Jacko Kids Fear



  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    The way i respect Mike is by listening to him and watching the behaviour and reactions of all those who surrounded him.

    Mike has spoke out about this before and i have listened.

    Im not disrespecting his mother.. i am saying she is an 80 year old woman who seems to choose the apathetic approach. She is an old lady now. By putting the blinkers on and pretending that its ok because she is MJs mother could be dangerous for those children.

    Time will tell. Those children will eventually tell when they grow up.

    I just have a problem with this halo that the Jackson family seem to have acquired. Just saying.

    Michael wasnt a saint, either by the way. Still love him though.
  • how can you be so sure - i know the site is the hoax investigation site

    but isnt there any part of you that could admit that he may have died
  • dvdg1dvdg1 Posts: 47
    The way i respect Mike is by listening to him and watching the behaviour and reactions of all those who surrounded him.

    don't let your mind fool you, because you can make everything fitt into this hoax (including me) and that is exactly what is happening right now
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    The way i respect Mike is by listening to him and watching the behaviour and reactions of all those who surrounded him.

    don't let your mind fool you, because you can make everything fitt into this hoax (including me) and that is exactly what is happening right now

    Is it just me or are there a lot of argumentative people on here tonight?

    you think i try and fit things into the hoax? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    You dont know me very well.. ive been on here for a long time. Ive always said im not a beLIEver. I dont believe in blind faith and one sightnesses.

    There is a real chance Michael has died and we are looking at a murder conspiracy.

    You are the one judging, my friend. And arguing for no reason.
  • hesouttherehesoutthere Posts: 43

    You are the one judging, my friend. And arguing for no reason.

    Uhmm just to get this straight... You think that it's dvdg1 judging???

    Well explain this to me please... Who was it that talked about Katherine and the lack of her skills regarding the children??

  • dvdg1dvdg1 Posts: 47
    The way i respect Mike is by listening to him and watching the behaviour and reactions of all those who surrounded him.

    don't let your mind fool you, because you can make everything fitt into this hoax (including me) and that is exactly what is happening right now

    Is it just me or are there a lot of argumentative people on here tonight?

    you think i try and fit things into the hoax? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    You dont know me very well.. ive been on here for a long time. Ive always said im not a beLIEver. I dont believe in blind faith and one sightnesses.

    There is a real chance Michael has died and we are looking at a murder conspiracy.

    Im sorry???
    Where do I say that you try to fit into the hoax???
    please read it again because that's not what I said.... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    You are the one judging, my friend. And arguing for no reason.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923

    You are the one judging, my friend. And arguing for no reason.

    Uhmm just to get this straight... You think that it's dvdg1 judging???

    Well explain this to me please... Who was it that talked about Katherine and the lack of her skills regarding the children??


    You are boring me now and im not replying to anymore of you arguments. Bye
  • marizamariza Posts: 37
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • dvdg1dvdg1 Posts: 47

    You are the one judging, my friend. And arguing for no reason.

    Uhmm just to get this straight... You think that it's dvdg1 judging???

    Well explain this to me please... Who was it that talked about Katherine and the lack of her skills regarding the children??


    You are boring me now and im not replying to anymore of you arguments. Bye

    oh given up oke bye then <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • hesouttherehesoutthere Posts: 43

    You are the one judging, my friend. And arguing for no reason.

    Uhmm just to get this straight... You think that it's dvdg1 judging???

    Well explain this to me please... Who was it that talked about Katherine and the lack of her skills regarding the children??


    You are boring me now and im not replying to anymore of you arguments. Bye

    Why are you giving up???
    I personally think it's important to talk about.. It's not all pink here... People can't always agree with you and since you replyed on this i think it's to easy to walk away...
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082

    You are the one judging, my friend. And arguing for no reason.

    Uhmm just to get this straight... You think that it's dvdg1 judging???

    Well explain this to me please... Who was it that talked about Katherine and the lack of her skills regarding the children??


    You are boring me now and im not replying to anymore of you arguments. Bye

    Why are you giving up???
    I personally think it's important to talk about.. It's not all pink here... People can't always agree with you and since you replyed on this i think it's to easy to walk away...

    Sorry I know it's off topic, but I just have one question to you @ hesoutthere:

    You're signature picture.....What exactly does that mean? "The hoaxers wants his life" ??
    uuum No? We don't want his life we just wanna know the truth! I really don't like discussions like this....I really have big respect for the jackson family, especially for Katherine... But comin' into a HOAX Forum..with signatures like this...hmmm... Maybe I just get that wrong, that's why I'm asking you for the meaning of it? Thank you
  • alovesmichaelalovesmichael Posts: 903

    I get your points and going by your many posts on the forum I know you're not being judgemental just concerned. Arent' we all?
  • one good thing about the vid release and recent pix is that the kids seem fine

    and at the end of the day thats all that matters

    peace to all tonight
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923

    I get your points and going by your many posts on the forum I know you're not being judgemental just concerned. Arent' we all?

    ((hugs)) I guess i am so used to this being an open minded forum where we all discuss our opinions and argue in a respectful and thoughtful way that it took me off guard to be taken like that! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Thats why i love it here... we can discuss all issues in a mature fashion... even when we disagree with each other. I love a good debate! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • The way i respect Mike is by listening to him and watching the behaviour and reactions of all those who surrounded him.

    don't let your mind fool you, because you can make everything fitt into this hoax (including me) and that is exactly what is happening right now

    Maybe that´s the point where you´re in at right now.
    Many of us have been there and come back lots of times, so you may speak for yourself <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Dancing, I agree with you, I like to consider all the sides.
    Why wouldn´t I consider that his family bosom may harm him or kids.
    That´s a very usual thing. Family roles are something hard to break.
    Family´s even a cause of mental problems triggering many times.
    I don´t say that´s the case, I´m trying to picture how harmfull can family bosom be.
    I think it´s clever to consider all the possibilities, having into account what M´J himself said, and things like Jermaine´s friends introduced to him...
    I´m not gonna state/judge, but why not considering?
  • ZenZen Posts: 341
    by DancingTheDream » Sun May 09, 2010 6:42 pm

    You are the one who is blind.

    Ive heard it from Michaels mouth.. Oprah, Bashir (yes... Bashir, but Michael still said those things about his family) and in Moonwalk.

    Thank you DancingTheDream!
    Someone posted on another forum, "why they want to change Michael's
    Michael did not get to say enough as it was, but he DID repeat
    this abuse throughout his life.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    by DancingTheDream » Sun May 09, 2010 6:42 pm

    You are the one who is blind.

    Ive heard it from Michaels mouth.. Oprah, Bashir (yes... Bashir, but Michael still said those things about his family) and in Moonwalk.

    Thank you DancingTheDream!
    Someone posted on another forum, "why they want to change Michael's
    Michael did not get to say enough as it was, but he DID repeat
    this abuse throughout his life.

    Yes... thats how i feel. I know MJ loved his family and forgave his father in his later years.

    But it was still Michaels story.. its what made him who he was.. it created good and bad in him. Demons and angels.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    I get the feeling that people are stirring up the pot because some have claimed it has been quiet around here lately. Nothing like getting ones emotions all geared up to infuse fresh energy and zeal into a person. And that siggy ...is that another 'branch' of hoax believer? Someone who believes in the hoax but does not want to investigate it?
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> I'm so tired of these "respect" junkies.
    All they're doing is picking fights with people that are just trying to do their jobs as INVESTIGATORS.
    And we can have opinions too.
    Just trying to shut us up with the "That's disrespectful" bull.
    Let us be. Please.
  • Yes... thats how i feel. I know MJ loved his family and forgave his father in his later years.

    But it was still Michaels story.. its what made him who he was.. it created good and bad in him. Demons and angels.

    Let´s say for instance I have an older brother that abussed from the fact of being older when children, and was mean to me and I felt impotent with the situation. I can some how "hate" him through all my life and even say he is not my brother to me anymore... but as a grown up, those feelings are more calmed, even if those roles keep being so. Inside I can still feel mad at him and never forget that. But if someone ask me, he is my brother and wouldn´t go around speaking bad of him... if I have an argue, that day he´s mean again, but another day you feel tied... that kind of ties are not easy to define. This kind of relations can´t be defined as love-period... they have BUTS.
  • WOW ....
    This is crazy..... Maybe these 2 "Hoax 2.0 people" (That I have dubbed them) know each other and just came here to start some mess. But that statement about fitting and making everything fall into the hoax "Including me" Is kinda creepy, don't you think? Hmm... <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: -->

    I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!

    We created you, so now we can destroy you <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> LMAO

    I think we are a much more powerful force than we are even percieving at the moment. Something Grand is about to happen.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    question is micheal had to know what the possibilties for attention were when he put them out there before the 25th of june. even after the 'death" reality or hoax ,everything could have been kept more private if they really wanted to.so was it to prove something? or possibly use the attention of the public to help keep the children safer in a bad situation? just a little different perspective.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    You are all going to kill me for this one...

    but where was Katherine when Michael was being physically beaten and emotionally abused by Joe?

    Why is she all of a sudden a perfect mother and good role model for the grandkids??

    Just wanted to throw that one out there for you all.....

    Well let me be the lucky one to answer that...
    Michael actually had a privatelife (thank God for that) and what happend behind the gates no one knows.. Just because he was the greatest entertainer in the world doesn't mean he had to share everything with the fans or other....
    I personally think it's disrespectful to discuss him and his family matters.. I'm sure the Jackson was there when Mike needed them...
    Katherine is a perfect mother to all her children just like the mom's here...
    I would hate if strange people talked about you and your children the way people here talks about them.. Wouldn't you???

    I don't think Katherine is a bad mom at all. I think she's done all she can do for her children, remember they were poor & she had a lot of kids. However, this is a legitimate question. They have all admitted that their father beat them & he was hard on them. He never showed love, etc. That's pretty damaging & how could you watch that being done to your kids & not want to run as far away as possible with them? In the movie Jacksons An American Dream, there's a part where Katherine says she would never divorce Joe because she was against divorce & thought it would hurt the kids & break up the family. Well, maybe I'm the crazy one but I'd go for the divorce before I'd let my husband harm my kids & I'm not even a mother! Yeah, divorce is hard but think about what they had to endure? Especially Michael. Things would have been A LOT different had they seperated at least back then, I think. But who knows what she was thinking or going through. She needed him & probably feared him. Or feared what would happen if she didn't have him anymore? I don't discredit her for being a very loving, caring mother who obviously loves her kids though. She's still a good mother in my eyes. Times were tough for her back then, that doesn't change how much she loves her kids & what she would do for them. I'm sure she loves her grandkids too. Please don't disrespect her. They all love her so much. & btw I don't buy this story. However, it probably would be hard for her to just kick her other grandkids who have been living with her all their lives out though. She's probably very close to them. & if she did they might be hurt & feel like just because PP&B are MJ's kids, she's choosing his kids over them. It's a tough situation. However, I feel if PPB leave, it's for a different reason other than CPS <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

  • You are the one judging, my friend. And arguing for no reason.

    Uhmm just to get this straight... You think that it's dvdg1 judging???

    Well explain this to me please... Who was it that talked about Katherine and the lack of her skills regarding the children??


    You are boring me now and im not replying to anymore of you arguments. Bye

    Why are you giving up???
    I personally think it's important to talk about.. It's not all pink here... People can't always agree with you and since you replyed on this i think it's to easy to walk away...

    No, it's not the easy way, it's the mature way.
    The fact that someone has an acc. on this site doesn't mean they
    think he is alive. It doesn't mean that they try to fit everything into a box.
    It doesn't mean that you think everything is pink. You are passing judgement
    on everybody together - as one person, and that doesn't make you come of very openminded.

    Every single person in here has different theories, some are sure he is alive, some people
    think it might be a 50/50 chance, and some think he is dead. Every single person in here has
    different opinions sometimes, and not everybody in here is picking every little detail apart.
    Some people in here aren't even MJ-fans, they are just interested in all the details that doesn't
    match up regarding his death. So that has nothing to do with grieving. And everybody is allowed to have different opinions. I respect your opinions, and you should respect ours.

    You should just keep on with your work on your website, but be friendly if you are planning on keeping your acc. here. We all, should just agree to disagree. If you believe your inside information, then good for you. You should feel blessed to be trusted. What we think about that, has nothing to do with anything.
    The information might be fake, it might be real, it's not our business.
    So keep up your work and let people on this site do their work, and lets just hope that everybody can treat eachother with respect.
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