Jacko Kids Fear

edited January 1970 in News

Jacko Kids Fear
Chaos at gran's could get Michael Jackson's kids put in care

By James Desborough, 09/05/2010

Pop icon Michael Jackson's three children could be taken into care amid claims they're living in CHAOS with grandma Katherine.

The 79-year-old mother of Jacko - who died last June - helps care for five other grandchildren at her LA home.

But authorities told her to move them and their mum Alejandra Oaziaza out after complaints that one of her brood had been seen brandishing a 300,000- volt stun gun and another had slapped his brother in the face.

Child welfare officials advised Katherine to take action a month ago because there were too many threats to "a stable life" for Jacko's kids Prince, 12, Paris, 11, and Blanket, seven.

But Alejandra and her family are still there and there are fears ALL the children may now be taken into care.

Alejandra had Genevieve, 20, and Randy Jnr, 17, by Randy Jackson, 48, and when they split she fell for his brother Jermaine, 55. They had two sons, Jaafar, 13, and Jermajesty, nine, and adopted Donte, 11.

They have all lived with Katherine for ten years and she is loath to move them out, especially as Paris is so close to Alejandra she calls her mum. A family insider said: "These are really tense and frightening times. With eight kids in one place it's a burden for Katherine.

"Officers asked for the numbers to be reduced, but nothing has happened. It's just a few days before they check back, and they have enough grounds to take all the youngsters into care.

"It's a nightmare and we are terrified of the next step."

<!-- e -->http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/showbiz ... -care.html<!-- m -->


  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    This is News of the World.. BUT i really think those children are lost and they wont be staying with the Jacksons for long.

    My God., this makes me feel really bad.

    Also this: especially as Paris is so close to Alejandra she calls her mum WHAT?? After only ten months??
    How confusing can life get for those kids??

    I think care is a bit extreme... if anything they will go back to Debbie i think.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    What? It's not TMZ. Not sure if I believe it or not.

    Strange that this appears after the webcam videos are leaked.

    But at the same time, isn't this part of the plan, if Michael is going to re-appear, it better be soon. Katherine was only given temporary custody, and if the will is fake,
    then none of this is valid anyhow.

    Michael will reclaim his children on the 25th June 2010 !!!! He would never let them go into care. Katherine has many helpers, she is not alone. Just how many nannies and chefs and drivers are there anyhow??

    She raised 9 of her own children. It's not like she is breastfeeding or changing nappies???

    What a load of garbage. As always, with L.O.V.E xoxo
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923

    She raised 9 of her own children. It's not like she is breastfeeding or changing nappies???

    She is 80 years old now. Not a young woman and out of touch with youth of today. She is a grandma, not a mother.
  • Katherine was only given temporary custody

    No, not according to this article:
    Jacko's Kids Get Booked
    Originally posted Aug 3rd 2009 11:30 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

    Michael Jackson's sons Michael Jr. (in red) and Prince Michael (in blue) and their entourage were spotted going to an L.A. bookstore this weekend.


    On Monday, a judge named Katherine Jackson permanent guardian of all three of Michael's children.

    <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2009/08/03/jackos-kids-get-booked/<!-- m -->
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923

    "Officers asked for the numbers to be reduced, but nothing has happened. It's just a few days before they check back, and they have enough grounds to take all the youngsters into care.

    Why isnt Katherine doing this if this is what has been asked??? Why isnt Jermaine stepping in and taking responsibility for his kids and this mess??

    Im shaking my head.. i wonder what day this will happen. A few days.. so next week then.

    I really think that Michaels kids will be leaving.
  • We all speculated months ago that things would come to this and the children would be "officially" removed from Katherine's care. It is a nice systematic way of handing them over to MJ without causing too many questions. In the end it will all work out.....just you see!
  • We all speculated months ago that things would come to this and the children would be "officially" removed from Katherine's care. It is a nice systematic way of handing them over to MJ without causing too many questions. In the end it will all work out.....just you see!

    Yes. I thought the exact same thing.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    all part of the plan...........xxxx
  • come on guys it is very unlikely that these children would be removed into the care system, what foster or care home

    to even consider this as a truth is remarkable.

    there are plenty of responsible adults, nannies, home tutors, cooks, housekeepers, family members and i think it is just lip service.

    guys dont believe this it is rubbish and is just wasting your life
  • Yes. Once again the media is trying to create some drama,
    out of nothing, to sell more. We shouldn't believe everything we read.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    Yes. Once again the media is trying to create some drama,
    out of nothing, to sell more. We shouldn't believe everything we read.

    of course we don"t really know what micheal would say but i'll take a stab at it.
    why are the media focusing so much on these kid's when there are many children living in truely bad situations all over the world ,even here in america.
  • Yes. Once again the media is trying to create some drama,
    out of nothing, to sell more. We shouldn't believe everything we read.

    of course we don"t really know what micheal would say but i'll take a stab at it.
    why are the media focusing so much on these kid's when there are many children living in truely bad situations all over the world ,even here in america.

    Because it doesn't sell, and that's all that matters to them.
    They aren't all about caring and loving, they just want the money.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923

    Because it doesn't sell, and that's all that matters to them.
    They aren't all about caring and loving, they just want the money.

    Sometimes i feel that what you just wrote could be attributed to the Jackson family too. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • i think that there is enough to keep social service busy then having a nice day out visiting the jackson house.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    This could be a move (with some excuses though) towards getting them finally out of country and out of spotlight.

    There are more places in the world where paparazzi have no right of existence than those where they rule how much persons are getting humiliated by their permanent chase.
    Let's hope there is finally a safe haven with open arms for them.

    For VIPs, there is always a need to find a balance of being in the spotlight / making $$$ in coop with yellow press and staying out of this business.
    Who knows how much spotlight somebody still wants on them for which purposes.
    It is not my taste to sell children to media. It is not necessary to keep them in spotlight for their later whatsoever public career. The name does it and will always do it alone.
    That's my personal view on this permanent whoopla with the kids since June.

    There are very successful stars that don't allow ANY paparazzi near them and fight in court for their rights if necessary. And it works. Fame does not need media. There are just two paths. Who lives in L.A. has chosen one. It is a question of the place of living and the cultural habits there.
    I always wondered why MJ had chosen to return. There was no need and he knew that he, the family and the kids would be targetted again without any mercy.

    Nailing himself on a lover's cross in public for all to see, the kids included?
    One early tweet last year got stuck in my memory: "my dad is a hero."
    It was a twitter account claiming to belong to Prince.
    I did not believe this but the sentence got stuck, especially because everybody was still mourning at that time.
  • hesouttherehesoutthere Posts: 43
    Okay it's time for me to step up for Michael...

    I am amazed by that not one of you here think it's disgracefull that they still writes Jacko... That should be the first thing an investigator should notice...

    Furthermore someone here writes "all part of the plan...........xxxx..
    Come on.. Really???? No it's not a part of any plan.. We are talking about children and elderly people here... No one is perfect not even a Jackson.. But i'm sure Katherine does all she can for the children.. Leave it..

    This is insane... Let me remind you of one of your own threads
    " Let us respect MJ

    I think now will be a very good time to actually show him the respect he needs....

    I do and i'm proud of it..
  • you link does not work - please repost
  • Okay it's time for me to step up for Michael...

    I am amazed by that not one of you here think it's disgracefull that they still writes Jacko... That should be the first thing an investigator should notice...

    Furthermore someone here writes "all part of the plan...........xxxx..
    Come on.. Really???? No it's not a part of any plan.. We are talking about children and elderly people here... No one is perfect not even a Jackson.. But i'm sure Katherine does all she can for the children.. Leave it..

    This is insane... Let me remind you of one of your own threads

    I think now will be a very good time to actually show him the respect he needs....

    I do and i'm proud of it..

    I didn't see any disrespect here -- just different opinions,
    which is something everybody is allowed to have.

    Regarding that they still call him Jacko,
    yes, it's awful, but it wasn't what the thread was about and
    that's why, at least I didn't say anything about it. (Don't know why the others didn't mention it)

    Most of the people in here do respect Michael, and for you to imply anything else feels unneccessary.
    You are not the only one with respect and love for him or his family. But that I'm sure you know. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • foreverkingforeverking Posts: 206
    I completely trust Mother Kate, whatever she decides to do, should be fine with everyone. Remember MJ knew she would take care of his kids so I believe they are in good hands.
    As for the other kids in the home, hopefully, Randy and Jermaine will step up and do the right thing and try to do what is best for their kids.
  • I completely trust Mother Kate, whatever she decides to do, should be fine with everyone. Remember MJ knew she would take care of his kids so I believe they are in good hands.
    As for the other kids in the home, hopefully, Randy and Jermaine will step up and do the right thing and try to do what is best for their kids.
    second that
  • I completely trust Mother Kate, whatever she decides to do, should be fine with everyone. Remember MJ knew she would take care of his kids so I believe they are in good hands.
    As for the other kids in the home, hopefully, Randy and Jermaine will step up and do the right thing and try to do what is best for their kids.
    Yes, true.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    You are all going to kill me for this one...

    but where was Katherine when Michael was being physically beaten and emotionally abused by Joe?

    Why is she all of a sudden a perfect mother and good role model for the grandkids??

    Just wanted to throw that one out there for you all.....
  • You are all going to kill me for this one...

    but where was Katherine when Michael was being physically beaten and emotionally abused by Joe?

    Why is she all of a sudden a perfect mother and good role model for the grandkids??

    Just wanted to throw that one out there for you all.....

    no your right, i was just talking to someone about that and you see that on the jacksons an american dream the cleaned up version of their lives

    its true but in the event of death who would you leave your children too, he must have thought their was no one else and that is true - who else could he trust
  • hesouttherehesoutthere Posts: 43
    You are all going to kill me for this one...

    but where was Katherine when Michael was being physically beaten and emotionally abused by Joe?

    Why is she all of a sudden a perfect mother and good role model for the grandkids??

    Just wanted to throw that one out there for you all.....

    Well let me be the lucky one to answer that...
    Michael actually had a privatelife (thank God for that) and what happend behind the gates no one knows.. Just because he was the greatest entertainer in the world doesn't mean he had to share everything with the fans or other....
    I personally think it's disrespectful to discuss him and his family matters.. I'm sure the Jackson was there when Mike needed them...
    Katherine is a perfect mother to all her children just like the mom's here...
    I would hate if strange people talked about you and your children the way people here talks about them.. Wouldn't you???
  • we are not perfect - no one is

    and pp comment on your ability to parent all the time, the school reports, the parents at the school gates etc, your friends, your in laws, your partner, your ex partner, yes everyone has an opinion
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