Jacko Kids Fear



  • [youtube:3bvvd4qt]
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Tabloid trash, as they know what goes on in that house, talk of nightmare and terror, .. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> TMZ remember Mrs. Katherine said "clean the house ".... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> are otherwise called Jack <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: -->
  • I don't understand HOW it could be a problem to have 8 kids in a house. There are MANY families who have 8 kids, or MORE, and everything is fine.

    I don't understand too how they can say that Katherine is dealing with 8 kids. The 5 others kids have a mom, living in the house ! Do you think katherine would take her place ? Alejandra is living there with her 5 kids, i guess she's not just sitting in front of the tv, watching Katherine taking care of her own kids...They are 2 women for 8 kids, and just remember that 2 of Alejandra are older than 16, so able to drive, to take care themselves. When you're 20, you'r not a kid anymore and you're able to help.

    I really don't understand WHERE is the problem. It can look like a "tribe" because of all people living in the same house, but hey ! every big family looks like a tribe, with problems, tensions, and when you look it from the outside, it's always scary, you wonder how can everyone of them deal with it. But it doesn't mean it's not working well...

    I'm not really surprised, and I just think tabloids wants us to believe that a big family is not able to deal with the most famous guy's kids...Maybe they don't like the fact that Alejandra still lives there, that it's a kind of weird "stepfamily"...But for me I don't see anything strange. Just 1 mom and 1 grand mother dealing with a group of teens. It cannot be quiet everyday !
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I don't understand HOW it could be a problem to have 8 kids in a house. There are MANY families who have 8 kids, or MORE, and everything is fine.

    I don't understand too how they can say that Katherine is dealing with 8 kids. The 5 others kids have a mom, living in the house ! Do you think katherine would take her place ? Alejandra is living there with her 5 kids, i guess she's not just sitting in front of the tv, watching Katherine taking care of her own kids...They are 2 women for 8 kids, and just remember that 2 of Alejandra are older than 16, so able to drive, to take care themselves. When you're 20, you'r not a kid anymore and you're able to help.

    I really don't understand WHERE is the problem. It can look like a "tribe" because of all people living in the same house, but hey ! every big family looks like a tribe, with problems, tensions, and when you look it from the outside, it's always scary, you wonder how can everyone of them deal with it. But it doesn't mean it's not working well...

    I'm not really surprised, and I just think tabloids wants us to believe that a big family is not able to deal with the most famous guy's kids...Maybe they don't like the fact that Alejandra still lives there, that it's a kind of weird "stepfamily"...But for me I don't see anything strange. Just 1 mom and 1 grand mother dealing with a group of teens. It cannot be quiet everyday !

    I agree! They are certainly not the first family to do it. The kids range in age from 8-20 of course there's going to be some chaos, it doesn't mean that Katherine is unable to handle them. They are teenagers, young adults & children for goodness sake. Do people expect to see them sitting down reading the newspaper acting like mature adults?! They are acting their age. Yes, Jaafar ordered a stun gun but that doesn't mean Katherine doesn't have control. He snuck on the computer & ordered without anyone's knowledge. Nobody got hurt. Also, the whole Alejandra thing, yeah she lives there but she was taken in for a reason & was allowed to stay for this long, so I don't see why her living there is now an issue. Her children are HER children, she's there taking care of them. They are in her custody. Also, if Katherine doesn't have a problem with her being there all this time, neither should anyone else, since it's their business & no one else's. Also, the other grandchildren, Randy & Jermaine's kids, have just as much right to stay there. They are her grandchildren too, no she isn't their guardian but they've been living there their whole lives. Without a problem. All of a sudden the media or whoever wants to create drama & they might be kicked out. That's unfair. Plus, MJ's kids seem extremely close to them. It's important for them to have kids their age around. It helps them cope (if he is indeed gone or if he can't be with them right now). To kick them out just creates more chaos & change for MJ's kids to get used to. They should be left alone. They are happy & healthy. Katherine's parenting skills should not be questioned, neither should Alejandra or her kids' situation. If you want to question anyone's parenting skills, it should be Jermaine & Randy, seeing as how they've left it up their mother to take care of their ex wife & kids. That's never been her job, it's theirs. They should be giving child support to Alejandra, they should be helping to take care of their kids. They have homes, why can't the kids stay there sometimes, to give Katherine some peace & quiet? How come the only time it seems Jermaine has his kids is when he wants to show them off? He's traveling all over the world, but he has kids they should be his priority NOT his "fame". idk what he & Randy do for the kids but it just seems like they don't do much & it's wrong they expect their mother to fill their shoes.
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    You are all going to kill me for this one...

    but where was Katherine when Michael was being physically beaten and emotionally abused by Joe?

    Why is she all of a sudden a perfect mother and good role model for the grandkids??

    Just wanted to throw that one out there for you all.....

    very legit question. all i can say is, from personal experience, my mother watched my father treat my brother and me in the same manner. now don't get me wrong, i love my momma very much and she has sacrificed a lot. like katherine, my mom is a very strong woman. however, when you have a husband who is very dominating and set in his ways, it's difficult to do anything. my mom only had us 2. katherine had 9 and it was a different kind of world back in the 60s and 70s. women didn't have the kind of options they do today- especially for low income families. i also think katherine believes in the family unit, and didn't want to (or maybe couldn't) separate everyone. i think she's always been the sweet maternal person we see today, just back then she was too afraid or couldn't speak up or stop it. and who is to say she didn't get into "the line of fire" sometimes? i hope this clarifies your question a little =/
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    My grandma raised like 13 bebbies, and takes care of all her grandchildren, and runs a sewing course. Ans she's like 75. 'Nuff said.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    perhaps she just determined that it was time for the childen to get back into arrangements that are more like they are accustom to.the other kid's were probably a fine diversion in the beginnig.also it might be easier for them to better work their relationship under different circumstances. it's not like the kid's can't see each other.if the other home is available what's the real problem.as for the situation when micheal and his siblings were young, being a mother i sometimes do wonder.one thing i think though is that the beating micheal personally got didn't hurt him near as much as watching his brother get them while he was being held up as the standard that he wasn't meeting to earn them.
  • StyloprincessStyloprincess Posts: 544
    why are there even 8 kids in the house?? I mean obviously Michael's kids have to be there.but what about the other 5. Why aren't they at home? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • alovesmichaelalovesmichael Posts: 903
    I bet if the kids got to chose they'd want everyone to stay but does anyone ever ask the children what they want? <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> It's like having extra siblings, to me that can't be a bad thing. Just look at the YT videos of Blanket with his cousins, they're having a blast!
  • why are there even 8 kids in the house?? I mean obviously Michael's kids have to be there.but what about the other 5. Why aren't they at home? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Because they are Katherine children also...I mean if you have more than 1 son, and that they have kids, they diserve help the same way. We don't know what happened so that Randy/Jermaine's wife and kids had to go live to Katherine's home. I guess if she said ok, there was a good reason. Don't ask me why Jermaine or Randy don't do something so their ex wife and kids live on their own somewhere. It's none of my business. From the outside, I think it's strange that they have to live with their grandma as they have mom and dad to take care, but we don't know what's going on "in real everyday life" so... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    It's a sticky situation. It could be dangerous to send the children of a world famous superstar to a foster home.
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