


  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    Continuing: <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> (So sorry about that. Computer issues <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> )

    This is SO cool, please forgive any crazy language or typos. I am trying to be brief. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    ANYWAY, Jesus says, amazed, "You guys??", (MJ's staff, family or friends, people trying to get fans STILL crying about this, to SEE that he is not dead, on twitter, etc., even here, because they still are too wrapped up in looking at the ground all sad, and don't even recognize his voice .)

    He reiterates all the prophecy that was foretold about the Messiah, and, He reminded them that JC had told and told them that He would do exactly THIS.(THIS IS IT !! What He had been talking about--in his lyrics, "Is It Scary For Ya, Baby?", and just things he said about himself----to Bashir: 'I AM Peter Pan', to his staff--giving them a P.T. Barnum PLAYbook, practically!!!!) <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:wink: -->:wink:<!-- s:wink: -->

    When they reach their home, JC seems (Faker) as if He will keep going on, but they beg him to stay over with them. (Haven't we ALL begged MJ to come bacK?!) It's getting dark and late (2012, you betcha) He stays for dinner. ( <!-- s:wink: -->:wink:<!-- s:wink: --> --they CAN't let Him go--even though they don't get why this stranger fascinates them)

    While they eat, He DOES something which they saw Jesus do MANY times ---the way he "broke the bread"( could also be metaphorical for "breaking His message" to them, or, feeding or "seeding their souls " with edifying words of God.) Instantly He (MJ!) comes to mind. <!-- s:wink: -->:wink:<!-- s:wink: -->

    Scripture says immediately their eyes were opened and they recognized he had been with them all afternoon! <!-- s:wink: -->:wink:<!-- s:wink: --> But, instantly, as they realized it was HIM, he "vanished". ( <!-- s:wink: -->:wink:<!-- s:wink: --> was that a magician? or did the "movie" just end for them, heh, heh, heh....)And they SAID TO ONE ANOTHER <!-- s:wink: -->:wink:<!-- s:wink: --> (more <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Hoax Death Forum)


    <!-- s:wink: -->:wink:<!-- s:wink: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> THEN, "They ALL said to one another" (went to another Forum and told THOSE guys over there!!) that He was alive; that they had SEEN him. Holy MOLY <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    WHILE they were sharing the good news with the other groups, Jesus APPEARED to all of them, (Ta DA!!) and told them that these things had to happen, so that the MESSAGE could be paid attention to, by the MOST people possible. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    WHAT message? HOLD DOWN your hair!! while I read you, right from the Bible, where it SAYS: "MAKE that Change!" In verse 47, "on the basis of his name, REPENTANCE (Literally, "To Change Direction" <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> )...would be preached in ALL the Nations..."

    This is SO uncanny. He says that these are the same words he spoke to us when he was with us. He goes over it all (the prophecies and scriptures there) again, and OPENS UP THEIR MINDS, IN ORDER TO FULLY GRASP THE MEANING. <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> (ALL of the stuff we've been reading here has served to open our thinking !) He talks about all the scary things He (Christ) had to go through, but it relates to MJ , too, as far as the torturous ride MJ was forced on for years. Then, after He is all done with the subject, He says:

    "YOU are to be witnesses (TELLING OTHERS WHAT YOU SAW AND KNOW) of these things!"

    THIS is your ANSWER, JILL!!!! (Remember, she asked on her own post about Being An Intercessor, what that could mean? This Is It . <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> )

    Now, I don't mean a bunch of religion. It is somewhat allegorical, the comparison. But what difference does it make? If YOU make that change, you re-pent (turn around; turn away, from what ever error you found in your self ---not others, as you looked in your "mirror". The world is a whole better place...

    I think this is A MAZING. <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> It is NOT a coincidence that JC showed up in the numbers list, at 151 (One 51 year old, trying to enlist some help to save the planet and all its children).
    and the other number, "51=FIND ME" <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> HIM ASKING US TO, MEANS HE IS HERE, AND IT IS POSSIBLE TO SPOT HIM! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Where else COULD he be, than, AT THE MOVIES <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    [Is that you , Mikey <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> ]

    When you saw AVATAR, were your eyes "holden", until a certain point when a character said SOME thing we've heard Mike say a bazillion times? And THEN, just as you realized you FELT Michael Jackson in the room <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> he VANISHED???

    Did your heart BURN strangely within you, during the entire movie, though---even if you don't recall thinking of him? Mine did.

    This film is the ONLY war film I EVER saw, which articulated the genius that BOTH sides LOSE, always. The only one I EVER heard of which made you SEE . The ONLY one I ever saw which made you FEEL the actual price of the loss was more than just a person's life here and there, or hundreds of persons' lives. It cost the aggressors their DECENCY, their very humanity. It cost the defenders every priceless untold Ageless Secret and gifts of healing, they would have willingly shared with a universe at PEACE. MAN!

    I didn't see MJ in the credits or titles. We wouldn't know if he was there under a pseudonym. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> NO, I didn't see his mug in any frames. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> But I FELT like I could almost hear the J5 singing MAN of WAR---ALL through the film! Maybe I've finally gone to La la land on the mono-rail in my dream. MAN, I loved that movie! It felt like HIM. It was So cool. So was 2012!! He was ALL over that. Am I wrong, ladies?????????????????????????????

    He SAID he was bitten by the movie bug almost 30 years ago. He has GOT to be doing this, now!! As far as being "wet behind the ears, he told Geraldo in 2005 or 2006 that he was having SO much fun, but on which movie(s) was he working????

    I think, HE thinks that while he's a little "wet behind the ears" (an expression for : "being brand new at" something, in this case feature-length films) ---I think he is just going to SURPRISE us, by doing things we have all seen or heard him do a million times! We'll SPOT him, when he or some character in the film, DOES THIS !

    I almost forgot: <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->: in my dream, the reason I was there waitIng for him to shower, is, it turns out, to be another "figure of speech": "to come clean"; in other words: MJ is going to "come clean", and SHOW HIMSELF TO US <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    In the dream, when he said, "Come on." to me, it is to SHOW us something. I think we are going to see him piece by piece, more and more, just as he said, until all of him is revealed, once again. HE IS HERE. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I can't stop asking this: Can you feel him (IN some movies he could have worked on, in SOME capacity, like I do)???? <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> Can you tell us about it, maybe all in the same place-- on the Movie thread or something? It has nothing really to do with Hoax Investigation , per se---but only him coming back as I feel he is, movie by movie. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> Can we do a little of this? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • LaLove09LaLove09 Posts: 120
    OMG @ All this!!!!!! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    I keyed in some key words pertaining to me and... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    I was like GTFOH!!!! WOW!!!!!
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    See You In July in English Gematria Equals: 1086 (9+6= 15; 15:5= 3)

    See You In July = Whatever Happens, You Are Not Alone, A Little Bird Told Me (LOL)

    Hoax Death in English Gematria Equals: 516 (6+6= 12; 12:4= 3)

    Hoax Death = President Obama, Dangerous, Death Hoax, Las Vegas, Curtain

    Joe Or Joseph in English Gematria Equals: 816 (9+6= 15; 15:5= 3)

    Joe Or Joseph? = Can You Feel It, Paris Jackson

    Xscape in English Gematria Equals: 408 (4+8= 12; 12:4= 3)

    Xscape = July 10 2010, July, July 7 2010, Fbi Files

    I Love You More in English Gematria Equals: 1050 (1+5= 6; 6:2= 3)

    I Love You More = Seventy Seven (77), Ancient Archeology, Another Part Of Me, Man In The Mirror, She Drives Me Wild, It Looks Like A Scam (LOL), Horror Movies (indeed), California Medical Board (i love coincidences), Serenitys Dream ( <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ), He Is Quite Insane, Michael Jackson hiding

    50 = June 25 2009 (gotta love this), Magic 107,7; Magic

    Tell me how creepy is this

    The Day He Died in English Gematria Equals: 588 (5+8+8= 21; 21:3= 7 ; 21:7= 3)

    The Day He Died = Final Curtain Call, Brian Oxman, Dualisms, Morphine, Daddys Home, Day Of Doom, Pop Top, Arnie Kline (almost!)

    Seventh Son in English Gematria Equals: 846 (12+6= 18; 18:2= 9)

    Seventh Son = Age Of Aquarius, Jackson House, I M On The Moon (hahah I remember when someone said Michael was on the moon lol), Dont Do Drugs (even gematrix knows this)

    What the...

    Lapd Fire Department Paramedics in English Gematria Equals: 1656 (12+6= 18; 18:2= 9)

    Lapd Fire Department Paramedics = Theres Method In My Madness, Jackson Was Gone To Expose, As The World Turns Cancelled, Truth And Kaos, One And The Same, Full Moon Drives Me Crazy (indeed <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> ), One Way Ticket To The Moon (hahah again this omg), Tomorrow Is Another Day, Pieces Of All Beliefs Is Truth

    Fire Department Paramedics in English Gematria Equals: 1458 (10+8= 18; 18:2= 9)

    Fire Department Paramedics = Greyson Michael Chance, The Run Around, All Corners Of The World, Nineth Reason To Get Free, If You Knew What I Knew

    Travis Payne in English Gematria Equals: 900 --> 9

    Travis Payne = Three Nine Six ( ... ), Understanding, Peoples Favor, The Globe Magazine, I Saw The Seven, What Am I Here For


    This Is It Tour in English Gematria Equals: 1122 (2+4= 6; 6:2= 3)

    This Is It Tour =June, June 15 2010, June 10,June 25 2009, June 25, Lisa Marie Presley, Say Goodnight Gracie, Brotherhood Of Death, No More Worries, If You Think That, Michael Jackson Not Dead (WHAT THE .................)
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    You guys are awesome! What great thinkers we have here!!! I love it!
    I want to fall off the chair at each one of these's really weird!
    It might be going on two Cokes and a smile now Michael! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Thanks for the hard all are amazing!
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    You guys are awesome! What great thinkers we have here!!! I love it!
    I want to fall off the chair at each one of these's really weird!
    It might be going on two Cokes and a smile now Michael! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Thanks for the hard all are amazing!

    Too many weird coincidences..what the heck is going on LOL .."This is it tour" tell me how do you explain that .......


    I Am Alive And I Am Here Forever in English Gematria Equals: 1434 (8+4= 12; 12:4= 3)

    I Am Alive And I Am Here Forever = Better Safe Than Sorry, Mind Control Technique, He Who Is The All Seeing Eye

    This is freaking me out...

    Im Alive And Im Here Forever in English Gematria Equals: 1422 (7+2= 9; 9:3= 3)

    Im Alive And Im Here Forever = Janet Jackson On American Idol, Seven Seven Seven Nine, They Dont Care About Us, Legend Of The Seeker Season 3, How Deep Is Your Love
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What in the Good Lord's Name is this?! All of this is amazing, but let me get this straight: you guys just went to this site and punched in these words and you get those blatant hoax words, out of all of the thousands of words in the English language back?! Are y'all sure this wasn't somehow made by believers?!
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443

    Michael Jackson Escape in English Gematria Equals: 1038 (4+8= 12; 12:4= 3)

    Michael Jackson Escape = Genetically Modified Organism, Transcending Reality, Paris Jackson, Perfect Love, Seven Times Nine, Dr Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson Alive, Your Third Eye, Its All For You
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What in the Good Lord's Name is this?! All of this is amazing, but let me get this straight: you guys just went to this site and punched in these words and you get those blatant hoax words, out of all of the thousands of words in the English language back?! Are y'all sure this wasn't somehow made by believers?!

    Hey there....
    If you read my first post on this thread it will explain how it was found is actually the second site I stumbled on. It has snowballed into this really weird set of things.....unexplainable. I understand coincidences, but this is too much. Maybe it will get redirected 39 = TIAI = TS ......LOL, that would make my day!
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What in the Good Lord's Name is this?! All of this is amazing, but let me get this straight: you guys just went to this site and punched in these words and you get those blatant hoax words, out of all of the thousands of words in the English language back?! Are y'all sure this wasn't somehow made by believers?!

    Hey there....
    If you read my first post on this thread it will explain how it was found is actually the second site I stumbled on. It has snowballed into this really weird set of things.....unexplainable. I understand coincidences, but this is too much. Maybe it will get redirected 39 = TIAI = TS ......LOL, that would make my day!


    Who Is Ts in English Gematria Equals: 678 (6+7+8= 21; 21:7= 3; 21:3= 7)

    Who Is Ts = Salvation, This Is It
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What in the Good Lord's Name is this?! All of this is amazing, but let me get this straight: you guys just went to this site and punched in these words and you get those blatant hoax words, out of all of the thousands of words in the English language back?! Are y'all sure this wasn't somehow made by believers?!

    Hey there....
    If you read my first post on this thread it will explain how it was found is actually the second site I stumbled on. It has snowballed into this really weird set of things.....unexplainable. I understand coincidences, but this is too much. Maybe it will get redirected 39 = TIAI = TS ......LOL, that would make my day!


    Who Is Ts in English Gematria Equals: 678 (6+7+8= 21; 21:7= 3; 21:3= 7)

    Who Is Ts = Salvation, This Is It

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    I have no idea what to think anymore.....
    king's to you Michael.......
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    hahahahaha OMG check this out........

    Who Is In The Hoax in English Gematria Equals: 1068 (7+8= 15; 15:5= 3)

    Who Is In The Hoax = Jackson Brothers, Ark Of The Covenant, President Barack Obama
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Who said padded cell? ...

    Who Are In The Hoax in English Gematria Equals: 1044 (5+4= 9; 9:3= 3)

    Who Are In The Hoax = Marvin Bodyguard, The Seventh Son (Michael), According To Hoyle

    According to Hoyle

    In accord with the highest authority; in accord with a strict set of rules.

    <!-- m --> ... hoyle.html<!-- m -->
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What in the Good Lord's Name is this?! All of this is amazing, but let me get this straight: you guys just went to this site and punched in these words and you get those blatant hoax words, out of all of the thousands of words in the English language back?! Are y'all sure this wasn't somehow made by believers?!

    Hey there....
    If you read my first post on this thread it will explain how it was found is actually the second site I stumbled on. It has snowballed into this really weird set of things.....unexplainable. I understand coincidences, but this is too much. Maybe it will get redirected 39 = TIAI = TS ......LOL, that would make my day!


    Who Is Ts in English Gematria Equals: 678 (6+7+8= 21; 21:7= 3; 21:3= 7)

    Who Is Ts = Salvation, This Is It

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    I have no idea what to think anymore.....
    king's to you Michael.......
    Well, of course, y'all know TS is the messenger! But I just can't stop thinking that this was somehow done by believers..
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What in the Good Lord's Name is this?! All of this is amazing, but let me get this straight: you guys just went to this site and punched in these words and you get those blatant hoax words, out of all of the thousands of words in the English language back?! Are y'all sure this wasn't somehow made by believers?!

    Hey there....
    If you read my first post on this thread it will explain how it was found is actually the second site I stumbled on. It has snowballed into this really weird set of things.....unexplainable. I understand coincidences, but this is too much. Maybe it will get redirected 39 = TIAI = TS ......LOL, that would make my day!


    Who Is Ts in English Gematria Equals: 678 (6+7+8= 21; 21:7= 3; 21:3= 7)

    Who Is Ts = Salvation, This Is It

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    I have no idea what to think anymore.....
    king's to you Michael.......
    Well, of course, y'all know TS is the messenger! But I just can't stop thinking that this was somehow done by believers..

    It's not. If you tried that site and saw how it works you wouldn't say so..
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    I'm starting to love that site

    TS Revelation in English Gematria Equals: 960 (9+6= 15; 15:5= 3)

    Ts Revelation = Ju Y 7 2010 (july-7-2010. How cool is this? We always said on july 7 we would get some huge clues or whatever..), Justice Served, 2300 Jackson Street, Nine Thoughts, More Fool You (

    2300 Jackson Street (Jackson 5)
    For most of this album, The Jacksons consisted of Jermaine, Jackie, Randy, and Tito Jackson. Michael Jackson and Marlon Jackson appear only on the title track, along with their sisters, Rebbie and Janet (middle sister La Toya was, at the time of this album, estranged from the family and therefore does not appear on the song).

    2300 Jackson Street
    2300 Jackson Street
    2300 Jackson Street

    Memories of growing up
    And working hard
    Our childhood passed us by

    Mom and Dad
    They sacrificed their wants and need
    So we could reach the light
    Although the times were tough for us
    We knew they both worked hard
    They gave us all their hearts could give
    And still made room for love
    We're all united
    And standing strong
    And still today
    We're one big family

    2300 Jackson Street
    Always home
    2300 Jackson Street
    Always home

    In harmony, together we'll join
    Hands and sign
    Our love across the land

    Remember we always said,
    If we got a change
    We'll plan our work
    And work our master plan

    Although the road of life is tough
    It has its ups and downs
    We are the one and all
    We can conquer all
    We are united
    And standing strong
    And still today we're one big family

    2300 Jackson Street
    Always home
    2300 Jackson Street
    Always home

    Mother and Father
    They raised us to be
    The best that we could be
    Now the stage is set
    The curtain's up
    The crowd applauds your name

    Then give a smile
    Let's do your best
    No matter how far we go

    2300 Jackson Street
    Always home
    2300 Jackson Street

    4 Years To Get It Right in English Gematria Equals: 1356 (9+6= 15; 15:5= 3)

    4 Years To Get It Right = It,S All For L O V E, Doctor Conrad Murray, Yeardley Love Funeral

    Four Years To Get It Right in English Gematria Equals: 1716 (8+7= 15; 15:5= 3)

    Four Years To Get It Right = July Two Thousand And Ten (july 2010 ..Without doubt this month will be interesting..), July 23 Two Thousand And Ten

    This Is It Message in English Gematria Equals: 1092 (10+2= 12; 12:4= 3)

    This Is It Message = Seven Seven Six, Why Did I Get Married (Janet's movie), The End Of The World, Tommy Mottola ( ... ), Winning Numbers

    This is funny...and creepy...

    Michael Jacksons Message in English Gematria Equals: 1272 (10+2= 12; 12:4= 3)

    Michael Jacksons Message = Black Or White, The Manhattan Project (see below), Immaculate Conception, Monetary System, King Is Always Right, All Is Not As It Seems, I Believe In Being Faithful, Saves Your Soul, One Equals A Thousand, We Gotta Live And Love, Unity Of The People, Happily Ever After All, First Day Of Summer, Is Tmz Watching Us

    The Manhattan Project
    The Manhattan Project was the codename for a project conducted during World War II to develop the first atomic bombs. The project was led by the United States, and included participation from the United Kingdom and Canada.
    Details of this Division came out in Eileen Welsome's book The Plutonium Files, for which she won a Pulitzer Prize. It documented human experiments in which the subjects did not know they were being tested to find the safety limits of uranium and plutonium. Hodge attended a meeting where the experiments were planned in 1945, and an AEC memo thanks Hodge for his planning and suggestions in the experiment. The US government settled with the victims' families, paying $400,000 per family. Seven victims were injected with material smuggled into a hospital secretly through a tunnel. One unmarried, white 24-year old woman was injected with 584 micrograms of uranium; another 61-year old man was injected with 70 micrograms per kilogram[clarification needed] of uranium.[27]:93 Hodge also arranged for Dr. Sweet to inject 11 terminally-ill patients with uranium for their brain tumors; however, these subjects may have known they were being tested.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    have any of you tried this thing with words or phrases totoally unrelated to the hoax or micheal?
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    lmao I just put in the name Jermaine and came up with
    *The Doctor, Idea Man, The Cake Boss, Slip of the Tongue*
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    have any of you tried this thing with words or phrases totoally unrelated to the hoax or micheal?

    yes, I tried my name and other things... why?
    my complete name
    this is it, propofol, black & white, unicorn, apocalypse
    but i want to say if any of the words you put is not in gematria databse you can add it, so... maybe a lot of believers are adding this words but even if that is the case is creepy that all the hoax related words are connected, don´t you think?
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    I had started looking around this site some time was after I had lost the first site
    (I talked about it in the very first post).
    I think we are down to having a mix now......some folks are messing with us(because they found out about it), some are, in fact, meant for us to see. What I have not done is validate some of these larger words and phrases. Going on the straight a=1, b=2 etc formula, do these really add up to the same things? Just because we see it in print.........
    so, I will spend some time today poking around these. If I find any that really do not add up I will post about about them. What is interesting though, is if these really do all add up to a match....there really are some weird things...regardless of who put them there.

    Hope you all have a wonderful, blessed day!
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    I had started looking around this site some time was after I had lost the first site
    (I talked about it in the very first post).
    I think we are down to having a mix now......some folks are messing with us(because they found out about it), some are, in fact, meant for us to see. What I have not done is validate some of these larger words and phrases. Going on the straight a=1, b=2 etc formula, do these really add up to the same things? Just because we see it in print.........
    so, I will spend some time today poking around these. If I find any that really do not add up I will post about about them. What is interesting though, is if these really do all add up to a match....there really are some weird things...regardless of who put them there.

    Hope you all have a wonderful, blessed day!

    it doesn't matter if people add words that aren't in the list because it's the numerology what as much as they try to fool us it won't's all random based on the numerical value
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    What a coincidence that the result is always 3, 7 or 9 ...

    Here are some of the words with the same numerical value:

    Uncle Harvey in English Gematria Equals: 804 (8+4= 12; 12:4= 3)

    Uncle Harvey = Rollin The Dice, Come Together, Information, Michael J Jackson

    What Is Tmz Role In The Hoax in English Gematria Equals: 1758 (8+13= 21; 21:7= 3; 21:3= 7)

    What Is Tmz Role In The Hoax = Seventy Seven Thoughts, The Actor Is Lost In His Role, Tii Was Never Meant To Happen

    Our forum
    Michaeljacksonhoaxforum in English Gematria Equals: 1470 (5+7= 12; 12:4= 3)

    Michaeljacksonhoaxforum = Many Happy Returns, Theory Of Everything, First Reason To Get Free, Listen To Your Heart, Michael Jackson Still Alive

    Michael Jackson Hoax Forum Investigators in English Gematria Equals: 2538 (10+8= 18; 18:2= 9)

    Michael Jackson Hoax Forum Investigators = Dcctor Murray Wrongful Eye Surgery (??)

    Las Vegas Escape in English Gematria Equals: 810 (8+1= 9; 9:3= 3)

    Las Vegas Escape = Doctor Murray, Soule Shaun (WHAT!), Kenny Ortega, Randy Jackson, Protection, Production, Best Believe It, Lunar Eclipse

    So You Think You Can Dance in English Gematria Equals: 1578 (13+8= 21; 21:7= 3; 21:3= 7)

    So You Think You Can Dance = Michael Jackson Is Alive, Lord Is Rising In Truth, He Will Give The Devil His Due, I Am From A Distance Place Far Away, Will Dr Murray Go To Jail

    Ts Revealed in English Gematria Equals: 666 ( ... )

    Ts Revealed = Michael Jackson Fake Death, My Brothers Keeper, Joseph Prince

    Is Michael Jackson Dead in English Gematria Equals: 996 (18+6= 24; 24:8= 3)

    Is Michael Jackson Dead = Marvin G Butts ( ... ), Magnificent Seven, It,S All For L O V E, Action And Reaction, September Eleven, Twin Towers

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Why Is This Site So Creepy in English Gematria Equals: 1794 (17+4= 21; 21:7= 3; 21:3= 7)

    Why Is This Site So Creepy = Numerology Compatibility, When Somebody Loves You Back, The Two Beasts Of Revelation

    Tell Me Something in English Gematria Equals: 1062 (7+2= 9; 9:3= 3)

    Tell Me Something = Michael Jackson Comeback ( ... ), Blame It On The Boogie

    Whats The Story/What is the story in English Gematria Equals: 1206 (3+6= 9; 9:3= 3)

    Whats The Story / What is the story = Michael Jackson Is Alive, When Will Michael Come Back, Michaeljacksondeathhoax, Michael Jackson Hoax Death

    Did Michael Die in English Gematria Equals: 516 (6+6= 12; 12:4= 3)

    Did Michael Die = Brother, Someone, Las Vegas, Death Hoax, Hoax Death

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Is The Nephew Legit in English Gematria Equals: 1110 --> 3

    Is The Nephew Legit? = This Is Yeah Right, Michael Jackson Fake Death

    Why So Many Connections To Mj in English Gematria Equals: 1992 (10+11= 21; 21:7= 3; 21:3= 7)

    Wtf... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    Why So Many Connections To Mj = No Idea What Is Going On To Be Honest

    What Does Katherine Know in English Gematria Equals: 1494 (5+13= 18; 18:2= 9)

    What Does Katherine Know = John Chapter Fourteen Verse One (see below), Elvis Has Left The Building, All That Ever Was And Will Be, Instructional Videos .......

    John Chapter Fourteen Verse One
    1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
    Full chapter at <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Omg this is so surreal..

    Give Me All Your Patience And Endurance in English Gematria Equals: 2052 (7+2= 9; 9:3= 3)

    Give Me All Your Patience And Endurance = Neverland Valley Ranch, Someone Is Walking Over My Grave, Ap World History Practice Test, Your The Ones Thats Listening

    This Is Also It Redirection in English Gematria Equals: 1680 (7+8= 15; 15:5= 3)

    This Is Also It Redirection = Tommy Mottola ( ... ), I Spy With My Little Eye, Why You Wanna Trip On Me

    Ben Evenstad Photo in English Gematria Equals: 1110 --> 3

    Ben Evenstad Photo = Jackson Family, Michael Jackson Fake Death, Is The Nephew Legit

    Ok I'm done for today I'm tired <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    I'm starting to love that site

    TS Revelation in English Gematria Equals: 960 (9+6= 15; 15:5= 3)

    Ts Revelation = Ju Y 7 2010 (july-7-2010. How cool is this? We always said on july 7 we would get some huge clues or whatever..), Justice Served,

    2300 Jackson Street

    Nine Thoughts
    , More Fool You (

    2300 Jackson Street (Jackson 5)
    For most of this album, The Jacksons consisted of Jermaine, Jackie, Randy, and Tito Jackson. Michael Jackson and Marlon Jackson appear only on the title track, along with their sisters, Rebbie and Janet (middle sister La Toya was, at the time of this album, estranged from the family and therefore does not appear on the song).

    2300 Jackson Street
    2300 Jackson Street
    2300 Jackson Street

    Memories of growing up
    And working hard
    Our childhood passed us by

    Mom and Dad
    They sacrificed their wants and need
    So we could reach the light
    Although the times were tough for us
    We knew they both worked hard
    They gave us all their hearts could give
    And still made room for love
    We're all united
    And standing strong
    And still today
    We're one big family

    2300 Jackson Street
    Always home
    2300 Jackson Street
    Always home

    In harmony, together we'll join
    Hands and sign
    Our love across the land

    Remember we always said,
    If we got a change
    We'll plan our work
    And work our master plan

    Although the road of life is tough
    It has its ups and downs
    We are the one and all
    We can conquer all
    We are united
    And standing strong
    And still today we're one big family

    2300 Jackson Street
    Always home
    2300 Jackson Street
    Always home

    Mother and Father
    They raised us to be
    The best that we could be
    Now the stage is set
    The curtain's up
    The crowd applauds your name

    Then give a smile
    Let's do your best
    No matter how far we go

    2300 Jackson Street
    Always home
    2300 Jackson Street

    4 Years To Get It Right in English Gematria Equals: 1356 (9+6= 15; 15:5= 3)

    4 Years To Get It Right = It,S All For L O V E, Doctor Conrad Murray, Yeardley Love Funeral

    Four Years To Get It Right in English Gematria Equals: 1716 (8+7= 15; 15:5= 3)

    Four Years To Get It Right = July Two Thousand And Ten (july 2010 ..Without doubt this month will be interesting..), July 23 Two Thousand And Ten

    This Is It Message in English Gematria Equals: 1092 (10+2= 12; 12:4= 3)

    This Is It Message = Seven Seven Six, Why Did I Get Married (Janet's movie), The End Of The World, Tommy Mottola ( ... ), Winning Numbers

    This is funny...and creepy...

    Michael Jacksons Message in English Gematria Equals: 1272 (10+2= 12; 12:4= 3)

    Michael Jacksons Message = Black Or White, The Manhattan Project (see below), Immaculate Conception, Monetary System, King Is Always Right, All Is Not As It Seems, I Believe In Being Faithful, Saves Your Soul, One Equals A Thousand, We Gotta Live And Love, Unity Of The People, Happily Ever After All, First Day Of Summer, Is Tmz Watching Us

    The Manhattan Project
    The Manhattan Project was the codename for a project conducted during World War II to develop the first atomic bombs. The project was led by the United States, and included participation from the United Kingdom and Canada.
    Details of this Division came out in Eileen Welsome's book The Plutonium Files, for which she won a Pulitzer Prize. It documented human experiments in which the subjects did not know they were being tested to find the safety limits of uranium and plutonium. Hodge attended a meeting where the experiments were planned in 1945, and an AEC memo thanks Hodge for his planning and suggestions in the experiment. The US government settled with the victims' families, paying $400,000 per family. Seven victims were injected with material smuggled into a hospital secretly through a tunnel. One unmarried, white 24-year old woman was injected with 584 micrograms of uranium; another 61-year old man was injected with 70 micrograms per kilogram[clarification needed] of uranium.[27]:93 Hodge also arranged for Dr. Sweet to inject 11 terminally-ill patients with uranium for their brain tumors; however, these subjects may have known they were being tested.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    There used to be a video of the whole family singing this song on the THIS Is It site. Months ago, when I clicked on that, it showed me an almost 15 minute Spike Lee Michael Jackson Tribute video INSTEAD

    This video makes it pretty clear that the MJ we all knew WON'T be THAT WAY, <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> any more...and now it is not on the TII site anymore either, but it is here:

    <!-- m --> ... SM20902257<!-- m -->
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    Oh my, I thought I'd try someone totally unrelated, so I put in "Rihanna", and there were lots of random ones, but some that really fit her like "Beloved", "Music", "Angry", (you know..) But of all things, BAMSDAY! That's not a real word! Is it?! How can this be?!

    BTW, this site just has me stunned and puzzled as heck- It feels TOO amazing!
  • LaLove09LaLove09 Posts: 120
    I really think that this site is regenerating our entries, etc.
    That has boomed since this post was posted.
    If you noticed with most random entries
    it says: "this or that is not in our data bank would you like to add it?" or what ever it says...

    BUT I'm still amazed at the outcomes of my personal key words.
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Oh my, I thought I'd try someone totally unrelated, so I put in "Rihanna", and there were lots of random ones, but some that really fit her like "Beloved", "Music", "Angry", (you know..) But of all things, BAMSDAY! That's not a real word! Is it?! How can this be?!

    BTW, this site just has me stunned and puzzled as heck- It feels TOO amazing!

    bamsday is a word people added to the list according to the numerical value..
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