Jacko Kids Fear



  • This could be a move (with some excuses though) towards getting them finally out of country and out of spotlight.

    Minamai found this article time ago... maybe they´ll end up moving there:

    <!-- m -->http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Sky-Ne ... 0641309165<!-- m -->
    Jacko Moves To Devon 'Hideaway'
    1:36pm UK, Thursday March 13, 2008

    Fallen pop superstar Michael Jackson could be moving to North Devon.

    Location, location: Tito checks out local homes

    Jackson's brother Tito is reported to be on the hunt for a family pad in and around the town of Barnstaple.

    Tito, who presented the BBC's Just The Two Of Us, said the whole Jackson family were keen to set up a family hideaway on the sleepy North Devonshire coast.

    The former Jackson Five singer has put in an offer on two properties in the area although the exact locations are being kept underwraps, the North Devon Gazette reported.

    Celebrity bodyguard and family friend Matt Fiddes told the paper: "It's definitely going to happen.

    "Tito spoke with Michael on the phone the other night and all the family are certain that this is the area where they want to find a UK family hideaway."

    Tito arrived in Barnstaple, population 34,000, on Wednesday and was spotted at the local nightclub Glitterball.

    But that could be his only local appearance.

    He said North Devon was a perfect place for Michael and the family to keep a low profile.

    "We hope it will be a family hideaway where my brothers and sisters can escape the media attention when we need to," he said.

    Last month it emerged that Michael Jackson was selling his Neverland ranch.

    It goes up for public auction on March 19.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923

    Well let me be the lucky one to answer that...
    Michael actually had a privatelife (thank God for that) and what happend behind the gates no one knows.. Just because he was the greatest entertainer in the world doesn't mean he had to share everything with the fans or other....
    I personally think it's disrespectful to discuss him and his family matters.. I'm sure the Jackson was there when Mike needed them...
    Katherine is a perfect mother to all her children just like the mom's here...
    I would hate if strange people talked about you and your children the way people here talks about them.. Wouldn't you???

    I disagree. Michael himself discussed it. He discussed how he was beaten by Joe when he was a child. He spoke about how his father and siblings teased him about his looks. He talked about how he witnessed his older brothers having sex with groupies in the same room as him.

    I disagree Katherine was a perfect mother. She allowed this to happen. She stood by and let her husband physically beat her children.

    Its not disrespectful to bring this up.. i actually find it nauseating how Katherine is white washed in all of this.

    Michael told us in his own words what his childhood was like... you forgetting that?? And his mother stood by and allowed it to happen.
  • the brothers went to devon a few months ago heard about it on LBC, the reporter on their thought it was strange that music royalty well his family turned up there in devon
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Unfortunately, the fact moms being silent when their children are under dad's hands is not rare and it is a phenomenon that everybody interested may get well educated about in web forums and professional articles.
    Judgements are however not helpful.
    It is about dancing and dance patterns why this may happen and it is very difficult to cure as the complete family must willingly participate.

    Plus: I know about a girl asking her mom: "why didn't you leave dad?"
    The answer was "you kids were so little then."
    Sometimes it was not possible for women in former generations to just leave and divorce.
    From where get the food, the housing, the income? And then the shame in public. Those were different times but it happens still today.

    We never walked their shoes, we were not there, we know nothing.
    And if - who are we to throw a stone.

    I don't like these media family stories at all. They are disgusting.
    Most of it is crap and lies and if not - why are we staring at neighbour's pink underware on the lane and don't care for our own to get dry?
    It is about voyeurism and malicious joy and all negative social behaviour being triggered by "entertainment" and "gossip" agencies. Note the chapter names where these stories are being filed under. They say it all.
  • Sorry to hear that Dancing.
    I guess you live again lots of things through MJ´s story and you feel indentified.
  • it is very unlikely that the children will be taken into care

    but plans need to be made for the future and their future - they will never need to work - but preparing for a usefull life contributing to society would be good

    if i won the lottery i would sitll want my kids to have an eye to the future and not just sit around

    i am not worried but i think what wil happen to jermaines kids -
  • hesouttherehesoutthere Posts: 43

    Well let me be the lucky one to answer that...
    Michael actually had a privatelife (thank God for that) and what happend behind the gates no one knows.. Just because he was the greatest entertainer in the world doesn't mean he had to share everything with the fans or other....
    I personally think it's disrespectful to discuss him and his family matters.. I'm sure the Jackson was there when Mike needed them...
    Katherine is a perfect mother to all her children just like the mom's here...
    I would hate if strange people talked about you and your children the way people here talks about them.. Wouldn't you???

    I disagree. Michael himself discussed it. He discussed how he was beaten by Joe when he was a child. He spoke about how his father and siblings teased him about his looks. He talked about how he witnessed his older brothers having sex with groupies in the same room as him.

    I disagree Katherine was a perfect mother. She allowed this to happen. She stood by and let her husband physically beat her children.

    Its not disrespectful to bring this up.. i actually find it nauseating how Katherine is white washed in all of this.

    Michael told us in his own words what his childhood was like... you forgetting that?? And his mother stood by and allowed it to happen.

    And by the way.. my story is similar to Michaels.. my father beat me and my mother stood by and did nothing.. and whilst i will never forgive my father, i am close to my mother (like MJ).. but i still remember. I never forget. Michael will never either.

    Katherine, to me, seems a bit of a walk over at times.. she stands by and does nothing. Is this what she is doing now?? Social services have told her to take action and sort it out.. yet she is being apathetic and doing nothing. Again!!!

    Okay deep breath...

    How in the world do you know that Katherine didn't stand up for him??? Have you been inside their house??
    Let me guess.. No you haven't.... This happend years ago and yes Mike did tell about it many times but no one knows excactly what katherine have done for him....

    And how do you know that Katherine isn't doing anything??? Again you're not inside the Encino house... This is all being giving to you by the filthy tabloids... Let me remind you of how much Mike hated the tabloids... No one know what's going on excactly... And by that i mean it's disrespectful...

    How about giving them some privacy instead of analyzing everything they say or do...
    Pay the Jacksons some respect
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923

    You are the one who is blind.

    Ive heard it from Michaels mouth.. Oprah, Bashir (yes... Bashir, but Michael still said those things about his family) and in Moonwalk.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Just wanted to say I'm so glad Paris is there. Look at her loving hand on Blanket's chin. She's like a go between for her Daddy and her siblings, the glue. She'll defend her Dad to the death and has a level of maturity that her brothers haven't come to just yet IMO and MJ trusts her. Who knows maybe she occasionally visits here. I know as a mother who homeschooled 3 all the way, that there's a certain age (young) where you start conversing with your kids on an adults level, and you really understand depths about each other. I feel that's the case with those 4.

    About the "Jacko", I think MJ is playing hardball in this hoax. I believe he will achieve his goals, he always has, even if he takes a circuitous route. His opponents are formidable.

    IMO Katherine has always had a passive role, perhaps the mentality of a victim. Helplessly watching people around her have their way. Perhaps Michael inherited that complex, but it does not mean that she and he are not strong people. Are we not all victims ultimately? Those backed in a corner can come out with a fury, might and resolve as many of the greats in world history come from that position.

    I agree with above post that there's a royalty team of people in that house looking after the kids. Grandma's probably rocking and knitting most of the time. Sort of makes me think of the movie that MacKulley Culkin was star in called Richie Rich where he was an only child in a billionaire's family with many employees at the mansion. The parents are supposedly murdered but alive in the ocean, and the employees all somehow incapacitated by the clever crooks. MC saves his family, together with mostly the butler and the rest of the staff in a hilarious plan.
  • look did you see the jacksons the american dream - that seemed that they approved that documentary and the pp in the house have spoken mike has and so have the girls and jermaines would be book to

    it was oprah - so why dont you accept the man himself

    its not a respect issue - pp get hurt inside their own family units

    its a fact - emotional and physically and sometimes sexually

    i am not saying eveyone

    but it happens - and ignoring it is ignoring the reality of the situation

    but in hardship you turn to your family - the good the bad and the ugly - remember it was a different time as well

    but that still is not an excuse
  • dvdg1dvdg1 Posts: 47

    You are the one who is blind.
    Why is hesoutther the one who's blind??
    Because she thinks logical?
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923

    You are the one who is blind.
    Why is hesoutther the one who's blind??
    Because she thinks logical?

    You telling me Michael was lying when he spoke of these things in interviews???
  • hesouttherehesoutthere Posts: 43

    You are the one who is blind.
    Why is hesoutther the one who's blind??
    Because she thinks logical?

    You telling me Michael was lying when he spoke of these things in interviews???


    As i said before he did tell about this in several interviews... But no one still doesn't know who stood up for him in the end... You can't judge Katherine or his family... They did all they possible could do.. Still you haven't been in the Encino house nor have you been inside Neverland or Holmby Hills for that matter...

    Why is it so hard to respect his family or aleast respect Mike???
    What have they done to you... Did they disrespect you in any way????
  • [youtube:230nyc6l]


  • simalvessimalves Posts: 730
    This does not make sense.

    Alejandro is still the mother of those 5 kids, and if Paris calls her mum that means she is like a mother figure in the house. That means those 5 kids have a capable guardian - who was so capable that when she had 4 - child services allowed her to adopt a fifth.

    Katherine just has to mother three kids and why shouldn't she be able to. The kids are not that small that need constant attention and there are nannies, tutors and maids who help them out.

    The only angle I could see objection from is the Estate as they believe that Katherine is looking after all 8 kids monetarily and hence she/they need such a big allowance. Well it is Michael's money and he knew that all 8 kids would be provided for if his 3 were kept with his mother, so obviously he did not mind it, so who is the Estate to object.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923

    As i said before he did tell about this in several interviews... But no one still doesn't know who stood up for him in the end... You can't judge Katherine or his family... They did all they possible could do.. Still you haven't been in the Encino house nor have you been inside Neverland or Holmby Hills for that matter...

    Why is it so hard to respect his family or aleast respect Mike???
    What have they done to you... Did they disrespect you in any way????

    I didnt have to be there.. Michael told me what happened in his interviews. His words. His story. His pain.

    The day that they raised a hand to Michael was the day they disrespected me.

    Im not arguing with you. But how dare you accuse me of disrespecting Michael. He is the only one i stand shoulder to shoulder with.

    In my eyes.. that family have seriously cashed in on the situation. Want to watch a fly on the wall doc? Want a new jackson5 album and see their tour?? Want to read their stories they sell to TMZ? Money. Money. Money.

    Michael himself distanced himself from the whole family. He may have loved them. Im sure he did. But he had issues with them which stemmed from his childhood. It was clear that was his main source of pain.

    I cannot white wash the situation and pretend that it didnt happen. And those children are now lost without Michael. Are those children condemned to the same fate as him? Who knows... i hope not but at the moment it doesnt look good to me and that makes me sad and mad at the same time.
  • hesouttherehesoutthere Posts: 43
    @the arabian nights

    I am aware of these vids.. And as i said before i know Mike talked about it in several interviews...

    But for the 3 time... No one has been in the Encino house or Neverland Or Holmby Hills.... No one know what Katherine did for him... Mike was a private person and he protected his family against the media.. Yes he talks about Joe... But again Joe and Mike worked things out in the end... It sadness me to see how you talks about Katherine being a bad mom vs good parent... Mike loved her with regardless.. He protected her from the media and rarely talked about her...

    I believe Katherine was a good mother for him and for all the children and i think shes doing a damn good job watching after Mikes children and her other grandchildren...

    Don't judge a woman you don't know... But respect her for what she is capable of... Taking care of her grand children...
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    @the arabian nights

    I am aware of these vids.. And as i said before i know Mike talked about it in several interviews...

    But for the 3 time... No one has been in the Encino house or Neverland Or Holmby Hills.... No one know what Katherine did for him... Mike was a private person and he protected his family against the media.. Yes he talks about Joe... But again Joe and Mike worked things out in the end... It sadness me to see how you talks about Katherine being a bad mom vs good parent... Mike loved her with regardless.. He protected her from the media and rarely talked about her...

    I believe Katherine was a good mother for him and for all the children and i think shes doing a damn good job watching after Mikes children and her other grandchildren...

    Don't judge a woman you don't know... But respect her for what she is capable of... Taking care of her grand children...

    How do you know what she is capable of?? You are not there in Encino house either. You dont know what is going on.

    All i am saying is view this from a perspective... take the emotions out... take the halo off the Jacksons heads... there may be real issues with these kids.
  • dvdg1dvdg1 Posts: 47
    Don't you think that Michael is watching his kids like a hawk?
    He trusted his mother completly with his kids otherwise they would be in the care of Diana Ross
    Katherine did a very good job with all of her kids and its not like she raises the kids of randy an jermaine
    Im more upset that some filty writer is calling him and the kids Jacko
    let me tell you that other people's books are to sinister to read.... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • not everyone believes mike is alive - the majority of the worlds population dont
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    But the will is fake, right?? So if Michael did die.. how do we know what his true wishes really were?
  • hesouttherehesoutthere Posts: 43
    Okay.... No i haven't been in the Encino house as well and therefore i'm NOT judging Katherines skills..

    This is absolutly disrespectful to Mike... You all talks about how much you love and miss him... How do you think he would feel if he could read how you write about his precious mother... He would throw up on this site and hate what people are doing to his family..

    Love him... Miss him.... Want him back....

    Not the way you treat his family...

    This has nothing to do with respect what so ever... Think about it and let it sink in...

    You are talking about the one thing who meant the world to him besides his 3 precious children..
  • Don't you think that Michael is watching his kids like a hawk?
    He trusted his mother completly with his kids otherwise they would be in the care of Diana Ross
    Katherine did a very good job with all of her kids and its not like she raises the kids of randy an jermaine
    Im more upset that some filty writer is calling him and the kids Jacko
    let me tell you that other people's books are to sinister to read.... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    All that is what the suspicious 2002 Branca´s will says... we don´t know anything else.
    We don´t know if that´s MJ´s desire.
    Diana Ross as MJ´s desire?
  • we have to take everything in the balance

    this abuse happened and the family have managed it

    and thats it
  • dvdg1dvdg1 Posts: 47
    Michael didn't die and everyday more people come to that conclusion
    Why aren't you focussing on what is importend instead of these tabloid crap because the more you read the more they write
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