Ian Halparin: Mj is gay



  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    something just sort of popped into my head about this the other day when i wasn't even thinking about this stuff.does anyone have an idea if the prop. 8 thing will go back on the ballets in cal.soon? i thought i remembered that when it failed it was such a surprise that the black voters actually helped to vote it down the first time around (don't know how they determine that). some of the talk afterwards reminds me of what he was saying . that black men were leary of coming out. perhaps someone is thinking if they can link micheal to this that it would pass. i know i could be wwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy off but that is just what popped into my mind sort of randomly. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I don't think you are off at all. I think you are right on target. Many people try to hitch their wagon to his star. Why NOT political agendas? WHY NOT "borrow" a few of his massive numbers to convince the sheeple, who never study up, that THIS way is the way to vote...
    People who have a chance to vote freely, do get the government they deserve. Choice should never be automatic, without research. Research shouldn't be based on lies. Lies shouldn't be told to the largest crowd of people one can lasso up for the election...But, it is what it is. Just make sure "IT" is what you really, REALLY want, and that it helps more than it hurts, where EVER it impacts, because undoing things gets messy, dirty, and expensive. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I agree on that.
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