliberately perhaps, as this hoax is the culmination of his career, and his life, "The Greatest Show on Earth".
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    I do agree about the obvious demeanor of showing he's pissed and defiant about being forced to do the shows, and possible link to Peter Lopez's murder in that they are telling MJ that they mean business. But on the other hand, reading between the lines, when I see the 02 announcement I see MJ as he is in some of his videos such as Ghost, where he is also confident, defiant and ACTING. So I see the 02 MJ, as performing for us on stage, and not his sweet shy natural personality as he is in interviews or accepting awards etc. He has purpose here, it is setting the stage for the hoax/Thriller 2 movie, magician's introduction. You don't think they (the ones pushing him to do concerts) have only now been pushing him, or only now he's decided to assert his rebellion. No, both of those things have been going on since he was a little kid, but he's bringing those aspects out deliberately perhaps, as this hoax is the culmination of his career, and his life, "The Greatest Show on Earth".
    <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ -->
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