Katherine Jackson Sues AEG Over Michael's Death



  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    Although I dont' recall the source, I do recall reading that the health exam was partially completed & for some reason I believe I read it was to be either completed or updated when he arrived in london.

    I also recall reading that the health exam was a paid off deal i.e Michael was not in the health as listed on the report.

    I believe that Murray is doing exactly what he said in the beginning in his statement that the truth will come out.

    It seems to me that AEG will be the biggest to take the fall for this & of course as seen, whomever was contracted with them. The nature of the beast of the legal system, so I'm not surprised to read any of this.

    The issue I do disagree with is that if Murray insisted he need vital equipment in order to take care of Michael & he was obviously not supplied with same, then why continue? The only answers are IMO is money & perhaps Michael didn't realize the grave danger his life was in at that point?

    can i ask? why would the doctor need special equipment and a nurse for a performer who was well? unless it was known that they were going to be doing something that would put him at risk. is it standard procedure for this kind of situation normally?

    According to the complaint, it was AEG that selected & hired Murray. Dr. Murray is a cardiologist, so it makes sense that if he is going to attend to Michael exclusively(& considering previous health issues)that he also have any medical devices on board in the event a life threatening event arises.

    My understanding is that it is not normal protocol to have a doctor contracted to assist a celebrity in order to insure they comply with a contract to perform.

    Again, my memory isn't complete as I haven't been able to follow & or file all the details so far on this case. However I seem to recall a you tube interview with Randy Phillips stating that it was Michael that insisted Murray be his attending physician.

    Also, this is the first time I've read statements revealing that Michael was shaking, incoherent & "not himself" & disoriented on the last rehearsal dates.

    If this is true, then it goes hand in hand with what we've been stating previously, which is that many people purposely lied by stating Michael was fine.

    I do want to say that this would only apply to those whom really knew Michael, versus some whom were working with him for the first time.

    I'd like to see the actual document that Murray faxed back to AEG & of course I'd like to see the signature that AEG signed that particular document.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Are there other examples of famous/important people who travel around with a personal physician? I Don't know if a defibrillator would be standard. Since MJ did have previous collapses and so-called drug concerns, I would think it might be. From my CPR course, it's the main if not only resussitating equipment, and it's so small.
  • If AEG is the "bogeyman" of this story, then that would explain the use of doubles. Michael simply did not agree to some terms of the contract, the dissemination of the conference shows in the O2 in London and sent a lookalike... then gave up on testing and they (AEG) were forced to use doubles for the completion of the movie <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> This that make sense?
    If he noticed that they only wanted to profit, he should be make ready for them too.
    Now Ortega is a surprise for me, it seems to be a true friend of Michael. Will only now discovered the whole truth? Jermaine said an investigation would... can be the first steps ...
    We need a light <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    Brian J. Panish, released a statement saying, "The purpose of this lawsuit is to prove to the world the truth about what happened to Michael Jackson, once and for all."
    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    Also, the picture was changed again , now into a video link:

  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    Are there other examples of famous/important people who travel around with a personal physician? I Don't know if a defibrillator would be standard. Since MJ did have previous collapses and so-called drug concerns, I would think it might be. From my CPR course, it's the main if not only resussitating equipment, and it's so small.

    Elvis toured with a personal physican. I don't however know that he was contracted to do so & I don't know if anything was ever mentioned regarding his physician requesting heart monitor equipment or defibs. It was mentioned of course that his physician was accompanying Elvis in order to provide him with script meds.
  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    If AEG is the "bogeyman" of this story, then that would explain the use of doubles. Michael simply did not agree to some terms of the contract, the dissemination of the conference shows in the O2 in London and sent a lookalike... then gave up on testing and they (AEG) were forced to use doubles for the completion of the movie <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> This that make sense?
    If he noticed that they only wanted to profit, he should be make ready for them too.
    Now Ortega is a surprise for me, it seems to be a true friend of Michael. Will only now discovered the whole truth? Jermaine said an investigation would... can be the first steps ...
    We need a light <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    Anything is possible:)

    The issue for me however is that Michael did sign the contract, unless of course & until someone can prove his signature to be a forgery.

    If one believes that Michael did sign that contract, given the AEG could provide the largest area, which Michael apparently wanted, then it's entirely possible that he would agree to such a contract, which included the risks of his assets. (sorry for the long sentence)

    Personally, I have always believed that Michael signed the contract believing he was to perform 10 shows & therefore did not foresee a risk to his assets.

    With regard to KO, it is normal that he would be included in this suit because he was also contracted via AEG, so for me it isn't an issue of his friendship with Michael.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    And the doctor of Elvis was declared innocent.... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • After reading some of the statement of claim made by the Plaintiffs....to me it does not read like a legal document, it reads more like a story....terrible legal drafting in my opinion and I have been in law for over 30 years.

    Also, as far as the signature page goes, people can sign personally and sign on behalf of the Company as well. However, if you actually read the sentence above the three signatures, it seems it was an agreement to negotiate a definitive agreement. What was written in the definitive agreement? Was this a copy and paste job?? seems rather odd that only that information is on the last page. It could be pasted onto another agreement. That is why sometimes lawyers number their pages in case of the signature pages being the only information on that page.

    To me it does not read like a legal document... it reads more like a story or someone trying to get the proper facts out to the reader.
  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    And the doctor of Elvis was declared innocent.... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    He was acquitted of criminal charges, but he did lose his medical license.

    More info on this:

    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_C._Nichopoulos<!-- m -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    But if I live Through Elvis this. That was of the life of this doctor actually, of that it lives, or to that he devotes himself?. <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
    It's a bit too late to sue AEG and Kenny Ortega. There's something up here the man is simmering simmering what for Mike? We are waiting the time near boy? All of sudden lawsuits and lawsuits Harvey where the heck are u on vacation. He's with Michael haha you now Uncle Harvey Mike is da boss. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • On second thought ... makes no sense Katherine to process AEG now. A process must be documented and if the family was without contact with Michael, they would not know what was going on, agree?
    So what makes sense for me is: Michael is suing AEG due to the mess of the 50 concerts ... maybe he has really been fooled, thinking they were only 10 shows and is now taking appropriate action.
    Too good to be true, huh! <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • Did anyone notice the "dream" motion footage on the video at TMZ? It's the same "Dream" motion footage we saw on Jackson Family Dynasty twice; and ONLY twice - Once when Jermaine was announcing the death at UCLA and the other time was when they were leaving the studio and wondering "what were they going to do without Michael."

    Very, very odd indeed that this video of Katherine's interview with Jackson Secret Vault starts off with "dream motion" footage. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Keep it comin' Mike! We're lovin' it! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • There's something up here the man is simmering simmering what for Mike? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Well, I guess there's a new album coming up.... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    (This is not the 1st time I talk about this)

    2 questions;

    -Why to choose a cardiologist and not a family doctor, i.e?

    -Murray asked for equipment to assist MJ in case of an emergency. The equipment was denied. Is it a coincidence that MJ "died" as the result of a cardiac arrest that could have been avoided by having the proper equipment?

    The negligence of AEG not providing a safe enviroment is the result of MJ´s passing.

    MJ and show staff have been revealing in interviews that some shows in the past were dangerous and sloppy (in resume) for Mj and the rest of the workers.

    Looks like MJ death was planned, in both ways, as a hoax and as the result of reality with all the consequences. Either way, MJ is gone.
  • fraud
    noun ˈfrȯd
    Definition of FRAUD
    1 a : deceit, trickery; specifically : intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right
    b : an act of deceiving or misrepresenting : a trick
    2 a : a person who is not what he or she pretends to be : impostor; also : one who defrauds : cheat
    b : something that is not what it seems or is represented to be

    From wikipedia about a fraud...

    In the broadest sense, a fraud is an intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual; the related adjective is fraudulent.

    The specific legal definition varies by legal jurisdiction. Fraud is a crime, and also a civil law violation. Defrauding people or entities of money or valuables is a common purpose of fraud, but there have also been fraudulent "discoveries", e.g. in science, to gain prestige rather than immediate monetary gain.

    A hoax also involves deception, but without the intention of gain, or of damaging or depriving the victim; the intention is often humorous.

    A hoax is a deliberate attempt to deceive or trick people into believing or accepting something which the hoaxer (the person or group creating the hoax) knows is false.

    It is possible to perpetrate a hoax by making only true statements using unfamiliar wording or context. Many hoaxes are motivated by a desire to satirize or educate by exposing the credulity of the public and the media or the absurdity of the target. The hoaxes of Alan Abel, Chris Morris, and others satirize people's willingness to believe the media. Political hoaxes are sometimes motivated by the desire to ridicule or besmirch opposing politicians or political institutions, often before elections.

    The word hoax is said to have come from the common magic incantation hocus pocus. "Hocus pocus", in turn, is believed to be a distortion of "Hoc est corpus meum" ("This is my body") from the Latin Mass.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    If this is a hoax, and I totally believe it is, then this TMZ article, like most if not all of the others, is almost certainly a part of it. I take everything I read these days with a huge pinch of salt (apologies to those who may not understand this weird English phrase!).

    I'm sad that so many have been flung into panic and despair over this article. I'm sure it is nothing to worry about, and it may well simply be MJ putting a scary bit into this incredible production just to watch our reactions. Just my opinion!
  • I am totally shocked that these legal documents are so easily available to us. All I did to find this document, was google search the lawyers involved, and then it had an option of current cases, and vuola....it was there for all to see.

    My question is this....

    Why are these private documents so accessible to the public??

    Is this normal protocol???
    Life support was to be supplied because AEG knew MJ was taking propofol at night, and a patient should always be monitored at all times.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    If this is a hoax, and I totally believe it is, then this TMZ article, like most if not all of the others, is almost certainly a part of it. I take everything I read these days with a huge pinch of salt (apologies to those who may not understand this weird English phrase!).

    I'm sad that so many have been flung into panic and despair over this article. I'm sure it is nothing to worry about, and it may well simply be MJ putting a scary bit into this incredible production just to watch our reactions. Just my opinion!

    I wouldn't be surprised if the MJ story wasn't the only hoax on TMZ. And all the others copy and paste without any verification... the will make themselves look like @sses <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • In another thread I wrote that I'd read Leonard Rowe's book. I was drawn to it, not because Rowe is a laudable figure from what's out there in the press, but because he
    use to work for Michael, was fired, and then called back to work for him (accordingly to Rowe), a few months before 6/25/09. I'm drawn to anything that continues to repeat this pattern of Michael re-employing people only months before that fateful day. That is more than a coincidence.

    Ultimately, Rowe's book is about AEG and the racism of concert promoters. Weren't we discussing somewhere awhile ago that Murray's role is to expose all these jokers and ensnare them by any means necessary? So, is it farfetched to believe that Mrs. Jackson is helping Michael to do this and it's by design that on one end, she is suing AEG and Joe Jackson is on the other end suing Murray?

    Then Murray's role is to ensnare everyone that Michael's trying to bring down including AEG and Arnie Klein. What if Michael married Debbie to get the information he needed about Klein the way MJ may have done with LMP to get the information he needed about hoaxes?
    MJ's song Morphine, is a song to say, I see what you're doing with your demerol, etc.
    Perhaps MJ learned what Arnie Klein was really about with his drug pushing, he wrote a song about it, and got even more info about him when MJ married Debbie...probably very damaging info...

    And, what does Back say about Klein and others:
    "What is relevant is the immense potential for blowback. And i'm not going down alone."

    <!-- m -->http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showt<!-- m --> ... ost2353379

    Re: TMZ Live -- Dr. Arnie Klein ... Take Two

    Calm thy nerves.......

    Arnie IS on the de-Klein

    He's desperate and scared sh*tless

    Because he knows it's just a matter of tImE.......

    Tables are meant to be turned!
    And lying backstabbers shall reap what they sow.
  • What if Michael hired people back to help him ensnare others or to use their knowledge to carefully apply their expertise. Rowe may not be right about everything, but what if he's right about AEG and after telling Michael what he needed to know, Michael went into action against AEG...

    Or as brilliant as Michael is, he already knew what AEG is about but Rowe was used to help get the word out after Michael's "death"

    Excerpt from Rowe's book

    ---Later that night I received a call from Michael. It was now March 21, 2009. When I was talking him I noticed that he sounded like there was something on his mind. He ten asked me this question, “will you come and work with me?” He said, “I need you to oversee what AEG is doing and watch over my finances.” He then said, “Rowe, I have three children; I cannot come home from London with no money.” I asked him “what is your deal with AEG?” He said, “I do not even know what my deal is.” I told him that I would be honored to do that. He said, “I don’t know anything Rowe, about what is happening. I agreed to do only ten shows in London for AEG, but the next thing I knew they had sold out fifty.”

    ---Michael said, “there is no way I can do the shows with the schedule they have in place.” he asked me if I had Brother Michael’s phone number. Brother Michael was head of Michael’s security…

    My Note, summary: MJ wanted Brother Michael to get a call with Randy Phillips, MJ and Rowe in order to change the concert schedule. Essentially, Phillips gave Rowe the run-around and he refused to meet with Rowe. To this day Randy Phillips of AEG insists that Michael agreed to perform fifty shows, but he has never produced a contract signed by Michael to prove it according to Rowe.
    Rowe then tries and gets Joe to visit with Michael and help get him out of this mess and Joe agrees. Michael asks for meeting around 7:30 a.m. because he has to be on the road at 8:30 a.m. At this point in March 2009 Joe says he hadn’t seen MJ or talked with him in 3 years. At this time, it appears that MJ gets up and out of the house early and does not appear sickly or drugged out. Joe and MJ are happy to see each other according to Rowe…

    ---“I started to explain to him about some of the things AEG was doing that I had a problem with, such as the scalping of tickets and Michael receiving payment in US currency instead of British pounds. I also asked Michael to try and separate his business as much as possible from AEG. He seemed to understand everything; he also seemed to be in full agreement.”

    ---He then asked me if I brought the letter that I had told him I wanted him to sign. This letter was addressed to Randy Phillips of AEG and stated verbatim: “Dear Mr. Phillips, Please be advised that effective from the date of this letter (March 25, 2009) that Mr. Leonard Rowe is authorized representative in matters concerning my endeavors in the Entertainment Industry. All such matters concerning me shall be directed to Mr. Rowe, who shall act in my stead, until and unless I revoke this authorization. Please extend every courtesy to Mr. Rowe.” After reading the letter Michael observed that I left off something that he told me to include. He wanted me to oversee all of his finances. He hand wrote this on the ltter and signed it. (Rowe includes the letter in the book.)

    On May 15, 2009, Randy Philips finally has a meeting that Joe and Katherine attend and they quickly call Rowe to get there and be present for it. A person by the name of Paul Gongaware is also in the meeting. He is an associate with AEG.

    ---“…As the meeting began, my thoughts of Randy Philips were confirmed. I had always known that he wanted to control everyone associated with Michael. His way of doing this had been with the AEG checkbook. He quickly asked me, “who is paying you?” I replied, “that is not your concern.”

    ---Joe took the floor first. He began by saying to Randy Phillips, “you all are not going to cheat Michael like you have done all of his life.”

    ---I told Michael that I was going to discuss the scalping of tickets in London by AEG as well as other unethical things that I felt had been done by them. I asked him if he had any objections to that. He said, “no, go right ahead.”

    NOTE, my comment: Still no evidence of drug use mentioned or seemingly detected in any of MJ’s actions or demeanor.

    ---“This ticket procedure called scalping can be very lucrative for a concert promoter. When a promoter finds that he has a show in high demand he can pull a number of tickets before they go on sale… For example, if a promoter pulls one thousand tickets from the gold circle and sells them through an outside broker that he controls, for $500 each over face value, he stands to profit $500,000 per show. This of course is without the artist having any knowledge of our participation in the profit. Michael’s tickets were so much in demand that this was very easy for Randy Phillips and AEG to do. We had investigated and found that they had sold some of Michael’s tickets for much more than $500 over the face value of the ticket. AEG stood to profit millions, without Michael’s knowledge.

    The reason they chose to pay Michael in US currency instead of pounds is because the value of the pound was worth almost 50% more than the value of US currency at the time. $1 million in British pounds was equivalent to $1.4 million in US currency. By paying Michael in US currency, AEG stood to profit $400,000 per show.

    Having been a promoter for the past thirty plus years, it seemed apparent that Randy Phillips and AEG were planning to take advantage of Michael in London."
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    When Katherine said that AEG did not make the team this exonerating Murray Murray of guilt, she is saying that AEG was "killed" to Michael.
    I remember Quincy Jones said something like that Michael always did what he wanted and he had a diva attitude, then how is that Murray has provided drug risks Michael (being a very naughty boy) without the right equipment, he also said "Nobody is to blame for the death of Michael."
    As I said before everyone passes the blame to another.
    I find it odd that Michael has put into his catalog for a guaranteed concert .... suddenly everything is very confusing.

    You make any excellent point. I was wondering why MJ would use his catalogue as a collateral to back the TTI concerts. Does anyone know if this is standard practice for an artist in the music injustry? Did not AEG court MJ in Sept or Oct 2008 to do the O2 concerts? Why would he have to use his own private investments or his money for the TII concerts?

    Thank you in advance for your help. God bless you all. xx
  • He was probably forced into doing it, because AEG wanted him not to pull out of the shows. It was like a warranty that he would go ahead with the concerts...or else. More like a threat...I haven't heard of it being dont the same way before.

    I have to believe this was part of his greater plan. Crooks have to be caught in action. With MJ out of the way, the backstabbing bunch will be stung...
  • roxy101roxy101 Posts: 143
    If this case is won, and Michael were to return, would it be considered fraud?
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    That is the one bid thing I don't get why out the catalogue up as collaterall I just don't buy that or did they slip that into contract he didn't see it I don't buy that either
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