Randy speaks to CNN



  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Shamone guys, it's not 'Slip-up' Jermaine! Randy just chooses his words carefully: "Let me go back to uhm... when my brother uhm... passed...". He never says "My brother died", he always uses "passed". Passed through the gates of the airport? He could mean many things with that.

    It's good to see Randy, it was a short but good interview. The will and the wrong names of the kids on it, Murray not acting alone... I wonder how many times the family needs to mention that before people will see that there has been a conspiracy against him.

    There is absolutely no need to stress out over this interview. We have had so many clues already that he's not dead, let's focus on what people actually are trying to say.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • samsuperbsamsuperb Posts: 495
    No they can't and laugh all you want. Laughter is good, BUT with at least 3 Murray's running around, flat mummy corpses, no body bags, elongated unidentified floaty things at funerals, giggling at a mans funeral over Liberian Girl photos, an ambulance that can't seem to go forward, a fake ambulance photo, a family that can't make up their mind if they want to be charitable or party down like it's 2099, impersonators photos on memorial stones, an apparant imposter Dave Dave and so on and so on......I trust no one but Michael himself and to me he remains alive and nothing and no one changes my mind about it.
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    Hay all,
    Sorry I haven't replied, but I caught the announcement, set the DVR & then had to do life for a while:)

    I'm glad that some of you were able to watch the actual show in CNN TV, versus you tube. Yes, it is true that Randy used the words, "passed" a couple of times. However it is equally true that he stated that his brother died.

    I believe he stated it at least twice, but he did in fact say it. I viewed the show & then deleted it, so I cannot review it in it's entirety.

    Yes, I noticed a slight twitching, but it seemed as if he had some sort of eye problem or heck, perhaps it was just a twitch due to nervousness.

    I wasn't surprised by anything he said, except when he was beginning to explain as why he assisted the little girl.

    He said he heard of her story & then saw "alive"(something to that effect" on the girls' wall. Now, of course I found that odd. My personal interpretation is that he wanted to keep her alive as MJ would have.
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    No they can't and laugh all you want. Laughter is good, BUT with at least 3 Murray's running around, flat mummy corpses, no body bags, elongated unidentified floaty things at funerals, giggling at a mans funeral over Liberian Girl photos, an ambulance that can't seem to go forward, a fake ambulance photo, a family that can't make up their mind if they want to be charitable or party down like it's 2099, impersonators photos on memorial stones, an apparant imposter Dave Dave and so on and so on......I trust no one but Michael himself and to me he remains alive and nothing and no one changes my mind about it.
    Loved this, and
    I agree with Souza.

    You guys get your panties in a bunch over a little interview. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Remember how far we've come.
    Every time the family says a word we have people
    saying "Yeap he's dead. Definitely."
    If Michael trusts Randy like all you people say he does,
    he could help with the hoax, no?

    About the will,
    It would have been pretty suspicious if he
    tidied up the will right before June.
    But why SO long ago? I have no idea.
    Maybe he didn't need to make any changes?
    Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
  • FigmentFigment Posts: 61
    I disagree that the use of the term "passed" indicates anything. People in my own family never use the word "died" b/c it hurts more to say than terms like "passed" or "passed away." Particularly in the event the death was unexpected or involved a lot of suffering. Maybe it's sounds silly or trivial, but some words are just emotionally harder to say.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    The family is a long time talking of a conspiracy and Michael also said, I remember the news saying TMZ that Jason was hiding with friends for a few death threats by the statements of his alleged affair with Michael, maybe that is moved was Michael, this was discussed at the time, and where are the children and with whom, if Katherine is not in Encino?
  • AllForMikeAllForMike Posts: 23
    Can somebody explain what Witness Protection Program is please? Sorry <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    Wouldn't Michael have updated or created a new will if he new he was going to hoax his death? Things just don't add up..
    The will is fake, yes, from 2002, and he had to know they were playing with him...If he in fact updated or modified those wills where are the original documents? I think i'm lost here

    I have to agree with you. The old will is one of the things that just doesn't add up in this. If he was in fear of his life or even planning to fake his death, wouldn't he have created a new will right before all of this happened? As many lawyers as he had working for him it would have been easy to do. This to me just does not make sense. At first I thought maybe he did create one but it may have been confiscated when he left the house in the ambulance. The problem with that is, if an attorney wrote up a new one for him the attorney would keep it on file and it wouldn't matter if a copy of it was done away with at the house. To me this just shows there was never a new one made.

    Whether he faked his death or they were able to get to him, in either case it does not make sense there was not a new will made! This is really fishy!
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    Can somebody explain what Witness Protection Program is please? Sorry <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    If someone is in real danger of being murdered because of testimony he can give in a trial the government can offer to put them in the witness protection program to insure they are kept safe so they can testify. When the person enters the program the government gives them a new identity and relocates them to a safe place to live. The program can include government agents protecting them.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    the part about fearing his children would be taken away really struck me because it just seems like everyone who has been interviewed mentioned how good a father he was. is what paris speech was about. i have also wondered about latoyas comment about micheal always said family comes first and then the fans. sort of goes without saying. so why did she say it?

    randies twitches seemed to show up when he talked about things that we would consider related to the hoax. when he was talking about the charity work the family performing together nothing . once the coversation turned to micheal they started.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    the part about fearing his children would be taken away really struck me because it just seems like everyone who has been interviewed mentioned how good a father he was. is what paris speech was about. i have also wondered about latoyas comment about micheal always said family comes first and then the fans. sort of goes without saying. so why did she say it?

    randies twitches seemed to show up when he talked about things that we would consider related to the hoax. when he was talking about the charity work the family performing together nothing . once the coversation turned to micheal they started.

    Suspiciousmind, great observation.
  • Story Idea to protect children

    <!-- m -->http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/showbiz ... ckson.html<!-- m -->
  • samsuperbsamsuperb Posts: 495
    Story Idea to protect children

    <!-- m -->http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/showbiz ... ckson.html<!-- m -->
    is this taboild news
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    Shamone guys, it's not 'Slip-up' Jermaine! Randy just chooses his words carefully: "Let me go back to uhm... when my brother uhm... passed...". He never says "My brother died", he always uses "passed". Passed through the gates of the airport? He could mean many things with that.

    It's good to see Randy, it was a short but good interview. The will and the wrong names of the kids on it, Murray not acting alone... I wonder how many times the family needs to mention that before people will see that there has been a conspiracy against him.
    There is absolutely no need to stress out over this interview. We have had so many clues already that he's not dead, let's focus on what people actually are trying to say.

    I've been following this site for the past year, even though I don't post much (I prefer the periphery). It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the doubts creep in as soon as something 'new' happens. So Randy gave an interview...the only 'strange' thing about it is that it was unannounced and the timing of it is somewhat interesting. Other than that, what did he say that was so alarming to cause doubts over MJ's 'death'? The wrong names on the will have been disscussed and dissected many times, as well as the family mentioning repeatedly that Murray didn't act alone. None of what Randy said was 'new' news. If anything, I think it could be one final attempt on MJ's part to see some measure of justice from the media.

    As Souza pointed out, how many times does this family need to mention these things before one friggen journalist actually does their job properly and investigates their claims. When it was MJ being accused back in 2005, every journalist and their dog did everything they could to 'investigate' the claims against MJ...some (if not most) even 'sold their souls to the devil' for their stories. Yet, now we have Randy Jackson telling a reporter on CNN ('the most trusted news source" <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> ), that he believes the will is fake AND that Murray didn't act alone. Are those not good enough reasons for some journalist to take it upon themselves to find out the truth? Is Randy not a good enough source???? I guess we'll have to wait and see if anyone out there in media-land acutally does their job..which is to report the truth. But something tells me we shouldn't hold our breaths because when it comes to MJ, the media has rarely cared for, or reported, the truth.

    In the meantime, don't let the doubts creep in with every 'new' thing that happens. If you believe MJ is alive, then you've got to believe that everything that happens is happening for a reason...and that reason is because it's part of MJ's plan, even if we can't understand it right now. When the doubts do creep in, read over the hoax summary threads and especially TS's posts. But most importantly, keep the faith and the L.O.V.E. alive.
  • mirandacncmirandacnc Posts: 405
    alot of things condradict here...if the family knows he was was murdered for godsake please help find out who and be more involved in the investigation ,also if mj were afraid for his life and childrens life why in the heck did unveil their faces just before he died? then of course the will situtaion you guys are talking about...all this is so weird.. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    Bethechange, actually I thought the interview was rather interesting. It didn't effect what I think about the hoax one way or the other. I have always found the thing with the will perplexing. Just doesn't make sense to me.
  • samsuperbsamsuperb Posts: 495
    alot of things condradict here...if the family knows he was was murdered for godsake please help find out who and be more involved in the investigation ,also if mj were afraid for his life and childrens life why in the heck did unveil their faces just before he died? then of course the will situtaion you guys are talking about...all this is so weird.. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    TOO MANY CONTRADICTIONS, TOO MANY....this family is a hot ass mess <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    I know you think I'm nuts.......here we go......I posted about the name "Patience" under the thread about the possible note to us. Here I go again:
    Using that gematria site:

    Treasure is
    107 = Treasure = hidden-meaning , Father's Day 2010, Evan Chandler, Earth Song

    These are words and phrases that came up as a number match to "treasure"......
    I didn't plug anything else in.......they were already loaded on the site.
    Did Randy mention any other words that we have not heard of? Places? Things?
    Not a word addressing the hoax still?

    Blessings to you!

    fathers day last year is when cherlyn lee said micheal called her and said his body was cold on one side and hot on the other. maybe this fathers day something will come up.
  • mirandacncmirandacnc Posts: 405
    guys i know this is crazy but wow conrad murray and randy jakson favor quite a bit//they have identacal baldness in the front with huge bump!! also how big or tall is randy?? when they did the side by side even his mouth looked like his...hmmmmmmmmmmmm

    i know im not saying hes murray just noticed the similarities
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    Bethechange, actually I thought the interview was rather interesting. It didn't effect what I think about the hoax one way or the other. I have always found the thing with the will perplexing. Just doesn't make sense to me.

    i would hope that there is a real one somewhere in case anything got out of hand.come to think of it . the real will might sort of be a bam in itself . because something would probably have to trigger it showing up.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    by mirandacnc

    "alot of things condradict here...if the family knows he was was murdered for godsake please help find out who and be more involved in the investigation ,also if mj were afraid for his life and childrens life why in the heck did unveil their faces just before he died? then of course the will situtaion you guys are talking about...all this is so weird.. "

    His family certainly haven't ever named any specific names, always vague accusations. And Randy says First degree murder --but how if there are others involved that paid him to do it. About unveiling his children's faces, it could go both ways--so they could be identified as Michael's children so they wouldn't be wards of the state, but it would mean they would be identifable to would-be abductors, the thing he supposedly feared.

    by suspicious mind

    "i would hope that there is a real one somewhere in case anything got out of hand.come to think of it . the real will might sort of be a bam in itself . because something would probably have to trigger it showing up."

    His most trusted lawyer in on the hoax might have it squirred away in some safety deposit box, to reveal it at the right time. I posted elsewhere that in the Ebony last interview with MJ, he said totally glowing words about his father and how he thought differently about him. I think his real will, will reflect his love for both parents, and siblings, plus his own kids.

    Just some comments on the Randy clip. When he said that Murray was changing his story, saying Michael killed himself, the screen flashed the Murray giving the Utube fan speech which some think could be Michael. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> The other thing is in addition to the tics when doing the hoax talk, did anyone notice how exceptionally dry his mouth was all the time--lots of sticking sounds. Dry mouth is one indication of nervousness and lying. Otherwise he did a fabulous interview!

    I love the "treasure, is still alive." And Father's Day sound appropriate for MJ, a great Dad! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    The timing was (actually) great.
    I think the interview was spontaneous because of the response he received on twitter.
    So many people grew a pair and tweeted him about Michael being alive,
    And he had to do this interview to shoot some of us down.

    But then again, he might have been twitching because he was so under pressure to not
    slip-up and say something we would dissect way too much for our hoaxie pleasure. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • MJalive999MJalive999 Posts: 316
    In the meantime, don't let the doubts creep in with every 'new' thing that happens. If you believe MJ is alive, then you've got to believe that everything that happens is happening for a reason...and that reason is because it's part of MJ's plan, even if we can't understand it right now. When the doubts do creep in, read over the hoax summary threads and especially TS's posts.

  • In the meantime, don't let the doubts creep in with every 'new' thing that happens. If you believe MJ is alive, then you've got to believe that everything that happens is happening for a reason...and that reason is because it's part of MJ's plan, even if we can't understand it right now. When the doubts do creep in, read over the hoax summary threads and especially TS's posts.


    Right on! Thank you BeTheChange for your voice of reason!
  • Can somebody explain what Witness Protection Program is please? Sorry <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    Yes, jill is correct in what she explained about the witness protection program, I would like to add to this subject. The witness program is a very serious thing to be involved in, why I say this is because if someone agrees to go into this program there is a agreement made between the witness and the government: below are listed some of those protocols.

    1. Witnesses are not allowed to travel back to their hometowns or contact unprotected family members or former associates.

    2.In order to prevent the possibility of the witness being followed, the witness is made to adhere to a convoluted and indirect transportation path before finally reaching the location where they will live under the new identity. This path often involves a long chain of seemingly random flights which are intended to be difficult for a potential adverse party to anticipate.

    3.Usually the witness is relocated and given a new name. Witnesses are encouraged to keep their first names and choose last names with the same initial in order to make it easier to instinctively use the new identity.
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