TIAI April 11



  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    could this be the reason we are all looking for??

    I've always believed MJ faked his death because of a terrorist attack and he had help from the Authorities to do it - they are still investigating and are keeping him safe until such time as the threat ceases.

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=253&t=4446&hilit=terroist+attack+in+london<!-- l -->

    Michael Jackson FBI Files Released; Death Threats, Bizarre Details of Molestation Probe Exposed
    December 22nd, 2009 1:40 PM by Free Britney
    The FBI has released more than 300 pages of documents relating to Michael Jackson, and while they do not provide new insight into his June 2009 death, the information contained still raises eyebrows, and is just as bizarre as you'd expect.

    The formerly classified material includes info regarding his 1993 and 2004 child molestation cases, as well as an extortion case where he was a victim.

    Despite an application under the Freedom of Information Act, half his file remains secret. What is available, however, provides no shortage of material.

    In 2004, local police in Santa Maria, Calif., requested FBI involvement believing the court proceedings against MJ made for "soft target for terrorism.

    "No intelligence indicating a terrorist threat" existed, the FBI said, but the bureau did provide technical and investigative assistance into the case.

    Read more celebrity gossip at: <!-- m -->http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2009/ ... z1Jbf7cATE<!-- m -->
  • This is a great theory, but I'm thinking about the end of the hoax, and I just CANNOT see Michael explaining it by, "I used a REAL dead person to hoax my own death". I can't see how the world would view him and his hoax and return then. If he was ever viewed as wacko this would surely blow the world up.
    I know you'll all totally disagree, but a REAL dead person and Michael Jackson? They'll say he did it for all the money he made and used a real dead man to do it.
    Sorry, it may be correct, but, I think he's in for real public backlash if he did that and it comes out. And it will have to be explained not only for us believers, but really for the non believers to believe it's really him.
    (I know I'll hear it on this, but sorry....)

    Well if we all believe the FBI cooperation with Michael, we shouldn't worry about the explanation part of the hoax when it ends because I do not believe that Michael will pop up and try to explain everything by himself. I do believe that it will be a formal one and the FBI is definitely going to be there and instead of Michael, they will be the ones who is going to explain the details of the hoax. And if a dead body was used, I do believe that it was FBI's idea to keep as few people as possible in on the hoax. So I do not believe it would be a problem for Michael after he comes back when they explain the details of the hoax like a dead body was used etc.

    I still go with a dead body was used theory. It doesn't sound sick or impossible to me. And no need to be a magic that FBI did. It's not too hard to find someone died close to that hour and they might have used it to keep as few people as possible on the hoax. Michael didn't need to plan every each of the details, FBI was helping him out about it too. So it could be FBI's choice to use a dead body. And as I wrote before, just a couple of key people in everywhere like the coroner, the hospital etc would be enough to pull the hoax.

    Thank you PureLove….I really HATE the word hoax because people always get a picture of a joke or deception. This is a life saving mission for Michael and the world or the people that will listen. I know that what Michael is going to bring to us when we hear him again will be so horrific that no one in their right mind will care about it being appropriate to use a dead body, how and who at that point. We will be so thankfull to God and Michael and that he cared enough all these years to allow God to give him this plan.We will only care about what we can do to save our lives and the lives of those we love. I have already seen VERY UGLY things going on in this country, and what the Gov is hiding from us that is life threatening and the means they will go to in covering up what they don’t want known. That is why we are here now, to learn what and how he did this, so that we will be beyond that when he speaks to us again. My biggest concern right now, it that from the view points that I read here, there will be so many that will NOT BELIEVE it is Michael when he returns, they will take up close video shots and try to dissect it with various software and spend so much time trying to disprove it is Michael that they will NEVER hear his message. This will be very sad.

    So my personal opinion is that while I don’t know who or what was in the ambulance just yet, I know what was NOT. And unless Brian Oxman had total leave of his sense on 6/25 and was completely not thinking or speaking clearly and just totally fumbling all over the place, which I doubt, I know that Michael was NOT IN the ambulance on that day. Because Brian said and I quote, “ I got a call uhh just a little bit BEFORE NOON that Michael had been taken FROM the hospital by Randy’s assistant who gave me that call” I have included the link below with the vid. If you look at him while he is talking , there are no signs of grief and is almost as if he is working very hard to keep from smiling, however the rest of the statement goes on as if all else is as most believe of Michael being gone. Here again we have a play on words, done on purpose to show how deeply deception can be interwoven with just a tad of the truth to twist things totally around and make us believe what they want us to. Just like Jermaine Airport and Hospital. You don’t have that many people with that many slipups on words.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3Izi-tS5Kk<!-- m -->

    For the non believing it is a perfect scapegoat to say it was a slip and he got the time and wording confused. As for the use of a dead body being wrong of Michael and totally out of the scope. That is child’s play compared to what goes on in this world. I am certain if we believe Michael has a skilled team working with him, they are to ones who devised the details of a body, fake, alive, or ill. It is not for us to judge if it is appropriate or not. Why Michael would have been at the hospital earlier that morning would be sheer speculation on anyone’s part and unnecessary. He had his reasons for whatever he did, some of which we may never know.

    If we are to investigate this in reality, we have to climb out of our little politically correct powder puff boxed in way of thinking and look at the reality of what takes place in this world daily. PURE UGLY is what is in front of us, deception from satan. This is what Michael is trying to get us to see.

    Thanks Victoria... It seems those of us leaning toward the dead body theory take this FBI involvement very seriously beyond just Hoax. This is life & death. The FBI IS involved.

    But I'm wondering if maybe the EMT's were NOT in on it during Live Action Day...
    Or just one was; one undercover? This = "Creditabl­e Deniabilit­y" & no Perjury. They simply did their jobs even though the body looked like it had been dead for over an hour, and they didn't recognize who they were working on. They had suspicions, they noted weird things. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Does it matter? Do your job; don't question the doctor, circumstances or identity of the person. That's not your business. Perhaps it took so long because someone got to them (FBI) to sign documents forbidding them to disclose what went down that day. <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
    ...so far nobody has offered any strong support for ALL of the paramedics being in on it; and if any of them were not in on it, there would almost certainly need to be a real corpse. Please don’t dismiss this possibility too quickly; it would explain the warm room, the paramedics not recognizing MJ, he looked like a frail old man, etc—and it would also decrease the amount of people that would need to be in on it (both at the house, and at the hospital).If someone can bring at least two strong points against the corpse theory, and nobody can debunk either of the two: fine. And if not, then we need to be open to considering all possibilities—that is what good investigation is all about.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    @scorpionchick I think that story about the romanian man who died of cancer instead of MJ is not true because I recall the AR didn't mention the deceased suffered of cancer or other terminal illness <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> If it was true, the authopsy should have revealed he had cancer.

    You are right. But, there is a consideration that autopsy is fake. In this case, even IF that was cancer patient dead instead and coroner is in hoax, they would not reveal cancer part since it would constitute doubt, cause everyone knew MJ did not have cancer. On the other hand, I am thinking, then why they need body at all, if autopsy is fake? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    What a huge mess, right?
  • @scorpionchick I think that story about the romanian man who died of cancer instead of MJ is not true because I recall the AR didn't mention the deceased suffered of cancer or other terminal illness <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> If it was true, the authopsy should have revealed he had cancer.

    You are right. But, there is a consideration that autopsy is fake. In this case, even IF that was cancer patient dead instead and coroner is in hoax, they would not reveal cancer part since it would constitute doubt, cause everyone knew MJ did not have cancer. On the other hand, I am thinking, then why they need body at all, if autopsy is fake? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    What a huge mess, right?

    if it's not Michael Jackson's body who has undergone this autopsy then whose body is it? 'WHO IS IT' <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    The one thing we all can agree on is that reading this autopsy report leaves us with more questions than answers.

    I've come to three conclusions:

    #1. This Body is NOT Michael Jackson and was NOT a drug addict or unhealthy...still a question of the lung abnormality; ei noises. WHOA... heart on the Wrong side of chest?!

    #2. This Body IS MICHAEL JACKSON and he was NOT an addict or unhealthy except for the same questions/ observations as above.

    #3. This Body is NOT Michael Jackson; but a BODY DOUBLE (Perhaps a mix of the two?) used to cover MJ's real condition whether he's in fact dead or alive... ei he was/is an addict & unhealthy, but they didn't want that made public.
    Or...he is NOT dead OR AN ADDICT; but this was done as a cover for something bigger.

    This analysis is done on approximately 450 ml of urine found in a bottle on the scene; no analysis was done on the urine extracted from the bladder!!!!!!!
    Heart (blood extracted from heart chambers) the following are detected:
    1- No alcohol was found
    2- Lidocaine (0.68 µg/ml)
    3- Diazepam (<0.10 µg/ml)
    4- Lorazepam (162 ng/ml)
    5- Midazolam (4.6 ng/ml)
    6- Nordiazepam (< 0.05 µg/ml)
    7- Carbon Monoxide (< 10 % saturation)
    8- Propofol (3.2 µg/ml) }

    Hospital (this is referring to blood drawn in the hospital on 6/25/09 @ 13:30 hrs, the tube was labeled “Trauma, Gershwin”???) 1- Lidocaine (0.51 µg/ml) 2- Propofol (4.1 µg/ml)
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    I wonder if TS has legit answer on the question that bothers me and some others too I beleive:
    Don't say this is part of a hoax. It is silly. Better argument and think of consequesnces of lawsuits IF MJ comes back.
  • I wonder if TS has legit answer on the question that bothers me and some others too I beleive:
    Don't say this is part of a hoax. It is silly. Better argument and think of consequesnces of lawsuits IF MJ comes back.

    OFF Topic...
    But the Short Answer? MONEY
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    TS, if you're reading, I have a question. Can you tell me please, if we were to be really clever and really use our brains in a thoroughly good investigative way, could we ever find out the truth with the information we have? In other words, do we know enough, are we in possession of sufficient solid facts (if such things exist), to ever work this out or are we just amusing you with our futile fumbling around in the dark! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I think we are curls. I think we've been in possession of the info for over a year. I think we just lack confidence in ourselves.

    <!-- m -->http://exploringthehoax.wordpress.com/2 ... the-media/<!-- m -->
  • naviblnavibl Posts: 117
    This is a great theory, but I'm thinking about the end of the hoax, and I just CANNOT see Michael explaining it by, "I used a REAL dead person to hoax my own death". I can't see how the world would view him and his hoax and return then. If he was ever viewed as wacko this would surely blow the world up.
    I know you'll all totally disagree, but a REAL dead person and Michael Jackson? They'll say he did it for all the money he made and used a real dead man to do it.
    Sorry, it may be correct, but, I think he's in for real public backlash if he did that and it comes out. And it will have to be explained not only for us believers, but really for the non believers to believe it's really him.
    (I know I'll hear it on this, but sorry....)

    Well if we all believe the FBI cooperation with Michael, we shouldn't worry about the explanation part of the hoax when it ends because I do not believe that Michael will pop up and try to explain everything by himself. I do believe that it will be a formal one and the FBI is definitely going to be there and instead of Michael, they will be the ones who is going to explain the details of the hoax. And if a dead body was used, I do believe that it was FBI's idea to keep as few people as possible in on the hoax. So I do not believe it would be a problem for Michael after he comes back when they explain the details of the hoax like a dead body was used etc.

    I still go with a dead body was used theory. It doesn't sound sick or impossible to me. And no need to be a magic that FBI did. It's not too hard to find someone died close to that hour and they might have used it to keep as few people as possible on the hoax. Michael didn't need to plan every each of the details, FBI was helping him out about it too. So it could be FBI's choice to use a dead body. And as I wrote before, just a couple of key people in everywhere like the coroner, the hospital etc would be enough to pull the hoax.

    Thank you PureLove….I really HATE the word hoax because people always get a picture of a joke or deception. This is a life saving mission for Michael and the world or the people that will listen. I know that what Michael is going to bring to us when we hear him again will be so horrific that no one in their right mind will care about it being appropriate to use a dead body, how and who at that point. We will be so thankfull to God and Michael and that he cared enough all these years to allow God to give him this plan.We will only care about what we can do to save our lives and the lives of those we love. I have already seen VERY UGLY things going on in this country, and what the Gov is hiding from us that is life threatening and the means they will go to in covering up what they don’t want known. That is why we are here now, to learn what and how he did this, so that we will be beyond that when he speaks to us again. My biggest concern right now, it that from the view points that I read here, there will be so many that will NOT BELIEVE it is Michael when he returns, they will take up close video shots and try to dissect it with various software and spend so much time trying to disprove it is Michael that they will NEVER hear his message. This will be very sad.

    So my personal opinion is that while I don’t know who or what was in the ambulance just yet, I know what was NOT. And unless Brian Oxman had total leave of his sense on 6/25 and was completely not thinking or speaking clearly and just totally fumbling all over the place, which I doubt, I know that Michael was NOT IN the ambulance on that day. Because Brian said and I quote, “ I got a call uhh just a little bit BEFORE NOON that Michael had been taken FROM the hospital by Randy’s assistant who gave me that call” I have included the link below with the vid. If you look at him while he is talking , there are no signs of grief and is almost as if he is working very hard to keep from smiling, however the rest of the statement goes on as if all else is as most believe of Michael being gone. Here again we have a play on words, done on purpose to show how deeply deception can be interwoven with just a tad of the truth to twist things totally around and make us believe what they want us to. Just like Jermaine Airport and Hospital. You don’t have that many people with that many slipups on words.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3Izi-tS5Kk<!-- m -->

    For the non believing it is a perfect scapegoat to say it was a slip and he got the time and wording confused. As for the use of a dead body being wrong of Michael and totally out of the scope. That is child’s play compared to what goes on in this world. I am certain if we believe Michael has a skilled team working with him, they are to ones who devised the details of a body, fake, alive, or ill. It is not for us to judge if it is appropriate or not. Why Michael would have been at the hospital earlier that morning would be sheer speculation on anyone’s part and unnecessary. He had his reasons for whatever he did, some of which we may never know.

    If we are to investigate this in reality, we have to climb out of our little politically correct powder puff boxed in way of thinking and look at the reality of what takes place in this world daily. PURE UGLY is what is in front of us, deception from satan. This is what Michael is trying to get us to see.

    Thanks Victoria... It seems those of us leaning toward the dead body theory take this FBI involvement very seriously beyond just Hoax. This is life & death. The FBI IS involved.

    But I'm wondering if maybe the EMT's were NOT in on it during Live Action Day...
    Or just one was; one undercover? This = "Creditabl­e Deniabilit­y" & no Perjury. They simply did their jobs even though the body looked like it had been dead for over an hour, and they didn't recognize who they were working on. They had suspicions, they noted weird things. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Does it matter? Do your job; don't question the doctor, circumstances or identity of the person. That's not your business. Perhaps it took so long because someone got to them (FBI) to sign documents forbidding them to disclose what went down that day. <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
    ...so far nobody has offered any strong support for ALL of the paramedics being in on it; and if any of them were not in on it, there would almost certainly need to be a real corpse. Please don’t dismiss this possibility too quickly; it would explain the warm room, the paramedics not recognizing MJ, he looked like a frail old man, etc—and it would also decrease the amount of people that would need to be in on it (both at the house, and at the hospital).If someone can bring at least two strong points against the corpse theory, and nobody can debunk either of the two: fine. And if not, then we need to be open to considering all possibilities—that is what good investigation is all about.

    I believe Michael’s involvement with the FBI, are with certain one who were of Divine connection, meaning God brought them together. Nothing in this life happens randomly. Everything has already happened, we are just living it out now, hence Michael’s always saying the music was already written, God was just giving it to him now. Because FBI is the Federal Gov and corruption lies at the heart of it, just like CIA, KBG,NASA,NOAA and any other Gov acronym. There has to be certain ones that have Michael’s best interest and heart, and know of the corruption with their own agency. Like I have mentioned before, I believe some could be retired officers with knowledge of how to work the system and know who is at the stem of the deceit in the agency. Like retired NASA officers that have been trying to warn us of thing for several years not, and people laugh them off. Not so for too much longer. Remember there are so many layers to this and the plan has been in the works for years. There are thing this and other world Govs have been hiding from the public while busying themselves to prepare to save their own hides. There are people in Hollywood in the know, they didn’t just make some of these movies to entertain us, they were to make us think. Only problem is Man will not be able to save himself, we know what that is going to take.
  • DanielaDaniela Posts: 37
    In my opinion, this is an Alternate Reality movie directed by MJ. Some of the characters are real and others are actors. We are all involved in determining the course of this movie. I think the paramedics are actors, as is Dr. Murray, and some of the other key players. Since Michael was so hands-on with everything he did, I believe he was in the ambulance to UCLA, either as the patient or dressed as a paramedic (the one with the blue shirt and pony tail). He had to be there in person to direct the greatest show on earth.

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I am apologize for my 3 hour rant this morning, I have been up 28 hours now...lol..I think I come up with a better way to explain this and possibly give those losing faith some hope as well.

    The very first page of this thread and the first thing at least that gets ur attention is the FBI hat. Subliminal Clue? Dont know but fits.

    From what I have been reading about the fake body and peoples opinions concerning is this. The main purpose of the fake was to lessen the actually number of "outsiders" that need to be in on the hoax while giving the opprtuinity to for the people who were/are involved credibility that the body was MJ's and for truthful testimony to be given during the trial. Fine.

    Now.......In order for MJ alone to pull this hoax off, a fake body would be a must. Alone, this body is really the only way he could attempt to fool everyone involved he was really dead. Tho flawed, perhaps the paramedics and even the hospital and staff might have beLIEved it really was him. He really died. And they saw it with there own eyes. At a minimum 25 people would have interacted in some way with the fake body on the 25th. That to me is 25 ways/reasons the hoax could be discovered before it even really started. Amazingly, noone figured out it was a fake and it did make it to the coroner. And that is where it ends. The coroner would have figured out it was fake and MJ really does not have the power or connections to presuade him to help with his hoax no matter the reason. So with that in mind, we know MJ has planned for years in great detail to hoax his death. Years of thought down the drain in the first hours of the first day. He could not do this alone and not without help.

    Enter FBI>>>Whatever MJ has gotten himself into that would warrant the FBI's help and participation remains to be seen. As to the great depth of the hoax and the amount of coordination needed from the FBI, as well as the FBI's willingness to accept and agree to the terms/way MJ wanted it, whatever it is must be gigantic. Thus the reason and the plan is put into action.

    The FBI could of "killed" MJ off without a body. But that is not a good show nor add to the realism or confirm that MJ died. So the FBI provided a fake body. 3 paramedics, coroner and assistance along with a doctor and 4 staff, were "asked" to take part as a matter of "National Security". This brings our outside people informed to the hoax to 10. A controlled group, very possibly choosen and selected for this after careful screening. So for the show, the wheel the fake body into UCLA, straight to a predetermined area under heavy secruity and privacy. Each persons role defined, actions, statements planned as instructed to do so. MJ dies. The announcement made and to continue to embed that MJ did die, is again wheeled out the copter and off to the coroner. A real-time drama with actual proof MJ had died broadcast to the public to absorb and accept. MJ is dead, free and removed. And mission is accomplished.

    However at the same time MJ dies, a new and interesting element is introduced with many implications to the future. But first,

    Now, we have established that the ambo pic was staged and shopped. This is our first real evidence and first domino. Why evidence? It shows us that this was staged and planned. Now knowing MJ could not do this alone and needed help and recieved it from the FBI. This to now validates it is fake. Shows us it was planned and if planned needed help, if needed help the FBI did so. And the FBI does not fail. IF they want something to happen it does, the way the want it to. Executed to a T, again only proving the pic is fake as it was part of a bigger picture. Thus proof MJ lives. Which brings us to the plan. Seems like alot of extra fluff made-for-tv was involved in the hoax. They were much easier ways to get same result. MJ could of died of overdose/heart attack at home. NO TV special, no press, taken to hospital pronounced and perhaps a "real" death photo released to prove he had died. But that is not what happened. A set of surreal events transpired before the worlds eyes. Events which left no doubt that MJ had died. BUT>>>>

    That new element? AS they loaded MJ into the copter, it was now we are introduced to a man who ran out the back door. Conrad Murray. First , let's analyze his role. Honestly, much like the other fluff in the plan, Murray's part in this is really not needed. The events the way they played out on the 25th could of happened the same way with or without him. It added some drama. But having a doctor present throughout the events did not change anything or any way things were planned. Again, not necessary tho. Or was it....

    Now the hoax was success. MJ dead. World falls for it. IF MJ wanted peace/freedom or whatever the reason, he now had it. Except for the door that was left open for things to come. Murray. Basically, he was not needed for this to succeed but yet involved anyway. And left to be tried for a crime he did not commit. Most likely convicted. And yet, this truly makes no sense as why he must take the fall. But it does....The very momment he is introduced into this, he began to play what I believe was his main purpose. Now this hoax is not just about MJ but a new focal point in Murray. He is the distraction, decoy and element to the plan that enables new events to take place. AS the shock wore off and MJ faded, our man Murray was now front and center. Followed, photographed,disected his role is now exactly as it was planned. Just about the time MJ fades from our memories, suddenly Mr. Murray becomes relevant again. A new development or story surfaces to keep us interested. But is that all?

    If MJ ever returns remains to be seen. If he does regardless some backlash will occur. 2 years ago he was a laughingstock and mocked, 2 months from now? OMG Bamsday is here! MJ reappears from his death, however the backlash is not what one might expect. He is a hero? huh? Our FBI boys inform us the great courage and dedication MJ has shown by sacrificing himself in such a way in order to help our nation do whatever it the heck he got himself into in the first place. A national alibi. MJ our hero!

    Back to ol' Murray. The martar, the fallguy, the guy who soon will have the world at center stage. MJ likes center stage. Quite comfy there actually.(or not) Murray has endured and completed what is needed for the "last curtain call". The trial. His main purpose. Which is why is doesn't matter if witnesses tell the truth. Why stories dont match, and calls seem fake or bodies or whatever else. I believe the trial won't happen. Wasn't ever suppose to. MJ "got away" for good if that was the plan. But it wasn't, and the door is open waiting.........

    So to close MJ must be in some big time stink. Alot went into this, and can only imagine what may have warranted this kind involvement. Even if MJ has feelings/issues over the past with FBI etc. Obviously he had no choice, or he is dead....not. I need sleep.

    Good story, sounds very plausible but I do think the trial will take place.

    As for the FBI: not all are bad, like not everyone working for the government or in Hollywood is bad. There are a lot of snakes out there, but I still believe in the good of people, even in positions like that. And the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I believe Michael’s involvement with the FBI, are with certain one who were of Divine connection, meaning God brought them together. Nothing in this life happens randomly. Everything has already happened, we are just living it out now, hence Michael’s always saying the music was already written, God was just giving it to him now. Because FBI is the Federal Gov and corruption lies at the heart of it, just like CIA, KBG,NASA,NOAA and any other Gov acronym. There has to be certain ones that have Michael’s best interest and heart, and know of the corruption with their own agency. Like I have mentioned before, I believe some could be retired officers with knowledge of how to work the system and know who is at the stem of the deceit in the agency. Like retired NASA officers that have been trying to warn us of thing for several years not, and people laugh them off. Not so for too much longer. Remember there are so many layers to this and the plan has been in the works for years. There are thing this and other world Govs have been hiding from the public while busying themselves to prepare to save their own hides. There are people in Hollywood in the know, they didn’t just make some of these movies to entertain us, they were to make us think. Only problem is Man will not be able to save himself, we know what that is going to take.
    Yes there's levels behind the scenes. Larger forces at work here.
  • scorpionchik wrote:
    GINAFELICIA wrote:
    @scorpionchick I think that story about the romanian man who died of cancer instead of MJ is not true because I recall the AR didn't mention the deceased suffered of cancer or other terminal illness If it was true, the authopsy should have revealed he had cancer.

    You are right. But, there is a consideration that autopsy is fake. In this case, even IF that was cancer patient dead instead and coroner is in hoax, they would not reveal cancer part since it would constitute doubt, cause everyone knew MJ did not have cancer. On the other hand, I am thinking, then why they need body at all, if autopsy is fake?
    What a huge mess, right?

    Maybe a little helpful medical insight here for you. There a several different kinds and types of cancer cell. Each kind has its own specific test to detect them. To my knowledge(may be wrong) but an autopsy does not do these tests unless there is a reason to know. Most of these test are very expensive and cash-strapped LA wouldn't just do them for fun. CBC,BMP Tox screen and UA are the normal standard lab draws. Most autopsies are done to find an unusal or suspicious cause of death. In this case, most likely they only looked for drugs because that was the suspected and was the ruling. BUT of course autopsy was fake too and planned out with desired outcome/cause already choosen....LOL>>>anyways, there is no "one size fits all" test for cancer yet. But they are however getting closer to it and I won't bore you those specifics. <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Well, I read all of the pages and what I see is, we are running in circles! Any of the sides could be able to debunk each others theories. I personally could start thinking about "no body was used" theory IF I could find a logical answer to why the EMTs couldn't recognize Michael and told that he was an old Asian man!!! With this statement of the EMTs and a hot room in the middle of summer makes "a dead body was used" theory more logical to me. Especially if we think about "the less the better" issue about the hoax, again a body was used theory works for me. I didn't read anything logical that debunks a dead body was used theory. So I'll stick with my opinion. And I do not believe any of the sides are going to change their minds about what they think; a body / no body used in the hoax. We're not getting any results but we keep on writing our theories on and on again which is not necessary. No need to repeat ourselves. So, I think we'd better wait for TS' comment about the things we discussed.
    speaking of TS...not that I'm complaining but my twisted mind can't help wondering what's keeping him away ...

    Oh, for those who think there was no body, what do you think they moved from the helicopter to the coroner's van? Was it a dummy under that white sheet? Couldn't be thin air...maybe some pillows like we see in the movies
  • peacock7peacock7 Posts: 147
    I don't think MJ and children lived at that house. I think this hoax is also a movie, and the EMTs were actors or FBI agents. Aren't the police suppose to show up? An officer showed up when my mother passed. Or are they purporting that they weren't called because the patient was still alive when transported from house to UCLA? I think the UCLA footage was filmed earlier also, because we never saw the ambulance pull up to UCLA on 6-25-09.

    The guys directing traffic were bodyguards, and the EMTs were actors or FBI agents. If the police had of been there, then that tour van would have been turned around in my opinion. 17 on tour van. 71 on Ambulance. MJ had an ambulance at Neverland.

    The only way I can see a dead body being transported initially is if that address was not the one MJ supposedly lived at and an elderly Asian man did live there or at an address similar in numbers and name, died and was transported to hospital. So the paramedics did take an elderly Asian man to hosipital from said address. Did they say he was alive or dead? I forgot. Or, that entire story could have been planted about the Asian man later.

    If the 911 call was placed from the Beverly Hills Hotel, then everything else can be thrown out of the window. There are no suppositions to derive from that premise, because all things after that are false and fits an illusion of something real and true being jumpstarted from that call, so in effect all other happenings derive from that call. And why would there be more than one 911 call?

    If it is a movie, then that address given as MJ's address is a staging/prop address, just like any other houses we see in movies. Remember the house MJ and his girl were in in the Thriller video was a prop. He rented that house strictly as a prop. No one should believe that chef Ms. Chase, because she came late on the scene, and she is probably an actress. Another illusion.

    I think we should revisit who owned prop house.

    More later.

    <!-- m -->http://dianajeann.blogspot.com/2010_01_01_archive.html<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xazsOkXOJVw<!-- m -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    speaking of TS...not that I'm complaining but my twisted mind can't help wondering what's keeping him away ...

    You want to know what I think?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Well, I read all of the pages and what I see is, we are running in circles! Any of the sides could be able to debunk each others theories. I personally could start thinking about "no body was used" theory IF I could find a logical answer to why the EMTs couldn't recognize Michael and told that he was an old Asian man!!! With this statement of the EMTs and a hot room in the middle of summer makes "a dead body was used" theory more logical to me. Especially if we think about "the less the better" issue about the hoax, again a body was used theory works for me. I didn't read anything logical that debunks a dead body was used theory. So I'll stick with my opinion. And I do not believe any of the sides are going to change their minds about what they think; a body / no body used in the hoax. We're not getting any results but we keep on writing our theories on and on again which is not necessary. No need to repeat ourselves. So, I think we'd better wait for TS' comment about the things we discussed.
    You pretty much summed up how I feel in a nutshell. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> However, I'm actually leaning more towards the theory of there being BOTH a dead body and a dummy used at different times/places throughout that day....and the other day <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> MJ already has one or more dummies that look like him readily available. It count account for the difference in stories. The paramedics said he looked like an old, frail, asian man, while others at the hospital said he looked like MJ.

    As far as ALL of the paramedics being "in on it" is it possible that the paramedics that arrived in the ambulance knew about the hoax, but the paramedics that arrived in the fire truck did not? or vice-versa? It could possibly explain the fake 911 AND the 911 call screen showing that the call originated from the Beverly Hills Hotel. Although I'm not exactly sure how lol Any thoughts? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    I don't think MJ and children lived at that house. I think this hoax is also a movie, and the EMTs were actors or FBI agents. Aren't the police suppose to show up? An officer showed up when my mother passed. Or are they purporting that they weren't called because the patient was still alive when transported from house to UCLA? I think the UCLA footage was filmed earlier also, because we never saw the ambulance pull up to UCLA on 6-25-09.

    The guys directing traffic were bodyguards, and the EMTs were actors or FBI agents. If the police had of been there, then that tour van would have been turned around in my opinion. 17 on tour van. 71 on Ambulance. MJ had an ambulance at Neverland.

    The only way I can see a dead body being transported initially is if that address was not the one MJ supposedly lived at and an elderly Asian man did live there or at an address similar in numbers and name, died and was transported to hospital. So the paramedics did take an elderly Asian man to hosipital from said address. Did they say he was alive or dead? I forgot. Or, that entire story could have been planted about the Asian man later.

    If the 911 call was placed from the Beverly Hills Hotel, then everything else can be thrown out of the window. There are no suppositions to derive from that premise, because all things after that are false and fits an illusion of something real and true being jumpstarted from that call, so in effect all other happenings derive from that call. And why would there be more than one 911 call?

    If it is a movie, then that address given as MJ's address is a staging/prop address, just like any other houses we see in movies. Remember the house MJ and his girl were in in the Thriller video was a prop. He rented that house strictly as a prop. No one should believe that chef Ms. Chase, because she came late on the scene, and she is probably an actress. Another illusion.

    I think we should revisit who owned prop house.

    More later.

    <!-- m -->http://dianajeann.blogspot.com/2010_01_01_archive.html<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xazsOkXOJVw<!-- m -->

    This is a very good point.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I don't think MJ and children lived at that house.

    Totally agree, he NEVER lived there. Too close to the road to have the privacy he wants, but perfect for a show.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • The guys directing traffic were bodyguards, and the EMTs were actors or FBI agents. If the police had of been there, then that tour van would have been turned around in my opinion. 17 on tour van. 71 on Ambulance. MJ had an ambulance at Neverland.
    First of all welcome!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> Secondly, from what I have seen the ambulance that MJ had at Neverland looked nothing like ambulance 71 and also said "Neverland" on the side. Of course its very possible that he had more than one. I can't find the picture that I saw of the ambulance, but here is a picture of the fire truck.
  • speaking of TS...not that I'm complaining but my twisted mind can't help wondering what's keeping him away ...

    Oh, for those who think there was no body, what do you think they moved from the helicopter to the coroner's van? Was it a dummy under that white sheet? Couldn't be thin air...maybe some pillows like we see in the movies

    Tho we have learned alot the last few weeks and opened our minds to new possibilities, I must say the ambo pic project was more fun because TS stayed involved. These last 2 have become more frustrating because even if we are on to something we have no way of knowing that we are.....booo

    No body at all seems less likely than having a body. Eiher a fake one or MJ himself.

    The biggest issue I have with Mj really being on the stretcher is the chance of being caught alive. The FBI has already completely abandoned normal protocol to allow MJ to do it his way. If making MJ disappear foever was the goal a simplier way would have been done. At this point I can not see them allowing MJ any chance of being exposed alive as there would be no defense if it was discovered.

    Fake just seems to the logical and safer route. But yet the "sitting" up vid has issues, however did we see that copter land to know what was inside before? And what if MJ was the surfboard on the table, remember they almost dropped him putting him into van. Too much risk.
  • Well, I read all of the pages and what I see is, we are running in circles! Any of the sides could be able to debunk each others theories. I personally could start thinking about "no body was used" theory IF I could find a logical answer to why the EMTs couldn't recognize Michael and told that he was an old Asian man!!! With this statement of the EMTs and a hot room in the middle of summer makes "a dead body was used" theory more logical to me. Especially if we think about "the less the better" issue about the hoax, again a body was used theory works for me. I didn't read anything logical that debunks a dead body was used theory. So I'll stick with my opinion. And I do not believe any of the sides are going to change their minds about what they think; a body / no body used in the hoax. We're not getting any results but we keep on writing our theories on and on again which is not necessary. No need to repeat ourselves. So, I think we'd better wait for TS' comment about the things we discussed.
    The logical answer is that their statement was false- as they have been briefed and prepared on what to say. Just like the autopsy report is just that - false. No body necessary if they were on the "in."
    But yes, I do feel we're chasing our tails. Fun- but not utterly productive. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Well, I read all of the pages and what I see is, we are running in circles! Any of the sides could be able to debunk each others theories. I personally could start thinking about "no body was used" theory IF I could find a logical answer to why the EMTs couldn't recognize Michael and told that he was an old Asian man!!! With this statement of the EMTs and a hot room in the middle of summer makes "a dead body was used" theory more logical to me. Especially if we think about "the less the better" issue about the hoax, again a body was used theory works for me. I didn't read anything logical that debunks a dead body was used theory. So I'll stick with my opinion. And I do not believe any of the sides are going to change their minds about what they think; a body / no body used in the hoax. We're not getting any results but we keep on writing our theories on and on again which is not necessary. No need to repeat ourselves. So, I think we'd better wait for TS' comment about the things we discussed.
    The logical answer is that their statement was false- as they have been briefed and prepared on what to say. Just like the autopsy report is just that - false. No body necessary if they were on the "in."
    But yes, I do feel we're chasing our tails. Fun- but not utterly productive. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Their statement was false how? You say they recognized Michael but lied about what the patient looked like on purpose? Why would they do that? Why would Michael or FBI ask them to lie about it?
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    I don't think MJ and children lived at that house.

    Totally agree, he NEVER lived there. Too close to the road to have the privacy he wants, but perfect for a show.

    I agree...but, then WHO was there? Wasn't the tours saying it was Michael living there? Was it someone ill?
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