TIAI June 25



  • Mish1981Mish1981 Posts: 538
    I dont think the concerts were ever intended to happen, or even that Michael was going to go to London. One of the things that always bothered me was the hiring of Dr. Murray in the first place for the O2 concerts (regardless of who hired him). Does the fact that Murray was Michael's personal (traveling) physician make it legal for him to practice medicine in London? Because I'm pretty sure he isn't licensed to practice there.

    I had totally forgotten about that. I'm sure there's something somewhere that states it specifically! But I know I remember reading it.
    It's amazing how one conversation turns to another and past evidence is brought back up and it makes more sense. Due to my computer crashing I haven't been on here in months (and able to post). I hope with doing so now it's worth while and I'm able to help out where I can.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    The murder theory isn't plausible because the accompanying autopsy is inaccurate in regards to Propofol elimination rates.

    I have compiled 3 medical journal sources that state the elimination rates of Propofol. They are unlinkable because of the nature of the source, but available as screenshots I made and posted to my blog here: <!-- m -->http://exploringthehoax.wordpress.com/2 ... -the-dead/<!-- m --> These sources are also available upon Google search “Propofol half life”.

    Source 1
    After a single bolus dose, there is a fast distribution from blood into tissues (t1/2a: 1.8 to 8.3 min), high metabolic clearance (t1/2b: 34 to 66 min) and a terminal slow elimination from poorly perfused tissues (t1/2g: 184 to 480 min).

    Source 2
    …the distribution of the drug from the blood to the tissues after intravenous administration, is very short, perhaps 2 to 3 minutes. The [beta] half-life of the drug, which is basically the elimination half-life, ranges from 30-60 minutes. The half-life, or terminal half-life, during which the drug is eliminated from the third compartment, or tissue fat, ranges from 300 to 700 minutes.

    Source 3
    The decline in Propofol concentrations following a bolus dose of following the termination of an infusion can be described by a three compartment open model. The first phase is characterized by a very rapid distribution (half-life 2-4 minutes) followed by rapid elimination (half-life 30-60 minutes) and a slower final phase, representative of redistribution of propofol from poorly perfused tissue.

    Now the problem that this presents when compared to the autopsy in light of this new information that UCLA docs had Michael heart going for approximately 64 minutes as illustrated by the article’s timeline [http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/news/765565/Docs-got-brief-heartbeat-1hr-after-superstar-collapsed.html] is that so long as the blood is circulating in the body, the drug is being eliminated.

    So if Michael’s blood is circulating for 62 minutes at UCLA, Propofol should ONLY have been present in the fatty tissue upon autopsy and IT IS NOT AT ALL POSSIBLE FOR PROPOFOL TO HAVE BEEN PRESENT IN THE BLOODSTREAM. Recall the autopsy reports of Propofol present within the blood vessels of the eyes. This is simply factually impossible with the properties of this drug. This is a scientific FACT… one of those very rare things that we encounter in the course of this hoax.

    …On a side note, CPR will also circulate blood by manually pumping the heart. Blood circulation drives metabolic elimination and CPR alone will account for elimination rates of any drug. Even without this new report of Michael returning from the dead, lifesaving efforts performed at the scene and en route to UCLA should have eliminated all traces of Propofol AT LEAST from the bloodstream, if not surrounding tissue (considering multiple reports that CPR was maintained for over an hour), so this information is not really new… it simply has become particularly damning by making it really really clear… the autopsy simply CANNOT be genuine.

    Seems very convenient to me that the time line reported alludes to cardiac activity for 64 minutes, considering the longest period of time from the 3 sources that Propofol will be detectable anywhere other then fatty tissue is 66 minutes. Now assuming Michael received greater then 2 minutes of CPR prior to being admitted to UCLA ER, well, you catch my drift.

    Wow bec this is a great post. Thank you for putting it all together. I remember reading all about propofol and how it works etc. When they said the drug was in the eye cavity, I was very curious. Your findings make it so clear-cut impossible...given what we were told happened (CPR for x-amount of time etc). It does make me wonder all over again....what exactly happened the morning of June 25th, 2009. 2 years later things like the AR report, the paramedic report, the death certificate etc. are still such a pile of direct mis-information. Why can't the media ask these questions?
    Wouldn't any of the hundreds of doctors interviewed be able to catch the propofol distribution?

    OK don't shoot me down, lol. One more time for gematria:
    113 = propofol = This Is It
    It's just freaky to me....really freaky. The drug that supposedly killed Michael, has the exact gematria number match of his comeback concert title. If I understand it.......saying he was killed by propofol instead of saying Diprivan; is like saying he used acetaminophen instead of Tylenol for a headache. Why not just use the trade name of Diprivan?

    Anyways..have a great day!
    Blessings to you all!
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Thank you wishingstar, I'm glad you enjoyed it. This is really old, I put that together back on 3/29/10. I gave up researching like that because it was sort of like, time after time and subject after subject, ok it's factually impossible for Michael to be dead... so what? He's still gone and we still wait. Dead end investigation over and over. Pardon the pun.

    But now along comes TS and level 5 and I get to use some of it here. Squee.
  • nefertarinefertari Posts: 57
    Im_convincedmjalive wrote

    I am now going to talk about the threats and what has been said the reason for them are. Most people think it is because of his catalog. Some have even said it is because he is worth more dead than alive. In a carnal/fleshly world that is a good simple explanation for the threats. That is what Michael has said over and over because IMO the real reason will be harder for most people to accept. I say this because I have watched the reactions of people regarding the NWO and alot of people still refuse to see what is right in front of their face.

    I am going to tell my story of the thought/vision that came to me yesterday while I was awake regarding the real reason MJ was/is such a threat to the NWO and he had/has to be taken out by any means necessary. Example the accusations of child molestation.

    The NWO was hoping to destroy his reputation so that the public would no longer want to listen to MJ and his messages of awareness, awakening and hope. I hadn’t gave much thought to this subject other than I felt there was a bigger reason than his catalog why he was being threatened. I have always believed he was in danger.

    Michael is a figure that is prophesied in the bible through Daniel to be the one who stands up for the people at such a time as this, end times. The NWO in my opinion does read the bible and they know of the prophesy, they fulfill prophesy all the time according to their evil ways. Many disasters have been orchestrated by the NWO and so have sacrifices on specific dates for spiritual power/demons. The thing is they are so delusional they think they are going to win so they ignore the fact that in the end the lamb overcomes them and wins. They know that Michael is a threat to them based on what is prophesied and they also know that he has a powerful influence over people. He can lead us in a war and we will win. This is why they had/have to eliminate him.
    <!-- m -->http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?se<!-- m --> ... ersion=NIV

    I'd like to add a question about your thoughts ....
    Daniel chapter 7 describes how the horn of the last beast (the Antichrist, the king of the last great empire) will be destroyed before setting up the messianic kingdom.
    Does not it seem that he refers to it as a trial, with a judge, jury and millions of people who are watching?
    Daniel 7
    21 “I was watching; and the same horn was making war against the saints, and prevailing against them,
    22 until the Ancient of Days came, and a judgment was made in favor of the saints of the Most High, and the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom.
    9 “ I watched till thrones were put in place,
    And the Ancient of Days was seated;
    His garment was white as snow,
    And the hair of His head was like pure wool.
    His throne was a fiery flame,
    Its wheels a burning fire;
    10 A fiery stream issued
    And came forth from before Him.
    A thousand thousands ministered to Him;
    Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him.
    The court[a] was seated,
    And the books were opened.
    13 “ I was watching in the night visions,
    And behold, One like the Son of Man,
    Coming with the clouds of heaven!
    He came to the Ancient of Days,
    And they brought Him near before Him.
    26 ‘ But the court shall be seated,
    And they shall take away his dominion,
    To consume and destroy it forever.
  • blankieblankie Posts: 2,350
    With my bad english I'm here now and forever.... <!-- smj_dance/ -->mj_dance/<!-- smj_dance/ --> <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ --> <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug --> <!-- styping/ -->typing/<!-- styping/ -->

    <!-- smoonwalk_/ -->moonwalk_/<!-- smoonwalk_/ -->
  • Im_convincedmjalive wrote

    I am now going to talk about the threats and what has been said the reason for them are. Most people think it is because of his catalog. Some have even said it is because he is worth more dead than alive. In a carnal/fleshly world that is a good simple explanation for the threats. That is what Michael has said over and over because IMO the real reason will be harder for most people to accept. I say this because I have watched the reactions of people regarding the NWO and alot of people still refuse to see what is right in front of their face.

    I am going to tell my story of the thought/vision that came to me yesterday while I was awake regarding the real reason MJ was/is such a threat to the NWO and he had/has to be taken out by any means necessary. Example the accusations of child molestation.

    The NWO was hoping to destroy his reputation so that the public would no longer want to listen to MJ and his messages of awareness, awakening and hope. I hadn’t gave much thought to this subject other than I felt there was a bigger reason than his catalog why he was being threatened. I have always believed he was in danger.

    Michael is a figure that is prophesied in the bible through Daniel to be the one who stands up for the people at such a time as this, end times. The NWO in my opinion does read the bible and they know of the prophesy, they fulfill prophesy all the time according to their evil ways. Many disasters have been orchestrated by the NWO and so have sacrifices on specific dates for spiritual power/demons. The thing is they are so delusional they think they are going to win so they ignore the fact that in the end the lamb overcomes them and wins. They know that Michael is a threat to them based on what is prophesied and they also know that he has a powerful influence over people. He can lead us in a war and we will win. This is why they had/have to eliminate him.
    <!-- m -->http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?se<!-- m --> ... ersion=NIV

    I'd like to add a question about your thoughts ....
    Daniel chapter 7 describes how the horn of the last beast (the Antichrist, the king of the last great empire) will be destroyed before setting up the messianic kingdom.
    Does not it seem that he refers to it as a trial, with a judge, jury and millions of people who are watching?
    Daniel 7
    21 “I was watching; and the same horn was making war against the saints, and prevailing against them,
    22 until the Ancient of Days came, and a judgment was made in favor of the saints of the Most High, and the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom.
    9 “ I watched till thrones were put in place,
    And the Ancient of Days was seated;
    His garment was white as snow,
    And the hair of His head was like pure wool.
    His throne was a fiery flame,
    Its wheels a burning fire;
    10 A fiery stream issued
    And came forth from before Him.
    A thousand thousands ministered to Him;
    Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him.
    The court[a] was seated,
    And the books were opened.
    13 “ I was watching in the night visions,
    And behold, One like the Son of Man,
    Coming with the clouds of heaven!
    He came to the Ancient of Days,
    And they brought Him near before Him.
    26 ‘ But the court shall be seated,
    And they shall take away his dominion,
    To consume and destroy it forever.
    Hey- thanks for the question. <!-- smj_dance/ -->mj_dance/<!-- smj_dance/ -->

    I need to explain something before I continue. First I am not learned well enough in bible studies to know every scripture. I do understand scripture as I read it when it is brought up. I do know some things from my past being reborn in Christ in 94 but I had backslided and ignored the word for a long time. I only started to dig into the word of God again because of Michael. When I get a vision/thought it is usually a jolt in my head while I am awake, meaning it comes quickly and it is very limited in details. I have to then interpret it fully from the idea planted. The words I wrote were my interpretation of the idea of NWO-threat-Michael. I do not get this often and when I do it is very right on. It has happened outside of this hoax in my personal life in 2003. I also get more detailed ones when I am asleep.

    So in saying all that I understand the vision Daniel had from reading it to be that the NWO (anti-christ, satan, NWO kingdom) is now in power and the saints are being bothered by this for now. We are at war with those who want to control us (NWO). (It appears they are winning for now because so many people are in a state of fear). Then we get favor from the most high-God. He is the one being described sitting in Judgement on the throne. The book is opened and we are going to be judged by God. The one like the son of man comes. This is Jesus. He destroys the NWO (satan) and begins his reign and those who made it through will be there in his kingdom.

    This is how I can explain it in my words. But after you asked this question I was curious to see someone elses view point so I found a link and IMO because of what I have read; this link to the site will be helpful. I am picky when it comes to others view point of the word of God but I think this is right on target or as close as it gets. <!-- m -->http://danielbibleprophecy.org/daniel7.html<!-- m -->

    Peace <!-- sbeerchug -->beerchug<!-- sbeerchug -->

    It’s time to test what you have learned in the last two years. How solid is your hoax evidence?

    Why is it the time to test our hoax evidence TS <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// --> ?
    Looks like you are the man with the plan....but we don't know where you are taking us <!-- serrrr -->errrr<!-- serrrr -->
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    PureLove, if MJ only returns next year, he will be 3 and a half years older, so will he have changed enough for us to wonder if it's really him. Maybe he'll have gained some weight again like he has in the past. I can bet there's going to be millions of doubting Thomases who will need to see and hear him speaking, singing, dancing, writing and whatever else to proove its really him, and  <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> because they can't get enough of seeing him. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <br />
    <br /><br />Michael didn't change at all during the past 20-30 years. Here are pictures from 90s and 2009 for us to compare. So I do not think he will be changed in 3 years time. But of course it would be amazing to see him singing again. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <br /><br />2uj4j1s.jpgfy0jl3.jpg
    <br />[font=cursive:11bo8i3b]Wow, see, to ME, Michael looks sooooooo different to me in these two pics.  I love the first one......up turned nose...sweet smile.  The next, looks like his nose is cut short and like he has a dental piece in his mouth filling out his top lip.  Also, I think he had ... I don't know what it's called, but, notice how his smile in the later years, appears to  pull upward...like it he had a tuck behind his ears.<br />I know a lot of you will disagree, but I've been studying his face a lot of years... over 40 and I see it.  (makes me think didn't the AR say that he had same scars behind his ears??  I think the AR is made up of factual things and fake things, because WE know too much about Michael's physical body to not have some things be correct.<br /><br />Love the pics <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->[/font:11bo8i3b]
    <br /><br />He's the same. You see his nose and teeth different because the picture is not a sharp one. That was a small pic and they tried ot make it bigger and of course it lost its clearness. That is the reason why you think he looks different. Wish my english was better to tell you detailed. I had photography lesson as well at university but I can not explain it better in english. He didn't get any older, he looks amazing. That's what I was trying to show. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> That's the reason why I do not believe he will be changed in 3 years because he didn't change at all in the past 25 years.
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    PureLove, if MJ only returns next year, he will be 3 and a half years older, so will he have changed enough for us to wonder if it's really him. Maybe he'll have gained some weight again like he has in the past. I can bet there's going to be millions of doubting Thomases who will need to see and hear him speaking, singing, dancing, writing and whatever else to proove its really him, and  <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> because they can't get enough of seeing him. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <br />
    <br /><br />Michael didn't change at all during the past 20-30 years. Here are pictures from 90s and 2009 for us to compare. So I do not think he will be changed in 3 years time. But of course it would be amazing to see him singing again. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <br /><br />2uj4j1s.jpgfy0jl3.jpg
    <br />[font=cursive:1ni1ru8w]Wow, see, to ME, Michael looks sooooooo different to me in these two pics.  I love the first one......up turned nose...sweet smile.  The next, looks like his nose is cut short and like he has a dental piece in his mouth filling out his top lip.  Also, I think he had ... I don't know what it's called, but, notice how his smile in the later years, appears to  pull upward...like it he had a tuck behind his ears.<br />I know a lot of you will disagree, but I've been studying his face a lot of years... over 40 and I see it.  (makes me think didn't the AR say that he had same scars behind his ears??  I think the AR is made up of factual things and fake things, because WE know too much about Michael's physical body to not have some things be correct.<br /><br />Love the pics <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->[/font:1ni1ru8w]
    <br /><br />He's the same. You see his nose and teeth different because the picture is not a sharp one. That was a small pic and they tried ot make it bigger and of course it lost its clearness. That is the reason why you think he looks different. Wish my english was better to tell you detailed. I had photography lesson as well at university but I can not explain it better in english. He didn't get any older, he looks amazing. That's what I was trying to show. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> That's the reason why I do not believe he will be changed in 3 years because he didn't change at all in the past 25 years.
    <br /><br />Sorry, I totally disagree on this one <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I see the differences too. The only one that is the real deal IMHO is the one Top-Left. Both on the right look like E'cas and I have no clue who that one Bottom-Right is but his features seem way too sharp. Another thing that makes me sure he out-smarted them: he could be at two places at the same time with all those Spartacus-MJ's and because his ever-lasting 'change of appearance', no one knew in the end how he really looked like. I think he REALLY didn't change that much since the late 80's, apart from the inevitable age changes we all face in life. Loose the make-up and the long hair and you have regular joe that can walk the streets without being noticed. People might think he looks familiar, but who the hell expects MJ is doing his own shopping? He couldn't, he said so himself, right? Although it might seem off-topic, I think his appearance has been a huge part of the hoax for all those years, for distraction and security purposes. And if he can fool his own fans, he can fool the world.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891

    He's the same. You see his nose and teeth different because the picture is not a sharp one. That was a small pic and they tried ot make it bigger and of course it lost its clearness. That is the reason why you think he looks different. Wish my english was better to tell you detailed. I had photography lesson as well at university but I can not explain it better in english. He didn't get any older, he looks amazing. That's what I was trying to show. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> That's the reason why I do not believe he will be changed in 3 years because he didn't change at all in the past 25 years.

    Sorry, I totally disagree on this one <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    That's ok babes. <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug --> We don't need to agree about everything. Maybe it is just me that thinks Michael looks the same, still amazing and young like he was 20 years ago.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    I see the differences too. The only one that is the real deal IMHO is the one Top-Left. Both on the right look like E'cas and I have no clue who that one Bottom-Right is but his features seem way too sharp. Another thing that makes me sure he out-smarted them: he could be at two places at the same time with all those Spartacus-MJ's and because his ever-lasting 'change of appearance', no one knew in the end how he really looked like. I think he REALLY didn't change that much since the late 80's, apart from the inevitable age changes we all face in life. Loose the make-up and the long hair and you have regular joe that can walk the streets without being noticed. People might think he looks familiar, but who the hell expects MJ is doing his own shopping? He couldn't, he said so himself, right? Although it might seem off-topic,[highlight=#bf8080:28tol9jj]I think his appearance has been a huge part of the hoax for all those years, for distraction and security purposes[/highlight:28tol9jj]. And if he can fool his own fans, he can fool the world.
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> yep yep yep
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I see the differences too. The only one that is the real deal IMHO is the one Top-Left. Both on the right look like E'cas and I have no clue who that one Bottom-Right is but his features seem way too sharp. Another thing that makes me sure he out-smarted them: he could be at two places at the same time with all those Spartacus-MJ's and because his ever-lasting 'change of appearance', no one knew in the end how he really looked like. I think he REALLY didn't change that much since the late 80's, apart from the inevitable age changes we all face in life. Loose the make-up and the long hair and you have regular joe that can walk the streets without being noticed. People might think he looks familiar, but who the hell expects MJ is doing his own shopping? He couldn't, he said so himself, right? Although it might seem off-topic, I think his appearance has been a huge part of the hoax for all those years, for distraction and security purposes. And if he can fool his own fans, he can fool the world.

    That was Michael just a night before he made the 02 speech. He made a chat with the fans and allowed them taking pictures. No double or impersonator sounds or looks exactly like him imho. I had the other pic if I could find it. I talked with one of these girls and she was so excited to meet Michael. And I agree with you that he didn't change at all since the late 80s. Here is the real picture.


    And another one for the comparison.

  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Found the other pic.

  • I don't find he changed so much.. You can see that in 2009 picture his neck has wrinkles, but it is understandable he was 50 on that picture. Let me tell you he is still hot to trot.. I wouldn't mind trotting him around <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ --> Blessings.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Michael is a figure that is prophesied in the bible through Daniel to be the one who stands up for the people at such a time as this, end times. The NWO in my opinion does read the bible and they know of the prophesy, they fulfill prophesy all the time according to their evil ways. Many disasters have been orchestrated by the NWO and so have sacrifices on specific dates for spiritual power/demons. The thing is they are so delusional they think they are going to win so they ignore the fact that in the end the lamb overcomes them and wins. They know that Michael is a threat to them based on what is prophesied and they also know that he has a powerful influence over people. He can lead us in a war and we will win. This is why they had/have to eliminate him.
    <!-- m -->http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?se<!-- m --> ... ersion=NIV
    I agree it's so much more than his catalogue, which is in my opinion simply a front. The reason has an biblical, planetary, historical climactic significance and reason. HIStory in the making. The "Michael" who stands in Daniel, is according to the Jehovah Witnesses, the pre-incarnate Christ. Everything in this MJ hoax, is in layers--depends on how deep a layer you which to explore, if you have an open mind and 'Believe'. The Illuminati have an authority over themselves as well, possibly NWO, maybe Commitee of 300 (family dynasties), and over them possibly angelic/alien entities who ultimately have Satan in charge (the eye of the pyramid). We have to follow the chain of command to the top. Tom Sneddon was a lowly pitiful puppet. But God is Creator and in control of it all. Love will win!

    Bec, I was finding some very good reading on your blog!
  • ElsaElsa Posts: 341
    It’s time to test what you have learned in the last two years. How solid is your hoax evidence? Is it irrefutable, or is it based on fantasy and imagination? No doubt more will turn against me at this level; but that’s okay, because I’m not here to win a popularity contest. For those who have read all of my previous posts, you will probably understand the purpose of this level; also, some things from previous levels may now become clear. <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ -->
    Elsa wrote:

    paula-c wrote:
    I continue thinking that this photo say very much

    There are 3 smiling, 3 wearing sunglasses, 3 sports shirts each with a set of three - 3 polo players, 3 yellow stripes and a 3 leaf clover. Does that mean something?

    And the FBI, Marlon do not use dark spectacles in this photo

    I had been thinking that maybe the multiples of three in the photo represent a date. Then I had some kind of epiphany. TS explained the use of the number/alphabet code in THIS IS IT. The I's represent 999.

    If F=6, B=2, I=9 then FBI is 6-2-9
    This is the 'death' date - except that the 50 is missing.

    A hoax smiley for you TS <!-- safraid/ -->afraid/<!-- safraid/ -->
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    I see the differences too. The only one that is the real deal IMHO is the one Top-Left. Both on the right look like E'cas and I have no clue who that one Bottom-Right is but his features seem way too sharp. Another thing that makes me sure he out-smarted them: he could be at two places at the same time with all those Spartacus-MJ's and because his ever-lasting 'change of appearance', no one knew in the end how he really looked like. I think he REALLY didn't change that much since the late 80's, apart from the inevitable age changes we all face in life. Loose the make-up and the long hair and you have regular joe that can walk the streets without being noticed. People might think he looks familiar, but who the hell expects MJ is doing his own shopping? He couldn't, he said so himself, right? Although it might seem off-topic, I think his appearance has been a huge part of the hoax for all those years, for distraction and security purposes. And if he can fool his own fans, he can fool the world.
    <br /><br />[font=cursive:2cqxk9g4]Yeah, I agree with this too.  I think that first pic is Michael, and the best one of the 4 and it's a much older one.  One with "softer" features.  As the aged he lost that fatty layer under his skin, as we all do.  We loose the collagen and elasticity.  Of course Michael remained beautiful, but that don't mean he didn't age..or have work done.  HELL, I'd do it if I could afford it, especially with the world looking and criticizing him.  And he was a perfectionist and had a bad self image.  <br />I think we have to be careful when we try to elevate Michael to a demi-god status thinking he never ages or is on earth to save the world.  He is human, ages, and all.  He was very blessed in his life to be able to deliver messages to the earth and he gave over thanks to God for that.  But, Michael with his beliefs, would never think himself a savior.  IMO. [/font:2cqxk9g4]
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    Im_convincedmjalive <br />Michael is a figure that is prophesied in the bible through Daniel to be the one who stands up for the people at such a time as this, end times. The NWO in my opinion does read the bible and they know of the prophesy, they fulfill prophesy all the time according to their evil ways. Many disasters have been orchestrated by the NWO and so have sacrifices on specific dates for spiritual power/demons. The thing is they are so delusional they think they are going to win so they ignore the fact that in the end the lamb overcomes them and wins. They know that Michael is a threat to them based on what is prophesied and they also know that he has a powerful influence over people. He can lead us in a war and we will win. This is why they had/have to eliminate him.<br /><!-- m -->http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?se<!-- m --> ... ersion=NIV
    <br />I agree it's so much more than his catalogue, which is in my opinion simply a front. The reason has an biblical, planetary, historical climactic significance and reason. HIStory in the making. The "Michael" who stands in Daniel, is according to the Jehovah Witnesses, the pre-incarnate Christ.<br />[font=cursive:yn0bjwtj]WOW, you are right.  That is what we believe.  And now That Michael, in the Bible, has assended to heaven.  He died as Jesus, and is ruling in heaven along side his father Jehovah.  He was the first of creations.  This is JW's beliefs.  I'm surprised you knew that part of our beliefs <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --><br />[/font:yn0bjwtj] Everything in this MJ hoax, is in layers--depends on how deep a layer you which to explore, if you have an open mind and 'Believe'. The Illuminati have an authority over themselves as well, possibly NWO, maybe Commitee of 300 (family dynasties), and over them possibly angelic/alien entities who ultimately have Satan in charge (the eye of the pyramid). We have to follow the chain of command to the top. Tom Sneddon was a lowly pitiful puppet. But God is Creator and in control of it all. Love will win!<br /><br />Bec, I was finding some very good reading on your blog!
  • You guys are amazing! So many great thoughts and theories, just brilliant! *clapping* <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    The main question (as many of your have mentioned) remains WHY IN THE WORLD "THEY" WOULD FOLLOW THE HOAX PLAN? What could be their motive to waist so much time on a very small group of people?
    Money?! - What kind of profit "they" can get from us? All forums are free, with no advertisements on it. To make us buy CD's and DVD's? Well all non believers are buying it anyway. So that TMZ could profit from us? There are millions of people reading TMZ every single day and by far not all of them are MJ's fans, to go through all this trouble just to get a couple (a couple of thousands) more clicks on their page? Nope! To get us buy all the books people (family and friends) write? The stories in the books are actually more focused on non believers, because they are all about how Michael was "murdered" by "them", AEG, Sony, CM, Branca, FD etc. Of course believers would buy it too, but only out of curiosity to compare stories and find something fishy <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->. But how much money can a book bring? it's not like they are selling Harry Potter or Twilight Saga. <!-- sgeek/ -->geek/<!-- sgeek/ -->
    So here is my VERY crazy theory <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
    So "they" found out about Michael's plan to hoax his death, but they didn't steal his notes (assume for a minute that every little detail was written down) but simply copied them. That way Michael wouldn't know that "they" know about his hoax plan. They made sure somehow that everyone who is involved in hoax will be following hoax plan even if Michael really died.
    Why would they want for Michael's fans to Believe that he is alive? I found a very sloppy answer (at least something <!-- sgeek/ -->geek/<!-- sgeek/ --> ) to that question. I was watching David Icke's speech about "them" and one part really caught my attention. Start watching at 5:00 or watch a whole video if you wish. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> (I'm NOT saying that everything he says is true, but it's sure interesting)
    [BBvideo 425,350:2nvfoilq]

    Maybe when they stole Michael's notes they wanted to create another so called "religion" for Michael's fans to believe in. So that millions of people would give their energy for "them" to feed on it. Sounds crazy but somehow possible. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Here is a debunk to my own theory:
    1)The plan obviously didn't work! In the first year of hoax they had a great chance to make most of Michael's fans into believers. Because people were still very lost and confused, they couldn't let go of Michael and if "they" made some kind of strong clue. Something like force family (if they are under threat, because there is no other way they could trick family into hoax) talk about hoax even more. Fans could have fallen for it and Ta ta... here are your millions of believers, lot's of energy and an easy way to manipulate us. And "they" are happy, thinking how smart and smooth "they" are! <!-- srr/ -->rr/<!-- srr/ --> But why bother so much with few thousands of people for 2 years?????!!!!!! Send TS to us, whom more than half of believers don't even like? I don't see any reason in it, if you do please let me know! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    2) Why let us know about NWO and "them"? Why try to awake us? Why tell us that Media is lying to us? Why try to be so nice? Yes in the beginning it could have been as part of a new "religion", there always must be Good and Evil, so that we'll have more faith in Michael. But for 2 years????!!!! Without any profit from us??? Really????!!!! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    L.O.V.E to all! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • I see the differences too. The only one that is the real deal IMHO is the one Top-Left. Both on the right look like E'cas and I have no clue who that one Bottom-Right is but his features seem way too sharp. Another thing that makes me sure he out-smarted them: he could be at two places at the same time with all those Spartacus-MJ's and because his ever-lasting 'change of appearance', no one knew in the end how he really looked like. I think he REALLY didn't change that much since the late 80's, apart from the inevitable age changes we all face in life. Loose the make-up and the long hair and you have regular joe that can walk the streets without being noticed. People might think he looks familiar, but who the hell expects MJ is doing his own shopping? He couldn't, he said so himself, right? Although it might seem off-topic, I think his appearance has been a huge part of the hoax for all those years, for distraction and security purposes. And if he can fool his own fans, he can fool the world.

    Souza.... THIS is E casanova:
    (doesn't look the same!)
    but why....
    is he wearing the same jacket as 02 Michael???/
    <!-- sconfused/ -->confused/<!-- sconfused/ --> <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// -->
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    It’s time to test what you have learned in the last two years. How solid is your hoax evidence? Is it irrefutable, or is it based on fantasy and imagination? No doubt more will turn against me at this level; but that’s okay, because I’m not here to win a popularity contest. For those who have read all of my previous posts, you will probably understand the purpose of this level; also, some things from previous levels may now become clear. <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ -->
    Elsa wrote:

    paula-c wrote:
    I continue thinking that this photo say very much

    There are 3 smiling, 3 wearing sunglasses, 3 sports shirts each with a set of three - 3 polo players, 3 yellow stripes and a 3 leaf clover. Does that mean something?

    And the FBI, Marlon do not use dark spectacles in this photo

    I had been thinking that maybe the multiples of three in the photo represent a date. Then I had some kind of epiphany. TS explained the use of the number/alphabet code in THIS IS IT. The I's represent 999.

    If F=6, B=2, I=9 then FBI is 6-2-9
    This is the 'death' date - except that the 50 is missing.

    A hoax smiley for you TS <!-- safraid/ -->afraid/<!-- safraid/ -->

    Elsa...you're brilliant! Actually you're all brilliant! But this is amazing!
    F B I
    6 2 9
    yes, with out the 50...50 years old
    also adds to 17....the tour bus
    what is is about the number 17...it pops up a lot.....what is on the 17th page of the FBI report?
    62+9= 71
    71 was the ambulance
    6+29= 35 any thoughts about 35?

    Just thinking out loud here.......
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    I see the differences too. The only one that is the real deal IMHO is the one Top-Left. Both on the right look like E'cas and I have no clue who that one Bottom-Right is but his features seem way too sharp. Another thing that makes me sure he out-smarted them: he could be at two places at the same time with all those Spartacus-MJ's and because his ever-lasting 'change of appearance', no one knew in the end how he really looked like. I think he REALLY didn't change that much since the late 80's, apart from the inevitable age changes we all face in life. Loose the make-up and the long hair and you have regular joe that can walk the streets without being noticed. People might think he looks familiar, but who the hell expects MJ is doing his own shopping? He couldn't, he said so himself, right? Although it might seem off-topic, I think his appearance has been a huge part of the hoax for all those years, for distraction and security purposes. And if he can fool his own fans, he can fool the world.
    <br /><br />Souza.... THIS is E casanova:<br />ecasamj.jpg<br />(doesn't look the same!)<br />but why....<br />is he wearing the same jacket as 02 Michael???/<br /><br /><br />ecasanova12.JPG<br /> <!-- sconfused/ -->confused/<!-- sconfused/ -->  <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// -->
    <br /><br />[font=cursive:1dk5ziv0]Tell me please, I see E Casanova in the first pic...but are you saying that the second is also?  Because, the second sure don't look like Michael to me either unless he's had surgery.  It's the area above the top lip, and the outer corners of his mouth reaching upwards.  TO ME....[/font:1dk5ziv0]
  • AnaMarciaAnaMarcia Posts: 860
    I see the differences too. The only one that is the real deal IMHO is the one Top-Left. Both on the right look like E'cas and I have no clue who that one Bottom-Right is but his features seem way too sharp. Another thing that makes me sure he out-smarted them: he could be at two places at the same time with all those Spartacus-MJ's and because his ever-lasting 'change of appearance', no one knew in the end how he really looked like. I think he REALLY didn't change that much since the late 80's, apart from the inevitable age changes we all face in life. Loose the make-up and the long hair and you have regular joe that can walk the streets without being noticed. People might think he looks familiar, but who the hell expects MJ is doing his own shopping? He couldn't, he said so himself, right? Although it might seem off-topic, I think his appearance has been a huge part of the hoax for all those years, for distraction and security purposes. And if he can fool his own fans, he can fool the world.

    That was Michael just a night before he made the 02 speech. He made a chat with the fans and allowed them taking pictures. No double or impersonator sounds or looks exactly like him imho. I had the other pic if I could find it. I talked with one of these girls and she was so excited to meet Michael. And I agree with you that he didn't change at all since the late 80s. Here is the real picture.


    And another one for the comparison.


    <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ --> [offtopic:3atx85m2]Michael was so cute in 2009! I think her features have not changed much, but he was more charming at age 50![/offtopic:3atx85m2]
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    <br /><br />[font=cursive:3kc353ue]<br />I think we have to be careful when we try to elevate Michael to a demi-god status thinking he never ages or is on earth to save the world.  He is human, ages, and all.  He was very blessed in his life to be able to deliver messages to the earth and he gave over thanks to God for that.  But, Michael with his beliefs, would never think himself a savior.  IMO. [/font:3kc353ue]
    <br /><br />Let's not twist things, ok? I never said that Michael is God and doesn't age. He looks the same to me and he looks amazing still. Noone here wrote that he is God. So pls do not take the subject there.<br /><br />02 Michael was NOT Ecas or any other double. It was Michael himself. This is my humble opinion of course. <br /><br />This is getting off-topic.
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